static void Main(string[] args) { var bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg => { var host = cfg.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/"), hst => { hst.Username("guest"); hst.Password("guest"); }); }); var senUri = new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/MailQue"); ISendEndpoint send = bus.GetSendEndpoint(senUri).Result; UserMail mail1 = new UserMail() { User = new User { Mail = "*****@*****.**", Name = "feyyaz acet" }, Subject = "Sample MassTransit With RabbitMQ ", Body = "RabbitMQ and MassTransit say Hello" }; send.Send(mail1).Wait(); UserMail mail2 = new UserMail() { User = new User { Mail = "*****@*****.**", Name = "feyyaz acet" }, Subject = "Sample MassTransit With RabbitMQ ", Body = "RabbitMQ and MassTransit say Hello" }; send.Send(mail2).Wait(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void SetSystem(UISocialManager manager, UserMail userMail) { _manager = manager; _userMail = userMail; lblTime.text = userMail.SendTime.ToString(GameManager.localization.GetText("Arena_LastMatchFormatDate")); lblHeader.text = _userMail.Title; }
public void UpdateMailRead(int userID, MailReadUpdate mailRead) { UserMail userMail = _context.UserMails.Where(um => um.MailID == mailRead.MailID && um.UserID == userID).First(); userMail.Read = mailRead.Read; _context.SaveChanges(); }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(string emailValue, int Type) { try { using (var ctx = new LicenseApplicationContext()) { string link = string.Empty; var user = ctx.Users.Where(a => a.Email == emailValue).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null && user.UsersID > 0) { string resetPasswordParameter = string.Format("{0}#{1}#{2}", SystemEnum.RoleType.User.GetHashCode(), user.UsersID, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ProjectConfiguration.ResetPasswordExpireTime).ToString(ProjectConfiguration.EmailDateTimeFormat)); string encryptResetPasswordParameter = EncryptionDecryption.GetEncrypt(resetPasswordParameter); string encryptResetPasswordUrl = string.Format("{0}?q={1}", ProjectConfiguration.SiteUrlBase + TradingLicense.Web.Pages.Controllers.Account + "/" + Actions.ResetPassword, encryptResetPasswordParameter); if (UserMail.SendForgotPassword(user.Email, user.Username, encryptResetPasswordUrl)) { return(Json(new object[] { Convert.ToInt32(MessageType.success), MessageType.success.ToString(), Messages.Mailsend }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json(new object[] { Convert.ToInt32(MessageType.danger), MessageType.danger.ToString(), Messages.ContactToAdmin }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } else { return(Json(new object[] { Convert.ToInt32(MessageType.danger), MessageType.danger.ToString(), Messages.InvalidEmail }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // ErrorLogHelper.Log(ex); return(Json(new object[] { Convert.ToInt32(MessageType.danger), MessageType.danger.ToString(), Messages.ContactToAdmin }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
protected void btnSubmitAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtEmailTo.Text.Trim() != "") { string directoryPath = @"D:\Projects\Smart Library\Source Code\trunk\SmartLibrary.Admin\EmailTemplates"; bool sent = false; string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath); foreach (string fileName in fileEntries) { if (!fileName.Contains("MasterEmailTemplate")) { sent = UserMail.SendTestEmail(fileName.Replace(directoryPath, "").Replace("\\", "").Replace(".html", ""), txtEmailTo.Text.Trim()); } } if (sent) { lblError.Text = "Email Sent Successfully."; } else { lblError.Text = "There is an error while sending email."; } } }
public async Task <bool> AutCreateAccountAsync(UserMail userMail) { var user = new ApplyTriadfsUser { UserName = userMail.emailid, Email = userMail.emailid, FullName = userMail.FirstName }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, userMail.pwd); if (result.Succeeded) { // _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password."); var loggedIn = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(userMail.emailid, userMail.pwd, false, lockoutOnFailure : false); if (loggedIn.Succeeded) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
