Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Change_password(FormCollection collection)
            UserModels sv = new UserModels();
            C_User     it = new C_User();
            string     strBread;

            ViewBag.Title           = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strChangePassword + " | " + GeneralModels.GetContent(CommonGlobal.PageName, this.Lang);
            strBread                = "<li>" + App_GlobalResources.Lang.strChangePassword + "</li>";
            ViewBag.heading         = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strChangePassword;
            ViewBag.str_breadcrumbs = strBread;

            var login_view = new Login_view();

            login_view.ParentAction     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            login_view.ParentController = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();

            if (login_view.IsChange == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_view.ConfirmCode) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_view.Password)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_view.ConfirmPassword)))
                ////user change password
                it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(login_view.UserName);
                if (it != null && MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login_view.OldPassword) == it.Password)
                    if (login_view.Password == login_view.ConfirmPassword)
                        it.Password = MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login_view.Password);
                        login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageChangePasswordSuccess;
                        login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageConfirmPassword;
            else if (login_view.IsChange == 0 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_view.ConfirmCode)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_view.Password)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_view.ConfirmPassword)))
                ////client reset pasword
                if (MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login_view.Code + " " + login_view.UserName) == login_view.ConfirmCode)
                    if (login_view.Password == login_view.ConfirmPassword)
                        it          = sv.GetUserbyUserName(login_view.UserName);
                        it.Password = MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login_view.Password);
                        login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageChangePasswordSuccess;
                        login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageConfirmPassword;
                    login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageErrorConfirmCode;

            return(this.PartialView("../page/change_password", login_view));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Change_password(FormCollection collection)
            UserModels sv = new UserModels();
            C_User     it = new C_User();

            var login_view = new Login_view();

            login_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            login_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();

            if (login_view.Is_change == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_view.Confirm_code))
                ////user change password
                it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(login_view.User_name);
                if (it != null && MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login_view.Old_password) == it.Password)
                    if (login_view.Password == login_view.Confirm_password)
                        it.Password = MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login_view.Password);
                        login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageChangePasswordSuccess;
                        login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageConfirmPassword;

            else if (login_view.Is_change == 0 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_view.Confirm_code)))
                ////client reset pasword
                if (MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login_view.Code + " " + login_view.User_name) == login_view.Confirm_code)
                    if (login_view.Password == login_view.Confirm_password)
                        it          = sv.GetUserbyUserName(login_view.User_name);
                        it.Password = MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login_view.Password);
                        login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageChangePasswordSuccess;
                        login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageConfirmPassword;
                    login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageErrorConfirmCode;

                return(this.PartialView("../page/change_password", login_view));
                return(this.PartialView("../page/change_password", login_view));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult ChangePassword([FromBody] ChangePasswordView login)
            UserModels    sv       = new UserModels();
            IActionResult response = null;

            var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity;
            IEnumerable <Claim> claims = identity.Claims;
            var userLogin = claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Email).Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(login.Password) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(login.ConfirmPassword))
                // user change password
                User user = sv.GetUserbyUserName(userLogin);
                if (user != null && MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login.OldPassword) == user.Password)
                    if (login.Password == login.ConfirmPassword)
                        user.Password = MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login.Password);
                        response = Json(new { code = Constant.Success, message = Constant.MessageUpdateCompleted });
                        response = Json(new { code = Constant.Fail, message = Constant.MessageConfirmPassword });
                response = Json(new { code = Constant.NotExist, message = Constant.MessageNotExist });

Exemplo n.º 4
        private UserInfo Authenticate(LoginView login, out User user, out Role role)
            UserModels sv  = new UserModels();
            UserInfo   iit = new UserInfo();

            user = sv.GetUserbyUserName(login.UserName);
            if (user != null && MD5Extend.EncodePassword(login.Password) == user.Password && user.Online == true)
                role = sv.GetRolebyId(user.Role);
                iit  = sv.GetUserInforByEmail(user.Username);
                if (iit != null)
                role = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Logouts this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the logout</returns>
        public ActionResult Logout()
                UserModels sv = new UserModels();
                C_User     it = new C_User();
                it.Username = Session["mem"].ToString();
                it          = sv.GetUserbyUserName(it.Username);
                if (it.Role != 1)
                    it.Online = false;

                it.IP = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                this.Session["acc"]  = null;
                this.Session["mem"]  = null;
                this.Session["role"] = null;
                string[] myCookies = Request.Cookies.AllKeys;
                foreach (string ck in myCookies)
                    var check = Request.Cookies[ck].Expires;
                    Response.Cookies[ck].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "home"));

            return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "home"));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Logouts this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the logout</returns>
        public ActionResult Logout()
            if (this.CheckAdminlogin())
                UserModels sv = new UserModels();
                C_User     it = new C_User();
                it.Username = Session["mem"].ToString();
                it          = sv.GetUserbyUserName(it.Username);
                it.IP       = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                this.Session["acc"]  = string.Empty;
                this.Session["mem"]  = string.Empty;
                this.Session["role"] = string.Empty;
                string[] myCookies = Request.Cookies.AllKeys;
                foreach (string ck in myCookies)
                    var check = Request.Cookies[ck].Expires;
                    Response.Cookies[ck].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                return(this.RedirectToAction("login", "dashboard"));
                return(this.RedirectToAction("login", "dashboard"));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public IActionResult Put(string userName, [FromBody] AdminEditUserView userView)
            IActionResult response   = null;
            UserModels    userModels = new UserModels();
            User          user       = null;
            var           mess       = string.Empty;
            string        rt         = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                user = userModels.GetUserbyUserName(userName);

            if (user != null)
                user.Online = userView.Online;
                user.Role   = userView.Role;
                user.Ip     = userView.Ip;

                rt = userModels.UpdateUser(userName, user);

            if (rt.Length > 0)
                response = Json(new { code = Constant.Success, message = Constant.MessageUpdateCompleted });
                response = Json(new { code = Constant.Fail, message = Constant.MessageUpdateUncompleted });

Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult Login(string user_name, string password, string return_url, bool?remember_me)
            var        login_view = new Login_view();
            UserModels sv         = new UserModels();
            C_User     it         = new C_User();

            login_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            login_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(user_name);
            if (remember_me == null)
                remember_me = false;

            if (it != null && MD5Extend.EncodePassword(password) == it.Password)
                this.Session["mem"]  = user_name;
                this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                it.IP        = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;

                ////Client only : If Online = true is client online else is offline
                if (it.Role.ToString() == "2")
                    login_view.Message    = App_GlobalResources.Lang.mess403;
                    login_view.Return_url = return_url;

                    return(this.PartialView("../page/login", login_view));
                else if (it.Role.ToString() == "1" && it.Online == true)
                    ////Admin only : If Online = true is active else is disable login
                    this.Session["acc"] = user_name;
                    this.SetAccountCookies(user_name, user_name, it.Role.ToString(), 12);

                    return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "dashboard", new { area = "admin" }));
                    login_view.Message    = App_GlobalResources.Lang.mess403;
                    login_view.Return_url = return_url;
                    return(this.PartialView("../page/login", login_view));
                login_view.Message    = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messLoginFail;
                login_view.Return_url = return_url;
                return(this.PartialView("../page/login", login_view));
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the status user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user_name">Name of the user.</param>
        /// <param name="status">The status.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <returns>update status user</returns>
        public ActionResult Update_status_user(string user_name, string status, string type)
            UserModels userModels = new UserModels();
            C_User     cuser      = new C_User();
            bool       isOk       = false;

            if (UserModels.CheckPermission(this.Session["mem"] != null ? this.Session["mem"].ToString() : string.Empty, "change_user", "adminUser", CommonGlobal.Edit, type))
                isOk = true;
                isOk = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_name))
                cuser = userModels.GetUserbyUserName(user_name);
                if (cuser != null)
                        if (bool.Parse(status) == true)
                            cuser.Online = true;
                            cuser.Online = false;

                        if (isOk)
                    catch (Exception)

            var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var results        = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "|" + cuser.Online;

Exemplo n.º 10
        public IActionResult Delete(string userName)
            IActionResult response   = null;
            string        mess       = string.Empty;
            UserModels    userModels = new UserModels();

            User     cuser    = userModels.GetUserbyUserName(userName);
            UserInfo userInfo = userModels.GetUserInforByEmail(userName);

            if (cuser != null)
                //// delete user
                bool rt = userModels.DeleteUser(userName);

                if (rt)
                    //// delete avatar file
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.Avatar) && userInfo.Avatar.Contains("/"))
                        string webRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;
                        string fileDelete  = Path.Combine(webRootPath, userInfo.Avatar.Replace("/", "\\"));
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileDelete))

                        string fileDelete2 = Path.Combine(webRootPath, userInfo.Avatar.Replace("/", "\\").Replace("sc_small_", "sc_full_"));
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileDelete2))

                    response = Json(new { code = Constant.Success, message = Constant.MessageDeleteCompleted });
                    response = Json(new { code = Constant.Fail, message = Constant.MessageDeleteUncompleted });
                response = Json(new { code = Constant.NotExist, message = Constant.MessageNotExist });

Exemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult Forgot_password(FormCollection collection)
            OrderModels   orderModels = new OrderModels();
            WebInfoModels web_infor   = new WebInfoModels();
            UserModels    sv          = new UserModels();
            C_User        it          = new C_User();
            var           login_view  = new Login_view();


            login_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            login_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            login_view.Return_url        = Url.Action("login", "dashboard", new { area = "admin" });

            ////check user_name or email
            it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(login_view.User_name);
            if (it != null)
                login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageSendNewPassword;
                string code = GetCodeUniqueKey(8); ////orderModels.getOrderCodeUnique();
                string link = Url.Action("change_password", "dashboard", new { cfcode = MD5Extend.EncodePassword(code + " " + login_view.User_name), area = "admin" });
                //// send email to client
                var strBody_email_client = GeneralModels.GetContent(CommonGlobal.EmailConfirmForgotPassword, Lang).ToString(); ////get from email template
                strBody_email_client = strBody_email_client.Replace("{domain}", Util.GetConfigValue("Domain", Request.UserHostName).ToString());
                strBody_email_client = strBody_email_client.Replace("{store_name}", GeneralModels.GetContent(CommonGlobal.PageName, Lang).ToString());
                strBody_email_client = strBody_email_client.Replace("{email}", web_infor.GetContent(CommonGlobal.Email).ToString());
                strBody_email_client = strBody_email_client.Replace("{email_client}", login_view.User_name);
                strBody_email_client = strBody_email_client.Replace("{code}", code);
                strBody_email_client = strBody_email_client.Replace("{link}", Util.GetConfigValue("Domain", Request.UserHostName).ToString() + link);
                ////send email to email system
                if (login_view.User_name == "Admin")
                    CommonGlobal.SendMail(web_infor.GetContent(CommonGlobal.Email), App_GlobalResources.Lang.strSubjectConfirmForgotPassword + "- " + Util.GetConfigValue("Domain", Request.UserHostName).ToString(), strBody_email_client);
                    CommonGlobal.SendMail(login_view.User_name, App_GlobalResources.Lang.strSubjectConfirmForgotPassword + "- " + Util.GetConfigValue("Domain", Request.UserHostName).ToString(), strBody_email_client);
                login_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageForgotPassword;

            return(this.PartialView("../page/forgot_password", login_view));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public IActionResult GetUserDetail(string userName)
            UserModels    sv       = new UserModels();
            IActionResult response = null;

            var userDetail = sv.GetUserbyUserName(userName);

            if (userDetail != null)
                userDetail.Password = string.Empty;
                response            = Json(userDetail);
                response = Json(new { code = Constant.NotExist, message = Constant.MessageNotExist });

Exemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult Order_list(int?page, int?page_size)
            if (!this.CheckMemberlogin())
                return(this.RedirectToAction("login", "account", new { return_url = string.Empty + Url.Action("order_history", "account") }));
                var         order_history_view = new Order_history_view();
                int         total_record       = 0;
                UserModels  sv          = new UserModels();
                C_UserInfo  iit         = new C_UserInfo();
                C_User      it          = new C_User();
                OrderModels orderModels = new OrderModels();
                it   = sv.GetUserbyUserName(Session["mem"].ToString());
                page = Request.QueryString["page"] != null?Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()) : 1;

                order_history_view.Page_list_order = orderModels.GetAllOrderByMember(it.Username, (int)page, (int)page_size, out total_record);
                order_history_view.Item_count      = total_record.ToString();

                return(this.PartialView("../control/order_list", order_history_view));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public IActionResult Refresh([FromBody] RefreshTokenResource resource)
            UserModels    sv       = new UserModels();
            IActionResult response = null;

            var identity = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity;
            IEnumerable <Claim> claims = identity.Claims;
            var userLogin = claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Email).Value;

            User user = sv.GetUserbyUserName(userLogin);

            if (user != null && user.Token == resource.Token)
                var role        = sv.GetRolebyId(user.Role);
                var expiresDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12);
                var now         = DateTime.Now;
                var userInfo    = sv.GetUserInforByEmail(user.Username);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Token) && user.Expire != null && user.Expire.Value > DateTime.Now)
                    var tokenResource = new TokenResource
                        Token  = user.Token,
                        Expiry = user.Expire.Value
                    response = Json(tokenResource);
                    var tokenResource = BuildToken(userInfo, user, role, now, expiresDate);
                    response = Json(tokenResource);

Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the member login.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Check Member login</returns>
        public bool CheckMemberlogin()
            string mem  = string.Empty;
            string role = string.Empty;

            ////get session
            if (this.Session["mem"] != null)
                mem = this.Session["mem"].ToString();

            if (this.Session["role"] != null)
                role = this.Session["role"].ToString();

            ////if session null get from cookies and set session
            if (mem == string.Empty || role == string.Empty)
                HttpCookie cookie = this.Request.Cookies["mem"];
                if (cookie != null)
                    HttpCookie decodedCookie = HttpSecureCookie.Decode(cookie);
                    if (decodedCookie != null && decodedCookie.Value != null)
                        UserModels sv  = new UserModels();
                        C_User     it  = new C_User();
                        C_UserInfo iit = new C_UserInfo();
                        it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(decodedCookie.Value);
                        if (it != null && it.Role == 2)
                            iit = sv.GetUserInforByEmail(it.Username);
                            this.Session["mem"]  = iit.FName;
                            this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                            this.Session["acc"]  = it.Username;
                        mem  = string.Empty;
                        role = string.Empty;

            ////HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("UserName", "Terminator");
            ////cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
            ////HttpCookie encodedCookie = HttpSecureCookie.Encode(cookie);

            ////HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["UserName"];
            ////lblDisplayBefore.Text = cookie.Value;
            ////HttpCookie decodedCookie = HttpSecureCookie.Decode(cookie);

            if (mem != string.Empty && role == "2")
Exemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult Login(string user_name, string password, string return_url)
            var        login_view = new Login_view();
            UserModels sv         = new UserModels();
            C_User     it         = new C_User();
            C_UserInfo iit        = new C_UserInfo();

            login_view.ParentAction     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            login_view.ParentController = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(user_name);
            if (it != null && MD5Extend.EncodePassword(password) == it.Password)
                iit = sv.GetUserInforByEmail(user_name);
                if (iit != null)
                    this.Session["acc"]  = iit.FName + ' ' + iit.LName;
                    this.Session["mem"]  = user_name;
                    this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                    this.SetAccountCookies(iit.FName, user_name, it.Role.ToString(), 6);
                    it.Online    = true;
                    it.IP        = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                    it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
                    if (it.Role.ToString() == "2" && it.Online == true)
                        if (this.Session["acc"] == null)
                            this.Session["acc"] = it.Username;

                        if (Url.IsLocalUrl(return_url))
                            return(this.RedirectToAction("my_account", "account"));
                    else if (it.Role.ToString() == "1" && it.Online == true)
                        return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "dashboard", new { area = "admin" }));
                        login_view.Message   = App_GlobalResources.Lang.mess403;
                        login_view.ReturnUrl = return_url;
                        return(this.PartialView("../page/login", login_view));
                    login_view.Message   = App_GlobalResources.Lang.mess403;
                    login_view.ReturnUrl = return_url;
                    return(this.PartialView("../page/login", login_view));
                login_view.Message   = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messLoginFail;
                login_view.ReturnUrl = return_url;
                return(this.PartialView("../page/login", login_view));
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Instagrams the callback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the Instagram Call back</returns>
        public ActionResult InstagramCallback()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["code"]))
                string code = Request.QueryString["code"];
                    NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection();
                    parameters.Add("client_id", Util.GetConfigValue("AppInstagramID", string.Empty));
                    parameters.Add("client_secret", Util.GetConfigValue("AppInstagramSecret", string.Empty));
                    parameters.Add("grant_type", "authorization_code");
                    parameters.Add("redirect_uri", Util.GetConfigValue("AppIstagramReturn", string.Empty));
                    parameters.Add("code", code);

