Exemplo n.º 1
        public AppReturnObject MakeTransaction(UserFunds userFunds)
            var             _serviceResult = new UserFundsService().MakeTransaction(userFunds.UserID, userFunds.Amount);
            AppReturnObject _retval        = new AppReturnObject()
                Succeeded = _serviceResult.Succeeded, Errors = _serviceResult.Errors.ToList()

            if (_serviceResult.Succeeded)
                _retval.UserAccount = new UserAccount()
                    Id = userFunds.UserID, CurrentBalance = _serviceResult.AppUser.CurrentBalance

Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool CommentVote(string userAppId, int commentId, int amount, bool isUpvote, int txid)
            double scoreAdj = 0.0;

            using (var db = new ZapContext())
                var comment = db.Comments
                              .Where(c => c.CommentId == commentId)
                              .Include(c => c.VotesUp)
                              .Include(c => c.VotesDown)
                              .Include(c => c.UserId)
                              .Include(c => c.UserId.Funds)
                              .Include(c => c.Post)
                              .Include(c => c.Post.Group)

                bool isAnonymous = userAppId == null;

                var fromFunds = db.Users
                                .Where(u => u.AppId == userAppId)
                                .Select(u => u.Funds)

                var toFunds = db.Users
                              .Where(u => u.Id == comment.UserId.Id)
                              .Select(u => u.Funds)

                UserFunds referalFunds = null;
                User      referalUser  = null;

                if (isAnonymous)  // Anonymous vote
                    // Check if vote tx has been claimed
                    var vtx = db.LightningTransactions.FirstOrDefault(tx => tx.Id == txid);

                    if (vtx == null || vtx.IsSpent == true)

                    vtx.IsSpent = true;

                    scoreAdj = ReputationService.GetReputationAdjustedAmount(
                        amount: amount * (isUpvote ? 1 : -1),
                        targetRep: isUpvote ? 0 : comment.UserId.Reputation,
                        actorRep: 0);

                // Check if author has referral program active
                var referralInfo = db.Users
                                   .Where(u => u.Id == comment.UserId.Id)
                                   .Select(u => u.ReferralInfo)

                // Referral within last 6 months
                if (referralInfo != null && ((DateTime.UtcNow - referralInfo.TimeStamp) < TimeSpan.FromDays(30 * 6)))
                    var refbyAppId = referralInfo.ReferredByAppId;
                    referalFunds = db.Users
                                   .Where(u => u.AppId == refbyAppId)
                                   .Select(u => u.Funds)

                    referalUser = db.Users
                                  .Where(u => u.AppId == refbyAppId)
                                  .Include(u => u.EarningEvents)

                // FINANCIAL
                    from: isAnonymous?null: fromFunds,
                    to: isUpvote ? toFunds : null,
                    referredBy: isUpvote ? referalFunds : null,
                    group: comment.Post.Group,
                    originType: 1,
                    originId: Convert.ToInt32(comment.CommentId),
                    amountFrom: amount,
                    amountTo: isUpvote ? 0.6 * amount : 0,
                    amountGroup: isUpvote ? 0.2 * amount : 0.8 * amount,
                    amountCommunity: 0.1 * amount,
                    amountZapread: 0.1 * amount);
                // END FINANCIAL

                // Adjust comment owner reputation
                bool isOwn = comment.UserId.AppId == userAppId;
                comment.UserId.Reputation += (isAnonymous ? 0 : 1) * (isOwn ? 0 : 1) * (isUpvote ? 1 : -1) * amount;

                // Earning event for post owner
                if (isUpvote)
                    comment.UserId.EarningEvents.Add(new EarningEvent()
                        Amount     = 0.6 * amount,
                        OriginType = 1,
                        TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Type       = 0,
                        OriginId   = Convert.ToInt32(comment.CommentId),
                    comment.UserId.TotalEarned += 0.6 * amount;

                    if (referalFunds != null)
                        comment.UserId.EarningEvents.Add(new EarningEvent()
                            Amount     = 0.03 * amount,
                            OriginType = 1,
                            TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            Type       = 4,
                            OriginId   = Convert.ToInt32(comment.CommentId),

