Exemplo n.º 1
                void Create( CreateParams parentParams, float deviceHeight, PointF startPos, string startingText, UserNoteChanged onUserNoteChanged )
                    Initialize( );

                    OnUserNoteChanged = onUserNoteChanged;

                    PositionTransform = new PointF( parentParams.Width, parentParams.Height );

                    //setup our timer for allowing movement/
                    /*DeleteTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
                    DeleteTimer.Interval = 1000;
                    DeleteTimer.Elapsed += DeleteTimerDidFire;
                    DeleteTimer.AutoReset = false;*/

                    // take the UserNote default style, because they aren't part of the XML stream and have nothing to inherit.
                    mStyle = ControlStyles.mUserNote;

                    // flag that we want this text field to grow as more text is added
                    TextView.ScaleHeightForText = true;

                    // Setup the font
                    TextView.SetFont( mStyle.mFont.mName, mStyle.mFont.mSize.Value );
                    TextView.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;
                    TextView.Placeholder = MessagesStrings.UserNote_Placeholder;
                    TextView.PlaceholderTextColor = ControlStylingConfig.TextField_PlaceholderTextColor;
                    TextView.KeyboardAppearance = GeneralConfig.iOSPlatformUIKeyboardAppearance;
                        delegate(PlatformTextView textView )
                            InvokeChangedCallback( );
                        } );

                    // check for border styling
                    if ( mStyle.mBorderColor.HasValue )
                        TextView.BorderColor = mStyle.mBorderColor.Value;

                    if( mStyle.mBorderRadius.HasValue )
                        TextView.CornerRadius = mStyle.mBorderRadius.Value;

                    if( mStyle.mBorderWidth.HasValue )
                        TextView.BorderWidth = mStyle.mBorderWidth.Value;

                    if( mStyle.mBackgroundColor.HasValue )
                        TextView.BackgroundColor = mStyle.mBackgroundColor.Value;

                    // Setup the anchor BG
                    int area = (int) Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx( 50 );
                    Anchor.BackgroundColor = NoteConfig.UserNote_AnchorColor;
                    Anchor.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, 0, area, area );

                    // Setup the anchor color
                    NoteIcon.Text = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_Icon;
                    NoteIcon.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;//NoteConfig.UserNote_IconColor;

                    // get the small and large sizes for the note icon, so we can animate correctly
                    NoteIcon.SetFont( PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize );
                    NoteIcon.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, 0, area, 0 );
                    NoteIconOpenSize = NoteIcon.Bounds.Size;

                    NoteIcon.SetFont( PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize );
                    NoteIcon.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, 0, area, 0 );
                    NoteIcon.SizeToFit( );
                    NoteIconClosedSize = NoteIcon.Bounds.Size;

                    // store the width of the screen so we know
                    // what the remaining width is when moving the note around.
                    ScreenWidth = parentParams.Width * .95f;

                    // Don't let the note's width be less than twice the anchor width. Any less
                    // and we end up with text clipping.
                    MinNoteWidth = (Anchor.Bounds.Width * 2);

                    // Dont let the note be any wider than the screen - twice the min width. This allows a little
                    // free play so it doesn't feel like the note is always attached to the right edge.
                    MaxNoteWidth = Math.Min( ScreenWidth - MinNoteWidth, (MinNoteWidth * 6) );

                    // set the allowed X/Y so we don't let the user move the note off-screen.
                    MaxAllowedX = ( ScreenWidth - MinNoteWidth - Anchor.Bounds.Width );
                    MaxAllowedY = ( parentParams.Height - Anchor.Bounds.Height );
                    MaxAllowedY *= 1.05f;

                    float width = Math.Max( MinNoteWidth, Math.Min( MaxNoteWidth, MaxAllowedX - startPos.X ) );
                    TextView.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, 0, width, 0 );

                    UtilityLayer.BackgroundColor = TextView.BackgroundColor;
                    UtilityLayer.CornerRadius = TextView.CornerRadius;
                    UtilityLayer.BorderWidth = TextView.BorderWidth;
                    UtilityLayer.BorderColor = TextView.BorderColor;
                    UtilityLayer.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, 0, MinNoteWidth, 0 );

