Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Evaluate(Split split, EvaluationContext context)

            PureEvaluationTime = (int)Wrap.MeasureTime(delegate()
                if (DataType == DataType.Ratings)
                    foreach (var feedback in split.Test)
                        context.PredictedScores.Add(feedback, Predict(feedback));
                else if (DataType == DataType.TimeAwareRating)
                    var predictor        = (ITimeAwareRatingPredictor)MmlRecommenderInstance;
                    var firstRatingMl10M = new DateTime(1998, 11, 01);

                    foreach (var feedback in split.Test)
                        var time = firstRatingMl10M.AddDays(double.Parse(feedback.Attributes["timestamp"].Value));
                                                    predictor.Predict(UsersMap.ToInternalID(feedback.User.Id), ItemsMap.ToInternalID(feedback.Item.Id), time));
                context.Evaluators.ForEach(e => e.Evaluate(context, this, split));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override float Predict(int user_id, int item_id)
            string userIdOrg = UsersMap.ToOriginalID(user_id);
            string itemIdOrg = ItemsMap.ToOriginalID(item_id);
            List <Tuple <int, float> > features = new List <Tuple <int, float> >();

            if (!IgnoreFeaturesOnPrediction && Split.Container.FeedbacksDic.ContainsKey(userIdOrg, itemIdOrg))
                var feedback = Split.Container.FeedbacksDic[userIdOrg, itemIdOrg];
                features = feedback.GetAllAttributes().Select(a => FeatureBuilder.TranslateAttribute(a)).NormalizeSumToOne(Normalize).ToList();

            bool newUser = (user_id > MaxUserID);
            bool newItem = (item_id > MaxItemID);

            float userAttrsTerm = 0, itemAttrsTerm = 0;

            foreach (var feat in features)
                // if feat_index is greater than MaxFeatureId it means that the feature is new in test set so its factors has not been learnt
                if (feat.Item1 < NumTrainFeaturs)
                    float x_z = feat.Item2;

                    userAttrsTerm += newUser ? 0 : x_z *MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, feat.Item1, user_factors, user_id);

                    itemAttrsTerm += newItem ? 0 : x_z *MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, feat.Item1, item_factors, item_id);

            float itemBias     = newItem ? 0 : item_bias[item_id];
            float userItemTerm = (newUser || newItem) ? 0 : MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(user_factors, user_id, item_factors, item_id);

            return(itemBias + userItemTerm + userAttrsTerm + itemAttrsTerm);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // this method ingores the properties of the baseClass: WithReplacement and UniformUserSampling
        public override void Iterate()
            int time = (int)Wrap.MeasureTime(delegate()
                for (int i = 0; i < Feedback.Count; i++)
                    if (UnobservedNegSampler == UnobservedNegSampler.Dynamic &&
                        i % (AllItems.Count * Math.Log(AllItems.Count)) == 0)

                    var pos = SamplePosFeedback();
                    var neg = SampleNegFeedback(pos);

                    int user_id       = UsersMap.ToInternalID(pos.User.Id);
                    int item_id       = ItemsMap.ToInternalID(pos.Item.Id);
                    int other_item_id = ItemsMap.ToInternalID(neg.Item.Id);

                    UpdateFactors(user_id, item_id, other_item_id, true, true, update_j);

                if (PosSampler == PosSampler.AdaptedWeight)

            Model.OnIterate(this, time);
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected virtual Feedback SamplePosFeedback()
            switch (PosSampler)
            case PosSampler.UniformUser:
                string userIdOrg       = UsersMap.ToOriginalID(SampleUser());
                var    userPosFeedback = UserPosFeedback[userIdOrg];

            case PosSampler.UniformLevel:
                int level = PosLevels[random.Next(PosLevels.Count)];
                // uniform feedback sampling from a level
                int index = random.Next(LevelPosFeedback[level].Count);

            case PosSampler.DynamicLevel:
            case PosSampler.AdaptedWeight:
                int l = PosLevels[_posLevelSampler.Sample()];
                int i = random.Next(LevelPosFeedback[l].Count);

            case PosSampler.UniformFeedback:
                int level2 = PosLevels[random.Next(PosLevels.Count)];
                int index2 = random.Next(LevelPosFeedback[level2].Count);

            case PosSampler.LeastPopular:

