Exemplo n.º 1
        //// GET: UserProfiles/Details/5
        //public ActionResult Details(Guid? id)
        //    if (id == null)
        //    {
        //        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
        //    }
        //    UserProfile userProfile = db.UserProfiles.Find(id);
        //    if (userProfile == null)
        //    {
        //        return HttpNotFound();
        //    }
        //    return View(userProfile);

        // GET: UserProfiles/Create
        public ActionResult Create()
            HomeController.UserAuth user = new HomeController.UserAuth();
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["requireGroupMembership"] == "true")
                user = HomeController.AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

                if (!user.authorized && !user.authorizedAdmin)
                    //return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
                    return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            UserProfile_Conf UserProfile_Conf = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug  = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
            ViewBag.agency = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["agency"];
            ViewBag.ori    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ori"];
            ViewBag.admin  = user.authorizedAdmin;

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && UserProfile_Conf == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        // GET: Regulation
        public ActionResult Index()
            UserAuth user = new UserAuth();

            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["requireGroupMembership"] == "true")
                user = AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

                if (!user.authorized && !user.authorizedAdmin)
                    //return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);

            // Gotta grab the conf table because that is where the NTUserName can be matched.
            UserProfile_Conf UserProfile_Conf = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && UserProfile_Conf != null)
                UserProfile UserProfile = db.UserProfiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == UserProfile_Conf.UserProfileID);

                ViewBag.admin = user.authorizedAdmin;

            //UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());
            ViewBag.UserProfileID = UserProfile_Conf.UserProfileID;
            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetStop()
            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            List <Stop> Stops = await db.Stop.Where(x => x.UserProfileID == uid.UserProfileID).OrderByDescending(x => x.Time).Take(10).ToListAsync();

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetStop(int id)
            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            string stopJson = await db.Stop.Where(x => x.ID == id).Select(x => x.JsonStop).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

Exemplo n.º 5
        // GET: Regulation
        public ActionResult Index()
            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
Exemplo n.º 6
        // GET: StopsEdit/Edit/5
        // To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for
        // more details see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=317598.
        public ActionResult Edit(int?stopid, int pid, int pidCount, int submissionId, string submissionEndDate, bool postSubRedact)
            HomeController.UserAuth user = new HomeController.UserAuth();
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["requireGroupMembership"] == "true")
                user = HomeController.AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

                if (!user.authorizedAdmin)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            UserProfile_Conf uid = dbr.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;
            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug             = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
            ViewBag.stopID            = stopid;
            ViewBag.pid               = pid;
            ViewBag.personCount       = pidCount;
            ViewBag.submissionID      = submissionId;
            ViewBag.submissionEndDate = ViewBag.submissionEndDate;

            if (submissionId == 0)
                ViewBag.submissionEdit = 0;
                ViewBag.submissionEdit = 1;
            ViewBag.submissionEndDate = submissionEndDate;

            ViewBag.expireCacheDays      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["expireCacheDays"];
            ViewBag.reverseGeoURI        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["reverseGeoURI"];
            ViewBag.reverseBeatURI       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["reverseBeatURI"];
            ViewBag.server               = System.Environment.MachineName;
            ViewBag.forceCacheUpdate     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["forceCacheUpdate"];
            ViewBag.allowedBackDateHours = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["allowedBackDateHours"];
            ViewBag.useBeats             = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useBeats"];
            ViewBag.test = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["test"];
            ViewBag.useAdditionalQuestions = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useAdditionalQuestions"];
            ViewBag.useContractCity        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useContractCity"];
            ViewBag.useContractEvent       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useContractEvent"];
            ViewBag.editStop      = 1;
            ViewBag.postSubRedact = postSubRedact;