                    // setup the delete button
                    DeleteButton.Text = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_DeleteIcon;
                    DeleteButton.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;//NoteConfig.UserNote_IconColor;
                    DeleteButton.SetFont( PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_DeleteIconSize );
                    DeleteButton.SizeToFit( );

                    // setup the close button
                    CloseButton.Text = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_CloseIcon;
                    CloseButton.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;//NoteConfig.UserNote_IconColor;
                    CloseButton.SetFont( PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_CloseIconSize );
                    CloseButton.SizeToFit( );

                    // Setup the initial positions
                    Anchor.Position = startPos;
                    AnchorFrame = Anchor.Frame;

                    AnchorTouchMaxDist = AnchorFrame.Width / 2;
                    AnchorTouchMaxDist *= AnchorTouchMaxDist;

                    NoteIcon.Position = new PointF( Anchor.Frame.Left + (Anchor.Frame.Width - NoteIconClosedSize.Width) / 2,
                        Anchor.Frame.Top + (Anchor.Frame.Height - NoteIconClosedSize.Height) / 2 );

                    // set the actual note TextView relative to the anchor
                    TextView.Position = new PointF( AnchorFrame.Left + AnchorFrame.Width / 2,
                        AnchorFrame.Top + AnchorFrame.Height / 2 );

                    UtilityLayer.Position = new PointF( (TextView.Position.X + width) - UtilityLayer.Bounds.Width,
                        TextView.Position.Y - Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx( UtilityLayerHeight ) );

                    // set the position for the delete button
                    DeleteButton.Position = new PointF( UtilityLayer.Position.X + DeleteButton.Bounds.Width / 2,
                        UtilityLayer.Position.Y + (Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx( UtilityLayerHeight ) - DeleteButton.Bounds.Height) / 2 );

                    CloseButton.Position = new PointF( UtilityLayer.Frame.Right - (CloseButton.Bounds.Width + (CloseButton.Bounds.Width / 2)),
                        UtilityLayer.Position.Y + (Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx( UtilityLayerHeight ) - CloseButton.Bounds.Height) / 2 );

                    // validate its bounds
                    ValidateBounds( );

                    // set the starting text if it was provided
                    if( startingText != null )
                        TextView.Text = startingText;

                    TextView.Hidden = true;

                    SetDebugFrame( TextView.Frame );
Exemplo n.º 2
 public UserNote( CreateParams parentParams, float deviceHeight, PointF startPos, UserNoteChanged onUserNoteChanged )
     Create( parentParams, deviceHeight, startPos, null, onUserNoteChanged );
Exemplo n.º 3
                public UserNote( BaseControl.CreateParams createParams, float deviceHeight, Model.NoteState.UserNoteContent userNoteContent, UserNoteChanged onUserNoteChanged )
                    PositionTransform = new PointF( createParams.Width, createParams.Height );

                    PointF startPos = new PointF( userNoteContent.PositionPercX * PositionTransform.X, userNoteContent.PositionPercY * PositionTransform.Y );
                    Create( createParams, deviceHeight, startPos, userNoteContent.Text, onUserNoteChanged );

                    // since we're restoring an existing user note,
                    // we want to turn off scaling so we can adjust the height
                    // for all the text
                    TextView.ScaleHeightForText = false;

                    TextView.SizeToFit( );

                    // a small hack, but calling SizeToFit breaks
                    // the note width, so this will restore it.
                    ValidateBounds( );

                    // now we can turn it back on so that if they continue to edit,
                    // it will grow.
                    TextView.ScaleHeightForText = true;

                    // new notes are open by default. So if we're restoring one that was closed,
                    // keep it closed.
                    if ( userNoteContent.WasOpen == false )
                        CloseNote( );
                        // open up the text field WITHOUT animating
                        // the textView
                        TextView.Hidden = false;
                        AnimateNoteIcon( true );
                        AnimateUtilityView( true );
Exemplo n.º 4
                void Create(CreateParams parentParams, float deviceHeight, PointF startPos, string startingText, UserNoteChanged onUserNoteChanged)
                    Initialize( );