                        if (referalUser != null)
                            referalUser.EarningEvents.Add(new EarningEvent()
                                Amount     = 0.03 * amount,
                                OriginType = 1,
                                TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                Type       = 4,
                                OriginId   = Convert.ToInt32(comment.CommentId),

                            _ = NotificationService.SendIncomeNotification(
                                amount: 0.03 * amount,
                                userId: referalUser.AppId,
                                reason: "Referral Bonus",
                                clickUrl: "/Post/Detail/" + comment.Post.PostId);

                // Spending event for voter
                if (!isAnonymous)
                    var user = db.Users
                               .Where(u => u.AppId == userAppId)
                               .Include(u => u.SpendingEvents)
                               .Include(u => u.PostVotesUp)
                               .Include(u => u.PostVotesDown)

                    scoreAdj = ReputationService.GetReputationAdjustedAmount(
                        amount: amount * (isUpvote ? 1 : -1),
                        targetRep: isUpvote ? 0 : comment.UserId.Reputation,
                        actorRep: user.Reputation);

                    .Add(new SpendingEvent()
                        Amount    = amount,
                        Comment   = comment,
                        TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow,

                    if (isUpvote)

                // Adjust post score
                comment.Score += Convert.ToInt32(scoreAdj);


                if (isUpvote)
                    _ = NotificationService.SendIncomeNotification(
                        0.6 * amount,
                        "Comment upvote",
                        "/Post/Detail/" + comment.Post.PostId);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void RecordFundTransfers(
            UserFunds from,
            UserFunds to,
            UserFunds referredBy,
            Group group,
            int originType,
            int originId,
            double amountFrom,
            double amountTo,
            double amountGroup,
            double amountCommunity,
            double amountZapread)
            double referralPayment = 0.0;

            using (var db = new ZapContext())
                var website = db.ZapreadGlobals.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == 1);

                if (website == null)
                    throw new Exception(message: Properties.Resources.ErrorDatabaseNoWebsiteSettings);

                if (group == null)
                    website.CommunityEarnedToDistribute += amountGroup;
                    group.TotalEarnedToDistribute += amountGroup;

                if (referredBy != null)
                    // Make a referral bonus payment - comes out of zapread funds (6%)
                    referralPayment = amountFrom * 0.06;
                    amountZapread  -= referralPayment;
                    if (amountZapread < 0)
                        amountCommunity += amountZapread;
                        amountZapread    = 0;

                website.CommunityEarnedToDistribute += amountCommunity;
                website.ZapReadTotalEarned          += amountZapread;
                website.ZapReadEarnedBalance        += amountZapread;
                website.EarningEvents.Add(new EarningEvent()
                    Type       = 3, //website
                    Amount     = amountZapread,
                    TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    OriginType = originType,
                    OriginId   = originId,

                int  attempts = 0;
                bool saveFailed;
                    saveFailed = false;

                    if (attempts < 50)
                        if (from != null) // ignore if we're not debiting a user - funds are from a new deposit
                            if (from.Balance < amountFrom)
                                throw new Exception(message: Properties.Resources.ErrorVoteFinanceUpdateBalance);
                            from.Balance -= amountFrom;

                        if (to != null) // downvotes could go to just community and group
                            to.Balance += amountTo;

                        if (referredBy != null)
                            // Both referred and referred by get 1/2 of the payment, so 3% each.
                            referredBy.Balance += 0.5 * referralPayment;
                            to.Balance         += 0.5 * referralPayment;

                        catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
                            saveFailed = true;
                            var entry = ex.Entries.Single();
                        throw new Exception(message: Properties.Resources.ErrorVoteFinanceUpdateBalanceHardFail);
                }while (saveFailed);