Exemplo n.º 7
        // GET: Stops
        public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());
            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            List<Stop> Stops = await db.Stop.Where(x => x.UserProfileID == uid.UserProfileID).OrderByDescending(x => x.Time).ToListAsync();
            foreach(Stop st in Stops)
                st.JsonStop = JValue.Parse(st.JsonStop).ToString(Formatting.Indented);

            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;

            return View(Stops);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task<ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "ID,JsonStop,JsonInstrumentation,latitude,longitude,beat,UserProfileID,PersonCount")] Stop stop)
            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            //stop.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            stop.Time = DateTime.Now;
            stop.Latitude = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stop.Latitude) ? null : stop.Latitude;
            stop.Longitude = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stop.Longitude) ? null : stop.Longitude;
            stop.Beat = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stop.Beat) ? null : stop.Beat;
            stop.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;

            //Todo: extract info from JsonStop
            string[] OfficerIDDateTime = getOfficerIDDateTime(stop.JsonStop);

            //Todo: Check for existing before proceeding. Using only OfficerID & Date/Time per DOJ service validation. Comparing the 
            // whole json payload would potentially introduce duplicate OfficerID & Date/Time combinations.
            string officerID = OfficerIDDateTime[0];
            string stopDate = OfficerIDDateTime[1];
            string StopTime = OfficerIDDateTime[2];
            bool exist = db_lookup.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw
                .Any(x => x.officerID == officerID && x.stopDate == stopDate && x.StopTime == StopTime);            

            if (!exist)
                    //return RedirectToAction("Index");
                    string dojJson = dojTransform(stop);
                    stop.JsonDojStop = dojJson;
                    db.Entry(stop).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Conflict);

Exemplo n.º 9
        //// GET: UserProfiles/Details/5
        //public ActionResult Details(Guid? id)
        //    if (id == null)
        //    {
        //        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
        //    }
        //    UserProfile userProfile = db.UserProfiles.Find(id);
        //    if (userProfile == null)
        //    {
        //        return HttpNotFound();
        //    }
        //    return View(userProfile);

        // GET: UserProfiles/Create
        public ActionResult Create()
            UserProfile_Conf UserProfile_Conf = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug  = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
            ViewBag.agency = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["agency"];
            ViewBag.ori    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ori"];

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && UserProfile_Conf == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 10
        // GET: Stops
        public ActionResult Index()
            HomeController.UserAuth user = new HomeController.UserAuth();
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["requireGroupMembership"] == "true")
                user          = HomeController.AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());
                ViewBag.admin = user.authorizedAdmin;

                if (!user.authorized && !user.authorizedAdmin)
                    //return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
                    return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));
                uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());
                // Anonymous user without Authentication can still run this app
                uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == "AnonymousUser");

            ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;
            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            ViewBag.test          = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["test"];
            List <Stop> Stops = db.Stop.Where(x => x.UserProfileID == uid.UserProfileID).OrderByDescending(x => x.Time).ToList();

            foreach (Stop st in Stops)
                if (st.JsonStop != null)
                    st.JsonStop = JValue.Parse(st.JsonStop).ToString(Formatting.Indented);

            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;

            //return View(Stops); some words here
Exemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult SubmissionStatusGet(int?sid, DateTime?endDate)
            UserAuth user = new UserAuth();

            ViewBag.server = System.Environment.MachineName;
            DataSet dsStop = new DataSet();

            user = AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (!user.authorizedAdmin)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;

            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;

            Submissions submission = entitiesdb.Submissions.Find(sid);

            if (endDate == null)
                endDate = submission.EndDate;
            ViewBag.submissionEndDate = endDate;

            if (endDate < submission.StartDate || endDate > DateTime.Now)
                TempData["CustomError"] = "Invalid Date Range";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));
                submission.statusMsgs = entitiesdb.StatusMessage_JSON_vw
                                        .Where(x => x.submissionID == sid && x.StopStatus != "success" && x.StopStatus != "postSubRedact")
                submission.subList = entitiesdb.Submissions
                                     .Where(x => x.StartDate == submission.StartDate &&
                                            x.EndDate == submission.EndDate).ToList();
            bool fixedFlag = false;