                    OnUserNoteChanged = onUserNoteChanged;

                    PositionTransform = new PointF(parentParams.Width, parentParams.Height);

                    //setup our timer for allowing movement/

                    /*DeleteTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
                     * DeleteTimer.Interval = 1000;
                     * DeleteTimer.Elapsed += DeleteTimerDidFire;
                     * DeleteTimer.AutoReset = false;*/

                    // take the UserNote default style, because they aren't part of the XML stream and have nothing to inherit.
                    mStyle = ControlStyles.mUserNote;

                    // flag that we want this text field to grow as more text is added
                    TextView.ScaleHeightForText = true;

                    // Setup the font
                    TextView.SetFont(mStyle.mFont.mName, mStyle.mFont.mSize.Value);
                    TextView.TextColor            = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;
                    TextView.Placeholder          = MessagesStrings.UserNote_Placeholder;
                    TextView.PlaceholderTextColor = ControlStylingConfig.TextField_PlaceholderTextColor;
                    TextView.KeyboardAppearance   = GeneralConfig.iOSPlatformUIKeyboardAppearance;
                        delegate(PlatformTextView textView)
                        InvokeChangedCallback( );

                    // check for border styling
                    if (mStyle.mBorderColor.HasValue)
                        TextView.BorderColor = mStyle.mBorderColor.Value;

                    if (mStyle.mBorderRadius.HasValue)
                        TextView.CornerRadius = mStyle.mBorderRadius.Value;

                    if (mStyle.mBorderWidth.HasValue)
                        TextView.BorderWidth = mStyle.mBorderWidth.Value;

                    if (mStyle.mBackgroundColor.HasValue)
                        TextView.BackgroundColor = mStyle.mBackgroundColor.Value;

                    // Setup the anchor BG
                    int area = (int)Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(50);

                    Anchor.BackgroundColor = NoteConfig.UserNote_AnchorColor;
                    Anchor.Bounds          = new RectangleF(0, 0, area, area);

                    // Setup the anchor color
                    NoteIcon.Text      = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_Icon;
                    NoteIcon.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;//NoteConfig.UserNote_IconColor;

                    // get the small and large sizes for the note icon, so we can animate correctly
                    NoteIcon.SetFont(PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize);
                    NoteIcon.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, area, 0);
                    NoteIconOpenSize = NoteIcon.Bounds.Size;

                    NoteIcon.SetFont(PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize);
                    NoteIcon.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, area, 0);
                    NoteIcon.SizeToFit( );
                    NoteIconClosedSize = NoteIcon.Bounds.Size;

                    // store the width of the screen so we know
                    // what the remaining width is when moving the note around.
                    ScreenWidth = parentParams.Width * .95f;

                    // Don't let the note's width be less than twice the anchor width. Any less
                    // and we end up with text clipping.
                    MinNoteWidth = (Anchor.Bounds.Width * 2);

                    // Dont let the note be any wider than the screen - twice the min width. This allows a little
                    // free play so it doesn't feel like the note is always attached to the right edge.
                    MaxNoteWidth = Math.Min(ScreenWidth - MinNoteWidth, (MinNoteWidth * 6));

                    // set the allowed X/Y so we don't let the user move the note off-screen.

                    // for x, we need 3 values. Open, Closed, and current
                    MaxAllowedX_Open   = (ScreenWidth - MinNoteWidth - Anchor.Bounds.Width);
                    MaxAllowedX_Closed = (ScreenWidth - Anchor.Bounds.Width);

                    CurrMaxAllowedX = MaxAllowedX_Open;

                    MaxAllowedY  = (parentParams.Height - Anchor.Bounds.Height);
                    MaxAllowedY *= 1.05f;

                    float width = Math.Max(MinNoteWidth, Math.Min(MaxNoteWidth, MaxAllowedX_Open - startPos.X));

                    TextView.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, width, 0);

