Exemplo n.º 1
            public Context(IGraph graph, INode documentNode) : base(graph)
                Graph        = graph;
                DocumentNode = documentNode;

                LocalNamespace = DocumentNode is IUriNode uri?UriTools.ComposeUri(uri.Uri, XmlRdfProcessor.LocalNamespace) : null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private string CreateSchemeHandler(IntPtr configuration)
            string host = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.ExternalHost))
                const string scheme = "spidereye";
                host = UriTools.GetRandomResourceUrl(scheme);

                IntPtr handlerClass = ObjC.AllocateClassPair(ObjC.GetClass("NSObject"), "SchemeHandler" + count, IntPtr.Zero);
                ObjC.AddProtocol(handlerClass, ObjC.GetProtocol("WKURLSchemeHandler"));




                IntPtr handler = ObjC.Call(handlerClass, "new");
                ObjC.Call(configuration, "setURLSchemeHandler:forURLScheme:", handler, NSString.Create(scheme));

Exemplo n.º 3
 public override Uri ResolveUri(Uri baseUri, string relativeUri)
     if (relativeUri.IndexOf("//", StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0 && !new Uri(relativeUri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute).IsAbsoluteUri)
     return(base.ResolveUri(baseUri, relativeUri));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public Uri FindNamespace(string prefix)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix))
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void NavigateToFile(string url)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.ExternalHost))
         var uri = webview.BuildLocalStreamUri("spidereye", url);
         webview.NavigateToLocalStreamUri(uri, streamResolver);
         var uri = UriTools.Combine(config.ExternalHost, url);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public string FindPrefix(Uri ns)
     if (UriComparer.Equals(ns, LocalNamespace))
     }catch (RdfException)
        public void BuildRequestUriTest(MapData mapData)
            Uri result;

            if (mapData.baseUri == null)
                result = UriTools.BuildRequestUri(mapData.baseString, mapData.parameters);
                result = UriTools.BuildRequestUri(mapData.baseUri, mapData.parameters);
            Assert.Equal(mapData.expUri, result);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public WinFormsWebview(WebviewBridge bridge)
            this.bridge = bridge ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bridge));

            webview = new WebView2();

            webview.WebMessageReceived += Webview_WebMessageReceived;

            webview.NavigationStarting += Webview_NavigationStarting;
            webview.CoreWebView2InitializationCompleted += WebViewInitializationCompleted;

            customHost = new Uri(UriTools.GetRandomResourceUrl(CustomScheme));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public EdgiumWebview(WebviewBridge bridge)
            this.bridge = bridge ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bridge));

            const string scheme = "http";

            customHost = new Uri(UriTools.GetRandomResourceUrl(scheme));

            webview = new WebView2();
            webview.NavigationStarting  += Webview_NavigationStarting;
            webview.NavigationCompleted += Webview_NavigationCompleted;
            webview.WebMessageReceived  += Webview_WebMessageReceived;

Exemplo n.º 10
        public GtkWebview(WebviewBridge bridge)
            this.bridge     = bridge ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bridge));
            scriptCallbacks = new ConcurrentDictionary <Guid, GAsyncReadyDelegate>();

            // need to keep the delegates around or they will get garbage collected
            scriptDelegate      = ScriptCallback;
            loadFailedDelegate  = LoadFailedCallback;
            loadDelegate        = LoadCallback;
            contextMenuDelegate = ContextMenuCallback;
            closeDelegate       = CloseCallback;
            titleChangeDelegate = TitleChangeCallback;
            uriSchemeCallback   = UriSchemeCallback;

            manager = WebKit.Manager.Create();
            GLib.ConnectSignal(manager, "script-message-received::external", scriptDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);

            using (GLibString name = "external")
                WebKit.Manager.RegisterScriptMessageHandler(manager, name);

            using (GLibString initScript = Resources.GetInitScript("Linux"))
                var script = WebKit.Manager.CreateScript(initScript, WebKitInjectedFrames.AllFrames, WebKitInjectionTime.DocumentStart, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                WebKit.Manager.AddScript(manager, script);

            Handle    = WebKit.CreateWithUserContentManager(manager);
            settings  = WebKit.Settings.Get(Handle);
            inspector = WebKit.Inspector.Get(Handle);