            SQLDBDataAccessorClass sql = new SQLDBDataAccessorClass();
            string sqlStr = "";

            sqlStr = "Select * from Stops" +
                     " Where SubmissionsID = " + submission.ID +
                     " and Status != '" + "success' " +
                     " and JsonSubmissions is not null " +
                     " and Right(JsonSubmissions, 15) like '%true%'";
            dsStop = sql.mds_ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, "StopsTbl");
            int rowsCount = dsStop.Tables["StopsTbl"].Rows.Count;

            if (rowsCount != 0)
                fixedFlag = true;

            sql = new SQLDBDataAccessorClass();

            sqlStr = "";
            sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM Stops as S " +
                     "INNER JOIN StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw as J ON J.ID = S.ID " +
                     " Where CONVERT(datetime, '" + submission.StartDate + "') <= J.stopDate and J.stopDate <= CONVERT(datetime, '" + endDate + "')";

            dsStop = sql.mds_ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, "StopOfficeVWTbl");
            int stopsCount = dsStop.Tables["StopOfficeVWTbl"].Rows.Count;

            ViewBag.fixedFlag  = fixedFlag;
            ViewBag.totalStops = stopsCount;

Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "ID,JsonStop,JsonInstrumentation,latitude,longitude,beat,UserProfileID,PersonCount")] Stop stop)
            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["requireGroupMembership"] == "true")
                HomeController.UserAuth user = new HomeController.UserAuth();
                user = HomeController.AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

                if (!user.authorized && !user.authorizedAdmin)
                    //return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
                    return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            //stop.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            stop.Time          = DateTime.Now;
            stop.Latitude      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stop.Latitude) ? null : stop.Latitude;
            stop.Longitude     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stop.Longitude) ? null : stop.Longitude;
            stop.Beat          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stop.Beat) ? null : stop.Beat;
            stop.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;

            stop.JsonStop = Regex.Replace(stop.JsonStop, @"\p{Cs}", ""); // remove emojies

            //Todo: extract info from JsonStop
            CommonRoutines cr = new CommonRoutines();

            string[] OfficerIDDateTime = cr.getOfficerIDDateTime(stop.JsonStop);

            // Dedupe. Check for existing before proceeding. Using only OfficerID & Date/Time per DOJ service validation. Comparing the
            // whole json payload would potentially introduce duplicate OfficerID & Date/Time combinations.
            string officerID = OfficerIDDateTime[0];
            string stopDate  = OfficerIDDateTime[1];
            string StopTime  = OfficerIDDateTime[2];
            bool   exist     = db_lookup.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw
                               .Any(x => x.officerID == officerID && x.stopDate == stopDate && x.StopTime == StopTime);

            if (!exist)

                    //return RedirectToAction("Index");
                    string dojJson = cr.dojTransform(stop, "I");
                    stop.JsonDojStop     = dojJson;
                    db.Entry(stop).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Conflict));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task <ActionResult> SubmissionStats(Submissions submission, int?sid, DateTime startDate, DateTime?endDate)
            UserAuth user = new UserAuth();

            user = AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (!user.authorizedAdmin)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());
                ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
                ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;

                // web.config debug setting
                ViewBag.debug             = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
                ViewBag.submissionEndDate = endDate;
                DOJSubmitController dOJSubmit = new DOJSubmitController();

                //Make sure the connection to DOJ url is available
                DOJSubmitController.connectionStatus connectStat = dOJSubmit.HTTP_Connection();
                if (!connectStat.connected)
                    TempData["CustomError"] = connectStat.error;
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));

