Exemplo n.º 1
        //--------------  Edit Issuse Information --------------------------------

        public void EditIssueInformation(DBSite site, SalePurchaseDetail from_product, SalePurchaseDetail to_product, string product_ledger_number)
            string qry = " ";

            qry = " UPDATE tblProductLedger SET "
                  + " BillDate = '" + from_product.MovementDate + " '"
                  + ", ProductId = " + from_product.productAutoId
                  + ", SoldQty = " + from_product.qty
                  + ", LocationId = " + from_product.locationId
                  + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);

            qry += " AND ProductLedgerNumber = " + product_ledger_number
                   + " AND SourceId = " + TransactionType.StockMovement
                   + " AND drcr = 'C'";


            qry = " UPDATE tblProductLedger SET "
                  + " BillDate = '" + to_product.MovementDate + " '"
                  + ", ProductId = " + to_product.productAutoId
                  + ", BoughtQty = " + to_product.qty
                  + ", LocationId = " + to_product.locationId
                  + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);

            qry += " AND ProductLedgerNumber = " + product_ledger_number
                   + " AND SourceId = " + TransactionType.StockMovement
                   + " AND drcr = 'D'";

Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool IsDulicateExam(DBSite site, ExamMasterEntity exam, bool isUpdate)
            bool isDuplicate = true;

            string qry = "";

            qry += "SELECT ExamName FROM tblExamMaster ";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND ExamName ='" + exam.ExamName + "'";
            //qry += " AND TermId =" + exam.TermId;
            //qry += " AND MaxMarks =" + exam.MaxMarks;

            DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            if (isUpdate)
                isDuplicate = dt.Rows.Count > 1;
                isDuplicate = dt.Rows.Count > 0;

            //return isDuplicate;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public bool IsMasterBeingUsed(DBSite site, string selectedAccountType, AccountType act, int masterId)
            string tableName = "";
            string colName   = AccountType.GetTypeIdName(act, selectedAccountType);

            if (colName.ToUpper() == "GROUPID")
                tableName = "tblAccountMaster";
            else if (colName.ToUpper() == "CATEGORYID")
                tableName = "tblProductMaster";
            else if (colName.ToUpper() == "UOMID")
                tableName = "tblProductMaster";
                colName   = "UOM";
            else if (colName.ToUpper() == "LOCATIONID")
                tableName = "tblProductLedger";
            string qry = " SELECT " + colName + " FROM " + tableName + " ";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND " + colName + " = '" + masterId + "'";
            DataTable dt = null;

            dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            return(dt.Rows.Count > 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public DataTable GetTaxInformation(DBSite site)
            string qry = " SELECT  TaxId as Id , "
                         + " TaxName + ' | ' + CONVERT( VARCHAR , TaxAmount ) as TaxName FROM  tblTaxMaster "
                         + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void DeleteExam(DBSite site, string examMarksIds)
            string qry = "DELETE FROM  tblExamMarks ";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND ExamMarksId IN (" + examMarksIds + ")";

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void DeleteRecords(DBSite site, string ids)
            string qry = "DELETE FROM  tblAccountMaster";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);     // --------get user where condition  -----------------
            qry += " AND AccountMasterId IN (" + ids + ")";

Exemplo n.º 7
        public void DeleteTerm(DBSite site, string ids)
            String qry = "DELETE FROM  tblTerm";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); // --------get user where condition  -----------------
            qry += " AND TermID IN (" + ids + ")";

Exemplo n.º 8
        public void DeleteSection(DBSite site, string ids)
            string qry = "DELETE FROM  tblSectionMaster";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND SectionMasterID IN (" + ids + ")";

Exemplo n.º 9
        //--------------------  Update Payment Information ----------------------------------------------

        public void UpdatePaymentInformation(DBSite site, SalePurchaseEntity salePurchase, string ledgerIdNumber)
            string ledger_id     = util.GetLedgerId(ledgerIdNumber);
            string ledger_number = util.GetLedgerNumber(ledgerIdNumber);

            // 444
            int party = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.party));
            int mode  = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.mode));

            if (salePurchase.transactionType == TransactionType.PaymentMade)
                int tmp;
                tmp   = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.mode));
                mode  = Int32.Parse(util.GetLOVId(salePurchase.party));
                party = tmp;