Exemplo n.º 5
        public virtual float Predict(Feedback feedback)
            int userId = UsersMap.ToInternalID(feedback.User.Id);
            int itemId = ItemsMap.ToInternalID(feedback.Item.Id);
            List <Tuple <int, float> > features = new List <Tuple <int, float> >();

            if (!IgnoreFeaturesOnPrediction)
                features = feedback.GetAllAttributes().Select(a => FeatureBuilder.TranslateAttribute(a)).NormalizeSumToOne().ToList();

            bool newUser = (userId > MaxUserID);
            bool newItem = (itemId > MaxItemID);

            float userAttrsTerm = 0, itemAttrsTerm = 0;

            foreach (var feat in features)
                // if feat_index is greater than MaxFeatureId it means that the feature is new in test set so its factors has not been learnt
                if (feat.Item1 < NumTrainFeaturs)
                    float x_z = feat.Item2;

                    userAttrsTerm += newUser ? 0 : x_z *MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, feat.Item1, user_factors, userId);

                    itemAttrsTerm += newItem ? 0 : x_z *MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, feat.Item1, item_factors, itemId);

            float itemBias     = newItem ? 0 : item_bias[itemId];
            float userItemTerm = (newUser || newItem) ? 0 : MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(user_factors, userId, item_factors, itemId);

            return(itemBias + userItemTerm + userAttrsTerm + itemAttrsTerm);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public virtual Feedback SampleUnobservedNegFeedback(Feedback posFeedback)
            Feedback neg = null;

            switch (UnobservedNegSampler)
            case UnobservedNegSampler.UniformFeedback:
                    neg = TrainFeedback[random.Next(TrainFeedback.Count)];
                } while (neg.User == posFeedback.User);

            case UnobservedNegSampler.DynamicLevel:
                    int l = PosLevels[_posLevelSampler.Sample()];
                    int i = random.Next(LevelPosFeedback[l].Count);
                    neg = LevelPosFeedback[l][i];
                } while (neg.User == posFeedback.User);

            case UnobservedNegSampler.UniformItem:
                string itemId;
                int    user_id, item_id;
                    itemId  = AllItems[random.Next(AllItems.Count)];
                    item_id = ItemsMap.ToInternalID(itemId);
                    user_id = UsersMap.ToInternalID(posFeedback.User.Id);
                    //} while (UserFeedback[posFeedback.User.Id].Select(f => f.Item.Id).Contains(itemId));
                } while (Feedback.UserMatrix[user_id, item_id] == true);
                neg = new Feedback(posFeedback.User, Split.Container.Items[itemId]);

            case UnobservedNegSampler.Dynamic:
                string negItemId;
                int    user_id, item_id;
                    negItemId = SampleNegItemDynamic(posFeedback);
                    item_id   = ItemsMap.ToInternalID(negItemId);
                    user_id   = UsersMap.ToInternalID(posFeedback.User.Id);
                    //} while (UserFeedback[posFeedback.User.Id].Select(f => f.Item.Id).Contains(negItemId));
                } while (Feedback.UserMatrix[user_id, item_id] == true);
                neg = new Feedback(posFeedback.User, Split.Container.Items[negItemId]);


Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            PeopleMap.Map(modelBuilder, AppSettings.UnitTest);
            UsersMap.Map(modelBuilder, AppSettings.UnitTest);
            UsersProvidersMap.Map(modelBuilder, AppSettings.UnitTest);
            UsersRolesMap.Map(modelBuilder, AppSettings.UnitTest);
            UsersTokensMap.Map(modelBuilder, AppSettings.UnitTest);

            ConfigsMap.Map(modelBuilder, AppSettings.UnitTest);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void Train(Split split)
            var mmlInstance = (FM)MmlRecommenderInstance;
            var featBuilder = new FmFeatureBuilder();

            var wFm = MmlRecommenderInstance as WeightedBPRFM;

            if (DataType == WrapRec.IO.DataType.Ratings)
                var mmlFeedback = new Ratings();
                foreach (var feedback in split.Train)
                    var rating = (Rating)feedback;
                    mmlFeedback.Add(UsersMap.ToInternalID(rating.User.Id), ItemsMap.ToInternalID(rating.Item.Id), rating.Value);

                    // the attributes are translated so that they can be used later for training
                    foreach (var attr in feedback.GetAllAttributes())
                        attr.Translation = featBuilder.TranslateAttribute(attr);
                        // hard code attribute group. User is 0, item is 1, others is 2
                        attr.Group = 2;
                        if (wFm != null && !wFm.FeatureGroups.ContainsKey(attr.Translation.Item1))
                            wFm.FeatureGroups.Add(attr.Translation.Item1, 2);
                ((IRatingPredictor)MmlRecommenderInstance).Ratings = mmlFeedback;

            foreach (var feedback in split.Test)
                // the attributes are translated so that they can be used later for training
                foreach (var attr in feedback.GetAllAttributes())
                    attr.Translation = featBuilder.TranslateAttribute(attr);
                    // hard code attribute group. User is 0, item is 1, others is 2
                    attr.Group = 2;
                    if (wFm != null && !wFm.FeatureGroups.ContainsKey(attr.Translation.Item1))
                        wFm.FeatureGroups.Add(attr.Translation.Item1, 2);

            mmlInstance.Split          = split;
            mmlInstance.Model          = this;
            mmlInstance.UsersMap       = UsersMap;
            mmlInstance.ItemsMap       = ItemsMap;
            mmlInstance.FeatureBuilder = featBuilder;