                // If submission record in this date range is In Progress do not allow another submission
                Submissions submissionInProgress = entitiesdb.Submissions
                                                   .Where(x => x.StartDate == startDate && x.EndDate == endDate && x.Status == "In Progress")

                if (submissionInProgress != null)
                    TempData["CustomError"] = "A submission in this date range is already 'In Progress'";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));

                if (sid != 0)
                    Submissions submissionOld = entitiesdb.Submissions.Find(sid);
                    submission = submissionOld;
                submission.StartDate = startDate;
                if (endDate < submission.StartDate || endDate > DateTime.Now)
                    TempData["CustomError"] = "Invalid Date Range";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));
                    //int stopsCount = entitiesdb.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw.ToList()
                    //        .Where(x => submission.StartDate <= Convert.ToDateTime(x.stopDate) && Convert.ToDateTime(x.stopDate) < submission.EndDate).Count();
                    //ViewBag.totalToBeSubmitted = stopsCount;
                    bool        fixedFlag = false;
                    List <Stop> Stops     = db.Stop.Where(x => x.SubmissionsID == submission.ID).ToList();
                    // Check if any records have been edited
                    foreach (Stop st in Stops)
                        JObject submissionO    = JObject.Parse(st.JsonSubmissions);
                        JObject lastSubmission = (JObject)submissionO["SubmissionInfo"].Last();
                        int     submissionID   = (int)lastSubmission["submissionID"];
                        bool    edited         = (bool)lastSubmission["edited"];
                        if (submissionID == submission.ID && edited == true)
                            fixedFlag = true;
                    ViewBag.fixedFlag = fixedFlag;

                    // Change the status of the current submission record, with edited Stops, to "resumbit",
                    // and create a new submission record to Resubmit all the fixed records again
                    if (Stops.Count != 0)
                        submission.Status = "Resubmit";
                        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                            entitiesdb.Entry(submission).State = EntityState.Modified;
                            await entitiesdb.SaveChangesAsync();
                        Submissions newSubmission = new Submissions();
                        newSubmission.StartDate = submission.StartDate;
                        submission = newSubmission;
                    submission.Status        = "In Progress";
                    submission.DateSubmitted = DateTime.Now;
                    submission.EndDate       = endDate;

                    var state = await dOJSubmit.GetStops(submission);

                    entitiesdb.Entry(submission).State = state;

                    if (submission.TotalProcessed == submission.TotalSuccess)
                        submission.Status = "Finished";
                        submission.Status     = "Pending Fixes";
                        submission.statusMsgs = entitiesdb.StatusMessage_JSON_vw
                                                .Where(x => x.submissionID == submission.ID && x.StopStatus != "success")
                        submission.subList = entitiesdb.Submissions.ToList();

                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        state = entitiesdb.Entry(submission).State;
                        await entitiesdb.SaveChangesAsync();

                        ViewBag.submissionID = submission.ID;
                TempData["CustomError"] = "End Date is required.";

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", submission.ID));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult SubmissionStatusGet(int?sid, DateTime?endDate)
            UserAuth user = new UserAuth();

            ViewBag.server = System.Environment.MachineName;

            user = AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (!user.authorizedAdmin)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;

            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;

            Submissions submission = entitiesdb.Submissions.Find(sid);

            if (endDate == null)
                endDate = submission.EndDate;
            ViewBag.submissionEndDate = endDate;

            if (endDate < submission.StartDate || endDate > DateTime.Now)
                TempData["CustomError"] = "Invalid Date Range";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));
                submission.statusMsgs = entitiesdb.StatusMessage_JSON_vw
                                        .Where(x => x.submissionID == sid && x.StopStatus != "success" && x.StopStatus != "postSubRedact")
                submission.subList = entitiesdb.Submissions
                                     .Where(x => x.StartDate == submission.StartDate &&
                                            x.EndDate == submission.EndDate).ToList();
            bool        fixedFlag = false;
            List <Stop> Stops     = db.Stop.Where(x => x.SubmissionsID == submission.ID && x.Status != "success" && x.JsonSubmissions != null && x.JsonSubmissions.Substring(x.JsonSubmissions.Length - 15).IndexOf("true") != -1).ToList();

            if (Stops.Count != 0)
                fixedFlag = true;

            int stopsCount = entitiesdb.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw.ToList()
                                   j => j.ID,
                                   s => s.ID,
                                   (j, s) => new { StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw = j, Stop = s })
                             .Where(x => submission.StartDate <= Convert.ToDateTime(x.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw.stopDate) && Convert.ToDateTime(x.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw.stopDate) <= endDate).Count();

