public void Two_Uuids_initialized_by_Empty_are_equal()
     Given("a first Uuid initialized with 'Empty'",
           context => context.State.uuid1 = Uuid.Empty())
     .And("a second Uuid initialized with 'Empty'",
          context => context.State.uuid2 = Uuid.Empty())
     .When("both Uuids will be compared",
           context => context.State.result = (((Uuid)context.State.uuid1) == ((Uuid)context.State.uuid2)))
     .Then("they should be equal", context => context.State.result);
        public void Int32_to_Uuid()
            Int64 value1 = 0;
            Int64 value2 = 0;
            var   uuid   = new Uuid();

            Given("a first Int64 value: '54'", context => value1      = 54)
            .And("a second Int64 value: '6841266'", context => value2 = 6841266)
            .And("an empty Uuid", context => uuid = Uuid.Empty())
            .When("the first value will be set as first long L1 of the empty Uuid", context => uuid.AsLong.L1  = value1)
            .And("the second value will be set as second long L2 of the empty Uuid", context => uuid.AsLong.L2 = value2)
            .Then("the Uuid as string should be '00000036-0000-0000-b263-680000000000'",
                  context => (uuid.ToString().Equals("00000036-0000-0000-b263-680000000000", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));