            // sales - party
            string party_qry = " UPDATE tblLedger SET "
                               + " LDate = '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "' "
                               + ", AccountMasterId= " + mode
                               + ", modeid= " + party
                               + ", BillNumber= '" + util.GetLOVName(salePurchase.BillNumber) + "' "
                               + ", Particulars= '" + salePurchase.particulars + "' "
                               + ", debit = " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseAmount
                               + ", CheckNumber= '" + salePurchase.CheckNumber + "'  "
                               + ", subUserId = " + Util_BLL.User.Subusers[0].SubuserId
                               + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User)
                               // + " AND LedgerId=" + ledger_id
                               + " AND LedgerNumber=" + ledger_number
                               + " AND drcr = 'D'";

            // sales - mode
            string mode_qry = " UPDATE tblLedger SET "
                              + " LDate = '" + salePurchase.BillDate + "' "
                              + ", AccountMasterId= " + party
                              + ", modeId = " + mode
                              + ", BillNumber= '" + util.GetLOVName(salePurchase.BillNumber) + "' "
                              + ", Particulars= '" + salePurchase.particulars + "' "
                              + ", credit = " + salePurchase.SalePurchaseAmount
                              + ", CheckNumber= '" + salePurchase.CheckNumber + "' "
                              + ", subUserId = " + Util_BLL.User.Subusers[0].SubuserId
                              + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User)
                              + " AND LedgerNumber=" + ledger_number
                              + " AND drcr = 'C'";

Exemplo n.º 10
        public void UpdateSectionFrm(DBSite site, SectionMasterEntity sec)
            string qry = "UPDATE tblSectionMaster SET ";

            qry += " SectionName ='" + sec.SectionName + "'";
            qry += ", SectionOrder=" + sec.SectionOrder + "";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND SectionMasterID=" + sec.SectionMasterId;

Exemplo n.º 11
        //------------------  Get Sale-Purchage Information -----------------------------------------------

        public List <SalePurchaseEntity> GetSalePurchase(DBSite site, string sp_ids = "")
            List <SalePurchaseEntity> sale_purchase_entity_list = new List <SalePurchaseEntity>();
            SalePurchaseEntity        sale_purchase_entity      = null;

            string qry = " SELECT ledgerId "
                         + ", Billdate "
                         + ", AccountName "
                         + ",  credit " // if sales else debit
                         + ", particulars "
                         + ", discount "
                         + " FROM tblLedger l"
                         + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);

            //string qry = GetQueryForSimpleFields();

            DataTable dt = dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                sale_purchase_entity = new SalePurchaseEntity();      //  -------- sale purchase entity  ----------

                //---------------  Normal Fields  ----------------------------

                sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseId     = util.CheckNullInt(row["LedgerId"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.BillDate           = util.CheckNull(row["LDate"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.party              = util.CheckNull(row["AccountName"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.BillNumber         = util.CheckNull(row["BillNumber"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseAmount = util.CheckNullDouble(row["Debit"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.discount           = util.CheckNull(row["Particulars"]);
                sale_purchase_entity.discount           = util.CheckNull(row["Discount"]);
                double discount = util.GetDiscountAmount(sale_purchase_entity.discount, sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseAmount);
                sale_purchase_entity.TotalAmount = sale_purchase_entity.SalePurchaseAmount - discount;

                //----------------  sale detail entity [ product information ]------------------

                // --------------  tax information [ taxes on the whole ] ------------------------


Exemplo n.º 12
        public DataTable GetExamMarksDT(DBSite site, int classId, int sectionId, int examId, int subjectId, int IsNew)
            string qry;

            qry = "  SELECT    "
                  + " StudentMasterId "
                  + " , StudentName "
                  //+ " , ExamMarksId "
                  //+ " , ExamID "
                  + " , ExamName "
                  //+ " , m.ClassID "
                  + " , ClassName "
                  //+ " , m.SectionID "
                  + " , SectionName "
                  //+ " , SubjectID  "
                  + " , SubjectName  "
                  //+ " , IsNull(IsPresent, 1) IsPresent  "
                  + ", IsNull(MarksObtained, '0') MarksObtained "
                  //+ " , m.SubUserId, m.UserId, m.FYear  "
                  + " FROM tblExamMarks m "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblStudentMaster st ON m.studentID = st.StudentMasterID  "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClassMaster c ON c.ClassMasterId = m.ClassID "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSectionMaster sm ON sm.sectionMasterID = m.SectionID "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblExamMaster em ON em.ExamMasterID = m.ExamID "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSubjectMaster sub ON sub.SubjectMasterID = m.SubjectId ";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User, "m");