                    UtilityLayer.BackgroundColor = TextView.BackgroundColor;
                    UtilityLayer.CornerRadius    = TextView.CornerRadius;
                    UtilityLayer.BorderWidth     = TextView.BorderWidth;
                    UtilityLayer.BorderColor     = TextView.BorderColor;
                    UtilityLayer.Bounds          = new RectangleF(0, 0, MinNoteWidth, 0);

                    // setup the delete button
                    DeleteButton.Text      = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_DeleteIcon;
                    DeleteButton.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;//NoteConfig.UserNote_IconColor;
                    DeleteButton.SetFont(PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_DeleteIconSize);
                    DeleteButton.SizeToFit( );

                    // setup the close button
                    CloseButton.Text      = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_CloseIcon;
                    CloseButton.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;//NoteConfig.UserNote_IconColor;
                    CloseButton.SetFont(PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_CloseIconSize);
                    CloseButton.SizeToFit( );

                    // Setup the initial positions
                    Anchor.Position = startPos;
                    AnchorFrame     = Anchor.Frame;

                    AnchorTouchMaxDist  = AnchorFrame.Width / 2;
                    AnchorTouchMaxDist *= AnchorTouchMaxDist;

                    NoteIcon.Position = new PointF(Anchor.Frame.Left + (Anchor.Frame.Width - NoteIconClosedSize.Width) / 2,
                                                   Anchor.Frame.Top + (Anchor.Frame.Height - NoteIconClosedSize.Height) / 2);

                    // set the actual note TextView relative to the anchor
                    TextView.Position = new PointF(AnchorFrame.Left + AnchorFrame.Width / 2,
                                                   AnchorFrame.Top + AnchorFrame.Height / 2);

                    UtilityLayer.Position = new PointF((TextView.Position.X + width) - UtilityLayer.Bounds.Width,
                                                       TextView.Position.Y - Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(UtilityLayerHeight) + 1);

                    // set the position for the delete button
                    DeleteButton.Position = new PointF(UtilityLayer.Position.X + DeleteButton.Bounds.Width / 2,
                                                       UtilityLayer.Position.Y + (Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(UtilityLayerHeight) - DeleteButton.Bounds.Height) / 2);

                    CloseButton.Position = new PointF(UtilityLayer.Frame.Right - (CloseButton.Bounds.Width + (CloseButton.Bounds.Width / 2)),
                                                      UtilityLayer.Position.Y + (Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(UtilityLayerHeight) - CloseButton.Bounds.Height) / 2);

                    // validate its bounds
                    ValidateBounds( );

                    // set the starting text if it was provided
                    if (startingText != null)
                        TextView.Text = startingText;

                    TextView.Hidden = true;

Exemplo n.º 5
 public UserNote(CreateParams parentParams, float deviceHeight, PointF startPos, UserNoteChanged onUserNoteChanged)
     Create(parentParams, deviceHeight, startPos, null, onUserNoteChanged);
Exemplo n.º 6
                public UserNote(BaseControl.CreateParams createParams, float deviceHeight, Model.NoteState.UserNoteContent userNoteContent, UserNoteChanged onUserNoteChanged)
                    PositionTransform = new PointF(createParams.Width, createParams.Height);

                    PointF startPos = new PointF(userNoteContent.PositionPercX * PositionTransform.X, userNoteContent.PositionPercY * PositionTransform.Y);

                    Create(createParams, deviceHeight, startPos, userNoteContent.Text, onUserNoteChanged);

                    // since we're restoring an existing user note,
                    // we want to turn off scaling so we can adjust the height
                    // for all the text
                    TextView.ScaleHeightForText = false;

                    TextView.SizeToFit( );

                    // a small hack, but calling SizeToFit breaks
                    // the note width, so this will restore it.
                    ValidateBounds( );

                    // now we can turn it back on so that if they continue to edit,
                    // it will grow.
                    TextView.ScaleHeightForText = true;

                    // new notes are open by default. So if we're restoring one that was closed,
                    // keep it closed.
                    if (userNoteContent.WasOpen == false)
                        CloseNote( );
                        // open up the text field WITHOUT animating
                        // the textView or the Anchor (since we know both are ok)
                        TextView.Hidden = false;