public bool AddData(UserMail obj) { obj.CrateDate = DateTime.Now; dbcontext.UserMail.Add(obj); if (obj.Type == "年假") { float day = GetVocation(obj.UserId) - obj.SumDay; //请年假减去年假 if (day < 0) { return(false); } else { var UpdateVocation = (from x in dbcontext.UserVocation where x.UserId == obj.UserId select x).FirstOrDefault(); UpdateVocation.Vacation = day; } } if (dbcontext.SaveChanges() > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public JsonResult InviteCustomer(string email) { Customer objCustomer = this.memberDataBL.GetCustomerList(new Customer()).Where(x => x.Email == email).FirstOrDefault(); var encryptLoginType = EncryptionDecryption.EncryptByTripleDES(LoginType.Guest.GetHashCode().ToString()); if (objCustomer == null) { string signUpParameter = string.Format("{0}", email); string encryptsignUpParameter = EncryptionDecryption.EncryptByTripleDES(signUpParameter); string signUpURL = string.Format("{0}?q={1}&loginType={2}", ProjectConfiguration.FrontEndSiteUrl + Controllers.ActiveDirectory + "/" + Actions.SignUp, encryptsignUpParameter, encryptLoginType); EmailViewModel emailModel = new EmailViewModel() { Email = email, ResetUrl = signUpURL, LanguageId = ConvertTo.ToInteger(ProjectSession.AdminPortalLanguageId) }; if (UserMail.SendInviteMail(emailModel)) { return(this.Json(new { status = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Success.GetDescription(), message = Messages.EmailSent, title = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.Title.Member.GetDescription(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet })); } else { return(this.Json(new { status = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Error.GetDescription(), message = Messages.ErrorMessage, title = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.Title.Member.GetDescription(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet })); } } else { return(this.Json(new { status = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Error.GetDescription(), message = Messages.MemberAlreadyRegistered, title = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.Title.Member.GetDescription(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet })); } }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(Login model) { User userModel = this.userDataBL.GetUsersList(new User()).Where(m => m.Email == model.Email).FirstOrDefault(); if (userModel != null) { string resetPasswordParameter = string.Format("{0}#{1}", userModel.Id, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ProjectConfiguration.ResetPasswordExpireTime).ToString(ProjectConfiguration.EmailDateTimeFormat)); string encryptResetPasswordParameter = EncryptionDecryption.EncryptByTripleDES(resetPasswordParameter); string encryptResetPasswordUrl = string.Format("{0}?q={1}", ProjectConfiguration.SiteUrlBase + Controllers.Account + "/" + Actions.ResetPassword, encryptResetPasswordParameter); EmailViewModel emailModel = new EmailViewModel() { Email = userModel.Email, Name = userModel.FirstName + " " + userModel.LastName, ResetUrl = encryptResetPasswordUrl, LanguageId = ConvertTo.ToInteger(ProjectSession.AdminPortalLanguageId) }; if (UserMail.SendForgotPassword(emailModel)) { this.AddToastMessage(Resources.General.Success, Messages.EmailSent, SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Success); return(this.RedirectToAction(Actions.Index, Controllers.Account)); } else { this.AddToastMessage(Resources.General.Error, Messages.PasswordEmailSendFail, SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Error); return(this.View(Views.ForgotPassword, model)); } } else { this.AddToastMessage(Resources.General.Error, Messages.UserAccountNotmatched, SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Error); return(this.View(Views.ForgotPassword, model)); } }
public WindowMailMessageViewModel(MailUserControl mailUserControl, UserMail message, WindowMailMessage windowMailMessage) { this.windowMailMessage = windowMailMessage; this.mailUserControl = mailUserControl; this.message = message; BodyMessage = message.BodyMessage; Heading = message.Heading; TimeMessage = message.TimeMessage; }
public async Task <IActionResult> VerifyPasswordAsync([FromBody] UserMail userMail) { bool result = await AutCreateAccountAsync(userMail); ReturnResult rst = new ReturnResult(); rst.success = result; rst.message = " "; return(Ok(rst)); }
public WindowMailMessage(MailUserControl mailUserControl, UserMail message) { InitializeComponent(); this.mailUserControl = mailUserControl; WindowMailMessageViewModel windowMailMessageViewModel = new WindowMailMessageViewModel(mailUserControl, message, this); DataContext = windowMailMessageViewModel; this.mailUserControl.timer.Stop(); this.mailUserControl.ComboBoxRecipients_SelectionChanged(); }