            if (IsNew == 0 && subjectId > 0) // update
                qry += " AND m.subjectID = " + subjectId;
            if (IsNew == 0 && examId > 0) //update
                qry += " AND m.ExamID = " + examId;

            if (classId > 0)
                qry += " AND st.ClassID = " + classId;
            if (sectionId > 0)
                qry += " AND st.sectionID = " + sectionId;

            qry += " ORDER BY StudentName, ClassOrder, SectionOrder ";

Exemplo n.º 13
        public void UpdateClassFrm(DBSite site, ClassMasterEntity cls)
            string qry = "UPDATE tblClassMaster SET ";

            qry += " ClassName ='" + cls.ClassName + "'";
            qry += ", ClassOrder=" + cls.ClassOrder + "";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);  //-------------  gwt user where condition --------------
            qry += " AND ClassMasterID=" + cls.ClassMasterId;

Exemplo n.º 14
        public void UpdateTerm(DBSite site, TermMasterEntity trm)
            string qry = "UPDATE tblTerm SET ";

            qry += " TermName ='" + trm.TermName + "'";
            qry += ", TermStartDate=" + trm.TermStartDate + "";
            qry += ", TermEndDate=" + trm.TermEndDate + "";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);  //-------------  gwt user where condition --------------
            qry += " AND TermID=" + trm.TermMasterId;

Exemplo n.º 15
        public bool  isDuplicateAccountName(DBSite site, string accountName)
            string qry = " SELECT AccountName FROM tblAccountMaster ";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);      //  ------- get user where condition ----------
            qry += " AND AccountName = '" + accountName + "'";
            DataTable dt = null;

            dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            return(dt.Rows.Count > 0);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public bool IsTransactionInProductLedger(DBSite site, int transId)
            string qry = " SELECT SourceId FROM tblProductLedger ";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND SourceId = '" + transId + "'";
            DataTable dt = null;

            dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            return(dt.Rows.Count > 0);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public bool IsStudentPresentInAttendance(DBSite site, int stId)
            string qry = " SELECT StudentMasterID FROM tblAttendance ";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND StudentMasterID = " + stId;
            DataTable dt = null;

            dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            return(dt.Rows.Count > 0);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public bool IsProductPresentInProductLedger(DBSite site, int productMasterId)
            string qry = " SELECT ProductId FROM tblProductLedger ";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND ProductId = '" + productMasterId + "'";
            DataTable dt = null;

            dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            return(dt.Rows.Count > 0);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public bool IsDuplicateCard(DBSite site, string cardNo, int studentId)
            string qry = " SELECT IdCardNo FROM tblStudentMaster ";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND IdCardNo = '" + cardNo + "'";
            qry += "AND studentMasterId <> " + studentId;
            DataTable dt = null;

            dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            return(dt.Rows.Count > 0);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void DeleteClasses(DBSite site, string ids)
            string qry = "DELETE FROM  tblStudentMaster";

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); // --------get user where condition  -----------------
            qry += " AND ClassID IN (" + ids + ")";


            qry  = "DELETE FROM  tblClassMaster";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User); // --------get user where condition  -----------------
            qry += " AND ClassMasterID IN (" + ids + ")";

Exemplo n.º 21
        public void UpdateSubject(DBSite site, SubjectMasterEntity subject)
            string qry = "UPDATE tblSubjectMaster SET ";

            qry += " SubjectName ='" + subject.SubjectName + "'";
            qry += ", SubjectCode ='" + subject.SubjectCode + "'";
            qry += ", SubjectGroupMasterId=" + subject.SubjectGroupID;
            qry += ", SubjectClassID =" + subject.SubjectClassID;
            qry += ", SubjectSectionID =" + subject.SubjectSectionID;

            qry += ", SubjectOrder=" + subject.SubjectOrder;
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND SubjectMasterID=" + subject.SubjectMasterId;