            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "load-failed", loadFailedDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "load-changed", loadDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "context-menu", contextMenuDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "close", closeDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "notify::title", titleChangeDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);

            customHost = new Uri(UriTools.GetRandomResourceUrl(CustomScheme));

            IntPtr context = WebKit.Context.Get(Handle);

            using (GLibString gscheme = CustomScheme)
                WebKit.Context.RegisterUriScheme(context, gscheme, uriSchemeCallback, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
Exemplo n.º 11
        void IXmlNodeProcessor <INode> .ProcessDocumentType(string publicId, string systemId, string internalSubset, bool useAsNamespace, INode baseNode, ref INode defaultNamespace)
            INode baseType = null;

            if (publicId != null)
                var publicNode = rdf.CreateUriNode(UriTools.CreatePublicId(publicId));
                rdf.HandleTriple(publicNode, label, rdf.CreateLiteralNode(publicId, xpublic));
                if (systemId != null)
                    rdf.HandleTriple(publicNode, isDefinedBy, MakeAbsoluteNode(baseNode, systemId));
                if (useAsNamespace && UseDtdAsDefaultNamespace)
                    defaultNamespace = defaultNamespace ?? publicNode;
                baseType = publicNode;
            else if (systemId != null)
                var systemNode = MakeAbsoluteNode(baseNode, systemId);
                baseType = BlankNode("doctype");
                rdf.HandleTriple(baseType, isDefinedBy, systemNode);
                //if(useAsNamespace && UseDtdAsDefaultNamespace) defaultNamespace = defaultNamespace ?? systemNode;
            INode subsetType = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(internalSubset))
                subsetType = rdf.CreateBlankNode("dtd");
                rdf.HandleTriple(subsetType, value, rdf.CreateLiteralNode(internalSubset));
                if (baseType != null)
                    rdf.HandleTriple(subsetType, subClassOf, baseType);
                baseType = subsetType;
            if (baseType != null)
                rdf.HandleTriple(baseNode, a, baseType);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private string GetBaseUri(string path)
            switch (BaseUri)
            case null:

            case "":

            case "tag:":

            case "urn:uuid:":
                return("urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"));

Exemplo n.º 13
        public GtkWebview(WebviewBridge bridge)
            this.bridge = bridge ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bridge));

            // need to keep the delegates around or they will get garbage collected
            scriptDelegate      = ScriptCallback;
            loadFailedDelegate  = LoadFailedCallback;
            loadDelegate        = LoadCallback;
            contextMenuDelegate = ContextMenuCallback;
            closeDelegate       = CloseCallback;
            titleChangeDelegate = TitleChangeCallback;

            manager = WebKit.Manager.Create();
            GLib.ConnectSignal(manager, "script-message-received::external", scriptDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);

            using (GLibString name = "external")
                WebKit.Manager.RegisterScriptMessageHandler(manager, name);

            Handle    = WebKit.CreateWithUserContentManager(manager);
            settings  = WebKit.Settings.Get(Handle);
            inspector = WebKit.Inspector.Get(Handle);

            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "load-failed", loadFailedDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "load-changed", loadDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "context-menu", contextMenuDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "close", closeDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "notify::title", titleChangeDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);

            const string scheme = "spidereye";

            customHost = new Uri(UriTools.GetRandomResourceUrl(scheme));

            IntPtr context = WebKit.Context.Get(Handle);

            using (GLibString gscheme = scheme)
                WebKit.Context.RegisterUriScheme(context, gscheme, UriSchemeCallback, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void NavigateToFile(string url)
            if (url == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url));

            if (customHost != null)
                url = UriTools.Combine(customHost, url).ToString();
                url = UriTools.Combine(config.ExternalHost, url).ToString();

            using (GLibString gurl = url)
                WebKit.LoadUri(Handle, gurl);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void NavigateToFile(string url)
            if (url == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url));

            if (customHost != null)
                url = UriTools.Combine(customHost, url).ToString();
                url = UriTools.Combine(config.ExternalHost, url).ToString();

            IntPtr nsUrl   = Foundation.Call("NSURL", "URLWithString:", NSString.Create(url));
            IntPtr request = Foundation.Call("NSURLRequest", "requestWithURL:", nsUrl);

