Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Create(string message)
            RoleView             roleView = new RoleView();
            UserAccessRepository rep      = new UserAccessRepository();

            roleView.AvailableFunctions = new List <CheckBoxListInfo>();
            roleView.Roles = rep.GetAllRoles();

            // Get the list of roles in the system
            List <AvailableFunction> allFunctions = rep.GetAllAvailableFunctions();

            if (allFunctions.Count > 0) //It is possible that database might not have any available functions initially
                for (int i = 0; i < allFunctions.Count(); i++)
                    roleView.AvailableFunctions.Add(new CheckBoxListInfo(allFunctions.ElementAt(i).ID.ToString(), allFunctions.ElementAt(i).FunctionName, false));

            if (message != null)
                ViewData["Message"] = message;

            return(View("Create", roleView));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Create([ModelBinder(typeof(RoleViewModelBinder))] RoleView RoleView)//[ModelBinder(typeof(RoleViewModelBinder))],string[] selectedAvailableFunctions
            UserAccessRepository rep = new UserAccessRepository();

            // Get the list of roles in the system
            List <AvailableFunction> allFunctions = rep.GetAllAvailableFunctions();

            RoleView.Roles = rep.GetAllRoles();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Role newRole = new Role(Guid.NewGuid(), RoleView.Name, RoleView.Description);
                newRole.AvailableFunctions = new List <AvailableFunction>();

                for (int i = 0; i < allFunctions.Count(); i++)
                    foreach (var item in RoleView.AvailableFunctions)
                        if (Guid.Parse(item.Value).Equals(allFunctions[i].ID))
                            newRole.AvailableFunctions.Add(new AvailableFunction(Guid.Parse(allFunctions[i].ID.ToString()), allFunctions[i].FunctionName));

                if (rep.CreateRole(newRole) == true)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Roles", new { message = "Your role '" + RoleView.Name + "' was created successfully!" }));
                    return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Roles", new { message = "There was an error creating your role. Please contact your administrator." }));

            RoleView.Roles = rep.GetAllRoles();

            if (RoleView.AvailableFunctions == null)
                RoleView.AvailableFunctions = new List <CheckBoxListInfo>();


            foreach (var item in allFunctions)
                RoleView.AvailableFunctions.Add(new CheckBoxListInfo(item.ID.ToString(), item.FunctionName, false));

            return(View("Create", RoleView));