Exemplo n.º 1
        public Panel generateItemPanel(int itemNumber)
            UserSavedInventoryData temp = (UserSavedInventoryData)usrSavedInventoryData.userInvList[itemNumber];


            //Panel itemPanel = new Panel();
            FlowLayoutPanel flp_itemPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel();


            flp_itemPanel.Size   = new Size(100, 300);
            flp_itemPanel.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);

            flp_itemPanel.WrapContents = true;
            //itemPanel.Wrap = true;
            //itemPanel.AutoSize = true;

            //itemPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            //itemPanel.Margin.All = 0;
            //itemPanel.Margin.All = (0, 0, 0, 0);

            PictureBox pctbx = new PictureBox();

            pctbx.Size     = new Size(50, 50);
            pctbx.Location = new Point(25, 0);

            pctbx.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;  //Zoom not StretchImage to keep aspect ratio

            //pctbx.ImageLocation = "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/a/aa/Item_Cor_Lapis.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/256?cb=20201202043432";
            pctbx.ImageLocation = temp.imgURL;

            //tableLayoutPanel2.Controls.Add(pctbx, r, c);

            //[ITEM NAME]
            Label lbl = new Label();

            //lbl.Location = new Point(25, 70);
            lbl.AutoSize = true;
            lbl.Text     = temp.name;

            //lbl.Text = "ITEM NAME";
            //lbl.Text = string.Format("({0}, {1})", r, c);
            //tableLayoutPanel2.Controls.Add(lbl, r, c);

            //[ItemCount (Label + TextBox)]
            Label lblc = new Label();

            //lblc.Location = new Point(25, 100);
            lbl.AutoSize = true;
            lblc.Text    = "[Count]";
            //lbl.Text = string.Format("({0}, {1})", r, c);
            //tableLayoutPanel2.Controls.Add(lbl, r, c);

            //TextBox txtbx = new TextBox();
            ////txtbx.Location = new Point(25, 120);
            ////txtbx.Dock = new DockStyle(fill);
            //txtbx.Width = 50;
            //txtbx.Text = temp.count;

            NumericUpDown numBox = new NumericUpDown();

            numBox.Name  = temp.itemID.ToString(); //Set name of TextBox
            numBox.Width = 50;
            numBox.Value = temp.count;
            //numBox.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(itemCount_Changed);
            //EventHandler itemCount_Changed = null;
            numBox.ValueChanged += delegate {
                usrSavedInventoryData.updateUserItemCount(User.userID, Int32.Parse(numBox.Name), (int)numBox.Value);

            /*numBox.Leave += delegate {
             *  usrSavedInventoryData.updateUserItemCount(User.userID, Int32.Parse(numBox.Name), (int)numBox.Value);
             * };*/


Exemplo n.º 2
        //gen char panel
        public Panel genCharPanel(int rowNum)
            UserSavedCharacterData temp = (UserSavedCharacterData)usrSavedCharacterData.userCharList[rowNum];

            //[Char Panel]
            Panel charPanel = new Panel();

            charPanel.Size        = new Size(947, 253); //882, 253  //947, 253
            charPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            //[Del Char Record Button]
            Button delCharRecButton = new Button();

            delCharRecButton.Font        = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            delCharRecButton.ForeColor   = System.Drawing.Color.Crimson;
            delCharRecButton.AutoSize    = true;
            delCharRecButton.Text        = "❌";
            delCharRecButton.Size        = new Size(35, 27);
            delCharRecButton.Location    = new Point(898, 12); //833, 12
            delCharRecButton.MouseClick += delegate
                DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Delete Character Record?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);  //YesNoCancel -> YesNo
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    usrSavedCharacterData.delCharRecord(User.userID, temp.charID);
                    initializeTable(User.userID);  //Refresh
                else if (result == DialogResult.No)