public static void UserShengJiTaRank() { Ranking <UserRank> rankList = RankingFactory.Get <UserRank>(ShengJiTaRanking.RankingKey); if (rankList != null) { if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 0) { foreach (UserRank userRank in rankList) { GameUser usergame = new PersonalCacheStruct <GameUser>().FindKey(userRank.UserID); if (usergame != null && userRank.ScoreStar > 0) { // 信件通知玩家 “您在XX-XX的“勇闯圣吉塔”活动中名列XX榜第N,排名奖励M金币已经发送到您的账号中,请及时查收!” TjxMailService mailService = new TjxMailService(usergame); var mail = new UserMail(Guid.NewGuid()); mail.UserId = userRank.UserID.ToInt(); mail.MailType = (int)MailType.System; mail.ToUserID = userRank.UserID.ToInt(); mail.FromUserName = LanguageManager.GetLang().St_SystemMailTitle; mail.Title = LanguageManager.GetLang().St_SystemMailTitle; mail.SendDate = DateTime.Now; IGameLanguage gameLanguage = LanguageManager.GetLang(); SJTRankRewarInfo SJTRankRewar = new ShareCacheStruct <SJTRankRewarInfo>().FindKey(userRank.SJTRankId, userRank.SJTRankType.ToInt()); if (SJTRankRewar != null) { if (usergame.UserLv >= 10 && usergame.UserLv < 30) { usergame.GameCoin = usergame.GameCoin + SJTRankRewar.GiftGold; mail.Content = String.Format(gameLanguage.St_ShengJiTaTip, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd"), gameLanguage.St_ShengJiTaQintTong, userRank.SJTRankId, SJTRankRewar.GiftGold); } if (usergame.UserLv >= 30 && usergame.UserLv < 54) { usergame.GameCoin = usergame.GameCoin + SJTRankRewar.GiftGold; mail.Content = String.Format(gameLanguage.St_ShengJiTaTip, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd"), gameLanguage.St_ShengJiTaBaiYin, userRank.SJTRankId, SJTRankRewar.GiftGold); } if (usergame.UserLv >= 55) { usergame.GameCoin = usergame.GameCoin + SJTRankRewar.GiftGold; mail.Content = String.Format(gameLanguage.St_ShengJiTaTip, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd"), gameLanguage.St_ShengJiTaHuangJin, userRank.SJTRankId, SJTRankRewar.GiftGold); } mailService.Send(mail); } } } } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> UserLogin(UserMail userMail) { bool flagset = false; string strMessage = string.Empty; string strId = string.Empty; // _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password."); var loggedIn = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(userMail.emailid, userMail.pwd, false, lockoutOnFailure : false); if (loggedIn.Succeeded) { flagset = true; strMessage = "New record created"; strId = "0"; } return(Ok(new { status = flagset, message = strMessage, Id = strId })); }
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { app.UseStaticFiles("/css"); app.UseStaticFiles("/Content"); app.UseStaticFiles("/parts"); app.UseStaticFiles("/Scripts"); app.UseStaticFiles("/templates"); Database.SetInitializer(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists <HelpContext>()); Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion <HelpContext, Migrations.Configuration>()); // For more information on how to configure your application, visit app.MapSignalR(); var m = new UserMail(); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtEmailTemplate.Text.Trim() != "" && txtEmailTo.Text.Trim() != "") { bool sent = UserMail.SendTestEmail(txtEmailTemplate.Text.Trim(), txtEmailTo.Text.Trim()); if (sent) { lblError.Text = "Email Sent Successfully."; } else { lblError.Text = "There is an error while sending email."; } } }
//public class UserMail //{ //} public ActionResult SendMail(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, string week) { try { string fileName = "Tuan" + week + "_" + fromDate.Year.ToString(); string path = Server.MapPath("~/Template/" + fileName + ".docx"); var modalActive = _extaSrv.GetDataExtraActiveToSendMail(fromDate, toDate); GenerateDocument(modalActive, fromDate, toDate, week); List <UserMail> temp = new List <UserMail>(); foreach (var item in modalActive) { var x = _extaSrv.GetDataJoinerToSendMail(item.PID); foreach (var q in x) { UserMail v = new UserMail(); = _extaSrv.GetEmail(q.TeacherCode); = _extaSrv.GetName(q.TeacherCode); if (temp != null) { int kt = 0; foreach (var w in temp) { if ( == { kt = 1; break; } } if (kt == 0) { temp.Add(v); } } else { temp.Add(v); } } } var kq = _extaSrv.SendMail(week, fromDate.Year.ToString(), path, temp); return(Json(new { returnData = kq })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { returnData = false })); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int gold = 0; int diamo = 0; int valiBet = 0; if (!int.TryParse(txtGold.Text, out gold)) { MessageBox("赠送金币格式不正确"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(TextDimao.Text, out diamo)) { MessageBox("赠送金币格式不正确"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(txtVileBet.Text, out valiBet)) { MessageBox("赠送金币格式不正确"); return; } UserMail mail = new UserMail(); mail.Title = TextTitle.Text; mail.MState = 0; mail.Msg = TextBox1.Text; mail.Valibet = valiBet; mail.GoldNum = gold; mail.DiamNum = diamo; mail.UserID = 0; if (Convert.ToInt32(txtGameID.Text) > 0) { AccountsInfo acc = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.GetAccountInfoByGameId(Convert.ToInt32(txtGameID.Text)); if (acc == null) { MessageBox("玩家不存在"); return; } mail.UserID = acc.UserID; } int res = FacadeManage.aidePlatformFacade.SendMail(mail); if (res > 0) { MessageBox("发送成功"); } }
