Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of all users and their ratings on every article
        /// </summary>
        public UserArticleRatingsTable GetUserArticleRatingsTable(IRater rater)
            UserArticleRatingsTable table = new UserArticleRatingsTable();

            table.UserIndexToID    = db.Users.OrderBy(x => x.UserID).Select(x => x.UserID).Distinct().ToList();
            table.ArticleIndexToID = db.Articles.OrderBy(x => x.ArticleID).Select(x => x.ArticleID).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (int userId in table.UserIndexToID)
                table.Users.Add(new UserArticleRatings(userId, table.ArticleIndexToID.Count));

            var userArticleRatingGroup = db.UserActions
                                         .GroupBy(x => new { x.UserID, x.ArticleID })
                                         .Select(g => new { g.Key.UserID, g.Key.ArticleID, Rating = rater.GetRating(g.ToList()) })

            foreach (var userAction in userArticleRatingGroup)
                int userIndex    = table.UserIndexToID.IndexOf(userAction.UserID);
                int articleIndex = table.ArticleIndexToID.IndexOf(userAction.ArticleID);

                table.Users[userIndex].ArticleRatings[articleIndex] = userAction.Rating;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Initialize(UserArticleRatingsTable ratings)
            numUsers    = ratings.Users.Count;
            numArticles = ratings.Users[0].ArticleRatings.Length;

            Random rand = new Random();

            userFeatures = new double[numUsers][];
            for (int userIndex = 0; userIndex < numUsers; userIndex++)
                userFeatures[userIndex] = new double[numFeatures];

                for (int featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < numFeatures; featureIndex++)
                    userFeatures[userIndex][featureIndex] = rand.NextDouble();

            articleFeatures = new double[numArticles][];
            for (int articleIndex = 0; articleIndex < numUsers; articleIndex++)
                articleFeatures[articleIndex] = new double[numFeatures];

                for (int featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < numFeatures; featureIndex++)
                    articleFeatures[articleIndex][featureIndex] = rand.NextDouble();

            userBiases    = new double[numUsers];
            articleBiases = new double[numArticles];
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static ScoreResults Score(this IRecommender classifier, UserBehaviorDatabase db, IRater rater)
            UserBehaviorTransformer ubt           = new UserBehaviorTransformer(db);
            UserArticleRatingsTable actualRatings = ubt.GetUserArticleRatingsTable(rater);

            var distinctUserArticlePairs = db.UserActions.GroupBy(x => new { x.UserID, x.ArticleID }).ToList();

            double score = 0.0;
            int    count = 0;

            foreach (var userArticle in distinctUserArticlePairs)
                int userIndex    = actualRatings.UserIndexToID.IndexOf(userArticle.Key.UserID);
                int articleIndex = actualRatings.ArticleIndexToID.IndexOf(userArticle.Key.ArticleID);

                double actualRating = actualRatings.Users[userIndex].ArticleRatings[articleIndex];

                if (actualRating != 0)
                    double predictedRating = classifier.GetRating(userArticle.Key.UserID, userArticle.Key.ArticleID);

                    score += Math.Pow(predictedRating - actualRating, 2);

            if (count > 0)
                score = Math.Sqrt(score / count);

            return(new ScoreResults(score));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Train(UserBehaviorDatabase db)
            UserBehaviorTransformer ubt = new UserBehaviorTransformer(db);

            ratings = ubt.GetUserArticleRatingsTable(rater);

            List <ArticleTagCounts> articleTags = ubt.GetArticleTagCounts();


        public static TestResults Test(this IRecommender classifier, UserBehaviorDatabase db, int numSuggestions)
            // We're only using the ratings to check for existence of a rating, so we can use a simple rater for everything
            SimpleRater             rater   = new SimpleRater();
            UserBehaviorTransformer ubt     = new UserBehaviorTransformer(db);
            UserArticleRatingsTable ratings = ubt.GetUserArticleRatingsTable(rater);

            int    correctUsers     = 0;
            double averagePrecision = 0.0;
            double averageRecall    = 0.0;

            // Get a list of users in this database who interacted with an article for the first time
            List <int> distinctUsers = db.UserActions.Select(x => x.UserID).Distinct().ToList();

            var distinctUserArticles = db.UserActions.GroupBy(x => new { x.UserID, x.ArticleID });

            // Now get suggestions for each of these users
            foreach (int user in distinctUsers)
                List <Suggestion> suggestions = classifier.GetSuggestions(user, numSuggestions);
                bool foundOne  = false;
                int  userIndex = ratings.UserIndexToID.IndexOf(user);

                int userCorrectArticles = 0;
                int userTotalArticles   = distinctUserArticles.Count(x => x.Key.UserID == user);

                foreach (Suggestion s in suggestions)
                    int articleIndex = ratings.ArticleIndexToID.IndexOf(s.ArticleID);