Exemplo n.º 22
        public void ProcessManualAttendance(DBSite site, int yr, int mnth, int dey, int isHoliday)
            // Insert records in tblAttendance when page loads

            string qry = "INSERT INTO tblAttendance(YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, HolidayId "
                         + " , StudentMasterID,  UserID, SubUserID, FYear)  "
                         + " SELECT " + yr + ", " + mnth + ", " + dey + ", " + isHoliday + ", StudentMasterID,  "
                         + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                         + " FROM tblStudentMaster s "
                         + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User)
                         + " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT MonthNo, DayNo, StudentMasterID "
                         + " FROM tblAttendance a "
                         + " WHERE a.StudentMasterID = s.StudentMasterID "
                         + " AND a.YearNo=" + yr + "  AND a.MonthNo = " + mnth + " AND a.DayNo = " + dey + ") ";

Exemplo n.º 23
        public bool IsDulicateSubject(DBSite site, SubjectMasterEntity subject)
            bool isDuplicate = true;

            string qry = "";

            qry += "SELECT subject FROM tblExamMaster ";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND ExamName ='" + subject.SubjectName + "'";
            //qry += " AND TermId =" + exam.TermId;
            //qry += " AND MaxMarks =" + exam.MaxMarks;

            DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            isDuplicate = dt.Rows.Count > 0;

Exemplo n.º 24
        public void ProcessMachineAttendanceOld(DBSite site, int yr, int mnth, int dey, int isHoliday)
            // Insert records in tblAttendance when page loads from attendance machine

            string qry = " INSERT INTO tblAttendance(YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, HolidayId "
                         + ", status, InTime, OutTime, StudentMasterID, UserID, SubUserID, FYear) "
                         + " SELECT " + yr + ", " + mnth + ", " + dey + ", " + isHoliday + ", (CASE WHEN Min(OfficePunch) is Null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) status  "
                         + " , Min(OfficePunch), MAX(OfficePunch), s.StudentMasterID,  "
                         + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                         + " FROM tblStudentMaster s  "
                         + " LEFT OUTER JOIN stardc_rawdata  r ON s.IdCardNo = r.CardNo "
                         + " AND Day(officePunch) = " + dey + " and month(officepunch) = " + mnth
                         + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User)

                         + " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, StudentMasterID, outtime "
                         + "    FROM tblAttendance a "
                         + "   WHERE a.StudentMasterID = s.StudentMasterID "
                         + "   AND outTime is Null AND YearNo = " + yr + " AND a.MonthNo =" + mnth + " AND a.DayNo = " + dey + " ) "

                         + " GROUP BY s.StudentMasterID "

                         + " UNION  "

                         + " SELECT " + yr + ", " + mnth + ", " + dey + ", " + isHoliday + ", (CASE WHEN Min(OfficePunch) is Null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) status  "
                         + " , Min(OfficePunch), MAX(OfficePunch), s.StudentMasterID,  "
                         + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                         + " FROM tblStudentMaster s  "
                         + " INNER JOIN stardc_rawdata  r ON s.IdCardNo = r.CardNo "
                         + " AND Day(officePunch) = " + dey + " and month(officepunch) = " + mnth + " AND year(officepunch) = " + yr
                         + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User)

                         + " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, StudentMasterID, outtime "
                         + "    FROM tblAttendance a "
                         + "   WHERE a.StudentMasterID = s.StudentMasterID "
                         + "  AND outtime = officePunch AND year(officepunch) = " + yr + " AND a.MonthNo =" + mnth + " AND a.DayNo = " + dey + " ) "

                         + " GROUP BY s.StudentMasterID ";

Exemplo n.º 25
        public void ProcessMachineAttendance(DBSite site, int yr, int mnth, int dey, int isHoliday)
            // Insert records in tblAttendance when page loads from attendance machine

            string qry = " INSERT INTO tblAttendance(YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, HolidayId "
                         + ", status, InTime, OutTime, StudentMasterID, UserID, SubUserID, FYear) "
                         + " SELECT " + yr + ", " + mnth + ", " + dey + ", " + isHoliday + ", (CASE WHEN Min(logDate) is Null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) status  "
                         + " , Min(logDate), MAX(logDate), s.StudentMasterID,  "
                         + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                         + " FROM tblStudentMaster s  "
                         + " LEFT OUTER JOIN ebioServer.dbo.DeviceLogs_3_2019 e ON e.UserID=s.IDCardNO "
                         + " AND Day(logDate) = " + dey + " and month(logDate) = " + mnth
                         + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User, "s")