            //[Name Label]
            Label nameLabel = new Label();

            nameLabel.Location = new Point(8, 221);  //12, 221
            nameLabel.AutoSize = true;
            //nameLabel.Text = "NAME";
            nameLabel.Font = new Font("Impact", 14);
            nameLabel.Text = temp.Name;

            //[Large Photo (Char)]
            PictureBox pctbxChar = new PictureBox();

            pctbxChar.Size = new Size(112, 200);
            pctbxChar.Location = new Point(12, 12);
            pctbxChar.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;  //Zoom not StretchImage to keep aspect ratio
            //pctbx.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
            pctbxChar.ImageLocation = temp.imgURLchar;

            //[Talent PictureBoxes]
            PictureBox pctbxT1 = new PictureBox();
            PictureBox pctbxT2 = new PictureBox();
            PictureBox pctbxT3 = new PictureBox();

            pctbxT1.Size          = new Size(50, 50);
            pctbxT2.Size          = new Size(50, 50);
            pctbxT3.Size          = new Size(50, 50);
            pctbxT1.Location      = new Point(130, 12); //300, 12
            pctbxT2.Location      = new Point(130, 68);
            pctbxT3.Location      = new Point(130, 124);
            pctbxT1.SizeMode      = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
            pctbxT2.SizeMode      = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
            pctbxT3.SizeMode      = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
            pctbxT1.ImageLocation = temp.imgURLt1;
            pctbxT2.ImageLocation = temp.imgURLt2;
            pctbxT3.ImageLocation = temp.imgURLt3;

            //[Talent Labels]
            Label t1Label = new Label();
            Label t2Label = new Label();
            Label t3Label = new Label();

            t1Label.AutoSize = true;
            t2Label.AutoSize = true;
            t3Label.AutoSize = true;
            t1Label.Font     = new Font("Impact", 14);
            t2Label.Font     = new Font("Impact", 14);
            t3Label.Font     = new Font("Impact", 14);
            t1Label.Location = new Point(182, 12);
            t2Label.Location = new Point(182, 68);
            t3Label.Location = new Point(182, 124);
            t1Label.Text     = temp.talent1Name;
            t2Label.Text     = temp.talent2Name;
            t3Label.Text     = temp.talent3Name;

            //[Weapon Controls Logic]
            #region [addWeapon Controls + Functionality]
            //Dropdown (ComboBox) for weapon select
            ComboBox wpcbbx = new ComboBox();
            wpcbbx.Font = new Font("Arial", 11);

            //set datasource to chars list;
            //cbbx.Items.Add([Select Character]"});
            //wpcbbx.Text = "Select Weapon";
            wpcbbx.Width   = 195; //212, 21
            wpcbbx.Visible = false;
            wpcbbx.Location      = new Point(698, 47); //633, 47
            wpcbbx.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

            //[Add Weapon Button Logic]
            Button addWeapon = new Button();
            addWeapon.Size     = new Size(35, 27);   //96, 29
            addWeapon.Location = new Point(698, 12); //633, 12
            //toggleCalc.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            addWeapon.AutoSize = true;
            addWeapon.Text     = "Add Weapon";
            //addWeapon.Visible = false;  //Maybe Not Needed?, check visibility section below...
            addWeapon.Visible = true;

            //[Add Weapon Save/Cancel Button]
            Button addWeaponSave   = new Button();
            Button addWeaponCancel = new Button();
            addWeaponSave.Size     = new Size(88, 24);
            addWeaponSave.Location = new Point(698, 74);  //633, 74
            //addWeaponSave.AutoSize = true;
            addWeaponSave.Text       = "Save";
            addWeaponCancel.Size     = new Size(88, 24);
            addWeaponCancel.Location = new Point(791, 74); //735, 74  //726, 74
            //addWeaponCancel.AutoSize = true;
            addWeaponCancel.Text = "Cancel";

            addWeaponSave.Visible   = false;
            addWeaponCancel.Visible = false;

            //[Delete Weapon]
            Button delWeapon = new Button();
            delWeapon.Size     = new Size(35, 27);   //96, 29
            delWeapon.Location = new Point(687, 12); //633, 12  //622, 12
            //toggleCalc.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            delWeapon.AutoSize = true;
            delWeapon.Text     = "Delete Weapon";
            delWeapon.Visible  = false; //Maybe Not Needed?, check visibility section below...