            Logger.Current.Trace("Training with MmlFmRecommender recommender...");
            PureTrainTime = (int)Wrap.MeasureTime(delegate() { mmlInstance.Train(); }).TotalMilliseconds;
Exemplo n.º 9
        // This method makes sure that all itemIds are already have an internalId when they want to be used in evaluation
        // this prevent cross-thread access to ItemMap (already existing key in dictionary error)
        // when evaluation is peformed in parallel for each user
        private void ExhaustInternalIds(Split split)
            foreach (var item in split.Container.Items.Values)

            foreach (var user in split.Container.Items.Values)
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override void Train(Split split)
            var mmlInstance = (BPRFM)MmlRecommenderInstance;
            var featBuilder = new FmFeatureBuilder();
            var mmlFeedback = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>();

            var wBprFm = MmlRecommenderInstance as WeightedBPRFM;

            foreach (var feedback in split.Train)
                mmlFeedback.Add(UsersMap.ToInternalID(feedback.User.Id), ItemsMap.ToInternalID(feedback.Item.Id));

                // the attributes are translated so that they can be used later for training
                foreach (var attr in feedback.GetAllAttributes())
                    attr.Translation = featBuilder.TranslateAttribute(attr);
                    // hard code attribute group. User is 0, item is 1, others is 2
                    attr.Group = 2;
                    if (wBprFm != null && !wBprFm.FeatureGroups.ContainsKey(attr.Translation.Item1))
                        wBprFm.FeatureGroups.Add(attr.Translation.Item1, 2);

            foreach (var feedback in split.Test)
                // the attributes are translated so that they can be used later for training
                foreach (var attr in feedback.GetAllAttributes())
                    attr.Translation = featBuilder.TranslateAttribute(attr);
                    // hard code attribute group. User is 0, item is 1, others is 2
                    attr.Group = 2;
                    if (wBprFm != null && !wBprFm.FeatureGroups.ContainsKey(attr.Translation.Item1))
                        wBprFm?.FeatureGroups.Add(attr.Translation.Item1, 2);

            mmlInstance.Feedback       = mmlFeedback;
            mmlInstance.Split          = split;
            mmlInstance.Model          = this;
            mmlInstance.UsersMap       = UsersMap;
            mmlInstance.ItemsMap       = ItemsMap;
            mmlInstance.FeatureBuilder = featBuilder;

            Logger.Current.Trace("Training with MmlBprfmRecommender recommender...");
            PureTrainTime = (int)Wrap.MeasureTime(delegate() { mmlInstance.Train(); }).TotalMilliseconds;
        private void CopyAllfields(WorkItem sourceWorkItem, Dictionary <FieldDefinition, FieldDefinition> fieldMap, WorkItem newWorkItem)
            logger.Info("Start copy work item " + sourceWorkItem.Id);

            foreach (Field field in sourceWorkItem.Fields)
                if (field.ReferenceName == "System.State" || field.ReferenceName == "System.Reason")

                if (!fieldMap.ContainsKey(field.FieldDefinition))

                    var mappedField = fieldMap[field.FieldDefinition];
                    if (!newWorkItem.Fields[mappedField.Name].IsEditable)
                        logger.Warn("Field readonly: " + mappedField.ReferenceName);

                    string user;
                    if (field.ReferenceName == "System.AreaPath" || field.ReferenceName == "System.IterationPath" || field.ReferenceName == "System.TeamProject")
                        string iterationPath = (string)field.Value;
                        string itPathNew     = targetProject.project.Name + iterationPath.Substring(sourceProject.project.Name.Length);

                        newWorkItem.Fields[mappedField.Name].Value = itPathNew;
                    else if (field.Value is string && UsersMap.TryGetValue((string)field.Value, out user))
                        newWorkItem.Fields[mappedField.Name].Value = user;
                        newWorkItem.Fields[mappedField.Name].Value = field.Value;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.Warn("Error in setting value " + field.Name, ex);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void Train(Split split)
            // Convert trainset to MyMediaLite trianset format
            if (DataType == IO.DataType.Ratings)
                var mmlFeedback = new Ratings();
                foreach (var feedback in split.Train)
                    var rating = (Rating)feedback;
                    mmlFeedback.Add(UsersMap.ToInternalID(rating.User.Id), ItemsMap.ToInternalID(rating.Item.Id), rating.Value);
                ((IRatingPredictor)MmlRecommenderInstance).Ratings = mmlFeedback;
            else if (DataType == IO.DataType.TimeAwareRating)
                var mmlFeedback      = new TimedRatings();
                var firstRatingMl10M = new DateTime(1998, 11, 1);