public HttpResponseMessage GetAdminsAbilitati(int idSender) { BackendUserService bus = new BackendUserService(); UsersMailModel model = new UsersMailModel(); try { List <BackendUser> listaUtentiAbilitati = bus.GetDipendentiDipartimentoAbilitati(idSender); var ListaAdmins = listaUtentiAbilitati.Where(x => x.RoleMail > 0); List <UserMail> list = new List <UserMail>(); foreach (BackendUser b in ListaAdmins) { UserMail u = new UserMail() { UserId = (int)b.UserId, UserName = b.UserName }; list.Add(u); } model.success = "true"; model.UsersList = list.ToArray(); model.Totale = list.Count.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(ManagedException))) { ErrorLogInfo error = new ErrorLogInfo(); error.freeTextDetails = ex.Message; error.logCode = "ERR_U002"; error.loggingAppCode = "PEC"; error.loggingTime = System.DateTime.Now; error.uniqueLogID = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); log.Error(error); model.message = ex.Message; model.success = "false"; } else { model.message = ex.Message; model.success = "false"; } return(this.Request.CreateResponse <UsersMailModel>(HttpStatusCode.OK, model)); } return(this.Request.CreateResponse <UsersMailModel>(HttpStatusCode.OK, model)); }
public ActionResult ResetPassword1(ResetPasswordViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { User u = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(us => us.EmailAddress.Equals(model.Email)); if (u == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("email", "Email addresse blev ikke fundet."); } else { UserMail um = new UserMail(); um.SendPasswordRecovery(model.Email); return(View("PasswordResetRequested")); } } return(View("ResetPassword", model)); }
public static List <UserMail> GetAllUsers() { BackendUserService bus = new BackendUserService(); List <BackendUser> listaUtenti = bus.GetAllUsers(); List <UserMail> list = new List <UserMail>(); foreach (BackendUser b in listaUtenti) { UserMail u = new UserMail() { UserId = (int)b.UserId, UserName = b.UserName }; list.Add(u); } return(list); }
public JsonResult SendMessage(Message message) { if (this.ModelState.IsValid) { message.IsSendByAdmin = true; message.SenderId = ProjectSession.UserId; int status = this.messageDataBL.Save <Message>(message, false, false); if (status > 0) { Customer customer = this.messageDataBL.SelectObject <Customer>(message.CustomerId); EmailViewModel emailModel = new EmailViewModel() { Email = customer.Email, Name = customer.Name, AdminMessage = message.Description, LanguageId = ConvertTo.ToInteger(ProjectSession.AdminPortalLanguageId) }; UserMail.MessageAlertForCustomer(emailModel); return(this.Json(new { resultData = status, status = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Success.GetDescription(), message = Messages.SendMessageSuccess, title = General.Send + " " + General.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } return(this.Json(new { resultData = status, status = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Error.GetDescription(), message = Messages.SendMessageError }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } else { string errorMsg = string.Empty; foreach (ModelState modelState in this.ViewData.ModelState.Values) { foreach (ModelError error in modelState.Errors) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg)) { errorMsg = errorMsg + " , "; } errorMsg = errorMsg + error.ErrorMessage; } } return(this.Json(new { resultData = string.Empty, status = Infrastructure.SystemEnumList.MessageBoxType.Error.GetDescription(), message = errorMsg }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet)); } }
public void SetDetail(UserMail userMail) { _userMail = userMail; lblFrom.text = GameManager.localization.GetText("Social_Form") + " " + _userMail.Sender.Base.NickName; lblSubject.text = GameManager.localization.GetText("Social_Subject") + " " + _userMail.Title; Invoke("SetTextMail", 0.5f); if (_userMail.SenderId == 0) { btnTakeAll.gameObject.SetActive(false); btnAddFriend.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { btnTakeAll.gameObject.SetActive(false); btnAddFriend.gameObject.SetActive(true); } SetItem(userMail.Items); //userMail. }