            //[Weapon Controls Visibility Logic]
            if (temp.wepID == -1)
                addWeapon.Visible = true;
                delWeapon.Visible = false;
                addWeapon.Visible = false;
                delWeapon.Visible = true;

                //function get wepInfo?
                dbWeapon tempWep = (dbWeapon)dbWeaponsList.userCharWeaponData[0];

                //[Weapon Display Items]
                Label wepNameLabel = new Label();
                wepNameLabel.AutoSize = true;
                wepNameLabel.Font     = new Font("Impact", 14);
                wepNameLabel.Location = new Point(684, 47);  //619, 47
                wepNameLabel.Text     = tempWep.name;
                //wepNameLabel.Visible = true;

                PictureBox pctbxWEP = new PictureBox();
                pctbxWEP.Size          = new Size(100, 100);
                pctbxWEP.Location      = new Point(684, 74); //619, 74
                pctbxWEP.SizeMode      = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
                pctbxWEP.ImageLocation = tempWep.imgURL;

            addWeapon.MouseClick += delegate
                wpcbbx.Visible          = true;
                addWeaponSave.Visible   = true;
                addWeaponCancel.Visible = true;

                //Add Weapons To CBBX
                string dText = "Select Weapon";
                wpcbbx.Items.Insert(0, dText);
                wpcbbx.SelectedIndex = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("SELECTEDITEM: " + wpcbbx.SelectedItem);
                wpcbbx.MouseClick += delegate
                    if (wpcbbx.SelectedIndex == 0 && wpcbbx.SelectedItem == dText)
                wpcbbx.Leave += delegate {
                    Console.WriteLine("SELECTEDINDEX LEAVE: " + wpcbbx.SelectedIndex);
                    Console.WriteLine("SELECTEDITEM LEAVE: " + wpcbbx.SelectedItem);
                    if (wpcbbx.SelectedIndex == 0 && wpcbbx.SelectedItem == "")
                        wpcbbx.Items.Insert(0, dText);
                        wpcbbx.SelectedIndex = 0;

                int listCount = 1;
                for (int i = 1; i < dbWeaponsList.dbWepList.Count; i++)
                    dbWeapon tempWep = (dbWeapon)dbWeaponsList.dbWepList[i];
                    //UserSavedCharacterData temp = (UserSavedCharacterData)usrSavedCharacterData.addNewCharList[i];
                    //wpcbbx.Items.Add(i + 1 + ". " + tempWep.name);
                    if (temp.weaponType == tempWep.wepType)  //List Correct Weapon Types for ea character
                        wpcbbx.Items.Add(listCount + ". " + tempWep.name);
            addWeaponSave.MouseClick += delegate
                addWeapon.Visible       = false;
                wpcbbx.Visible          = false;
                addWeaponSave.Visible   = false;
                addWeaponCancel.Visible = false;
                delWeapon.Visible       = true; //Maybe not needed...

                //[Function Call]
                //[Get Actual wepID of wep in DB]
                //Possibly a better way to do this, char is like this above, in addNewChar
                string wepName = (string)wpcbbx.SelectedItem;
                wepName = wepName.Substring(wepName.IndexOf(" ") + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("wepName: " + wepName);
                int actualWepID = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < dbWeaponsList.dbWepList.Count; i++)
                    dbWeapon tempWep = (dbWeapon)dbWeaponsList.dbWepList[i];
                    if (wepName == tempWep.name)  //List Correct Weapon Types for ea character
                        Console.WriteLine("SELECTEDITEM IF STATMENT: " + wpcbbx.SelectedItem);
                        actualWepID = tempWep.wepID;
                //int actualWepID = wpcbbx.SelectedIndex.;
                Console.WriteLine("actualWepID: " + actualWepID);

