Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary repo method for getting users with roles for admins
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <PagedList <UserWithRolesDto> > GetUsersWithRoles(UserManageParams userManageParams)
            var query = _userManager.Users
                        .Include(r => r.UserRoles)
                        .ThenInclude(r => r.Role)
                        .OrderBy(u => u.UserName)
                        .Select(u => new UserWithRolesDto
                Id        = u.Id,
                CreatedAt = u.CreatedAt,
                Username  = u.UserName,
                Roles     = u.UserRoles.Select(r => r.Role.Name).ToList()

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userManageParams.UsernameSearch))
                query = query.Where(u => u.Username.Contains(userManageParams.UsernameSearch.ToLower()));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userManageParams.Roles))
                // comes in as string, so split into an Array
                var rolesArray = userManageParams.Roles.Split(',');
                // for loop to query roles for each role provided.
                foreach (var role in rolesArray)
                    // each pass through loop will filter the user results
                    // e.g. if rolesArray has 'Admin' and 'Member', first pass will get a query of all users with 'Admin'. Then of that result, it will get those with the role of 'Member'. So at the end, only users in the query are users with Admin AND Member.
                    query = query.Where(u => u.Roles.Contains(role));
            // these are the new C# switch expressions. instead of creating switch and cases, we can do this.
            // the _ is the default case.
            query = userManageParams.OrderBy switch
                "createdAt" => query.OrderByDescending(u => u.CreatedAt),
                "zToA" => query.OrderByDescending(u => u.Username),
                _ => query.OrderBy(u => u.Username)

            // consider .AsNoTracking() on the query later if not needed.
            return(await PagedList <UserWithRolesDto> .CreateAsync(query, userManageParams.PageNumber, userManageParams.PageSize));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <UserWithRolesDto> > > GetUsersWithRoles([FromQuery] UserManageParams userManageParams)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userManageParams.UsernameSearch))
                // transform the results from username search. Trim any results longer than 30 characters.
                userManageParams.UsernameSearch = userManageParams.UsernameSearch.Trim().ToLower();
                if (userManageParams.UsernameSearch.Length > 30)
                    // set max length of Username search to 30. only return 30 characters if greater than max length.
                    userManageParams.UsernameSearch = userManageParams.UsernameSearch.Substring(0, 30);
            // get the users from the search parameters
            var usersWithRoles = await _unitOfWork.AdminRepository.GetUsersWithRoles(userManageParams);

            // add a pagination header to the response so that our pagination works.
            Response.AddPaginationHeader(usersWithRoles.CurrentPage, usersWithRoles.PageSize, usersWithRoles.TotalCount, usersWithRoles.TotalPages);

            // return ok with the paged list of users.