                foreach (var feedback in split.Train)
                    var rating = (Rating)feedback;
                    var time   = firstRatingMl10M.AddDays(double.Parse(feedback.Attributes["timestamp"].Value));
                    mmlFeedback.Add(UsersMap.ToInternalID(rating.User.Id), ItemsMap.ToInternalID(rating.Item.Id),
                                    rating.Value, time);
                ((ITimeAwareRatingPredictor)MmlRecommenderInstance).Ratings = mmlFeedback;
                var mmlFeedback = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>();
                foreach (var feedback in split.Train)
                    mmlFeedback.Add(UsersMap.ToInternalID(feedback.User.Id), ItemsMap.ToInternalID(feedback.Item.Id));
                ((ItemRecommender)MmlRecommenderInstance).Feedback = mmlFeedback;

                if (MmlRecommenderInstance is IModelAwareRecommender)
                    ((IModelAwareRecommender)MmlRecommenderInstance).Model = this;

            Logger.Current.Trace("Training with MyMediaLite recommender...");
            PureTrainTime = (int)Wrap.MeasureTime(delegate() { MmlRecommenderInstance.Train(); }).TotalMilliseconds;
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected virtual void UpdatePosSampler()
            double[] levelsAvg = new double[PosLevels.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < PosLevels.Count; i++)
                foreach (Feedback f in LevelPosFeedback[PosLevels[i]])
                    int user_id = UsersMap.ToInternalID(f.User.Id);
                    int item_id = ItemsMap.ToInternalID(f.Item.Id);

                    levelsAvg[i] += MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(user_factors, user_id, item_factors, item_id);
                levelsAvg[i] /= LevelPosFeedback[PosLevels[i]].Count;

            double avgSum = levelsAvg.Sum();

            double[] levelWeights = new double[PosLevels.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < PosLevels.Count; i++)
                levelWeights[i] = levelsAvg[i] / avgSum;

            double sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < PosLevels.Count; i++)
                sum += levelWeights[i] * LevelPosFeedback[PosLevels[i]].Count;

            double[] levelPros = new double[PosLevels.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < PosLevels.Count; i++)
                levelPros[i] = levelWeights[i] * LevelPosFeedback[PosLevels[i]].Count / sum;

            string weights = levelWeights.Select(p => string.Format("{0:0.00}", p)).Aggregate((a, b) => a + " " + b);

            //var temp = SampledCount.Values.Take(10).Select(i => i.ToString()).Aggregate((a, b) => a + " " + b);
            _posLevelSampler = new Categorical(levelPros);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public virtual Feedback SampleLeastPopularPosFeedback()
            int user_id = SampleUser();

            var user = Split.Container.Users[UsersMap.ToOriginalID(user_id)];

            var userFeedback = user.Feedbacks.Where(f => f.SliceType == FeedbackSlice.TRAIN).ToList();

            double[] itemProbs = userFeedback.Select(f => 1.0 / Math.Log(SampledCount[f.Item.Id] + 1, 2)).ToArray();

            var fIx = new Categorical(itemProbs).Sample();

            Feedback posFeedback = userFeedback[fIx];


Exemplo n.º 15
        protected virtual string SampleNegItemDynamic(Feedback posFeedback)
            // sample r
            int r;

                r = _rankSampler.Sample();
            } while (r >= AllItems.Count);

            int user_id = UsersMap.ToInternalID(posFeedback.User.Id);
            var u       = user_factors.GetRow(user_id);

            // sample f from p(f|c)
            double sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < NumFactors; i++)
                sum += Math.Abs(u[i]) * _itemFactorsStdev[i];

            double[] probs = new double[NumFactors];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumFactors; i++)
                probs[i] = Math.Abs(u[i]) * _itemFactorsStdev[i] / sum;

            int f = new Categorical(probs).Sample();

            // take item j (negItemId) from position r of the list of sampled f
            string negItemId;

            if (Math.Sign(user_factors[user_id, f]) > 0)
                negItemId = _factorBasedRank[f][r];
                negItemId = _factorBasedRank[f][AllItems.Count - r - 1];