                         + " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, StudentMasterID, outtime "
                         + "    FROM tblAttendance a "
                         + "   WHERE a.StudentMasterID = s.StudentMasterID "
                         + "   AND outTime is Null AND YearNo = " + yr + " AND a.MonthNo =" + mnth + " AND a.DayNo = " + dey + " ) "

                         + " GROUP BY s.StudentMasterID "

                         + " UNION  "

                         + " SELECT " + yr + ", " + mnth + ", " + dey + ", " + isHoliday + ", (CASE WHEN Min(logDate) is Null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) status  "
                         + " , Min(logDate), MAX(logDate), s.StudentMasterID,  "
                         + util.GetUserInsertQry(Util_BLL.User)
                         + " FROM tblStudentMaster s  "
                         + " INNER JOIN ebioServer.dbo.DeviceLogs_3_2019 e ON e.UserID=s.IDCardNO"
                         + " AND Day(logDate) = " + dey + " and month(logDate) = " + mnth + " AND year(logDate) = " + yr
                         + Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User, "s")

                         + " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT YearNo, MonthNo, DayNo, StudentMasterID, outtime "
                         + "    FROM tblAttendance a "
                         + "   WHERE a.StudentMasterID = s.StudentMasterID "
                         + "  AND outtime = logDate AND year(logDate) = " + yr + " AND a.MonthNo =" + mnth + " AND a.DayNo = " + dey + " ) "

                         + " GROUP BY s.StudentMasterID ";

Exemplo n.º 26
        public void EditAccountMasterData(DBSite site, AccountMasterEntity ame)
            string qry = "UPDATE tblAccountMaster SET ";

            qry += " AccountName='" + ame.AccountName + "'";
            qry += ", CreationDate='" + ame.CreationDate + "'";
            qry += ", OpeningBalance=" + ame.OpeningBalance + "";
            qry += ", DRCR=" + ame.DRCR + "";
            qry += ", Address='" + ame.Address + "'";
            qry += ", City='" + ame.City + "'";
            qry += ", Phone='" + ame.Phone + "'";
            qry += ", Mobile='" + ame.Mobile + "'";
            qry += ", Email='" + ame.Email + "'";
            qry += ", Remarks='" + ame.Remarks + "'";
            qry += ", GroupId=" + ame.GroupId;
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);      //-------------  gwt user where condition --------------
            qry += " AND AccountMasterId=" + ame.AccountMasterId;

Exemplo n.º 27
        public void UpdateExam(DBSite site, ExamMasterEntity exam)
            string qry = "UPDATE tblExamMaster SET ";

            qry += " ExamName ='" + exam.ExamName + "'";
            qry += " , ExamCode ='" + exam.ExamCode + "'";
            qry += ", ExamDate='" + exam.ExamDate + "'";
            qry += ", ClassMasterID=" + exam.ClassMasterID;
            qry += ", SectionMasterID =" + exam.SectionMasterID;
            qry += ", MaxMarks =" + exam.MaxMarks;
            qry += ", PassMarks =" + exam.PassMarks;
            qry += ", ISFormula =" + exam.IsFormula;
            qry += ", ExamOrder =" + exam.ExamOrder;
            qry += ", TermId =" + exam.TermId;

            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);
            qry += " AND ExamMasterId = " + exam.ExamMasterId;

Exemplo n.º 28
        public string GetCBSEQry_Hashmi(int studentId, string subjectGroup
                                        , string unitTest1, string unitTest2
                                        , string noteBook1, string noteBook2
                                        , string sea1, string sea2
                                        , string halfYearly, string yearly
                                        , string term1, string term2
            string qry = "";

            qry = "SELECT "
                  + " MAX(StudentName) StudentName, SubjectName "
                  + ", Max(FatherName)FatherName, MAX(MotherName)MotherName, MAX(DOB)DOB, MAX(AdmissionNo)AdmNo"
                  + " , MAX(ClassName) className, MAX(SectionName) SectionName"
                  + " , MAX(SubjectGroupName)SubjectGroupName "

                  + " , MAX(PerTest1)PerTest1 "
                  + ", MAX(UnitTest1MaxMarks) UnitTest1MaxMarks "

                  + " , MAX(NoteBook1)NoteBook1 "
                  + ", MAX(SA1MaxMarks) SA1MaxMarks "