            ViewBag.fixedFlag  = fixedFlag;
            ViewBag.totalStops = stopsCount;

Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task <ActionResult> SubmissionStats(Submissions submission, int?sid, DateTime startDate, DateTime?endDate)
            UserAuth user   = new UserAuth();
            DataSet  dsStop = new DataSet();

            user = AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (!user.authorizedAdmin)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());
                ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
                ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;

                // web.config debug setting
                ViewBag.debug             = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
                ViewBag.submissionEndDate = endDate;
                DOJSubmitController dOJSubmit = new DOJSubmitController();

                //Make sure the connection to DOJ url is available
                //DOJSubmitController.connectionStatus connectStat = dOJSubmit.HTTP_Connection();
                //if (!connectStat.connected)
                //    TempData["CustomError"] = connectStat.error;
                //    return RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid);

                bool connected = dOJSubmit.HTTP_Connection2();
                if (!connected)
                    TempData["CustomError"] = "Can not connect to DOJ endpoint\r\n";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));
                // If submission record in this date range is In Progress do not allow another submission
                Submissions submissionInProgress = entitiesdb.Submissions
                                                   .Where(x => x.StartDate == startDate && x.EndDate == endDate && x.Status == "In Progress")

                if (submissionInProgress != null)
                    TempData["CustomError"] = "A submission in this date range is already 'In Progress'";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));

                if (sid != 0)
                    Submissions submissionOld = entitiesdb.Submissions.Find(sid);
                    if (submissionOld.TotalHTTPErrors == 0 || submissionOld.TotalHTTPErrors == null)
                        submission = submissionOld;
                submission.StartDate = startDate;
                if (endDate < submission.StartDate || endDate > DateTime.Now)
                    TempData["CustomError"] = "Invalid Date Range";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));
                    bool fixedFlag = false;

                    SQLDBDataAccessorClass sql = new SQLDBDataAccessorClass();
                    string sqlStr = "";
                    sqlStr = "Select * from Stops" +
                             " Where SubmissionsID = " + submission.ID +
                             " and JsonSubmissions is not null " +
                             " and Right(JsonSubmissions, 15) like '%true%'";
                    dsStop = sql.mds_ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, "StopsTbl");
                    int rowsCount = dsStop.Tables["StopsTbl"].Rows.Count;

                    if (rowsCount != 0)
                        fixedFlag = true;

                    ViewBag.fixedFlag = fixedFlag;

                    // Change the status of the current submission record, with edited Stops, to "resumbit",
                    // and create a new submission record to Resubmit all the fixed records again
                    if (rowsCount != 0)
                        submission.Status = "Resubmit";
                        if (ModelState.IsValid)
                            entitiesdb.Entry(submission).State = EntityState.Modified;
                            await entitiesdb.SaveChangesAsync();
                        Submissions newSubmission = new Submissions();
                        newSubmission.StartDate = submission.StartDate;
                        submission = newSubmission;
                    submission.Status        = "In Progress";
                    submission.DateSubmitted = DateTime.Now;
                    submission.EndDate       = endDate;

                    var state = await dOJSubmit.GetStops(submission);

                    entitiesdb.Entry(submission).State = state;

                    if (submission.TotalProcessed == submission.TotalSuccess)
                        submission.Status = "Finished";
                        submission.Status     = "Pending Fixes";
                        submission.statusMsgs = entitiesdb.StatusMessage_JSON_vw
                                                .Where(x => x.submissionID == submission.ID && x.StopStatus != "success" && x.StopStatus != "postSubRedact")
                        submission.subList = entitiesdb.Submissions.ToList();
                    //If ModelState.IsValid is not True this might
                    //cause submission to stay in 'In Progress' status
                    //if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //state = entitiesdb.Entry(submission).State;
                    //entitiesdb.Entry(submission).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    ViewBag.submissionID = submission.ID;