Exemplo n.º 16
        public override float Predict(Feedback feedback)
            int userId  = UsersMap.ToInternalID(feedback.User.Id);
            int itemId  = ItemsMap.ToInternalID(feedback.Item.Id);
            var featurs = feedback.GetAllAttributes().Select(a => FeatureBuilder.TranslateAttribute(a));

            bool newUser = (userId > MaxUserID);
            bool newItem = (itemId > MaxItemID);

            float userAttrsTerm = 0, itemAttrsTerm = 0;

            foreach (var feat in featurs)
                // if feat_index is greater than MaxFeatureId it means that the feature is new in test set so its factors has not been learnt
                if (feat.Item1 < NumTrainFeaturs)
                    float x_z     = feat.Item2;
                    int   g_z     = FeatureGroups[feat.Item1];
                    float alpha_z = weights[g_z];

                    userAttrsTerm += newUser ? 0 : alpha_z *x_z *MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, feat.Item1, user_factors, userId);

                    itemAttrsTerm += newItem ? 0 : alpha_z *x_z *MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, feat.Item1, item_factors, itemId);

            int   u       = 0;
            int   i       = 1;
            float alpha_u = weights[u];
            float alpha_i = weights[i];

            float itemBias     = newItem ? 0 : item_bias[itemId];
            float userItemTerm = (newUser || newItem) ? 0 : alpha_u *alpha_i *MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(user_factors, userId, item_factors, itemId);

            return(itemBias + userItemTerm + alpha_u * userAttrsTerm + alpha_i * itemAttrsTerm);
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected override void UpdateFactors(int user_id, int item_id, int other_item_id, bool update_u, bool update_i, bool update_j)
            // used by WrapRec-based logic
            string userIdOrg = UsersMap.ToOriginalID(user_id);
            string itemIdOrg = ItemsMap.ToOriginalID(item_id);

            List <Tuple <int, float> > features = new List <Tuple <int, float> >();

            if (Split.SetupParameters.ContainsKey("feedbackAttributes"))
                features = Split.Container.FeedbacksDic[userIdOrg, itemIdOrg].GetAllAttributes().Select(a => a.Translation).NormalizeSumToOne(Normalize).ToList();

            double item_bias_diff = item_bias[item_id] - item_bias[other_item_id];

            double y_uij = item_bias_diff + MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProductWithRowDifference(
                user_factors, user_id, item_factors, item_id, item_factors, other_item_id);

            foreach (var feat in features)
                y_uij += feat.Item2 * MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProductWithRowDifference(
                    feature_factors, feat.Item1, item_factors, item_id, item_factors, other_item_id);

            double exp     = Math.Exp(y_uij);
            double sigmoid = 1 / (1 + exp);

            // adjust bias terms
            if (update_i)
                // TODO: check why -Bias
                double update = sigmoid - BiasReg * item_bias[item_id];
                item_bias[item_id] += (float)(learn_rate * update);

            if (update_j)
                double update = -sigmoid - BiasReg * item_bias[other_item_id];
                item_bias[other_item_id] += (float)(learn_rate * update);

            // adjust factors
            for (int f = 0; f < num_factors; f++)
                float v_uf = user_factors[user_id, f];
                float v_if = item_factors[item_id, f];
                float v_jf = item_factors[other_item_id, f];

                if (update_u)
                    double update = (v_if - v_jf) * sigmoid - reg_u * v_uf;
                    user_factors[user_id, f] = (float)(v_uf + learn_rate * update);

                // update features latent factors and make a sum term to use later for updating item factors
                // sum = Sum_{l=1}{num_features} c_l * v_{c_l,f}
                float sum = 0f;

                foreach (var feat in features)
                    float v_zf = feature_factors[feat.Item1, f];
                    float x_z  = feat.Item2;

                    sum += x_z * v_zf;

                    double update = x_z * (v_if - v_jf) * sigmoid - reg_c * v_zf;
                    feature_factors[feat.Item1, f] = (float)(v_zf + learn_rate * update);

                if (update_i)
                    double update = (v_uf + sum) * sigmoid - reg_i * v_if;
                    item_factors[item_id, f] = (float)(v_if + learn_rate * update);

                if (update_j)
                    double update = (-v_uf - sum) * sigmoid - reg_j * v_jf;
                    item_factors[other_item_id, f] = (float)(v_jf + learn_rate * update);
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected void _Iterate(IList <int> rating_indices, bool update_user, bool update_item)
            foreach (int index in rating_indices)
                int u = ratings.Users[index];
                int i = ratings.Items[index];

                int   g_u     = 0; //FeatureGroups[user_id];
                int   g_i     = 1; //FeatureGroups[item_id];
                float alpha_u = weights[g_u];
                float alpha_i = weights[g_i];

                // used by WrapRec-based logic
                string userIdOrg = UsersMap.ToOriginalID(u);
                string itemIdOrg = ItemsMap.ToOriginalID(i);