            ObjC.Call(Handle, "loadRequest:", request);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async static Task <ContestGame> CreateGameAsync(APIClient api, string hookUri)
            var contest  = new ContestGame();
            var worldKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            contest.Hook = Hook.Default;
            await UriTools.PatchAsync(hookUri, contest.Hook);

            contest.WorldKey = worldKey;
            contest.ArenaURL = (await api.World.PutWorldAsync(worldKey, contest.Hook));
            Console.WriteLine($"world create returned: {contest.ArenaURL}");
            contest.ArenaURL = "ws://" + contest.ArenaURL.Replace(worldKey, string.Empty);
            Console.WriteLine($"final: {contest.ArenaURL}");

            contest.API = new API.Client.APIClient(new Uri(contest.ArenaURL))
                Token = api.Token

Exemplo n.º 17
        public async void MapDataTest(ApiData apiData)
            // FIXME: Need a test base class or somewhere else generic to setup
            // logging!!

            log.Info($"--- Running test: {apiData.testReasoning}...");
            // FIXME: move client creation to general setup method.
            client = new HttpClient();
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("X-AA-ApiKey", apiKey);

            Uri requestUri = UriTools.BuildRequestUri(AltitudeAngelApi.mapDataUri, apiData.parameters);

            log.Info($"xxx - requestUri: {requestUri}");

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(requestUri);

            // String responseContentString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            // log.Info($"xxx - response: {response}");

            Assert.Equal(apiData.expStatusCode, response.StatusCode);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public CocoaWebview(WebviewBridge bridge)
            this.bridge = bridge ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bridge));

            IntPtr configuration = WebKit.Call("WKWebViewConfiguration", "new");
            IntPtr manager       = ObjC.Call(configuration, "userContentController");

            callbackClass = CallbackClassDefinition.CreateInstance(this);
            schemeHandler = SchemeHandlerDefinition.CreateInstance(this);

            const string scheme = "spidereye";

            customHost = new Uri(UriTools.GetRandomResourceUrl(scheme));
            ObjC.Call(configuration, "setURLSchemeHandler:forURLScheme:", schemeHandler.Handle, NSString.Create(scheme));

            ObjC.Call(manager, "addScriptMessageHandler:name:", callbackClass.Handle, NSString.Create("external"));
            IntPtr script = WebKit.Call("WKUserScript", "alloc");

            ObjC.Call(manager, "addUserScript:", script);

            Handle = WebKit.Call("WKWebView", "alloc");
            ObjC.Call(Handle, "initWithFrame:configuration:", CGRect.Zero, configuration);
            ObjC.Call(Handle, "setNavigationDelegate:", callbackClass.Handle);

            IntPtr boolValue = Foundation.Call("NSNumber", "numberWithBool:", false);

            ObjC.Call(Handle, "setValue:forKey:", boolValue, NSString.Create("drawsBackground"));
            ObjC.Call(Handle, "addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:", callbackClass.Handle, NSString.Create("title"), IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

            preferences = ObjC.Call(configuration, "preferences");
Exemplo n.º 19
        private string GetDtdSubset(INode documentNode, Context context)
            using (var nullWriter = CreateNullWriter())
                foreach (var value in GetValues(documentNode))
                    if (WriteValue(nullWriter, value, context))
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var pair in context.Entities)
                    var key  = pair.Key;
                    var name = pair.Value;

                    var pubId = UriTools.ExtractPublicId(pair.Key);
                    if (pubId != null)
                        var sysId = graph.FindObject(graph.CreateUriNode(key), isDefinedBy).OfType <IUriNode>().FirstOrDefault()?.Uri;
                        if (sysId == null)
                            sysId = key;
                        sb.AppendLine($"<!ENTITY {name} PUBLIC \"{pubId}\" \"{sysId.GetString()}\">");
                        sb.AppendLine($"<!ENTITY {name} SYSTEM \"{key.GetString()}\">");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public GtkWebview(WindowConfiguration config, IContentProvider contentProvider, WebviewBridge bridge)
            this.config          = config ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config));
            this.contentProvider = contentProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentProvider));
            this.bridge          = bridge ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bridge));

            // need to keep the delegates around or they will get garbage collected
            scriptDelegate      = ScriptCallback;
            loadFailedDelegate  = LoadFailedCallback;
            loadDelegate        = LoadCallback;
            contextMenuDelegate = ContextMenuCallback;
            closeDelegate       = CloseCallback;
            titleChangeDelegate = TitleChangeCallback;

            if (config.EnableScriptInterface)
                manager = WebKit.Manager.Create();
                GLib.ConnectSignal(manager, "script-message-received::external", scriptDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);

                using (GLibString name = "external")
                    WebKit.Manager.RegisterScriptMessageHandler(manager, name);

