Exemplo n.º 1
        public void undeploy(bool isUninstall = false)
            if (!isUninstall)

            var sqlSettings = this.DeployerSettings.castTo <SQLServiceSettings>();
            var sqlServer   = this.GetSqlServer(sqlSettings.id);

            string keylogin    = $"services.{sqlSettings.id}.username";
            string keydatabase = $"services.{sqlSettings.id}.database";

            // The database name, username and password must remain the same between deployments.
            // If we generated new user/pwd for new deployment, rollback functionality would NOT work as expected
            // as it would require re-deploying the logins.
            var dbLogin    = this.Deployment.GetRuntimeSetting(keylogin, null);
            var dbDatabase = this.Deployment.GetRuntimeSetting(keydatabase, null);

            SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(sqlServer.connectionString);

            var utils = new UtilsSqlServer(this.Logger);

            var connection = utils.GetServerConnection(sqlServer.connectionString);

            if (connection != null)
                // Only remove if the database was autogenerated
                if (sqlServer.databaseName.IsNullOrDefault())
                    utils.DeleteDatabase(connection, dbDatabase);

                // Only remove if the login is not the same as the one in the master connection
                if (builder.UserID != dbLogin)
                    utils.DeleteLogin(connection, dbLogin);

                utils.DeleteLogin(connection, this.Deployment.WindowsUsernameFqdn(true));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void deploy()
            var sqlSettings = this.DeployerSettings.castTo <SQLServiceSettings>();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlSettings.id))
                throw new Exception("SQL Service request id must have a value.");

            // Figure out what SQLServer settings to use for this instance
            var sqlServer = this.GetSqlServer(sqlSettings.id);

            var id = this.Deployment.installedApplicationSettings.GetId() + "_" + sqlSettings.id;

            // Keys to store username, password and databasename
            string keylogin    = $"services.{sqlSettings.id}.username";
            string keypassword = $"services.{sqlSettings.id}.password";
            string keydatabase = $"services.{sqlSettings.id}.database";

            // Parse the connection string
            SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(sqlServer.connectionString);

            // Make sure we can connect to the server
            var utils = new UtilsSqlServer(this.Logger);

            this.Logger.LogInfo(true, "Getting SQL connection '{0}'", sqlServer.connectionString);
            var connection = utils.GetServerConnection(sqlServer.connectionString);

            if (connection == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not connect to the server: " + sqlServer.connectionString);

            // The actual database name that will be used
            string databaseName;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlServer.databaseName))
                databaseName = "chf_" + id;
                databaseName = sqlServer.databaseName;

            this.Deployment.SetRuntimeSetting(keydatabase, databaseName);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(databaseName))
                throw new Exception("Database name cannot be empty or null.");

            // Ensure we have database and login.
            this.Logger.LogInfo(true, "Getting SQL database '{0}'", databaseName);
            var database = utils.FindDatabase(connection, databaseName, true);

            if (database == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not  find database " + databaseName);

            if (!database.Status.HasFlag(smo.DatabaseStatus.Normal))
                throw new Exception("Database should be in 'Normal' status. The current database status is not compatible with automated deployments: " +

            // The database name, username and password must remain the same between deployments.
            // If we generated new user/pwd for new deployment, rollback functionality would NOT work as expected
            // as it would require re-deploying the logins.
            string dbLogin;
            string dbPassword;

            // If this is a passthrough authentication, propagate credentials as-is
            if (sqlServer.passThroughAuth)
                dbLogin    = builder.UserID;
                dbPassword = builder.Password;
                dbLogin    = "******" + id;
                dbPassword = this.Deployment.GetWindowsPassword();

                // This happens always, wether or not we have windows auth.
                this.Logger.LogInfo(true, "Adding SQL Login user '{0}' to database", dbLogin);
                smo.Login login = utils.EnsureLoginSql(connection, dbLogin, dbPassword, true);
                utils.BindUser(database, login, true);

            this.Deployment.SetRuntimeSetting(keylogin, dbLogin);
            this.Deployment.SetRuntimeSetting(keypassword, dbPassword);

            // Create the database login, although we support windows auth,
            // the recommendation is to use SQL AUTH for portability reasons
            if (sqlServer.useWindowsAuth)
                string sqlWindowsUserName = this.Deployment.WindowsUsernameFqdn(true);
                this.Logger.LogInfo(true, "Adding Windows Login user '{0}' to database", sqlWindowsUserName);

                // Depending on the setup this might fail, i.e. we are using a non-domain setup for chef (so the
                // application users are local and the server is in a domain).
                    smo.Login loginw = utils.EnsureLoginWindows(connection, sqlWindowsUserName, true);
                    utils.BindUser(database, loginw, true);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // 15401: "the domain controller for the domain where the login resides (the same or a different domain) is not available for some reason"
                    if ((e.InnerException?.InnerException as SqlException)?.Number != 15401)

                    this.Logger.LogError("Cannot add Windows login '{0}' to MSSQL Server '{1}'. This can happen if MSSQL and the local machine do not reside in the same domain.", sqlWindowsUserName, sqlServer.connectionString);

            this.Deployment.SetRuntimeSetting($"services.{sqlSettings.id}.host", builder.DataSource);

            // Build a connection string that the end user can handle
            SqlConnectionStringBuilder clientBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

            clientBuilder.UserID         = dbLogin;
            clientBuilder.Password       = dbPassword;
            clientBuilder.DataSource     = builder.DataSource;
            clientBuilder.InitialCatalog = databaseName;
            this.Deployment.SetRuntimeSetting($"services.{sqlSettings.id}.connectionString", clientBuilder.ConnectionString);
            string preferredConnectionString = clientBuilder.ConnectionString;

            if (sqlServer.useWindowsAuth)
                // Alternative connection string - integrated
                SqlConnectionStringBuilder clientBuilderWindowsAuth = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
                clientBuilderWindowsAuth.DataSource         = builder.DataSource;
                clientBuilderWindowsAuth.IntegratedSecurity = true;
                clientBuilderWindowsAuth.InitialCatalog     = databaseName;
                this.Deployment.SetRuntimeSetting($"services.{sqlSettings.id}.connectionStringWindowsAuth", clientBuilderWindowsAuth.ConnectionString);
                preferredConnectionString = clientBuilderWindowsAuth.ConnectionString;

            this.Deployment.SetRuntimeSetting($"services.{sqlSettings.id}.connectionStringPreferred", preferredConnectionString);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlSettings.customScript))
                using (var clientConnection = new SqlConnection(preferredConnectionString))
                    var clientCommand = new SqlCommand(sqlSettings.customScript, clientConnection);