                List <Tuple <int, float> > features = new List <Tuple <int, float> >();
                if (Split.SetupParameters.ContainsKey("feedbackAttributes"))
                    features = Split.Container.FeedbacksDic[userIdOrg, itemIdOrg].GetAllAttributes().Select(a => a.Translation)

                var p = Predict(u, i);

                float err = (p - ratings[index]) * 2;

                float sum_u = 0, sum_i = 0;
                foreach (var feature in features)
                    int   j       = feature.Item1;
                    float x_j     = feature.Item2;
                    int   g_z     = 2; // FeatureGroups[feature.Item1];
                    float alpha_z = weights[g_z];

                    sum_u += x_j * alpha_z * MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(user_factors, u, feature_factors, j);
                    sum_i += x_j * alpha_z * MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(item_factors, i, feature_factors, j);
                float ui = MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(item_factors, i, user_factors, u);
                sum_u += alpha_i * ui;
                sum_i += alpha_u * ui;

                float sum_z      = 0;
                float sum_z_bias = 0;
                for (int z = 0; z < features.Count; z++)
                    int   z_ix    = features[z].Item1;
                    float x_z     = features[z].Item2;
                    float sum_j   = 0;
                    int   g_z     = 2; // FeatureGroups[z_ix];
                    float alpha_z = weights[g_z];
                    for (int j = z + 1; j < features.Count; j++)
                        int   j_ix = features[j].Item1;
                        float x_j  = features[j].Item2;
                        sum_j += x_j * MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, z_ix, feature_factors, j_ix);
                    sum_z      += 2 * alpha_z * x_z * sum_j;
                    sum_z      += x_z * alpha_u * MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, z_ix, user_factors, u);
                    sum_z      += x_z * alpha_i * MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProduct(feature_factors, z_ix, item_factors, i);
                    sum_z_bias += x_z * feature_biases[z_ix];

                float[] sum = new float[NumFactors];
                foreach (var feature in features)
                    int   j       = feature.Item1;
                    float x_j     = feature.Item2;
                    int   g_z     = 2; //FeatureGroups[feature.Item1];
                    float alpha_z = weights[g_z];

                    for (int f = 0; f < NumFactors; f++)
                        sum[f] += feature_factors[j, f] * x_j * alpha_z;

                for (int f = 0; f < NumFactors; f++)
                    sum[f] += user_factors[u, f] * alpha_u + item_factors[i, f] * alpha_i;

                // adjust biases
                global_bias -= current_learnrate * (err + RegB * global_bias);

                if (update_user)
                    user_bias[u] -= current_learnrate * (err * alpha_u + RegU * user_bias[u]);
                if (update_item)
                    item_bias[i] -= current_learnrate * (err * alpha_i + RegI * item_bias[i]);

                foreach (var feature in features)
                    int   j       = feature.Item1;
                    float x_j     = feature.Item2;
                    float w_j     = feature_biases[j];
                    int   g_z     = 2; // FeatureGroups[feature.Item1];
                    float alpha_z = weights[g_z];

                    feature_biases[j] -= current_learnrate * (x_j * alpha_z * err + RegC * w_j);

                // adjust latent factors
                for (int f = 0; f < NumFactors; f++)
                    double v_uf = user_factors[u, f];
                    double v_if = item_factors[i, f];

                    if (update_user)
                        double delta_u = alpha_u * (sum[f] - v_uf * alpha_u) * err + RegU * v_uf;
                        user_factors.Inc(u, f, -current_learnrate * delta_u);
                    if (update_item)
                        double delta_i = alpha_i * (sum[f] - v_if * alpha_i) * err + RegI * v_if;
                        item_factors.Inc(i, f, -current_learnrate * delta_i);

                    foreach (var feature in features)
                        int   j       = feature.Item1;
                        float x_j     = feature.Item2;
                        float v_jf    = feature_factors[j, f];
                        int   g_z     = 2; // FeatureGroups[feature.Item1];
                        float alpha_z = weights[g_z];

                        double delta_j = x_j * alpha_z * (sum[f] - v_jf * x_j * alpha_z) * err + RegC * v_jf;
                        feature_factors.Inc(j, f, -current_learnrate * delta_j);

                // update alphas
                float update_alpha_u = (user_bias[u] + sum_u) * err + reg_w * weights[g_u];
                weights[g_u] -= current_learnrate * update_alpha_u;

                float update_alpha_i = (item_bias[i] + sum_i) * err + reg_w * weights[g_i];
                weights[g_i] -= current_learnrate * update_alpha_i;

                for (int g = 0; g < NumGroups - 2; g++)
                    float alpha_z_g      = weights[g + 2];
                    float update_alpha_z = (sum_z + sum_z_bias) * err + reg_w * alpha_z_g;
                    weights[g + 2] -= current_learnrate * update_alpha_z;


            Console.WriteLine($"alpha_u: {weights[0]}, alpha_i: {weights[1]}" + (weights.Length > 2 ? $", alpha_z: {weights[2]}" : ""));
            //_alphaWriter.WriteLine(++_iter + "," + weights[0] + "," + weights[1] + (weights.Length > 2 ? "," + weights[2] : ""));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override float Predict(int user_id, int item_id)
            int u = user_id;
            int i = item_id;