                Handle = WebKit.CreateWithUserContentManager(manager);
                Handle = WebKit.Create();

            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "load-failed", loadFailedDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "load-changed", loadDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "context-menu", contextMenuDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
            GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "close", closeDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (config.UseBrowserTitle)
                GLib.ConnectSignal(Handle, "notify::title", titleChangeDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.ExternalHost))
                const string scheme = "spidereye";
                customHost = UriTools.GetRandomResourceUrl(scheme);

                IntPtr context = WebKit.Context.Get(Handle);
                using (GLibString gscheme = scheme)
                    WebKit.Context.RegisterUriScheme(context, gscheme, UriSchemeCallback, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

            var bgColor = new GdkColor(config.BackgroundColor);

            WebKit.SetBackgroundColor(Handle, ref bgColor);

            if (enableDevTools)
                var settings = WebKit.Settings.Get(Handle);
                WebKit.Settings.SetEnableDeveloperExtras(settings, true);
                var inspector = WebKit.Inspector.Get(Handle);
Exemplo n.º 21
         * https://developers.altitudeangel.com/docs#apis_mapdata
         * GET /v2/mapdata/geojson?n=51.46227963315035&e=-0.9569686575500782&s=51.450125805383585&w=-0.9857433958618458 HTTP/1.1
         * Authorization: X-AA-ApiKey YOUR_API_KEYGET
         * Request Details
         * /v2/mapdata/geojson
         * This endpoint will return data for the area specified by a bounding box, subject to maximum queryable area limits as defined above.
         * Querystring parameter	Description
         * n	The north coordinate of the bounding box in degrees
         * e	The east coordinate of the bounding box in degrees
         * s	The south coordinate of the bounding box in degrees
         * w	The west coordinate of the bounding box in degrees
        public async Task <MapData> GetMapData(double north, double east, double south, double west)
            // TODO: Separate out: request building, external request/response,
            // response verification, JSON extraction from response.

            // Request Building.
            Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "n", north.ToString() },
                { "e", east.ToString() },
                { "s", south.ToString() },
                { "w", west.ToString() }
            Uri requestUri = UriTools.BuildRequestUri(mapDataUri, parameters);

            log.Info($"xxx - requestUri: {requestUri}");

            // External Request/Response.
            HttpResponseMessage response;

                response = await client.GetAsync(requestUri);
            catch (HttpRequestException e)
                log.Info($" Request to: {requestUri}, failed with message: {e.Message}");
                throw e;
            // TODO return JSON/GeoJSON, or have a separate function that
            // parses the JSON from the HttpResponseMessage along with
            // verification's?

            // Response Verification.
            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                int sCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
                // Non-200 status code, so need to do some failure paths.
                if (sCode >= 300 && sCode <= 399)
                    log.Info($"TODO: add HTTP Redirection code to retry request. Status Code: {sCode}");
                else if (sCode == 400)
                    log.Info($"TODO: add HTTP Bad Request (Missing Parameters) code. Give up request. Status Code: {sCode}");
                else if (sCode == 401)
                    log.Info($"TODO: add HTTP Missing Authentication code. Give up request. Status Code: {sCode}");
                else if (sCode == 404)
                    log.Info($"TODO: add HTTP Not Found (path) code. Give up request. Status Code: {sCode}");
                    String responseContentString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    log.Info($"--- response: {response}");
                    log.Info($"--- response.ReasonPhrase: {response.ReasonPhrase}");
                    log.Info($"--- response.Content: {responseContentString}");
                else if (sCode >= 500 && sCode <= 599)
                    log.Info($"TODO: add HTTP Server Error code. Give up request. Status Code: {sCode}");
                    log.Info($"TODO: No specific handler path. add HTTP code?? Give up request. Status Code: {sCode}");

            // JSON Extraction From Response.
            String responseJsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // log.Info($"xxx - responseJsonString: {responseJsonString}");
            MapData responseJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MapData>(responseJsonString);

        public void NavigateToFile(string url)
            var uri = UriTools.Combine(hostAddress, url);

