Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ValidationCheck_UpsertCurveData_MarketAssesment_with_Auction()
            using (var httpTest = new HttpTest())
                var mds = new MarketDataService(_cfg);

                //Create invalid MarketAssessment by populating AutioonRows
                var data = new UpsertCurveData()
                    ID               = new MarketDataIdentifier("test", "testName"),
                    Timezone         = "CET",
                    DownloadedAt     = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(),
                    AuctionRows      = new Dictionary <LocalDateTime, AuctionBids>(),
                    MarketAssessment = new Dictionary <LocalDateTime, IDictionary <string, MarketAssessmentValue> >()

                var localDateTime = new LocalDateTime(2018, 09, 24, 00, 00);
                var bid           = new List <AuctionBidValue>();
                var offer         = new List <AuctionBidValue>();
                bid.Add(new AuctionBidValue(100, 10));
                offer.Add(new AuctionBidValue(120, 12));

                data.AuctionRows.Add(localDateTime, new AuctionBids(localDateTime, bid.ToArray(), offer.ToArray()));

                data.MarketAssessment.Add(localDateTime, new Dictionary <string, MarketAssessmentValue>());
                data.MarketAssessment[localDateTime].Add("test", new MarketAssessmentValue());

                var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => mds.UpsertCurveDataAsync(data).ConfigureAwait(true).GetAwaiter().GetResult());
                Assert.AreEqual("UpsertCurveData Auctions must be NULL if MarketAssessment are Valorized", ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ValidationCheck_UpsertCurveData_Versioned_with_BidAsk()
            using (var httpTest = new HttpTest())
                var mds = new MarketDataService(_cfg);

                //Create invalid Version by populating BidAsk
                var data = new UpsertCurveData()
                    ID           = new MarketDataIdentifier("test", "testName"),
                    Timezone     = "CET",
                    DownloadedAt = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(),
                    Rows         = new Dictionary <LocalDateTime, double?>()
                        { new LocalDateTime(2018, 01, 01, 0, 0), 21.4 }
                    BidAsk  = new Dictionary <LocalDateTime, IDictionary <string, BidAskValue> >(),
                    Version = new LocalDateTime(2018, 09, 25, 12, 0, 0, 123).PlusNanoseconds(100)

                var localDateTime = new LocalDateTime(2018, 09, 24, 00, 00);

                data.BidAsk.Add(localDateTime, new Dictionary <string, BidAskValue>());
                data.BidAsk[localDateTime].Add("test", new BidAskValue());

                var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => mds.UpsertCurveDataAsync(data).ConfigureAwait(true).GetAwaiter().GetResult());
                Assert.AreEqual("UpsertCurveData BidAsk must be NULL if Rows are Valorized", ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void UpsertCurve_UpsertCurveDataAsync_Versioned()
            using (var httpTest = new HttpTest())
                var mds = new MarketDataService(_cfg);

                //Create Version
                var data = new UpsertCurveData()
                    ID           = new MarketDataIdentifier("test", "testName"),
                    Timezone     = "CET",
                    DownloadedAt = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(),
                    Rows         = new Dictionary <LocalDateTime, double?>()
                        { new LocalDateTime(2018, 01, 01, 0, 0), 21.4 }
                    Version = new LocalDateTime(2018, 09, 25, 12, 0, 0, 123).PlusNanoseconds(100)


Exemplo n.º 4
        public void UpsertCurve_UpsertCurveDataAsync_Auction()
            using (var httpTest = new HttpTest())
                var mds = new MarketDataService(_cfg);

                var data = new UpsertCurveData()
                    ID           = new MarketDataIdentifier("test", "testName"),
                    Timezone     = "CET",
                    DownloadedAt = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(),
                    AuctionRows  = new Dictionary <LocalDateTime, AuctionBids>()

                var localDateTime = new LocalDateTime(2018, 09, 24, 00, 00);
                var bid           = new List <AuctionBidValue>();
                var offer         = new List <AuctionBidValue>();
                bid.Add(new AuctionBidValue(100, 10));
                offer.Add(new AuctionBidValue(120, 12));

                data.AuctionRows.Add(localDateTime, new AuctionBids(localDateTime, bid.ToArray(), offer.ToArray()));


Exemplo n.º 5
        public void UpsertCurve_UpsertCurveDataAsync_MarketAssessment()
            using (var httpTest = new HttpTest())
                var mds = new MarketDataService(_cfg);

                var data = new UpsertCurveData()
                    ID               = new MarketDataIdentifier("test", "testName"),
                    Timezone         = "CET",
                    DownloadedAt     = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(),
                    MarketAssessment = new Dictionary <LocalDateTime, IDictionary <string, MarketAssessmentValue> >()

                var localDateTime = new LocalDateTime(2018, 09, 24, 00, 00);

                data.MarketAssessment.Add(localDateTime, new Dictionary <string, MarketAssessmentValue>());
                data.MarketAssessment[localDateTime].Add("test", new MarketAssessmentValue());


Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Upsert the curve data supplied in <paramref name="data"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Unified controller for saving curve data
        /// ID, TimeZone and DownloadedAt fields should not be null
        /// - Market Data Assessment: MarketAssessment field should not be null, other fields should be null
        /// - Actual TimeSerie: Rows field should not be null, other fields should be null-
        /// - Versioned TimeSerie: Rows and Version fields should not be null, other fields should be null
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// An object that represents MarketDataAssessment, ActualTimeSerie or VersionedTimeSerie
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ctk">CancellationToken</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task UpsertCurveDataAsync(UpsertCurveData data, CancellationToken ctk = default)

            var url = "/marketdata/upsertdata";

            return(_client.Exec(HttpMethod.Post, url, data, ctk: ctk));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// MarketData Save
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Save the Data of the current MarketData
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="downloadedAt">Downloaded at</param>
        /// <param name="deferCommandExecution">DeferCommandExecution</param>
        /// <param name="deferDataGeneration">DeferDataGeneration</param>
        /// <param name="keepNulls">if <see langword="false"/> nulls are ignored (server-side). That is the default behaviour.</param>
        /// <param name="ctk">The Cancellation Token</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Save(Instant downloadedAt, bool deferCommandExecution = false, bool deferDataGeneration = true, bool keepNulls = false, CancellationToken ctk = default)

            if (Bids.Any())
                var data = new UpsertCurveData(_identifier)
                    Timezone              = _entity.OriginalGranularity.IsTimeGranularity() ? "UTC" : _entity.OriginalTimezone,
                    DownloadedAt          = downloadedAt,
                    AuctionRows           = _bids,
                    DeferCommandExecution = deferCommandExecution,
                    DeferDataGeneration   = deferDataGeneration,
                    KeepNulls             = keepNulls

                await _marketDataService.UpsertCurveDataAsync(data, ctk);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// MarketData Save
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Save the Data of the current MarketData
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="downloadedAt">Downloaded at</param>
        /// <param name="deferCommandExecution">DeferCommandExecution</param>
        /// <param name="deferDataGeneration">DeferDataGeneration</param>
        /// <param name="keepNulls">if <see langword="false"/> nulls are ignored (server-side). That is the default behaviour.</param>
        /// <param name="ctk">The Cancellation Token</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Save(Instant downloadedAt, bool deferCommandExecution = false, bool deferDataGeneration = true, bool keepNulls = false, CancellationToken ctk = default)

            if (BidAsks.Any())
                var data = new UpsertCurveData(_identifier)
                    Timezone              = _entity.OriginalGranularity.IsTimeGranularity() ? "UTC" : _entity.OriginalTimezone,
                    DownloadedAt          = downloadedAt,
                    DeferCommandExecution = deferCommandExecution,
                    BidAsk    = new Dictionary <LocalDateTime, IDictionary <string, BidAskValue> >(),
                    KeepNulls = keepNulls

                foreach (var reportTime in BidAsks.GroupBy(g => g.ReportTime))
                    var BidAsks = reportTime.ToDictionary(key => key.Product.ToString(), value => value.Value);
                    data.BidAsk.Add(reportTime.Key, BidAsks);

                await _marketDataService.UpsertCurveDataAsync(data, ctk);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// MarketData Save
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Save the Data of the current MarketData
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="downloadedAt">Downloaded at</param>
        /// <param name="deferCommandExecution">DeferCommandExecution</param>
        /// <param name="deferDataGeneration">DeferDataGeneration</param>
        /// <param name="keepNulls">if <see langword="false"/> nulls are ignored (server-side). That is the default behaviour.</param>
        /// <param name="ctk">The Cancellation Token</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Save(Instant downloadedAt, bool deferCommandExecution = false, bool deferDataGeneration = true, bool keepNulls = false, CancellationToken ctk = default)
            if (!SelectedVersion.HasValue)
                throw new VersionedTimeSerieException("No Version has been selected to save Data");

            if (Values.Any())
                var data = new UpsertCurveData(_identifier, SelectedVersion.Value)
                    Timezone              = _entity.OriginalGranularity.IsTimeGranularity() ? "UTC" : _entity.OriginalTimezone,
                    DownloadedAt          = downloadedAt,
                    Rows                  = _values,
                    DeferCommandExecution = deferCommandExecution,
                    DeferDataGeneration   = deferDataGeneration,
                    KeepNulls             = keepNulls

                await _marketDataService.UpsertCurveDataAsync(data, ctk);
            //    _logger.Warn("No Data to be saved.");
Exemplo n.º 10
 public Task UpsertCurveDataAsync(UpsertCurveData data, CancellationToken ctk = default)
     throw new NotImplementedException();