            // used by WrapRec-based logic
            string userIdOrg = UsersMap.ToOriginalID(user_id);
            string itemIdOrg = ItemsMap.ToOriginalID(item_id);

            List <Tuple <int, float> > features = new List <Tuple <int, float> >();

            if (Split.SetupParameters.ContainsKey("feedbackAttributes"))
                features = Split.Container.FeedbacksDic[userIdOrg, itemIdOrg].GetAllAttributes().Select(a => a.Translation)

            float alpha_u = weights[0];
            float alpha_i = weights[1];
            float alpha_z = weights.Length > 2 ? weights[2] : 0;

            float score = global_bias;

            if (u < user_bias.Length)
                score += user_bias[u] * alpha_u;

            if (i < item_bias.Length)
                score += item_bias[i] * alpha_i;

            foreach (var feat in features)
                float x_z = feat.Item2;
                score += feature_biases[feat.Item1] * x_z * alpha_z;

            for (int f = 0; f < NumFactors; f++)
                float sum = 0, sum_sq = 0;

                float v_uf = 0, v_if = 0;
                if (u < user_bias.Length)
                    v_uf = user_factors[u, f];
                if (i < item_bias.Length)
                    v_if = item_factors[i, f];

                sum    += v_uf * alpha_u + v_if * alpha_i;
                sum_sq += v_uf * v_uf * alpha_u * alpha_u + v_if * v_if * alpha_i * alpha_i;

                foreach (var feat in features)
                    int   j    = feat.Item1;
                    float x_j  = feat.Item2;
                    float v_jf = feature_factors[j, f];

                    sum    += x_j * v_jf * alpha_z;
                    sum_sq += x_j * x_j * v_jf * v_jf * alpha_z * alpha_z;

                score += 0.5f * (sum * sum - sum_sq);

            if (score > MaxRating)
            if (score < MinRating)

Exemplo n.º 20
        protected override void UpdateFactors(int user_id, int item_id, int other_item_id, bool update_u, bool update_i, bool update_j)
            // used by WrapRec-based logic
            string userIdOrg = UsersMap.ToOriginalID(user_id);
            string itemIdOrg = ItemsMap.ToOriginalID(item_id);

            List <Tuple <int, float> > features = new List <Tuple <int, float> >();

            if (Split.SetupParameters.ContainsKey("feedbackAttributes"))
                features = Split.Container.FeedbacksDic[userIdOrg, itemIdOrg].GetAllAttributes().Select(a => a.Translation).NormalizeSumToOne(Normalize).ToList();

            double item_bias_diff = item_bias[item_id] - item_bias[other_item_id];

            int   g_u     = 0; //FeatureGroups[user_id];
            int   g_i     = 1; //FeatureGroups[item_id];
            float alpha_u = weights[g_u];
            float alpha_i = weights[g_i];

            double u_i_term = MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProductWithRowDifference(
                user_factors, user_id, item_factors, item_id, item_factors, other_item_id);

            double y_uij = item_bias_diff + alpha_u * alpha_i * u_i_term;

            double items_z_term_sum = 0;

            double[] items_z_terms = new double[features.Count];
            double[] group_z_terms = new double[NumGroups - 2];
            int      z             = 0;

            foreach (var feat in features)
                int   g_z     = FeatureGroups[feat.Item1];
                float alpha_z = weights[g_z];
                items_z_terms[z] = feat.Item2 * MatrixExtensions.RowScalarProductWithRowDifference(
                    feature_factors, feat.Item1, item_factors, item_id, item_factors, other_item_id);
                group_z_terms[g_z - 2] += items_z_terms[z];
                items_z_term_sum       += alpha_z * items_z_terms[z];
            y_uij += alpha_i * items_z_term_sum;

            double exp     = Math.Exp(y_uij);
            double sigmoid = 1 / (1 + exp);

            // adjust bias terms
            if (update_i)
                double update = sigmoid - BiasReg * item_bias[item_id];
                item_bias[item_id] += (float)(learn_rate * update);

            if (update_j)
                double update = -sigmoid - BiasReg * item_bias[other_item_id];
                item_bias[other_item_id] += (float)(learn_rate * update);

            // adjust factors
            for (int f = 0; f < num_factors; f++)
                float v_uf = user_factors[user_id, f];
                float v_if = item_factors[item_id, f];
                float v_jf = item_factors[other_item_id, f];

                if (update_u)
                    double update = alpha_u * alpha_i * (v_if - v_jf) * sigmoid - reg_u * v_uf;
                    user_factors[user_id, f] = (float)(v_uf + learn_rate * update);