Exemplo n.º 23
 public override bool MoveToId(string id)
     return(SetCursor(CreateRootCursor(graph, graph.CreateUriNode(UriTools.ComposeUri(cursor.BaseUri, "#" + id)))));
Exemplo n.º 24
            protected async override Task ExecuteAsync()
                if (StartupDelay > 0)
                    await Task.Delay(StartupDelay);

                ConfigurableContextBotConfig config = null;
                Type robotType = null;

                if (Url != null || File != null)
                    string text = null;

                    if (File != null)
                        text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Path.GetFullPath(File));

                    if (Url != null)
                        using (var webClient = new WebClient())
                            text = await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(Url);

                    config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigurableContextBotConfig>(text);
                    if (config.RobotType != null)
                        robotType = Type.GetType(config.RobotType);

                if (TypeName != null)
                    robotType = Type.GetType(TypeName);
                if (robotType == null)
                    if (config?.RobotType != null)
                        robotType = Type.GetType(config.RobotType);
                if (robotType == null)
                    robotType = typeof(ContextTurret);

                if (Name == null && config?.Name != null)
                    Name = config.Name;
                if (Name == null)
                    Name = "robot";

                if (Sprite == null && config?.Sprite != null)
                    Sprite = config.Sprite;
                if (Sprite == null)
                    Sprite = "ship_red";

                if (Color == null && config?.Color != null)
                    Color = config.Color;
                if (Color == null)
                    Color = "red";

                async Task <Robot> CreateRobot(Type innerRobotType = null, string worldKey = null, APIClient apiClient = null)
                    var robot = Activator.CreateInstance(innerRobotType ?? robotType) as Robot;

                    robot.AutoSpawn = true;

                    if (robot is ConfigurableContextBot configBot)
                        configBot.ConfigurationFileName = File;
                        configBot.ConfigurationFileUrl  = Url;
                    if (robot is ConfigurableTreeBot configtBot)
                        configtBot.ConfigurationFileName = File;

                    robot.AutoFire = Firing;
                    robot.Color    = Color;
                    robot.Name     = Name;
                    robot.Target   = Target;
                    robot.Sprite   = Sprite;

                    var connection = await(apiClient ?? API)
                                     .Player.ConnectAsync(worldKey ?? World);

                    robot.Connection = connection;


                if (Scenario != null)
                    var scenario = await UriTools.LoadAsync <ScenarioConfiguration>(Scenario);

                    var tasks = new List <Task>();

                    var contest = await ContestGame.CreateGameAsync(API, scenario.HookURL);

                    foreach (var robotName in scenario.Robots.Keys)
                        var robot = await ConfigurableContextBot.Load(scenario.Robots[robotName]);

                        robot.Name            = robotName;
                        robot.DuelingProtocol = true;
                        robot.Connection      = await contest.API.Player.ConnectAsync(contest.WorldKey);


                    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                if (Evolve)
                     * var controller = new RobotEvolutionController();
                     * var ga = controller.CreateGA(async (chromosome) =>
                     * {
                     *  var contest = await ContestGame.CreateGameAsync(API);
                     *  contest.Hook = Hook.Default;
                     *  if (EvolveHook != null)
                     *      JsonConvert.PopulateObject(
                     *          await System.IO.File.ReadAllTextAsync(EvolveHook),
                     *          contest.Hook
                     *      );
                     *  contest.TestRobot = await CreateRobot(
                     *      worldKey: contest.WorldKey,
                     *      apiClient: contest.API
                     *  ) as ConfigurableContextBot;
                     *  if (contest.TestRobot == null)
                     *      throw new Exception("Failed to create robot or it isn't derived from ConfigurableContextBot");
                     *  contest.ChallengeRobot = await CreateRobot(
                     *      worldKey: contest.WorldKey,
                     *      apiClient: contest.API,
                     *      innerRobotType: typeof(ConfigTurret)
                     *  ) as ConfigurableContextBot;
                     *  contest.ChallengeRobot.ConfigurationFileName = EvolveChallengeConfig;
                     *  if (contest.ChallengeRobot == null)
                     *      throw new Exception("Failed to create robot or it isn't derived from ConfigurableContextBot");
                     *  return contest;
                     * }, new RobotEvolutionConfiguration
                     * {
                     *  BehaviorCount = 9,
                     *  FitnessDuration = 60000 * 10
                     * });
                     * ga.Start();
                    var tasks = new List <Task>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < Replicas; i++)
                        var robot = await CreateRobot();


