Exemplo n.º 1
        public override IList <LookupResult> DoLookup(string key, IEnumerable <BytesRef> contexts, bool onlyMorePopular, int num)
            if (contexts != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("this suggester doesn't support contexts");
            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(num > 0);

            if (onlyMorePopular)
                throw new ArgumentException("this suggester only works with onlyMorePopular=false");

            if (fst == null)
                return(Collections.EmptyList <LookupResult>());

            BytesRef scratch      = new BytesRef(key);
            int      prefixLength = scratch.Length;

            FST.Arc <long?> arc = new FST.Arc <long?>();

            // match the prefix portion exactly
            long?prefixOutput = null;

                prefixOutput = LookupPrefix(scratch, arc);
            catch (IOException bogus)
                throw new Exception(bogus.ToString(), bogus);

            if (prefixOutput == null)
                return(Collections.EmptyList <LookupResult>());

            List <LookupResult> results = new List <LookupResult>(num);
            CharsRef            spare   = new CharsRef();

            if (exactFirst && arc.IsFinal)
                UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(scratch, spare);
                results.Add(new LookupResult(spare.ToString(), DecodeWeight(prefixOutput.GetValueOrDefault() + arc.NextFinalOutput.GetValueOrDefault())));
                if (--num == 0)
                    return(results); // that was quick

            // complete top-N
            Util.Fst.Util.TopResults <long?> completions = null;
                completions = Lucene.Net.Util.Fst.Util.ShortestPaths(fst, arc, prefixOutput, weightComparer, num, !exactFirst);
                if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
            catch (IOException bogus)
                throw new Exception(bogus.ToString(), bogus);

            BytesRef suffix = new BytesRef(8);

            foreach (Util.Fst.Util.Result <long?> completion in completions)
                scratch.Length = prefixLength;
                // append suffix
                Lucene.Net.Util.Fst.Util.ToBytesRef(completion.Input, suffix);
                UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(scratch, spare);
                results.Add(new LookupResult(spare.ToString(), DecodeWeight(completion.Output.GetValueOrDefault())));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve suggestions.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IList <LookupResult> DoLookup(string key, IEnumerable <BytesRef> contexts, int num)
            if (contexts != null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("this suggester doesn't support contexts");

            TokenStream ts = queryAnalyzer.GetTokenStream("", key.ToString());

                ITermToBytesRefAttribute    termBytesAtt = ts.AddAttribute <ITermToBytesRefAttribute>();
                IOffsetAttribute            offsetAtt    = ts.AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>();
                IPositionLengthAttribute    posLenAtt    = ts.AddAttribute <IPositionLengthAttribute>();
                IPositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt    = ts.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();

                var lastTokens = new BytesRef[grams];
                //System.out.println("lookup: key='" + key + "'");

                // Run full analysis, but save only the
                // last 1gram, last 2gram, etc.:
                BytesRef tokenBytes   = termBytesAtt.BytesRef;
                int      maxEndOffset = -1;
                bool     sawRealToken = false;
                while (ts.IncrementToken())
                    sawRealToken |= tokenBytes.Length > 0;
                    // TODO: this is somewhat iffy; today, ShingleFilter
                    // sets posLen to the gram count; maybe we should make
                    // a separate dedicated att for this?
                    int gramCount = posLenAtt.PositionLength;

                    Debug.Assert(gramCount <= grams);

                    // Safety: make sure the recalculated count "agrees":
                    if (CountGrams(tokenBytes) != gramCount)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("tokens must not contain separator byte; got token=" + tokenBytes + " but gramCount=" + gramCount + " does not match recalculated count=" + CountGrams(tokenBytes));
                    maxEndOffset = Math.Max(maxEndOffset, offsetAtt.EndOffset);
                    lastTokens[gramCount - 1] = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(tokenBytes);

                if (!sawRealToken)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("no tokens produced by analyzer, or the only tokens were empty strings");

                // Carefully fill last tokens with _ tokens;
                // ShingleFilter appraently won't emit "only hole"
                // tokens:
                int endPosInc = posIncAtt.PositionIncrement;

                // Note this will also be true if input is the empty
                // string (in which case we saw no tokens and
                // maxEndOffset is still -1), which in fact works out OK
                // because we fill the unigram with an empty BytesRef
                // below:
                bool lastTokenEnded = offsetAtt.EndOffset > maxEndOffset || endPosInc > 0;
                //System.out.println("maxEndOffset=" + maxEndOffset + " vs " + offsetAtt.EndOffset);

                if (lastTokenEnded)
                    //System.out.println("  lastTokenEnded");
                    // If user hit space after the last token, then
                    // "upgrade" all tokens.  This way "foo " will suggest
                    // all bigrams starting w/ foo, and not any unigrams
                    // starting with "foo":
                    for (int i = grams - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        BytesRef token = lastTokens[i - 1];
                        if (token == null)
                        token.Grow(token.Length + 1);
                        token.Bytes[token.Length] = separator;
                        lastTokens[i] = token;
                    lastTokens[0] = new BytesRef();

                var arc = new FST.Arc <long?>();

                var bytesReader = fst.GetBytesReader();