                    // If one of the top N suggestions is what the user ended up reading, then we're golden
                    if (ratings.Users[userIndex].ArticleRatings[articleIndex] != 0)

                        if (!foundOne)
                            foundOne = true;

                averagePrecision += (double)userCorrectArticles / numSuggestions;
                averageRecall    += (double)userCorrectArticles / userTotalArticles;

            averagePrecision /= distinctUsers.Count;
            averageRecall    /= distinctUsers.Count;

            return(new TestResults(distinctUsers.Count, correctUsers, averageRecall, averagePrecision));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Train(UserBehaviorDatabase db)
            UserBehaviorTransformer ubt = new UserBehaviorTransformer(db);

            ratings = ubt.GetUserArticleRatingsTable(rater);

            SingularValueDecomposition factorizer = new SingularValueDecomposition(numFeatures, learningIterations);

            svd = factorizer.FactorizeMatrix(ratings);

            numUsers    = ratings.UserIndexToID.Count;
            numArticles = ratings.ArticleIndexToID.Count;
        public void Train(UserBehaviorDatabase db)
            UserBehaviorTransformer ubt = new UserBehaviorTransformer(db);

            ratings = ubt.GetUserArticleRatingsTable(rater);

            if (latentUserFeatureCount > 0)
                SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(latentUserFeatureCount, 100);
                SvdResult results = svd.FactorizeMatrix(ratings);

        public void Train(UserBehaviorDatabase db)
            UserBehaviorTransformer ubt = new UserBehaviorTransformer(db);

            ratings = ubt.GetUserArticleRatingsTable(rater);

            List <ArticleTagCounts> articleTags = ubt.GetArticleTagCounts();
            //train article
            List <ArticleAndTag> articles1 = ubt.Angualr2();

            // ratings.suggestArticle(articles1, 3);

        public void Train(UserBehaviorDatabase db)
            UserBehaviorTransformer ubt = new UserBehaviorTransformer(db);

            ratings     = ubt.GetUserArticleRatingsTable(rater);
            ratings.art = ubt.Angualr2();
            List <ArticleAndTag> articles1 = ubt.Angualr2();

            //if (latentUserFeatureCount > 0)
            //    SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(latentUserFeatureCount, 100);
            //    SvdResult results = svd.FactorizeMatrix(ratings);

            //    ratings.AppendUserFeatures(results.UserFeatures);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the average rating of non-zero values across the entire user-article matrix
        /// </summary>
        private double GetAverageRating(UserArticleRatingsTable ratings)
            double sum   = 0.0;
            int    count = 0;

            for (int userIndex = 0; userIndex < numUsers; userIndex++)
                for (int articleIndex = 0; articleIndex < numArticles; articleIndex++)
                    // If the given user rated the given item, add it to our average
                    if (ratings.Users[userIndex].ArticleRatings[articleIndex] != 0)
                        sum += ratings.Users[userIndex].ArticleRatings[articleIndex];

            return(sum / count);
        public void Load(string file)
            ratings = new UserArticleRatingsTable();

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))
                using (GZipStream zip = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(zip))
                        long total    = long.Parse(r.ReadLine());
                        int  features = int.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        for (long i = 0; i < total; i++)
                            int userId             = int.Parse(r.ReadLine());
                            UserArticleRatings uat = new UserArticleRatings(userId, features);

                            for (int x = 0; x < features; x++)
                                uat.ArticleRatings[x] = double.Parse(r.ReadLine());


                        total = int.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)

                        total = int.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of all users and their ratings on every article
        /// </summary>
        public UserArticleRatingsTable GetUserArticleRatingsTable(IRater rater)
            UserArticleRatingsTable table = new UserArticleRatingsTable();

            table.UserIndexToID    = db.Users.OrderBy(x => x.UserID).Select(x => x.UserID).Distinct().ToList();
            table.ArticleIndexToID = db.Articles.OrderBy(x => x.ArticleID).Select(x => x.ArticleID).Distinct().ToList();
            table.Ang1             = db.Articles.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
            List <string> name = new List <string>();

            name = table.Ang1;
            foreach (int userId in table.UserIndexToID)
                table.Users.Add(new UserArticleRatings(userId, table.ArticleIndexToID.Count));