                    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                    foreach (var task in tasks)
                        if (task.IsFaulted)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Robot Crashed: {task.Exception}");
Exemplo n.º 25
            public XDocumentType GetDocumentType(string root)
                var classes = FindObject(DocumentNode, a);

                foreach (var cls in classes)
                    if (FindObject(cls, subClassOf).FirstOrDefault() is IUriNode publicNode)
                        if (UriTools.ExtractPublicId(publicNode.Uri) is string pubId)
                            if (FindObject(publicNode, isDefinedBy).FirstOrDefault() is IUriNode systemNode)
                                var subset = FindObject(cls, value).OfType <ILiteralNode>().FirstOrDefault();
                                return(new XDocumentType(root, pubId, systemNode.Uri.GetString(), subset?.Value));

                foreach (var cls in classes)
                    if (FindObject(cls, subClassOf).FirstOrDefault() is IUriNode publicNode)
                        if (UriTools.ExtractPublicId(publicNode.Uri) is string pubId)
                            var subset = FindObject(cls, value).OfType <ILiteralNode>().FirstOrDefault();
                            return(new XDocumentType(root, pubId, null, subset?.Value));

                foreach (var cls in classes.OfType <IUriNode>())
                    if (UriTools.ExtractPublicId(cls.Uri) is string pubId)
                        if (FindObject(cls, isDefinedBy).FirstOrDefault() is IUriNode systemNode)
                            return(new XDocumentType(root, pubId, systemNode.Uri.GetString(), null));

                foreach (var cls in classes.OfType <IUriNode>())
                    if (UriTools.ExtractPublicId(cls.Uri) is string pubId)
                        return(new XDocumentType(root, pubId, null, null));

                foreach (var cls in classes)
                    var subset = FindObject(cls, value).OfType <ILiteralNode>().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (subset != null)
                        return(new XDocumentType(root, null, null, subset.Value));

Exemplo n.º 26
        private void WriteDocumentType(XmlWriter writer, INode documentNode, Context context)
            var root = GetRootType(documentNode);

            if (root == null)

            var classes = graph.FindObject(documentNode, a);

            var entitySubset = GetDtdSubset(documentNode, context);

            foreach (var cls in classes)
                if (graph.FindObject(cls, subClassOf).FirstOrDefault() is IUriNode publicNode)
                    if (UriTools.ExtractPublicId(publicNode.Uri) is string pubId)
                        if (graph.FindObject(publicNode, isDefinedBy).FirstOrDefault() is IUriNode systemNode)
                            var subset = GetValues(cls).OfType <ILiteralNode>().FirstOrDefault();
                            writer.WriteDocType(root, pubId, systemNode.Uri.GetString(), subset?.Value + entitySubset);

            foreach (var cls in classes)
                if (graph.FindObject(cls, subClassOf).FirstOrDefault() is IUriNode publicNode)
                    if (UriTools.ExtractPublicId(publicNode.Uri) is string pubId)
                        var subset = GetValues(cls).OfType <ILiteralNode>().FirstOrDefault();
                        writer.WriteDocType(root, pubId, null, subset?.Value + entitySubset);

            foreach (var cls in classes.OfType <IUriNode>())
                if (UriTools.ExtractPublicId(cls.Uri) is string pubId)
                    if (graph.FindObject(cls, isDefinedBy).FirstOrDefault() is IUriNode systemNode)
                        writer.WriteDocType(root, pubId, systemNode.Uri.GetString(), entitySubset);

            foreach (var cls in classes.OfType <IUriNode>())
                if (UriTools.ExtractPublicId(cls.Uri) is string pubId)
                    writer.WriteDocType(root, pubId, null, entitySubset);

            foreach (var cls in classes)
                var subset = GetValues(cls).OfType <ILiteralNode>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (subset != null)
                    writer.WriteDocType(root, null, null, subset.Value + entitySubset);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySubset))
                writer.WriteDocType(root, null, null, entitySubset);
Exemplo n.º 27
 protected Uri GetFullUri(XmlQualifiedName xmlName)
     return(xmlName != null?UriTools.ComposeUri(new Uri(xmlName.Namespace), xmlName.Name) : null);