                //Call Function to add charWep to User Records
                usrSavedCharacterData.addCharWeaponRecord(User.userID, temp.charID, actualWepID);

                initializeTable(User.userID);  //Refresh
            addWeaponCancel.MouseClick += delegate
                addWeapon.Visible       = true;
                wpcbbx.Visible          = false;
                addWeaponSave.Visible   = false;
                addWeaponCancel.Visible = false;

                //Function Call?
            delWeapon.MouseClick += delegate
                 * //PROBABLY NOT NEEDED
                 * wpcbbx.Visible = true;
                 * addWeaponSave.Visible = true;
                 * addWeaponCancel.Visible = true;*/

                //Function Call
                DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Delete Character's Weapon Record?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);  //YesNoCancel -> YesNo
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    usrSavedCharacterData.delCharWeaponRecord(User.userID, temp.charID);
                    initializeTable(User.userID);  //Refresh
                else if (result == DialogResult.No)
                //call db set back to -1
                //initializeTable(User.userID);  //Refresh

            //(Enable/Disable) Toggle Calculation Button
            #region [Toggle Calculation Buttons]
            Button toggleCalc = new Button();
            toggleCalc.Size     = new Size(35, 27);
            toggleCalc.Location = new Point(782, 12);  //717, 12
            //toggleCalc.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            toggleCalc.AutoSize = true;
            toggleCalc.Text     = "Enable Calculations";

            if (temp.toggleCalc == 1)  //toggleCalc Enabled
                //Move Other Elements
                //Call Calc Function

                toggleCalc.Text = "Disable Calculations";

                /*toggleCalc.MouseClick += delegate
                 * {
                 * };*/
                //addWeapon.Visible = true;  //Probably redundant, look above...

                //[Controls for Calc]
                NumericUpDown numBoxCharLevel = new NumericUpDown();
                numBoxCharLevel.Name     = "charLevel";
                numBoxCharLevel.Width    = 50;
                numBoxCharLevel.Location = new Point(186, 221); //130, 192
                numBoxCharLevel.Value    = temp.charLevel;      //INITIAL VALUE

                NumericUpDown numBoxCharLevelDesired = new NumericUpDown();
                numBoxCharLevelDesired.Name     = "charDesiredLevel";
                numBoxCharLevelDesired.Width    = 50;
                numBoxCharLevelDesired.Location = new Point(242, 221);
                numBoxCharLevelDesired.Value    = temp.charDesiredLevel; //INITIAL VALUE

                NumericUpDown numBoxT1Level = new NumericUpDown();
                numBoxT1Level.Name     = "t1Level";
                numBoxT1Level.Width    = 50;
                numBoxT1Level.Location = new Point(186, 42);
                numBoxT1Level.Value    = temp.t1Level; //INITIAL VALUE

                NumericUpDown numBoxT1LevelDesired = new NumericUpDown();
                numBoxT1LevelDesired.Name     = "t1DesiredLevel";
                numBoxT1LevelDesired.Width    = 50;
                numBoxT1LevelDesired.Location = new Point(242, 42);
                numBoxT1LevelDesired.Value    = temp.t1DesiredLevel; //INITIAL VALUE

                NumericUpDown numBoxT2Level = new NumericUpDown();
                numBoxT2Level.Name     = "t2Level";
                numBoxT2Level.Width    = 50;
                numBoxT2Level.Location = new Point(186, 98);
                numBoxT2Level.Value    = temp.t2Level; //INITIAL VALUE

                NumericUpDown numBoxT2LevelDesired = new NumericUpDown();
                numBoxT2LevelDesired.Name     = "t2DesiredLevel";
                numBoxT2LevelDesired.Width    = 50;
                numBoxT2LevelDesired.Location = new Point(242, 98);
                numBoxT2LevelDesired.Value    = temp.t2DesiredLevel; //INITIAL VALUE