                  + " , MAX(SEA1)SEA1 "
                  + " , MAX(HalfYearly)HalfYearly "

                  + " , MAX(PerTest2)PerTest2 "
                  + ", MAX(UnitTest2MaxMarks) UnitTest2MaxMarks "

                  + " , MAX(NoteBook2)NoteBook2 "
                  + ", MAX(SA2MaxMarks) SA2MaxMarks "

                  + " , MAX(SEA2)SEA2 "
                  + " , MAX(Yearly) Yearly "
                  + " FROM "
                  + " ( "
                  + " SELECT "
                  + " StudentName, FatherName, MotherName, DOB, AdmissionNo , SubjectGroupName"
                  + " , ClassName, SectionName, SubjectName,  SubjectOrder , "
                  + " (CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + unitTest1 + "' AND TermName ='" + term1 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') END) PerTest1 "

                  + ", (CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + unitTest1 + "' AND TermName ='" + term1 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MaxMarks), '0') END) UnitTest1MaxMarks "

                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + noteBook1 + "' AND TermName ='" + term1 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') END) NoteBook1 "

                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + noteBook1 + "' AND TermName ='" + term1 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MaxMarks), '0') END) SA1MaxMarks "

                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + sea1 + "' AND TermName ='" + term1 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') END) SEA1 "
                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + halfYearly + "' AND TermName ='" + term1 + "')  "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') END) HalfYearly "

                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + unitTest2 + "' AND TermName ='" + term2 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') END) PerTest2 "

                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + unitTest2 + "' AND TermName ='" + term2 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MaxMarks), '0') END) UnitTest2MaxMarks "

                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + noteBook2 + "' AND TermName ='" + term2 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') END) NoteBook2 "

                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + noteBook2 + "' AND TermName ='" + term2 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MaxMarks), '0') END) SA2MaxMarks "

                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + sea2 + "' AND TermName ='" + term2 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') END) SEA2 "
                  + " ,(CASE WHEN (ExamName = '" + yearly + "' AND TermName='" + term2 + "') "
                  + " THEN IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') END) Yearly "
                  + " FROM(  "
                  + " SELECT  "
                  + " StudentMasterId  "
                  + " , StudentName , FatherName, MotherName, DOB, AdmissionNo, SubjectGroupName"

                  + " , MobileF "
                  + " , ClassName  "
                  + " , SectionName "
                  + " , TermName "
                  + " , SubjectName "
                  + " , SubjectOrder "
                  + " , ExamName "
                  + " ,  IsNull(MAX(MarksObtained), '0') marksObtained  "
                  + " ,  IsNull(MAX(MaxMarks), '0') MaxMarks  "
                  //+ " --, m.SubUserId, m.UserId, m.FYear   "
                  + " FROM tblExamMarks m  "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblStudentMaster st "
                  + " ON m.studentID = st.StudentMasterID   "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClassMaster c "
                  + " ON c.ClassMasterId = m.ClassID  "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSectionMaster sm "
                  + " ON sm.sectionMasterID = m.SectionID  "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblExamMaster em "
                  + " ON em.ExamMasterID = m.ExamID  "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSubjectMaster sub "
                  + " ON sub.SubjectMasterID = m.SubjectId  "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSubjectGroupMaster sgm "
                  + " ON sgm.SubjectGroupMasterID = sub.SubjectGroupMasterID  "
                  + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblTerm tm ON tm.TermId = em.termID ";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User, "st");

            qry += " AND st.studentMasterId = " + studentId
                   + " AND SubjectGroupName='" + subjectGroup + "'"
                   + " GROUP By "
                   + " StudentMasterId  "
                   + " , StudentName  "
                   + " , FatherName, MotherName, DOB, AdmissionNo, SubjectGroupName"

                   + " , MobileF  "
                   + " , ClassName  "
                   + " , SectionName  "
                   + " , SubjectName"
                   + " , SubjectOrder "
                   + " , ExamName "
                   + " , TermName "

                   + " ) as A "
                   + " GROUP BY StudentName, ExamName "
                   + " , FatherName, MotherName, DOB, AdmissionNo, SubjectGroupName"
                   + " , ClassName, SectionName "
                   + " , TermName "
                   + " , SubjectName "
                   + " , subjectOrder  "
                   + " ) as b "
                   + " GROUP BY StudentName, SubjectName "
                   + " , SubjectOrder "
                   + " ORDER BY SubjectOrder ";