                    WebClient client   = new WebClient();
                    var       result   = client.UploadValues("https://api.instagram.com/oauth/access_token", "POST", parameters);
                    var       response = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(result);

                    //// deserializing nested JSON string to object
                    var    javascriptResult = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response);
                    string accessToken      = (string)javascriptResult["access_token"];
                    string id = (string)javascriptResult["user"]["id"];
                    string username_client = (string)javascriptResult["user"]["username"];
                    string fullname_client = (string)javascriptResult["user"]["full_name"];

                    ////This code register id and access token to get on client side
                    ////Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "GetToken", "<script>var instagramaccessid=\"" + @"" + id + "" + "\"; var instagramaccesstoken=\"" + @"" + accessToken + "" + "\";</script>");
                    UserModels sv  = new UserModels();
                    C_User     it  = new C_User();
                    C_UserInfo iit = new C_UserInfo();
                    it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(username_client);
                    if (it == null)
                        it = new C_User();
                        string rt     = string.Empty;
                        bool   infors = false;
                        it.Username  = username_client;
                        it.Role      = 2;
                        it.Password  = MD5Extend.EncodePassword("123456");
                        it.Online    = true;
                        it.IP        = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                        it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
                        rt           = sv.Add_User(it);

                        iit.FName = fullname_client;
                        iit.Email = username_client;
                        ////iit.LName = middlename;
                        iit.DateRegister = DateTime.Now;
                        ////iit.EventId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids) != false ? int.Parse(ids) : 0;
                        iit.Note = "Instagram login";
                        infors   = sv.Add_User_Infor(iit);

                        if (rt.Length > 0 && infors == true)
                            ////register_view.message = Lang.strMessageLogin;
                            this.Session["acc"]  = iit.FName;
                            this.Session["mem"]  = rt;
                            this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                            this.SetAccountCookies(iit.FName, rt, it.Role.ToString(), 6);
                        iit = sv.GetUserInforByEmail(username_client);
                        this.Session["acc"]  = iit.FName;
                        this.Session["mem"]  = it.Username;
                        this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                        this.SetAccountCookies(iit.FName, it.Username, it.Role.ToString(), 6);
                        it.Online    = true;
                        it.IP        = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                        it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;

                    if (this.Session["Instagram_return"] != null && Url.IsLocalUrl(this.Session["Instagram_return"].ToString()))
                        return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "home"));
                catch (Exception)
                return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "home"));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Google the callback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Google Call back</returns>
        public ActionResult GoogleCallback()
            GoogleConnect.ClientId     = Util.GetConfigValue("AppGoogleID", string.Empty);
            GoogleConnect.ClientSecret = Util.GetConfigValue("AppGoogleSecret", string.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["code"]))
                string        code    = Request.QueryString["code"];
                string        json    = GoogleConnect.Fetch("me", code);
                GoogleProfile profile = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <GoogleProfile>(json);

                UserModels sv  = new UserModels();
                C_User     it  = new C_User();
                C_UserInfo iit = new C_UserInfo();
                it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(profile.Emails.Find(email => email.Type == "account").Value);
                if (it == null)
                    it = new C_User();
                    string rt     = string.Empty;
                    bool   infors = false;
                    it.Username  = profile.Emails.Find(email => email.Type == "account").Value;
                    it.Role      = 2;
                    it.Password  = MD5Extend.EncodePassword("123456");
                    it.Online    = true;
                    it.IP        = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                    it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
                    rt           = sv.Add_User(it);

                    iit.FName = profile.DisplayName;
                    iit.Email = profile.Emails.Find(email => email.Type == "account").Value;
                    ////iit.LName = middlename;
                    iit.DateRegister = DateTime.Now;
                    ////iit.EventId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids) != false ? int.Parse(ids) : 0;
                    iit.Note = "Google login";
                    infors   = sv.Add_User_Infor(iit);

                    if (rt.Length > 0 && infors == true)
                        ////register_view.message = Lang.strMessageLogin;
                        this.Session["acc"]  = iit.FName;
                        this.Session["mem"]  = rt;
                        this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                        this.SetAccountCookies(iit.FName, rt, it.Role.ToString(), 6);
                    iit = sv.GetUserInforByEmail(profile.Emails.Find(email => email.Type == "account").Value);
                    this.Session["acc"]  = iit.FName;
                    this.Session["mem"]  = it.Username;
                    this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                    this.SetAccountCookies(iit.FName, it.Username, it.Role.ToString(), 6);
                    it.Online    = true;
                    it.IP        = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                    it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;