                NumericUpDown numBoxT3Level = new NumericUpDown();
                numBoxT3Level.Name     = "t3Level";
                numBoxT3Level.Width    = 50;
                numBoxT3Level.Location = new Point(186, 154);
                numBoxT3Level.Value    = temp.t3Level; //INITIAL VALUE

                NumericUpDown numBoxT3LevelDesired = new NumericUpDown();
                numBoxT3LevelDesired.Name     = "t3DesiredLevel";
                numBoxT3LevelDesired.Width    = 50;
                numBoxT3LevelDesired.Location = new Point(242, 154);
                numBoxT3LevelDesired.Value    = temp.t3DesiredLevel; //INITIAL VALUE

                if (temp.wepID != -1)
                    NumericUpDown numBoxWepLevel = new NumericUpDown();
                    numBoxWepLevel.Name     = "wepLevel";
                    numBoxWepLevel.Width    = 50;
                    numBoxWepLevel.Location = new Point(684, 221); //725, 74  //619, 221
                    numBoxWepLevel.Value    = temp.wepLevel;       //INITIAL VALUE

                    NumericUpDown numBoxWepLevelDesired = new NumericUpDown();
                    numBoxWepLevelDesired.Name     = "wepDesiredLevel";
                    numBoxWepLevelDesired.Width    = 50;
                    numBoxWepLevelDesired.Location = new Point(740, 221);  //781, 74  //675, 221
                    numBoxWepLevelDesired.Value    = temp.wepDesiredLevel; //INITIAL VALUE

                    numBoxWepLevel.ValueChanged += delegate {
                        int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxWepLevel.Name, numBoxWepLevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxWepLevel.Value, (int)numBoxWepLevelDesired.Value);
                        if (flag == 0)
                            numBoxWepLevelDesired.Value += 1;
                            numBoxWepLevel.Value         = numBoxWepLevelDesired.Value;
                    numBoxWepLevelDesired.ValueChanged += delegate {
                        int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxWepLevel.Name, numBoxWepLevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxWepLevel.Value, (int)numBoxWepLevelDesired.Value);
                        if (flag == 0)
                            numBoxWepLevel.Value = numBoxWepLevelDesired.Value;

                    /*FlowLayoutPanel flp_wepMaterialPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel();
                     * SetDoubleBuffered(flp_wepMaterialPanel);
                     * flp_wepMaterialPanel.Size = new Size(139, 164);
                     * flp_wepMaterialPanel.Location = new Point(796, 74);  //731, 74
                     * flp_wepMaterialPanel.WrapContents = true;*/
                    //call function to get contents?

                    //[Set Min/Max Values & Add Controls]
                    numBoxWepLevel.Minimum        = 1;
                    numBoxWepLevel.Maximum        = 90;
                    numBoxWepLevelDesired.Minimum = 1;
                    numBoxWepLevelDesired.Maximum = 90;
                //[Set Min/Max Values & Add Controls]
                numBoxCharLevel.Minimum        = 1;
                numBoxCharLevel.Maximum        = 90;
                numBoxCharLevelDesired.Minimum = 1;
                numBoxCharLevelDesired.Maximum = 90;
                numBoxT1Level.Minimum          = 1;
                numBoxT1Level.Maximum          = 10;
                numBoxT1LevelDesired.Minimum   = 1;
                numBoxT1LevelDesired.Maximum   = 10;
                numBoxT2Level.Minimum          = 1;
                numBoxT2Level.Maximum          = 10;
                numBoxT2LevelDesired.Minimum   = 1;
                numBoxT2LevelDesired.Maximum   = 10;
                numBoxT3Level.Minimum          = 1;
                numBoxT3Level.Maximum          = 10;
                numBoxT3LevelDesired.Minimum   = 1;
                numBoxT3LevelDesired.Maximum   = 10;

