public async Task <BrowserContent> GetSearchResultsAsync(string searchTerm)
            string searchResults = null;

                foreach (string language in Languages)
                    string baseurl = string.Format(searchUrl, language);

                    // TODO: Experiment with the different search types eg. fuzzy
                    // possibly allow the user to change in the config.
                    string options = $"&search={HttpUtility.UrlEncode(searchTerm)}" +
                                     $"&limit={NumSearchResults}" +
                                     $"&namespace=0" +

                    string fullurl = baseurl + options;

                        string response = await GetAsync(fullurl);

                        if (response.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        dynamic search             = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response);
                        JArray  searchResultTitles = search[1];
                        JArray  searchResultUrls   = search[3];

                        // Returns a block of results for a language
                        // TODO: Use a mustache template?
                        if (searchResultTitles.Count > 0 && searchResultUrls.Count > 0)
                            searchResults += $"<h3>{language} search results</h3>";
                            searchResults += "<ul>";

                            List <string> htmlLinkNodes = new List <string>();

                            // TODO: Can these be written more clearly?
                            htmlLinkNodes = searchResultTitles
                                                 (title, link) =>
                                                 $"<a href=\"{UrlUtils.ConvDesktopWiktionaryToMob(link.ToString())}\">{title}</a>")

                            // Zip and iterate over the searchTitles and searchUrls arrays
                            // to pair them and add to the searchResults.
                            if (htmlLinkNodes != null && htmlLinkNodes.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var linkNode in htmlLinkNodes)
                                    searchResults += $"<li>{linkNode}</li>";
                                searchResults += "</ul>";
                    catch (UriFormatException e)
                        LogTo.Error($"UriFormatException on {fullurl}");

                return(new BrowserContent(searchResults, null, false, ContentType.Search));
            catch (RemotingException) { }