                ////lblId.Text = profile.Id;
                ////lblName.Text = profile.DisplayName;
                ////lblEmail.Text = profile.Emails.Find(email => email.Type == "account").Value;
                ////lblGender.Text = profile.Gender;
                ////lblType.Text = profile.ObjectType;
                ////ProfileImage.ImageUrl = profile.Image.Url;
                if (Request.QueryString["error"] == "access_denied")
                    ////login fail
                    logger.Error("Error requesting OAuth user data from Google:" + Request.QueryString["error"]);

                if (this.Session["Google_return"] != null && Url.IsLocalUrl(this.Session["Google_return"].ToString()))
                    return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "home"));
                return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "home"));
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Facebook the callback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">The code.</param>
        /// <returns>Facebook Call back</returns>
        public ActionResult FacebookCallback(string code)
            var     fb     = new Facebook.FacebookClient();
            dynamic result = fb.Post("oauth/access_token", new { client_id = Util.GetConfigValue("AppFaceBookID", string.Empty), client_secret = Util.GetConfigValue("AppFacebookSecret", string.Empty), redirect_uri = this.RedirectUri.AbsoluteUri, code = code });

            var accessToken = result.access_token;

            //// Store the access token in the session for farther use
            this.Session["AccessToken"] = accessToken;

            //// update the facebook client with the access token so
            //// we can make requests on behalf of the user
            fb.AccessToken = accessToken;

            //// Get the user's information
            dynamic me         = fb.Get("me?fields=first_name,middle_name,last_name,id,email");
            string  email      = me.email;
            string  firstname  = me.first_name;
            string  middlename = me.middle_name;
            string  lastname   = me.last_name;
            string  ids        = me.id;

            //// Set the auth cookie
            ////FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(email, false);

            UserModels sv  = new UserModels();
            C_User     it  = new C_User();
            C_UserInfo iit = new C_UserInfo();

            it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(email);
            if (it == null)
                it = new C_User();
                string rt     = string.Empty;
                bool   infors = false;
                it.Username  = email;
                it.Role      = 2;
                it.Password  = MD5Extend.EncodePassword("123456");
                it.Online    = true;
                it.IP        = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
                rt           = sv.Add_User(it);

                iit.FName        = firstname;
                iit.Email        = email;
                iit.LName        = middlename;
                iit.DateRegister = DateTime.Now;
                iit.EventId      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids) != false?int.Parse(ids) : 0;

                iit.Note = "Facebook login";
                infors   = sv.Add_User_Infor(iit);

                if (rt.Length > 0 && infors == true)
                    ////register_view.message = Lang.strMessageLogin;
                    this.Session["acc"]  = iit.FName;
                    this.Session["mem"]  = rt;
                    this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                    this.SetAccountCookies(iit.FName, rt, it.Role.ToString(), 6);
                iit = sv.GetUserInforByEmail(email);
                this.Session["acc"]  = iit.FName;
                this.Session["mem"]  = it.Username;
                this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                this.SetAccountCookies(iit.FName, it.Username, it.Role.ToString(), 6);
                it.Online    = true;
                it.IP        = HttpContext.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
                it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;

            if (this.Session["FaceBook_return"] != null && Url.IsLocalUrl(this.Session["FaceBook_return"].ToString()))
                return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "home"));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public ActionResult Register(FormCollection collection)
            var register_view = new Register_view();

            UserModels sv  = new UserModels();
            C_User     it  = new C_User();
            C_UserInfo iit = new C_UserInfo();

            register_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            register_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            if (HttpContext.Session["captchastring"] != null && register_view.Code == HttpContext.Session["captchastring"].ToString())
                if (register_view.Password != register_view.Confirm_password)
                    register_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messConfirmPassword;
                    return(this.PartialView("../page/register", register_view));

                if (sv.GetUserbyUserName(register_view.Email) != null)
                    register_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messExistsEmail;
                    return(this.PartialView("../page/register", register_view));

                string rt     = string.Empty;
                bool   infors = false;
                it.Username  = register_view.Email;
                it.Role      = 2;
                it.Password  = MD5Extend.EncodePassword(register_view.Password);
                it.IP        = "not login";
                it.Online    = true;
                it.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
                rt           = sv.Add_User(it);

                iit.FName = register_view.FirstName;
                iit.Email = register_view.Email;
                infors    = sv.Add_User_Infor(iit);

                if (rt.Length > 0 && infors == true)
                    register_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strMessageLogin;
                    this.Session["acc"]   = register_view.Email;
                    this.Session["mem"]   = rt;
                    this.Session["role"]  = it.Role.ToString();
                    this.SetAccountCookies(register_view.Email, rt, it.Role.ToString(), 6);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(register_view.Return_url))
                        return(this.RedirectToAction("index", "home"));
                    register_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messErrorRegister;

                    return(this.PartialView("../page/register", register_view));
                register_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messCaptcha;

                return(this.PartialView("../page/register", register_view));
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the admin login.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Check Admin login</returns>
        public bool CheckAdminlogin()
            string mem  = string.Empty;
            string role = string.Empty;

            if (this.Session["mem"] != null)
                mem = this.Session["mem"].ToString();

            if (this.Session["role"] != null)
                role = this.Session["role"].ToString();