Exemplo n.º 29
        public List <ExamMarksEntity> GetExamMarks(DBSite site, int classId, int sectionId, int examId, string subjectIds, int studentId, int IsNew)
            // if isNew=0 then get reocrds from tblStudentMaster
            // else get the reocrds from  tblExamMarks

            List <ExamMarksEntity> marks = new List <ExamMarksEntity>();
            ExamMarksEntity        mark  = null;

            string qry = "";

            ExamMarksEntity exam = new ExamMarksEntity();

            //exam.StudentMasterId = stu

            if (IsNew == 1)
                qry = " SELECT    "
                      + " StudentMasterId "
                      + " , StudentName "
                      + " , MobileF "
                      + " , FatherName "
                      + " , 0 ExamMarksId "
                      + " , 0 ExamId "
                      + " , '' ExamName "
                      + " , '' ExamCode "
                      + ", '' MaxMarks "
                      + " , 0 SubjectID"
                      + " , '' SubjectName"
                      + ", '' SubjectGroupType "
                      + " , ClassID "
                      + " , ClassName "
                      + " , SectionID "
                      + " , SectionName "
                      + " , 1 IsPresent "
                      + " , '0' MarksObtained "
                      + " , st.SubUserId, st.UserId, st.FYear  "
                      + " FROM tblStudentMaster st    "
                      + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClassMaster c ON c.ClassMasterId = st.ClassID "
                      + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSectionMaster s On s.SectionMasterID = st.SectionId ";

                qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User, "st");
                // update

                qry = "  SELECT    "
                      + " StudentMasterId "
                      + " , StudentName "
                      + " , FatherName "
                      + " , MobileF "
                      + " , ExamMarksId "
                      + " , ExamID "
                      + " , ExamName "
                      + " , ExamCode "
                      + ",  MaxMarks "
                      + " , m.ClassID "
                      + " , ClassName "
                      + " , m.SectionID "
                      + " , SectionName "
                      + " , SubjectID  "
                      + " , SubjectName  "
                      + " , SubjectGroupType "
                      + " , IsNull(IsPresent, 1) IsPresent  "
                      + ", IsNull(MarksObtained, '0') MarksObtained "
                      + " , m.SubUserId, m.UserId, m.FYear  "
                      + " FROM tblExamMarks m "
                      + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblStudentMaster st ON m.studentID = st.StudentMasterID  "
                      + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblClassMaster c ON c.ClassMasterId = m.ClassID "
                      + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSectionMaster sm ON sm.sectionMasterID = m.SectionID "
                      + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblExamMaster em ON em.ExamMasterID = m.ExamID "
                      + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSubjectMaster sub ON sub.SubjectMasterID = m.SubjectId "
                      + " LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSubjectGroupMaster sgm ON sgm.SubjectGroupMasterID = sub.SubjectGroupMasterID ";

                qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User, "m");

            if (IsNew == 0 && subjectIds.Length > 1)  // update
                qry += " AND m.subjectID IN (" + subjectIds + ")";
            if (IsNew == 0 && examId > 0) //update
                qry += " AND m.ExamID = " + examId;

            if (classId > 0)
                qry += " AND st.ClassID = " + classId;
            if (sectionId > 0)
                qry += " AND st.sectionID = " + sectionId;

            if (studentId > 0)
                qry += " AND st.studentMasterId = " + studentId;

            if (IsNew == 1)
                qry += " ORDER BY StudentName, ClassOrder, SectionOrder ";
                if (studentId > 0)
                    qry += " ORDER BY ExamOrder, subjectOrder ";
                    qry += " ORDER BY StudentName, ClassOrder, SectionOrder, subjectOrder ";

            int SerialCount = 0;

            DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                mark = new ExamMarksEntity();