                TempData["CustomError"] = "End Date is required.";

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", submission.ID));
Exemplo n.º 16
        // GET: StopsEdit
        public ActionResult Index(StopChangeAudits stopChangeAudit, int stopid, int submissionId, string submissionEndDate)
            HomeController.UserAuth user = new HomeController.UserAuth();
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["requireGroupMembership"] == "true")
                user = HomeController.AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

                if (!user.authorizedAdmin)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            UserProfile_Conf uid = dbr.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;
            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug       = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
            ViewBag.personCount = 0;
            ViewBag.test        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["test"];

            //If Id is being passed from submission portal
            if (stopid != 0)
                stopChangeAudit.StopID = stopid;
                ViewBag.submissionID = 0;
            ViewBag.submissionID      = submissionId;
            ViewBag.submissionEndDate = submissionEndDate;

            if (stopChangeAudit.StopID != 0)
                ViewBag.stopID = stopChangeAudit.StopID;

                DateTime fromDate = Convert.ToDateTime("2018-07-01");
                Stop     stop     = dbr.Stop
                                    .Where(x => x.ID == stopChangeAudit.StopID && x.Time >= fromDate)
                                    .Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();

                if (stop == null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "The Stop ID you entered does not exists or is older than July 1st 2018!");
                    ViewBag.postSubRedact = stopChangeAudit.postSubRedact;
                    //if (stopChangeAudit.postSubRedact)
                    //    stop.Status = "postSubRedact";
                    //    state = dbr.Entry(stop).State;
                    //    dbr.SaveChanges();

                    if (stop.Status == "success" && !stopChangeAudit.postSubRedact)
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "The Stop ID #" + stopChangeAudit.StopID + " has been successfully submitted to DOJ. It cannot be modified.");
                        JObject o          = JObject.Parse(stop.JsonStop);
                        JArray  personList = (JArray)o["ListPerson_Stopped"];
                        ViewBag.personCount = personList.Count;

Exemplo n.º 17
        public ActionResult Index()
            UserAuth user = new UserAuth();

            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["requireGroupMembership"] == "true")
                user = AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

                if (!user.authorized && !user.authorizedAdmin)
                    //return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);

            // Gotta grab the conf table because that is where the NTUserName can be matched.
            UserProfile_Conf UserProfile_Conf = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && UserProfile_Conf != null)
                UserProfile UserProfile = db.UserProfiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == UserProfile_Conf.UserProfileID);

                ViewBag.admin = user.authorizedAdmin;
                ViewBag.officerYearsExperience = UserProfile.Years;
                ViewBag.officerAssignment      = UserProfile.Assignment;
                ViewBag.officerAssignmentKey   = UserProfile.AssignmentKey;
                ViewBag.officerAssignmentOther = UserProfile.AssignmentOther;
                ViewBag.ori            = UserProfile.ORI;
                ViewBag.agency         = UserProfile.Agency;
                ViewBag.UserProfileID  = UserProfile.ID;
                ViewBag.reverseGeoURI  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["reverseGeoURI"];
                ViewBag.reverseBeatURI = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["reverseBeatURI"];
                var referer = Request.Headers["Referer"];
                if (referer != null)
                    string refererStr = referer.ToString();
                    if (refererStr.IndexOf("UserProfiles") > -1)
                        ViewBag.userProfileUpdate = "True";
                // web.config debug setting
                ViewBag.debug  = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
                ViewBag.test   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["test"];
                ViewBag.server = System.Environment.MachineName;