            ////if session null get from cookies and set session
            if (mem == string.Empty || role == string.Empty)
                HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["mem"];
                if (cookie != null)
                    HttpCookie decodedCookie = HttpSecureCookie.Decode(cookie);
                    if (decodedCookie != null && decodedCookie.Value != null)
                        UserModels sv = new UserModels();
                        C_User     it = new C_User();
                        it = sv.GetUserbyUserName(decodedCookie.Value);
                        if (it != null)
                            if (it.Role == 1)
                                this.Session["mem"]  = it.Username;
                                this.Session["role"] = it.Role.ToString();
                                this.Session["acc"]  = it.Username;
                                mem  = string.Empty;
                                role = string.Empty;
                            mem  = string.Empty;
                            role = string.Empty;
                        mem  = string.Empty;
                        role = string.Empty;

            if (mem != string.Empty && role == "1")
Exemplo n.º 22
        public ActionResult List_user(string user_name, string act, string ctrl, string type_act, string type, string lang, string search, int?page, int?page_size, string order_by, string order_type)
            UserModels    userModels     = new UserModels();
            RoleModels    roleModels     = new RoleModels();
            C_User        cuser          = new C_User();
            StringBuilder sb             = new StringBuilder();
            var           list_user_view = new Web.Areas.Admin.ViewModels.List_user_view();

            int total_record = 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                type = Request.QueryString["type"] != null ? Request.QueryString["type"].ToString() : string.Empty;

            if (type == string.Empty)
                list_user_view.Message = "Chúng tôi không tìm thấy danh sách bạn yêu cầu";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(act))
                act = Request.QueryString["act"] != null ? Request.QueryString["act"].ToString() : "list_user";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrl))
                ctrl = Request.QueryString["ctrl"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ctrl"].ToString() : "adminUser";

            if (page == null || page == 0)
                page = Request.QueryString["page"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["page"].ToString()) : 1;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang))
                lang = LanguageModels.ActiveLanguage().LangCultureName;

            if (page_size == null)
                page_size = int.Parse(Util.GetConfigValue("NumberPageSizeAdmin", "30"));

            if (user_name != null && type_act != null && type_act == CommonGlobal.Delete)
                ////check permission delete
                if (UserModels.CheckPermission(this.Session["mem"] != null ? this.Session["mem"].ToString() : string.Empty, act, ctrl, type_act, type ?? string.Empty))
                    cuser = userModels.GetUserbyUserName(user_name);
                    if (cuser != null)
                        ////delete user
                        bool rt = userModels.Delete_User(user_name);
                        if (rt)
                            list_user_view.Message = "Bạn đã xóa " + user_name;
                            list_user_view.Message = "Xóa không thành công";
                        list_user_view.Message = "Không tìm thấy  : " + user_name;
                    list_user_view.Message = " Bạn không có quyền thực thi hành động xóa.";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order_by) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(order_type))
                order_by   = "Username";
                order_type = "asc";

            list_user_view.Type      = type;
            list_user_view.Cate_type = roleModels.GetRoleByRole(type);
            list_user_view.Lang      = lang;
            list_user_view.Type_act  = type_act;
            sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>Danh sách " + list_user_view.Cate_type + "</span></span></a></li>");
            if (type == "Admin")
                sb.Append("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "change_user", ctrl = "adminUser", type = type, type_act = CommonGlobal.Add }) + "\"><span><span>Thêm " + list_user_view.Cate_type + "</span></span></a></li>");

            list_user_view.Html_link_tab = sb.ToString();
            ////list language
            list_user_view.List_language = this.List_select_language(this.Lang);
            ////list page size and paging
            list_user_view.List_page_size = this.GetSizePagingPublic((int)page_size);
            list_user_view.Page           = (int)page;
            list_user_view.Page_size      = (int)page_size;
            ////list catalog
            list_user_view.Page_list_user = userModels.AdminGetAllUser(type, lang, search, (int)page, (int)page_size, order_by, order_type, out total_record);
            list_user_view.Search         = search;
            list_user_view.Order_by       = order_by;
            list_user_view.Order_type     = order_type;
            list_user_view.Total_record   = total_record;
            ////acton and parent action
            list_user_view.Act               = act;
            list_user_view.Ctrl              = ctrl;
            list_user_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            list_user_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();

            return(this.PartialView("../control/list_user", list_user_view));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public ActionResult Change_user(string user_name, string type, string act, string ctrl, string type_act)
            UserModels    userModels = new UserModels();
            RoleModels    roleModels = new RoleModels();
            C_User        cuser      = new C_User();
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
            var           user_view  = new Web.Areas.Admin.ViewModels.User_view();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                type = Request.QueryString["type"] != null ? Request.QueryString["type"].ToString() : CommonGlobal.CateProduct;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(act))
                act = Request.QueryString["act"] != null ? Request.QueryString["act"].ToString() : "change_user";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrl))
                ctrl = Request.QueryString["ctrl"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ctrl"].ToString() : "adminUser";

            if (user_name == null)
                user_name = Request.QueryString["user_name"] != null ? Request.QueryString["user_name"].ToString() : string.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type_act))
                type_act = Request.QueryString["type_act"] != null ? Request.QueryString["type_act"].ToString() : CommonGlobal.Add;
                if (user_name == string.Empty)
                    type_act = CommonGlobal.Add;
                    type_act = CommonGlobal.Edit;

            sb.Append("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_user", ctrl = "adminUser", type = type, page = "1" }) + "\"><span><span>Danh sách Admin</span></span></a></li>");
            if (type_act == CommonGlobal.Edit)
                cuser = userModels.GetUserbyUserName(user_name);
                sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>" + cuser.Username + "</span></span></a></li>");
                if (type == "Admin")
                    sb.Append("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_user_permission", ctrl = "adminUser", type = type, page = "1", user_name = cuser.Username }) + "\"><span><span>Page Permission</span></span></a></li>");

                user_view.Username      = cuser.Username;
                user_view.Username_text = "readonly='readonly'";
                user_view.Role          = cuser.Role;
                user_view.Online        = cuser.Online ?? false;
                if (cuser.Online == true)
                    user_view.Online      = true;
                    user_view.Online_text = "checked='checked'";
                    user_view.Online      = false;
                    user_view.Online_text = string.Empty;
                if (type == "Admin")
                    sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>Thêm Admin</span></span></a></li>");
                    user_view.Username_text = string.Empty;