public (bool isNotValid, List <string> errors) Validate() { List <string> errorList = new List <string>(); if (Password.Length >= 30 || Password.Length < 5) { errorList.Add("Password length must be between 5 and 30 characters!"); } if (UserMail.Contains("ü") || UserMail.Contains("ç") || UserMail.Contains("ğ") || UserMail.Contains("ı") || UserMail.Contains("ş") || UserMail.Contains("ö")) { errorList.Add("E-Mail address cannot have special characters!"); } if (UserName.Contains("ü") || UserName.Contains("ç") || UserName.Contains("ğ") || UserName.Contains("ı") || UserName.Contains("ş") || UserName.Contains("ö")) { errorList.Add("User Name address cannot have special characters!"); } return(errorList.Count > 0, errorList); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GeneratePasswordAsync([FromBody] UserMail userMail) { var existUser = _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(userMail.emailid); if (existUser.Result == null) { string strGeneratePwd = GenerateRandomPassword(); string strBodyMsg = "<p>Please enter this password <code><b>" + strGeneratePwd + "</b></code> to proceed with your loan application.</p>"; // Create New User Account var user = new ApplyTriadfsUser { UserName = userMail.emailid, Email = userMail.emailid, FullName = userMail.FirstName }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, strGeneratePwd); if (result.Succeeded) { await emailSender.SendEmailAsync(userMail.emailid, "Submit new application", strBodyMsg); return(Ok(new { success = true, message = "Pls check you mailbox, and enter generated password here in password textbox." })); } return(Ok(new { success = false, message = "Error occur" })); } else { var user = _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(userMail.emailid); string resetToken = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Result); string strGeneratePwd = GenerateRandomPassword(); IdentityResult passwordChangeResult = await _userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user.Result, resetToken, strGeneratePwd); string strBodyMsg = "<p>Please enter this password <code><b>" + strGeneratePwd + "</b></code> to proceed with your loan application.</p>"; await emailSender.SendEmailAsync(userMail.emailid, "Submit new application", strBodyMsg); return(Ok(new { success = true, message = "Pls check you mailbox, and enter generated password here in password textbox." })); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetForgotPassword(UserMail userMail) { if (userMail == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userMail.Mail) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userMail.Mail)) { return(NotFound()); } var user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email.Trim().ToLower() == userMail.Mail.Trim().ToLower()); if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } EmailService emailService = new EmailService(); ForgotPasswordEmailModel model = new ForgotPasswordEmailModel { Name = user.UserName, Password = Protector.Decrypt(user.Password) }; var templateService = new RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateService(); var templateFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Services", "Email", "ForgotPasswordEmailTemplate.cshtml"); var emailHtmlBody = templateService.Parse(File.ReadAllText(templateFilePath), model, null, null); try { IdentityMessage msg = new IdentityMessage(); msg.Subject = "Loglig"; msg.Body = emailHtmlBody; msg.Destination = user.Email; emailService.SendAsync(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { return(InternalServerError()); } return(Ok()); }
private void AddMailRecipientsToDB(List <string> recipients, RecipientType recipientType, int mailID) { if (recipients != null) { foreach (string email in recipients) { User usr = _context.Users.Where(x => x.Email == email).FirstOrDefault(); if (usr == null) { continue; } UserMail um = new UserMail { UserID = usr.ID, MailID = mailID, RecipientType = recipientType, Read = false, }; _context.UserMails.Add(um); } } _context.SaveChanges(); }