                // Try highest order models first, and if they return
                // results, return that; else, fallback:
                double backoff = 1.0;

                List <LookupResult> results = new List <LookupResult>(num);

                // We only add a given suffix once, from the highest
                // order model that saw it; for subsequent lower order
                // models we skip it:
                var seen = new HashSet <BytesRef>();

                for (int gram = grams - 1; gram >= 0; gram--)
                    BytesRef token = lastTokens[gram];
                    // Don't make unigram predictions from empty string:
                    if (token == null || (token.Length == 0 && key.Length > 0))
                        // Input didn't have enough tokens:
                        //System.out.println("  gram=" + gram + ": skip: not enough input");

                    if (endPosInc > 0 && gram <= endPosInc)
                        // Skip hole-only predictions; in theory we
                        // shouldn't have to do this, but we'd need to fix
                        // ShingleFilter to produce only-hole tokens:
                        //System.out.println("  break: only holes now");

                    //System.out.println("try " + (gram+1) + " gram token=" + token.utf8ToString());

                    // TODO: we could add fuzziness here
                    // match the prefix portion exactly
                    //Pair<Long,BytesRef> prefixOutput = null;
                    long?prefixOutput = null;
                        prefixOutput = LookupPrefix(fst, bytesReader, token, arc);
                    catch (IOException bogus)
                        throw new Exception(bogus.ToString(), bogus);
                    //System.out.println("  prefixOutput=" + prefixOutput);

                    if (prefixOutput == null)
                        // This model never saw this prefix, e.g. the
                        // trigram model never saw context "purple mushroom"
                        backoff *= ALPHA;

                    // TODO: we could do this division at build time, and
                    // bake it into the FST?

                    // Denominator for computing scores from current
                    // model's predictions:
                    long contextCount = totTokens;

                    BytesRef lastTokenFragment = null;

                    for (int i = token.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (token.Bytes[token.Offset + i] == separator)
                            BytesRef context = new BytesRef(token.Bytes, token.Offset, i);
                            long?    output  = Lucene.Net.Util.Fst.Util.Get(fst, Lucene.Net.Util.Fst.Util.ToInt32sRef(context, new Int32sRef()));
                            Debug.Assert(output != null);
                            contextCount      = DecodeWeight(output);
                            lastTokenFragment = new BytesRef(token.Bytes, token.Offset + i + 1, token.Length - i - 1);

                    BytesRef finalLastToken;

                    if (lastTokenFragment == null)
                        finalLastToken = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(token);
                        finalLastToken = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(lastTokenFragment);
                    Debug.Assert(finalLastToken.Offset == 0);

                    CharsRef spare = new CharsRef();

                    // complete top-N
                    Util.Fst.Util.TopResults <long?> completions = null;
                        // Because we store multiple models in one FST
                        // (1gram, 2gram, 3gram), we must restrict the
                        // search so that it only considers the current
                        // model.  For highest order model, this is not
                        // necessary since all completions in the FST
                        // must be from this model, but for lower order
                        // models we have to filter out the higher order
                        // ones:

                        // Must do num+seen.size() for queue depth because we may
                        // reject up to seen.size() paths in acceptResult():
                        Util.Fst.Util.TopNSearcher <long?> searcher = new TopNSearcherAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, fst, num, num + seen.Count, weightComparer, seen, finalLastToken);

                        // since this search is initialized with a single start node
                        // it is okay to start with an empty input path here
                        searcher.AddStartPaths(arc, prefixOutput, true, new Int32sRef());

                        completions = searcher.Search();
                    catch (IOException bogus)
                        throw new Exception(bogus.ToString(), bogus);

                    int prefixLength = token.Length;

                    BytesRef suffix = new BytesRef(8);
                    //System.out.println("    " + completions.length + " completions");

                    foreach (Util.Fst.Util.Result <long?> completion in completions)
                        token.Length = prefixLength;
                        // append suffix
                        Util.Fst.Util.ToBytesRef(completion.Input, suffix);

                        //System.out.println("    completion " + token.utf8ToString());

                        // Skip this path if a higher-order model already
                        // saw/predicted its last token:
                        BytesRef lastToken = token;
                        for (int i = token.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (token.Bytes[token.Offset + i] == separator)
                                Debug.Assert(token.Length - i - 1 > 0);
                                lastToken = new BytesRef(token.Bytes, token.Offset + i + 1, token.Length - i - 1);
                        if (seen.Contains(lastToken))
                            //System.out.println("      skip dup " + lastToken.utf8ToString());
                            goto nextCompletionContinue;
                        UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(token, spare);
                        LookupResult result = new LookupResult(spare.ToString(),
                                                               // LUCENENET NOTE: We need to calculate this as decimal because when using double it can sometimes
                                                               // return numbers that are greater than long.MaxValue, which results in a negative long number.
                                                               (long)(long.MaxValue * (decimal)backoff * ((decimal)DecodeWeight(completion.Output)) / contextCount));
                        Debug.Assert(results.Count == seen.Count);
                        //System.out.println("  add result=" + result);
                        nextCompletionContinue :;
                    backoff *= ALPHA;

                results.Sort(new ComparerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this));

                if (results.Count > num)
                    results.SubList(num, results.Count).Clear();