            user_view.Html_link_tab = sb.ToString();
            user_view.Type          = type;
            user_view.Type_act      = type_act;
            ////action and parent action
            user_view.Act               = act;
            user_view.Ctrl              = ctrl;
            user_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            user_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();

            return(this.PartialView("../control/change_user", user_view));
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Orders the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fcode">The order code.</param>
        /// <returns>Order view</returns>
        public ActionResult Order_view(string fcode)
            if (!this.CheckMemberlogin())
                return(this.RedirectToAction("login", "account", new { return_url = string.Empty + Url.Action("order_view", "account", new { fcode = fcode }) }));
                var    order_view = new Order_register_view();
                string strBread;
                ViewBag.Title           = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderCode + "  " + fcode;
                strBread                = string.Format("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("my_account", "account") + "\">" + App_GlobalResources.Lang.strPersonalInformation + "</a></li>");
                strBread                = string.Format("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("order_history", "account") + "\">" + App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderHistory + "</a></li>");
                strBread               += "<li>" + fcode + "</li>";
                ViewBag.heading         = App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderCode + "  " + fcode;
                ViewBag.str_breadcrumbs = strBread;
                this.AddMeta(CommonGlobal.Keyword, App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderCode + "  " + fcode);
                this.AddMeta(CommonGlobal.Description, App_GlobalResources.Lang.strOrderCode + "  " + fcode);

                DetailOrderModels detailsv    = new DetailOrderModels();
                OrderModels       orderModels = new OrderModels();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fcode))

                C_User usr = new C_User();
                order_view.Parent_action     = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
                order_view.Parent_controller = HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
                order_view.ContentShipping   = GeneralModels.GetContent(CommonGlobal.ContentShipping, this.Lang);
                UserModels sv = new UserModels();
                usr = sv.GetUserbyUserName(Session["mem"].ToString());

                var orders = orderModels.GetOrdersbyCode(fcode, usr.Username);
                if (orders == null)
                    order_view.Message = App_GlobalResources.Lang.messOrderNotFound;
                    return(this.PartialView("../page/order_view", order_view));

                order_view.Message             = string.Empty;
                order_view.Email               = orders.Email;
                order_view.Name                = orders.Name;
                order_view.Phone               = orders.Phone;
                order_view.Address             = orders.Address;
                order_view.Gender              = orders.Gender;
                order_view.Sub_total           = CommonGlobal.FormatMoney(orders.Total);
                order_view.Content             = orders.Note;
                order_view.Order_code          = fcode;
                order_view.Payment_status_text = CommonGlobal.GetPaymentStatusString(int.Parse(orders.Payment ?? "0"));
                order_view.Process_status_text = CommonGlobal.GetOrderStatusString(orders.Process ?? 0);

                var list_order_detail = detailsv.GetAllOrderDetail(fcode);
                if (list_order_detail.Count > 0)
                    order_view.ShoppingCart = new ArrayList(list_order_detail.ToArray());

                return(this.PartialView("../page/order_view", order_view));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public IActionResult ValidateUser([FromBody] AdminUserValidateView userView)
            IActionResult response   = null;
            UserModels    userModels = new UserModels();
            User          user       = new User();
            var           mess       = string.Empty;
            string        rt         = string.Empty;
            bool          is_valid   = true;

            if (userView.IsCreate)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userView.Username))
                    user = userModels.GetUserbyUserName(userView.Username);

                    if (user != null)
                        is_valid = false;
                        if (mess == string.Empty)
                            response = Json(new { code = Constant.Duplicate, message = Constant.MessageDuplicate, field = "username" });

            ////validation server
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userView.Username))
                is_valid = false;
                if (mess == string.Empty)
                    mess     = Constant.MessageDataEmpty;
                    response = Json(new { code = Constant.Empty, message = mess, field = "username" });

            ////UserName duplicate Admin
            if (userView.Username == "Admin")
                is_valid = false;
                if (mess == string.Empty)
                    mess     = Constant.MessageNotValid;
                    response = Json(new { code = Constant.Fail, message = mess, field = "username" });

            if (userView.IsCreate)
                // validation password
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userView.Password))
                    is_valid = false;
                    if (mess == string.Empty)
                        mess     = Constant.MessageDataEmpty;
                        response = Json(new { code = Constant.Empty, message = mess, field = "password" });

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userView.ConfirmPassword))
                    is_valid = false;
                    if (mess == string.Empty)
                        mess     = Constant.MessageDataEmpty;
                        response = Json(new { code = Constant.Empty, message = mess, field = "confirmPassword" });

                if (userView.Password != userView.ConfirmPassword)
                    is_valid = false;
                    if (mess == string.Empty)
                        mess     = Constant.MessageConfirmPassword;
                        response = Json(new { code = Constant.Fail, message = mess, field = "confirmPassword" });

            if (userModels.GetRolebyId(userView.Role) == null)
                is_valid = false;
                if (mess == string.Empty)
                    mess     = Constant.MessageNotExist;
                    response = Json(new { code = Constant.NotExist, message = mess, field = "role" });

            if (is_valid)
                response = Json(new { code = Constant.Success, message = Constant.MessageOk });

Exemplo n.º 26
        public ActionResult Change_user(FormCollection collection)
            UserModels    userModels = new UserModels();
            C_User        cuser      = null;
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();
            var           user_view  = new Web.Areas.Admin.ViewModels.User_view();

            string rt       = string.Empty;
            bool   is_valid = true;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_view.Username))
                cuser = userModels.GetUserbyUserName(user_view.Username);