                SerialCount += 1;

                mark.SlNo        = SerialCount;
                mark.ExamMarksId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ExamMarksId"]);

                mark.StudentMasterId = util.CheckNullInt(dr["StudentMasterId"]);
                mark.StudentName     = util.CheckNull(dr["StudentName"]);
                mark.FatherName      = util.CheckNull(dr["FatherName"]);
                mark.MobileNo        = util.CheckNull(dr["MobileF"]);

                mark.ExamId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ExamId"]);
                mark.ExamName = util.CheckNull(dr["ExamName"]);
                mark.ExamCode = util.CheckNull(dr["ExamCode"]);
                mark.MaxMarks = util.CheckNull(dr["MaxMarks"]);

                mark.SubjectId        = util.CheckNullInt(dr["SubjectID"]);
                mark.SubjectName      = util.CheckNull(dr["SubjectName"]);
                mark.SubjectGroupType = util.CheckNull(dr["SubjectGroupType"]);

                mark.classId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["ClassID"]);
                mark.ClassName = util.CheckNull(dr["ClassName"]);

                mark.SectionId   = util.CheckNullInt(dr["SectionID"]);
                mark.SectionName = util.CheckNull(dr["SectionName"]);

                mark.MarksObtained = util.CheckNull(dr["MarksObtained"]);
                mark.IsPresent     = util.CheckNullInt(dr["IsPresent"]);

                mark.SubUserID = util.CheckNullInt(dr["SubUserId"]);
                mark.UserID    = util.CheckNullInt(dr["userID"]);
                mark.FYear     = util.CheckNullInt(dr["FYear"]);


Exemplo n.º 30
        public List <User> GetMatchedUsers(DBSite site, string value_to_search)
            List <User> users = new List <User>();
            User        user  = null;

            string qry = " SELECT "
                         + " UserInfoId"
                         + ", UserName"
                         + ", Email"
                         + ", SenderID"
                         + ", SMSUser"
                         + ", SMSPassword"
                         + ", SMSDelivery"
                         + ", UserPassword"
                         + ", CreationDate"
                         + ", AmountPaid"
                         + ", StartDate"
                         + ", EndDate"
                         + ", Address"
                         + ", City"
                         + ", Country"
                         + ", Phone"
                         + ", Mobile"
                         + ", TinNumber"
                         + ", SalesTaxNumber"
                         + ", CSTNumber"
                         + ", UserType"
                         + ", Remarks";

            qry += " FROM tblUserInfo  ";
            qry += Util_BLL.GetUserWhereCondition(Util_BLL.User);

            // qry += " WHERE ";
            //qry += " WHERE UserID = " + User.userID + " AND  FYear= " + User.fYear + " AND ";

            qry += "AND (( UserName LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( Email LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( Address LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( City LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( Country LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( Phone LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";

            qry += " ( Mobile LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( TinNumber LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";
            qry += " ( SalesTaxNumber LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) OR";

            if (util.IsDate(value_to_search))
                qry += " ( CreationDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( EndDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";
                qry += " ( StartDate = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR";

            if (util.IsNumber(value_to_search))
                qry += " ( AmountPaid = '" + value_to_search + "' ) OR ";
            qry += " ( CSTNumber LIKE '%" + value_to_search + "%' ) ";
            qry += ")";

            DataTable dt = site.ExecuteSelect(qry);

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                user = new User();

                user.UserId      = util.CheckNullInt(row["UserInfoId"]);
                user.UserName    = util.CheckNull(row["UserName"]);
                user.EmailId     = util.CheckNull(row["Email"]);
                user.SenderId    = util.CheckNull(row["SenderID"]);
                user.SMSUser     = util.CheckNull(row["SMSUser"]);
                user.SMSPassword = util.CheckNull(row["SMSPassword "]);
                user.SMSDelivery = util.CheckNullInt(row["SMSDelivery"]);

                user.UserPassword   = util.CheckNull(row["UserPassword"]);
                user.AmountPaid     = util.CheckNullDecimal(row["AmountPaid"]);
                user.CreationDate   = ((DateTime)row["CreationDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                user.StartDate      = ((DateTime)row["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                user.EndDate        = ((DateTime)row["EndDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                user.Address        = util.CheckNull(row["Address"]);
                user.City           = util.CheckNull(row["City"]);
                user.Country        = util.CheckNull(row["Country"]);
                user.Phone          = util.CheckNull(row["Phone"]);
                user.Mobile         = util.CheckNull(row["Mobile"]);
                user.TinNumber      = util.CheckNull(row["PinNumber"]);
                user.SalesTaxNumber = util.CheckNull(row["SalesTaxNumber"]);
                user.CSTNumber      = util.CheckNull(row["CSTNumber"]);
                user.UserType       = util.CheckNullInt(row["UserType"]);
                user.Remarks        = util.CheckNull(row["Remarks"]);