                /*FlowLayoutPanel flp_charMaterialPanel = new FlowLayoutPanel();
                 * SetDoubleBuffered(flp_charMaterialPanel);
                 * flp_charMaterialPanel.Size = new Size(357, 203);  //311, 203
                 * flp_charMaterialPanel.Location = new Point(322, 35);
                 * flp_charMaterialPanel.WrapContents = true;
                 * flp_charMaterialPanel.AutoScroll = true;*/

                //[genCalc Functions]
                int purplesNeeded = genCalc.calcRangesEXPTablePurples((int)numBoxCharLevel.Value, (int)numBoxCharLevelDesired.Value);
                int numPurples = 0;
                int numBlues   = 0;
                int numGreens  = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                    UserSavedInventoryData invBooks = (UserSavedInventoryData)usrSavedInventoryData.userInvEXPBooks[i];
                    if (i == 0)
                        numGreens = invBooks.count;
                    if (i == 1)
                        numBlues = invBooks.count;
                    if (i == 2)
                        numPurples = invBooks.count;
                Console.WriteLine("form1 - BOOKS: purple " + numPurples + "  blue " + numBlues + "  green  " + numGreens);
                int[] bookArray = genCalc.calcEXPBookDistribution(purplesNeeded, numPurples, numBlues, numGreens);


                 * flp_charMaterialPanel.Controls.Add(generateItemPanel(1));
                 * flp_charMaterialPanel.Controls.Add(generateItemPanel(0));
                 * flp_charMaterialPanel.Controls.Add(generateItemPanel(temp.ascElementalMat));
                 * flp_charMaterialPanel.Controls.Add(generateItemPanel(temp.ascElementalBossMat));*/

                //[Add onValueChanged Events]
                numBoxCharLevel.ValueChanged += delegate {
                    int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxCharLevel.Name, numBoxCharLevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxCharLevel.Value, (int)numBoxCharLevelDesired.Value);
                    if (flag == 0)
                        numBoxCharLevelDesired.Value += 1;
                        numBoxCharLevel.Value         = numBoxCharLevelDesired.Value;
                numBoxCharLevelDesired.ValueChanged += delegate {
                    int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxCharLevel.Name, numBoxCharLevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxCharLevel.Value, (int)numBoxCharLevelDesired.Value);
                    if (flag == 0)
                        numBoxCharLevel.Value = numBoxCharLevelDesired.Value;
                numBoxT1Level.ValueChanged += delegate {
                    int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxT1Level.Name, numBoxT1LevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxT1Level.Value, (int)numBoxT1LevelDesired.Value);
                    if (flag == 0)
                        numBoxT1LevelDesired.Value += 1;
                        numBoxT1Level.Value         = numBoxT1LevelDesired.Value;
                numBoxT1LevelDesired.ValueChanged += delegate {
                    int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxT1Level.Name, numBoxT1LevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxT1Level.Value, (int)numBoxT1LevelDesired.Value);
                    if (flag == 0)
                        numBoxT1Level.Value = numBoxT1LevelDesired.Value;
                numBoxT2Level.ValueChanged += delegate {
                    int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxT2Level.Name, numBoxT2LevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxT2Level.Value, (int)numBoxT2LevelDesired.Value);
                    if (flag == 0)
                        numBoxT2LevelDesired.Value += 1;
                        numBoxT2Level.Value         = numBoxT2LevelDesired.Value;
                numBoxT2LevelDesired.ValueChanged += delegate {
                    int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxT2Level.Name, numBoxT2LevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxT2Level.Value, (int)numBoxT2LevelDesired.Value);
                    if (flag == 0)
                        numBoxT2Level.Value = numBoxT2LevelDesired.Value;
                numBoxT3Level.ValueChanged += delegate {
                    int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxT3Level.Name, numBoxT3LevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxT3Level.Value, (int)numBoxT3LevelDesired.Value);
                    if (flag == 0)
                        numBoxT3LevelDesired.Value += 1;
                        numBoxT3Level.Value         = numBoxT3LevelDesired.Value;
                numBoxT3LevelDesired.ValueChanged += delegate {
                    int flag = usrSavedCharacterData.updateLevel(User.userID, temp.charID, numBoxT3Level.Name, numBoxT3LevelDesired.Name, (int)numBoxT3Level.Value, (int)numBoxT3LevelDesired.Value);
                    if (flag == 0)
                        numBoxT3Level.Value = numBoxT3LevelDesired.Value;