            ////validation server
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_view.Username))
                is_valid = false;
                if (user_view.Message == string.Empty)
                    user_view.Message = "Bạn phải nhập User Name";

            ////UserName duplicate Admin
            if (user_view.Username == "Admin")
                is_valid = false;
                if (user_view.Message == string.Empty)
                    user_view.Message = "Bạn không thể tạo Admin";
            ////Link tab
            sb.Append("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_user", ctrl = "adminUser", type = user_view.Type, page = "1" }) + "\"><span><span>Danh sách Admin</span></span></a></li>");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_view.Username) && user_view.Type_act == CommonGlobal.Edit)
                sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>" + cuser.Username + "</span></span></a></li>");
                sb.Append("<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\"><span><span>Thêm mới</span></span></a></li>");
                ////validation password
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_view.Password))
                    is_valid = false;
                    if (user_view.Message == string.Empty)
                        user_view.Message = "Bạn phải nhập mật khẩu";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_view.ConfirmPassword))
                    is_valid = false;
                    if (user_view.Message == string.Empty)
                        user_view.Message = "Bạn phải xác nhận mật khẩu";

                if (user_view.Password != user_view.ConfirmPassword)
                    is_valid = false;
                    if (user_view.Message == string.Empty)
                        user_view.Message = "Bạn phải xác nhận mật khẩu";

            sb.Append("<li><a href=\"" + Url.Action("index", "dashboard", new { act = "list_user_permission", ctrl = "adminUser", type = user_view.Type, user_name = user_view.Username, page = "1" }) + "\"><span><span>Permission</span></span></a></li>");
            user_view.Html_link_tab = sb.ToString();
            if (!is_valid)
                return(this.PartialView("../control/change_user", user_view));

            cuser          = new C_User();
            cuser.Username = user_view.Username;
            cuser.Online   = user_view.Online;

            if (cuser.Online == true)
                user_view.Online      = true;
                user_view.Online_text = "checked='checked'";
                user_view.Online      = false;
                user_view.Online_text = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_view.Username) && user_view.Type_act == CommonGlobal.Edit)
                rt = userModels.Update_User(cuser);
                cuser.Role      = 1;
                cuser.Password  = MD5Extend.EncodePassword(user_view.Password);
                cuser.IP        = "not login";
                cuser.Online    = true;
                cuser.LastLogin = null;
                rt = userModels.Add_User(cuser);

            if (rt.Length > 0)
                user_view.Message  = "Cập nhật thành công!";
                user_view.Username = rt;
                user_view.Type_act = CommonGlobal.Edit;
                user_view.Message = "Cập nhật không thành công!";

            return(this.PartialView("../control/change_user", user_view));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ActionResult Index()
            if (!this.CheckAdminlogin())
                return(this.RedirectToAction("login", "dashboard", new { area = "admin" }));
                var return_url = Request.Url.ToString();
                var index_view = new Index_view();
                int count      = Request.QueryString.Count;
                if (count > 0)
                    string act, ctrl, type_act, type;
                    act      = Request.QueryString["act"] != null ? Request.QueryString["act"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                    ctrl     = Request.QueryString["ctrl"] != null ? Request.QueryString["ctrl"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                    type_act = Request.QueryString["type_act"] != null ? Request.QueryString["type_act"].ToString() : CommonGlobal.View;
                    type     = Request.QueryString["type"] != null ? Request.QueryString["type"].ToString() : string.Empty;
                    if (act != string.Empty && ctrl != string.Empty)
                        bool       isOk  = false;
                        UserModels sv    = new UserModels();
                        RoleModels roleM = new RoleModels();
                        C_Role     itR   = new C_Role();
                        C_User     itU   = new C_User();

                        itU = sv.GetUserbyUserName(Session["mem"].ToString());
                        itR = roleM.GetRoleItem(itU.Role);
                        ////check permission view/add/edit
                        if (ctrl == "adminProduct" && (act == "image_product" || act == "property_product" || act == "list_Rating"))
                            ////Chỉ được phép thay đổi thuộc tính của sản phẩm nếu có quyền edit product
                            if (UserModels.CheckPermission(this.Session["mem"] != null ? this.Session["mem"].ToString() : string.Empty, "change_product", ctrl, type_act, type) && itR.Role == "Admin")
                                isOk = true;
                                isOk = false;
                            if (UserModels.CheckPermission(this.Session["mem"] != null ? this.Session["mem"].ToString() : string.Empty, act, ctrl, type_act, type) && itR.Role == "Admin")
                                isOk = true;
                                isOk = false;

                        if (isOk == true)
                            index_view.Act      = act;
                            index_view.Ctrl     = ctrl;
                            index_view.Type_act = type_act;
                            index_view.Type     = type;
                            logger.Error(Session["mem"].ToString() + " đã truy cập khu vực không hợp lệ:act = " + act + ",ctrl = " + ctrl + ",type_act= " + type_act + ",type= " + type);
                            index_view.Act  = "access_denied";
                            index_view.Ctrl = "dashboard";
                        logger.Error(Session["mem"].ToString() + " đã truy cập khu vực không hợp lệ:act = " + act + ",ctrl = " + ctrl + ",type_act= " + type_act + ",type= " + type);
                        index_view.Act  = "access_denied";
                        index_view.Ctrl = "dashboard";
                    index_view.Act      = "statistic";
                    index_view.Ctrl     = "dashboard";
                    index_view.Type_act = CommonGlobal.View;
                    index_view.Type     = string.Empty;

                index_view.Return_url = return_url;

                return(this.PartialView("../page/index", index_view));