                ViewBag.forceCacheUpdate       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["forceCacheUpdate"];
                ViewBag.expireCacheDays        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["expireCacheDays"];
                ViewBag.allowedBackDateHours   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["allowedBackDateHours"];
                ViewBag.useBeats               = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useBeats"];
                ViewBag.useAdditionalQuestions = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useAdditionalQuestions"];
                ViewBag.editStop               = 0;
                ViewBag.submissionEdit         = 0;

                return(RedirectToAction("Create", "UserProfiles"));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public ActionResult Index()
            // Gotta grab the conf table because that is where the NTUserName can be matched.
            UserProfile_Conf UserProfile_Conf = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            //string UserId = User.Identity.Name.ToString().ToUpper();
            //if (UserId.IndexOf(@"SDSHERIFF\") > -1)
            //    UserId = UserId.Replace(@"SDSHERIFF\", "");

            //// set up domain context
            //PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);

            //// find the group in question
            //GroupPrincipal group = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, "RIPA Admins");
            //UserPrincipal usr = new UserPrincipal(ctx, UserID);
            //ViewBag.admin = usr;
            //// if found....
            //if (group != null)
            //    // iterate over members
            //    //foreach (Principal p in group.GetMembers())
            //    //{
            //    //   ViewBag.admin = string.Format("{0}: {1}", p.StructuralObjectClass, p.DisplayName);

            //    //}
            //    ViewBag.admin = usr.SamAccountName;
            //    if (usr.IsMemberOf(group))
            //    {
            //        ViewBag.admin = usr.SamAccountName;
            //    }

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && UserProfile_Conf != null)
                UserProfile UserProfile = db.UserProfiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == UserProfile_Conf.UserProfileID);

                ViewBag.officerYearsExperience = UserProfile.Years;
                ViewBag.officerAssignment      = UserProfile.Assignment;
                ViewBag.officerAssignmentKey   = UserProfile.AssignmentKey;
                ViewBag.officerAssignmentOther = UserProfile.AssignmentOther;
                ViewBag.ori           = UserProfile.ORI;
                ViewBag.agency        = UserProfile.Agency;
                ViewBag.UserProfileID = UserProfile.ID;
                ViewBag.reverseGeoURI = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["reverseGeoURI"];
                var referer = Request.Headers["Referer"];
                if (referer != null)
                    string refererStr = referer.ToString();
                    if (refererStr.IndexOf("UserProfiles") > -1)
                        ViewBag.userProfileUpdate = "True";
                // web.config debug setting
                ViewBag.debug  = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;
                ViewBag.test   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["test"];
                ViewBag.server = System.Environment.MachineName;

                ViewBag.forceCacheUpdate     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["forceCacheUpdate"];
                ViewBag.expireCacheDays      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["expireCacheDays"];
                ViewBag.allowedBackDateHours = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["allowedBackDateHours"];
                ViewBag.useBeats             = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useBeats"];

                return(RedirectToAction("Create", "UserProfiles"));
Exemplo n.º 19
        // GET: Admin
        public ActionResult Index(int?sid)
            UserAuth user = new UserAuth();

            ViewBag.server = System.Environment.MachineName;

            user = AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (!user.authorizedAdmin)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;
            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;

            // Check if there are "Pending Fixes" before allowing them to submit again
            if (sid != 0)
                Submissions submitedRec = entitiesdb.Submissions.Find(sid);
                //Submissions submitedRec = entitiesdb.Submissions
                //                            .Where(x => x.Status == "Pending Fixes")
                //                            .OrderByDescending(x => x.ID)
                //                            .Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (submitedRec != null)
                    return(RedirectToAction("SubmissionStatusGet", "StopsSubmission", new { sid = submitedRec.ID, endDate = submitedRec.EndDate }));