                // update features latent factors and make a sum term to use later for updating item factors
                // sum = Sum_{l=1}{num_features} c_l * v_{c_l,f}
                float sum = 0f;

                foreach (var feat in features)
                    float v_zf    = feature_factors[feat.Item1, f];
                    float x_z     = feat.Item2;
                    int   g_z     = FeatureGroups[feat.Item1];
                    float alpha_z = weights[g_z];

                    sum += x_z * v_zf * alpha_z;

                    double update = alpha_i * alpha_z * x_z * (v_if - v_jf) * sigmoid - reg_c * v_zf;
                    feature_factors[feat.Item1, f] = (float)(v_zf + learn_rate * update);

                if (update_i)
                    double update = (alpha_u * alpha_i * v_uf + alpha_i * sum) * sigmoid - reg_i * v_if;
                    item_factors[item_id, f] = (float)(v_if + learn_rate * update);

                if (update_j)
                    double update = (alpha_u * alpha_i * -v_uf - alpha_i * sum) * sigmoid - reg_j * v_jf;
                    item_factors[other_item_id, f] = (float)(v_jf + learn_rate * update);

            // update alphas
            double update_alpha_u = alpha_i * u_i_term * sigmoid - reg_w * alpha_u;

            weights[g_u] = (float)(alpha_u + learn_rate * update_alpha_u);


            double update_alpha_i = (alpha_u * u_i_term + items_z_term_sum) * sigmoid - reg_w * alpha_i;

            weights[g_i] = (float)(alpha_i + learn_rate * update_alpha_i);

            for (int g = 0; g < NumGroups - 2; g++)
                double alpha_z_g        = weights[g + 2];
                double update_alpha_z_g = alpha_i * group_z_terms[g] * sigmoid - reg_w * alpha_z_g;
                weights[g + 2] = (float)(alpha_z_g + learn_rate * update_alpha_z_g);

            // normalize weights
Exemplo n.º 21
 public override float Predict(string userId, string itemId)
     return(MmlRecommenderInstance.Predict(UsersMap.ToInternalID(userId), ItemsMap.ToInternalID(itemId)));
Exemplo n.º 22
        protected void _Iterate(IList <int> rating_indices, bool update_user, bool update_item)
            foreach (int index in rating_indices)
                int u = ratings.Users[index];
                int i = ratings.Items[index];

                // used by WrapRec-based logic
                string userIdOrg = UsersMap.ToOriginalID(u);
                string itemIdOrg = ItemsMap.ToOriginalID(i);

                List <Tuple <int, float> > features = new List <Tuple <int, float> >();
                if (Split.SetupParameters.ContainsKey("feedbackAttributes"))
                    features = Split.Container.FeedbacksDic[userIdOrg, itemIdOrg].GetAllAttributes()
                               .Select(a => a.Translation).NormalizeSumToOne(Normalize).ToList();

                var   p   = Predict(u, i);
                float err = (p - ratings[index]) * 2;

                float[] sum = new float[NumFactors];
                foreach (var feature in features)
                    int   j   = feature.Item1;
                    float x_j = feature.Item2;

                    for (int f = 0; f < NumFactors; f++)
                        sum[f] += feature_factors[j, f] * x_j;

                for (int f = 0; f < NumFactors; f++)
                    sum[f] += user_factors[u, f] + item_factors[i, f];

                // adjust biases
                //global_bias -= current_learnrate*(err + RegB*global_bias);

                if (update_user)
                    user_bias[u] -= current_learnrate * (err + RegU * user_bias[u]);
                if (update_item)
                    item_bias[i] -= current_learnrate * (err + RegI * item_bias[i]);

                foreach (var feature in features)
                    int   j   = feature.Item1;
                    float x_j = feature.Item2;
                    float w_j = feature_biases[j];

                    feature_biases[j] -= BiasLearnRate * current_learnrate * (x_j * err + BiasReg * RegC * w_j);

                // adjust latent factors
                for (int f = 0; f < NumFactors; f++)
                    double v_uf = user_factors[u, f];
                    double v_if = item_factors[i, f];

                    if (update_user)
                        double delta_u = (sum[f] - v_uf) * err + RegU * v_uf;
                        user_factors.Inc(u, f, -current_learnrate * delta_u);
                    if (update_item)
                        double delta_i = (sum[f] - v_if) * err + RegI * v_if;
                        item_factors.Inc(i, f, -current_learnrate * delta_i);

                    foreach (var feature in features)
                        int   j    = feature.Item1;
                        float x_j  = feature.Item2;
                        float v_jf = feature_factors[j, f];

                        double delta_j = (sum[f] * x_j - v_jf * x_j * x_j) * err + RegC * v_jf;
                        feature_factors.Inc(j, f, -current_learnrate * delta_j);