            List <ArticleAndTag> articleTags = new List <ArticleAndTag>();

            foreach (Article article in db.Articles)
                table.art.Add(new ArticleAndTag(article.ArticleID, article.Name, article.Tags));

            var userArticleRatingGroup = db.UserActions
                                         .GroupBy(x => new { x.UserID, x.ArticleID })
                                         .Select(g => new { g.Key.UserID, g.Key.ArticleID, Rating = rater.GetRating(g.ToList()) })

            foreach (var userAction in userArticleRatingGroup)
                int userIndex    = table.UserIndexToID.IndexOf(userAction.UserID);
                int articleIndex = table.ArticleIndexToID.IndexOf(userAction.ArticleID);

                table.Users[userIndex].ArticleRatings[articleIndex] = userAction.Rating;

Exemplo n.º 13
        public SvdResult FactorizeMatrix(UserArticleRatingsTable ratings)

            double        squaredError;
            int           count;
            List <double> rmseAll = new List <double>();

            averageGlobalRating = GetAverageRating(ratings);

            for (int i = 0; i < learningIterations; i++)
                squaredError = 0.0;
                count        = 0;

                for (int userIndex = 0; userIndex < numUsers; userIndex++)
                    for (int articleIndex = 0; articleIndex < numArticles; articleIndex++)
                        if (ratings.Users[userIndex].ArticleRatings[articleIndex] != 0)
                            double predictedRating = averageGlobalRating + userBiases[userIndex] + articleBiases[articleIndex] + Matrix.GetDotProduct(userFeatures[userIndex], articleFeatures[articleIndex]);

                            double error = ratings.Users[userIndex].ArticleRatings[articleIndex] - predictedRating;

                            if (double.IsNaN(predictedRating))
                                throw new Exception("Encountered a non-number while factorizing a matrix! Try decreasing the learning rate.");

                            squaredError += Math.Pow(error, 2);

                            averageGlobalRating         += learningRate * (error - regularizationTerm * averageGlobalRating);
                            userBiases[userIndex]       += learningRate * (error - regularizationTerm * userBiases[userIndex]);
                            articleBiases[articleIndex] += learningRate * (error - regularizationTerm * articleBiases[articleIndex]);

                            for (int featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < numFeatures; featureIndex++)
                                userFeatures[userIndex][featureIndex]       += learningRate * (error * articleFeatures[articleIndex][featureIndex] - regularizationTerm * userFeatures[userIndex][featureIndex]);
                                articleFeatures[articleIndex][featureIndex] += learningRate * (error * userFeatures[userIndex][featureIndex] - regularizationTerm * articleFeatures[articleIndex][featureIndex]);

                squaredError = Math.Sqrt(squaredError / count);

                learningRate *= learningDescent;

            //using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter("rmse.csv"))
            //    w.WriteLine("epoc,rmse");
            //    for (int i = 0; i < rmseAll.Count; i++)
            //    {
            //        w.WriteLine((i + 1) + "," + rmseAll[i]);
            //    }

            return(new SvdResult(averageGlobalRating, userBiases, articleBiases, userFeatures, articleFeatures));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Load(string file)
            ratings = new UserArticleRatingsTable();

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))
                using (GZipStream zip = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(zip))
                        numUsers    = int.Parse(r.ReadLine());
                        numArticles = int.Parse(r.ReadLine());
                        numFeatures = int.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        double averageGlobalRating = double.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        double[] userBiases = new double[numUsers];
                        for (int userIndex = 0; userIndex < numUsers; userIndex++)
                            userBiases[userIndex] = double.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        double[] articleBiases = new double[numArticles];
                        for (int articleIndex = 0; articleIndex < numArticles; articleIndex++)
                            articleBiases[articleIndex] = double.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        double[][] userFeatures = new double[numUsers][];
                        for (int userIndex = 0; userIndex < numUsers; userIndex++)
                            userFeatures[userIndex] = new double[numFeatures];

                            for (int featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < numFeatures; featureIndex++)
                                userFeatures[userIndex][featureIndex] = double.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        double[][] articleFeatures = new double[numArticles][];
                        for (int articleIndex = 0; articleIndex < numUsers; articleIndex++)
                            articleFeatures[articleIndex] = new double[numFeatures];

                            for (int featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < numFeatures; featureIndex++)
                                articleFeatures[articleIndex][featureIndex] = double.Parse(r.ReadLine());

                        svd = new SvdResult(averageGlobalRating, userBiases, articleBiases, userFeatures, articleFeatures);

                        for (int i = 0; i < numUsers; i++)
                            int userId             = int.Parse(r.ReadLine());
                            UserArticleRatings uat = new UserArticleRatings(userId, numArticles);

                            for (int x = 0; x < numArticles; x++)
                                uat.ArticleRatings[x] = double.Parse(r.ReadLine());


                        for (int i = 0; i < numUsers; i++)

                        for (int i = 0; i < numArticles; i++)