            Submissions dateRec = entitiesdb.Submissions
                                  .OrderByDescending(x => x.EndDate)
                                  .Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();

            if (dateRec != null)
                startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dateRec.EndDate).AddDays(1);
                string InitStrtSubDate = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InitStrtSubDate"];
                startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(InitStrtSubDate);
            //List<Stop> Stops = db.Stop
            //        .Where(x => x.Status.Trim() != "success").ToList();
            //ExtractJNode eJson;
            //foreach (Stop st in Stops)
            //    //extract date from JsonStop
            //    JObject JsonStopO;
            //    JsonStopO = JObject.Parse(st.JsonStop);
            //    eJson = new ExtractJNode("date", JsonStopO);
            //    startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(eJson.traverseNode());

            //    // Only stops after July 1st 2018 should be submitted
            //    //if (startDate >= Convert.ToDateTime("2018-07-01"))
            //    if (startDate >= Convert.ToDateTime("2018-04-17"))
            //    {
            //        break;
            //    }
            Submissions submission = new Submissions();

            if (startDate.ToString() == "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM")
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "There are no records to submit");
                submission.StartDate = startDate;
                ViewBag.StartDate    = startDate.ToString();
                if (TempData["CustomError"] != null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, TempData["CustomError"].ToString());
            submission.subList = entitiesdb.Submissions
                                 .OrderByDescending(x => x.StartDate)
                                 .ThenByDescending(y => y.DateSubmitted).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 20
        public ActionResult SubmissionStatusGet(int?sid, DateTime?endDate)
            UserAuth user = new UserAuth();

            user = AuthorizeUser(User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            if (!user.authorizedAdmin)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Home"));

            UserProfile_Conf uid = db.UserProfile_Conf.SingleOrDefault(x => x.NTUserName == User.Identity.Name.ToString());

            ViewBag.UserProfileID = uid.UserProfileID;
            ViewBag.admin         = user.authorizedAdmin;

            // web.config debug setting
            ViewBag.debug = HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled;

            Submissions submission = entitiesdb.Submissions.Find(sid);

            if (endDate == null)
                endDate = submission.EndDate;
            ViewBag.submissionEndDate = endDate;

            if (endDate < submission.StartDate || endDate > DateTime.Now)
                TempData["CustomError"] = "Invalid Date Range";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "StopsSubmission", sid));
                submission.statusMsgs = entitiesdb.StatusMessage_JSON_vw
                                        .Where(x => x.submissionID == sid && x.StopStatus != "success")
                submission.subList = entitiesdb.Submissions
                                     .Where(x => x.StartDate == submission.StartDate &&
                                            x.EndDate == submission.EndDate).ToList();
            bool        fixedFlag = false;
            List <Stop> Stops     = db.Stop.Where(x => x.SubmissionsID == submission.ID).ToList();

            foreach (Stop st in Stops)
                JObject submissionO    = JObject.Parse(st.JsonSubmissions);
                JObject lastSubmission = (JObject)submissionO["SubmissionInfo"].Last();
                int     submissionID   = (int)lastSubmission["submissionID"];
                bool    edited         = (bool)lastSubmission["edited"];
                if (submissionID == submission.ID && edited == true)
                    fixedFlag = true;
            //int stopsCount = entitiesdb.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw.ToList()
            //    .Where(x => submission.StartDate <= Convert.ToDateTime(x.stopDate) && Convert.ToDateTime(x.stopDate) <= endDate).Count();

            int stopsCount = entitiesdb.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw.ToList()
                                   j => j.ID,
                                   s => s.ID,
                                   (j, s) => new { StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw = j, Stop = s })
                             .Where(x => submission.StartDate <= Convert.ToDateTime(x.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw.stopDate) && Convert.ToDateTime(x.StopOfficerIDDateTime_JSON_vw.stopDate) <= endDate).Count();

            ViewBag.fixedFlag  = fixedFlag;
            ViewBag.totalStops = stopsCount;