/*private void createAdmin(string userName, string userMail, string userPw) * { * var user = new User() * { * Name = userName, * Email = userMail, * Password = userPw * }; * userService.CreateUser(user); * }*/ private void submitbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Arra kell figyelni, hogy a userName = email címmel a UserService-ben !!!! UserMail = uname.Text; string pw = password.Text; var user = new User() { Name = "Marci", Email = UserMail, Password = pw, Group_id = "1" }; if (UserMail.Trim() != string.Empty && pw.Trim() != string.Empty) { userService.CreateUser(user); // Arra kell figyelni, hogy a userName = email címmel a UserService-ben !!!! UserSuccessfullyAuthenticated = userService.LoginUser(UserMail, pw); if (!UserSuccessfullyAuthenticated) { MessageBox.Show("Sikertelen bejelentkezés!"); return; } else { // user adatainak lekérése UserData = userService.GetUserData(UserMail); MessageBox.Show("Sikeres bejelentkezés " + UserData.Name + " " + UserData.Email); Close(); } } //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(uName); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GeneratePasswordOnlyAsync([FromBody] UserMail userMail) { var existUser = _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(userMail.emailid); if (existUser.Result != null) { var user = _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(userMail.emailid); string resetToken = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Result); string strGeneratePwd = GenerateRandomPassword(); IdentityResult passwordChangeResult = await _userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user.Result, resetToken, strGeneratePwd); string strBodyMsg = "<p>Please enter this password <code><b>" + strGeneratePwd + "</b></code> to proceed with your loan application.</p>"; await emailSender.SendEmailAsync(userMail.emailid, "Submit new application", strBodyMsg); return(Ok(new { success = true, message = "Pls check you mailbox, and enter generated password here in password textbox." })); } else { return(Ok(new { success = false, message = "Error while generating password." })); } }
public override bool TakeAction() { var cacheSet = new ShareCacheStruct <UserFriends>(); if (_friendId != "" && _friendId != ContextUser.UserID) { //找到本玩家的数据 List <UserFriends> friendArray = cacheSet.FindAll(m => m.UserID == ContextUser.UserID); int friendNum = ConfigEnvSet.GetInt("UserFriends.MaxFriendNum"); //添加的好友上限 if (friendArray.Count >= friendNum) { ErrorCode = LanguageManager.GetLang().ErrorCode; ErrorInfo = LanguageManager.GetLang().St9103_TheMaximumReachedAFriend; return(false); } //查看是否在user库中有该玩家 GameUser userInfo = new GameDataCacheSet <GameUser>().FindKey(_friendId); if (userInfo == null) { UserCacheGlobal.LoadOffline(_friendId); userInfo = new GameDataCacheSet <GameUser>().FindKey(_friendId); } if (userInfo == null) { ErrorCode = LanguageManager.GetLang().ErrorCode; ErrorInfo = LanguageManager.GetLang().St9103_NotFriendsUserID; return(false); } //在好友表中查找本玩家 和添加好友的关系 var userFriend = cacheSet.FindKey(ContextUser.UserID, _friendId); var userFriend1 = cacheSet.FindKey(_friendId, ContextUser.UserID); //同意 if (_ops == 1) { //有信息表 没信息表 if (userFriend == null) { //创建新的数据 并且添加成关注类型 var friends = new UserFriends { UserID = ContextUser.UserID, FriendID = _friendId, FriendType = FriendType.Friend }; cacheSet.Add(friends, GameEnvironment.CacheGlobalPeriod); //todo test friends.ChatTime = DateTime.Now; } else { //玩家原来就有数据 //判断两个玩家的关系 if (userFriend.FriendType == FriendType.Friend) { ErrorCode = LanguageManager.GetLang().ErrorCode; ErrorInfo = LanguageManager.GetLang().St9103_TheUserHasAFriendIn; return(false); } userFriend.FriendType = FriendType.Friend; } //判断对方是否有和本玩家的数据 如果没有创建 有改状态 if (userFriend1 == null) { var friends2 = new UserFriends { UserID = _friendId, FriendID = ContextUser.UserID, FriendType = FriendType.Friend, }; cacheSet.Add(friends2, GameEnvironment.CacheGlobalPeriod); //todo test friends2.ChatTime = DateTime.Now; } else { userFriend1.FriendType = FriendType.Friend; } //加为好友成功后发送一条邮件 try { Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); UserMail userMail = new UserMail(newGuid); userMail.UserId = Int32.Parse(_friendId); userMail.MailType = MailType.Friends; userMail.Title = LanguageManager.GetLang().St_AskFirendMailTitle; userMail.Content = string.Format(LanguageManager.GetLang().St_FirendNotice, ContextUser.NickName); userMail.SendDate = DateTime.Now; userMail.FromUserId = Int32.Parse(ContextUser.UserID); userMail.FromUserName = ContextUser.NickName; TjxMailService mailService = new TjxMailService(ContextUser); mailService.Send(userMail); var noticeMail = mailService.ReadMail(ContextUser.UserID, _mailId); noticeMail.ReplyStatus = 1; } catch (Exception) { } } else { //不同意 TjxMailService mailService = new TjxMailService(ContextUser); var noticeMail = mailService.ReadMail(ContextUser.UserID, _mailId); noticeMail.ReplyStatus = 1; } } return(true); }