                //[Add Controls]
            else  //toggleCalc Disabled
                //Move Other Elements

                toggleCalc.Text = "Enable Calculations";

                /*toggleCalc.MouseClick += delegate
                 * {
                 * };*/
                //addWeapon.Visible = false;  //Not redundant... Look above...
            int nextValue = temp.toggleCalc;
            toggleCalc.MouseClick += delegate
                Console.WriteLine("NEXTVALUE: " + nextValue);
                nextValue = updateToggleCalc(User.userID, temp.charID, nextValue);
                if (nextValue == 1)  //Enabled
                    //toggleCalc.Text = "Disable Calculations";
                    //addWeapon.Visible = true;  //Not redundant... Look above...

                    initializeTable(User.userID);  //Refresh
                else  //Disabled
                    //toggleCalc.Text = "Enable Calculations";
                    //addWeapon.Visible = false;  //Not redundant... Look above...

                    initializeTable(User.userID);  //Refresh

            //[Adding Controls To Panel]
            #region [charPanel.Controls.Add(...)]
            //[Add Controls]


            //[Talent Name Labels]

            //[Toggle CalcButton]

            //[Weapon Controls (addWeapon)]

Exemplo n.º 3
        /*public Panel generateCharMaterialItemPanel(int[] bookArray, )
         * {
         *  Panel a = new Panel();
         *  return a;
         * }*/

        #region [Dynamically Generated Controls (Generation + Styling)]


        #region [TableLayoutPanel Item Inventory => tlp_ItemInv]

        public void generateItemInventory()


            //flowTableLayout Properties (In-Case)
            flp_ItemInv.WrapContents = true;
            flp_ItemInv.AutoScroll   = true;
            flp_ItemInv.AutoSize     = true;

            //add items

            int itemcount = usrSavedInventoryData.userInvList.Count;
            int labelRow  = 0;
            int labelType = 1;

            //bool firstOccurrence = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < itemcount; i++)
                UserSavedInventoryData temp = (UserSavedInventoryData)usrSavedInventoryData.userInvList[i];
                if (i == labelRow && labelType == temp.itemType)
                    if (i != 0)
                        //BREAK AFTER LAST ITEM
                        Label lblhidden = new Label();
                        lblhidden.Size   = new Size(0, 0);
                        lblhidden.Width  = 0;
                        lblhidden.Height = 0;
                        lblhidden.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);

                        flp_ItemInv.SetFlowBreak(lblhidden, true);
                        //flowLayoutPanel1.SetFlowBreak(generateItemPanel(), true);

                    //ACTUAL LABEL
                    Label lbl = new Label();
                    //lbl.Text = "TESTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtttttttttttttttttttttttttTTTT";

                    lbl.Text = temp.itemTypeString;
                    lbl.Font = new Font("Impact", 70, FontStyle.Underline);

                    //tableLayoutPanel4.Controls.Add(lbl, 0, labelRow);
                    //lbl.Size = new Size(0, 0);
                    lbl.AutoSize = true;
                    lbl.Margin   = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);


                    Label lblhidden2 = new Label();
                    lblhidden2.Size   = new Size(0, 0);
                    lblhidden2.Width  = 0;
                    lblhidden2.Height = 0;
                    lblhidden2.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);

                    flp_ItemInv.SetFlowBreak(lblhidden2, true);

                    //flp_ItemInv.SetFlowBreak(lbl, true);

