Exemplo n.º 1
        private async void HandleDeleteUploadQueueItemCommand(UploadQueueItem item)
            //TODO: fix this
            //await App.Sync.Delete(item.Filename);

            await RefreshUploadQueue();
        private async Task UploadItem(UploadQueueItem uploadQueueItem, DataChunkSize dataChunkSize)
            if (uploadQueueItem.Title.Trim().Length == 0)
                App.TaskDialogShow("오류", "입력에 오류가 있습니다.", "영상 제목은 반드시 채워져야 합니다.",
                                   TaskDialogIcon.Error, TaskDialogCommonButtonFlags.OK);

            string itemName = $"{uploadQueueItem.Title}({Path.GetFileName ( HttpUtility.UrlDecode ( uploadQueueItem.FileName.AbsolutePath ) )})";

            switch (await uploadQueueItem.UploadStart(dataChunkSize))
            case UploadResult.Succeed:
                switch (uploadQueueItem.UploadingStatus)
                case UploadingStatus.UploadCompleted: NotificatorManager.Notify("안내", $"{itemName}에 대한 업로드를 성공했습니다.", NotifyType.CustomType1); break;

                case UploadingStatus.UpdateComplete: NotificatorManager.Notify("안내", $"{itemName}에 대한 업데이트를 성공했습니다.", NotifyType.CustomType1); break;

                case UploadingStatus.UploadFailed: NotificatorManager.Notify("안내", $"{itemName}에 대한 업로드를 실패했습니다.", NotifyType.Warning); break;

                case UploadingStatus.UpdateFailed: NotificatorManager.Notify("안내", $"{itemName}에 대한 업데이트를 실패했습니다.", NotifyType.Warning); break;

            case UploadResult.UploadCanceled: NotificatorManager.Notify("안내", $"{itemName}에 대한 업로드가 중단됐습니다.\n업로드 재개가 가능합니다.", NotifyType.Warning); break;

            case UploadResult.AlreadyUploading: NotificatorManager.Notify("오류", $"{itemName}은 이미 업로드가 시작되었습니다.", NotifyType.Error); break;

            case UploadResult.FailedUploadRequest: NotificatorManager.Notify("오류", $"{itemName}의 업로드 요청을 시작할 수 없었습니다.", NotifyType.Error); break;

            case UploadResult.CannotStartUpload: NotificatorManager.Notify("오류", $"{itemName}의 업로드 작업을 시작할 수 없었습니다.", NotifyType.Error); break;
        public void TestUploadQueueItem()
            // Get the receive queue
            using (var queue = GetUniqueMessageQueue())
                var queueItem = new UploadQueueItem(
                    calledApplicationEntityTitle: "Test1",
                    callingApplicationEntityTitle: "Test2",
                    associationFolderPath: "Test4",
                    rootDicomFolderPath: "Test6",
                    associationGuid: Guid.NewGuid(),
                    associationDateTime: DateTime.UtcNow)
                    DequeueCount = 9

                TransactionalEnqueue(queue, queueItem);

                var item = TransactionalDequeue <UploadQueueItem>(queue);


                AssertAllProperties(queueItem, item);
        private void SetThumbnailImage(UploadQueueItem uploadQueueItem, BitmapSource bitmapSource)
            if (bitmapSource == null || uploadQueueItem == null)

            if (Math.Abs((bitmapSource.PixelWidth / ( double )bitmapSource.PixelHeight) - (16 / 9.0)) >= float.Epsilon)
                var result = App.TaskDialogShow("알림", "이미지 크기가 16:9 비율이어야 합니다.",
                                                "클립보드 이미지 크기 비율이 16:9인지 확인해주세요.\nYouTube 권장 크기는 1280 * 720입니다.",
                                                TaskDialogIcon.Warning, TaskDialogCommonButtonFlags.OK, "레터박스 추가", "잘라내기", "늘리기").Button;
                if (result != 0)
                    var blackBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);

                    RenderTargetBitmap bmp = new RenderTargetBitmap(1280, 720, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Default);

                    Grid container = new Grid()
                        Width      = 1280,
                        Height     = 720,
                        Background = blackBrush
                    Image image = new Image()
                        Source = bitmapSource,
                        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                        VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,

                    switch (result)
                    case 1: image.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform; break;

                    case 2: image.Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill; break;

                    case 3: image.Stretch = Stretch.Fill; break;

                    container.Measure(new Size(1280, 720));
                    container.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, 1280, 720));


                    bitmapSource = bmp;

            uploadQueueItem.Thumbnail = bitmapSource;
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Shorthand for creating an association status log entry.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="associationStatus">Association status.</param>
 /// <param name="information">Freeform information about log item.</param>
 /// <param name="queueItemBase">Queue item base.</param>
 /// <param name="deleteQueueItem">Delete queue item.</param>
 /// <param name="downloadQueueItem">Download queue item.</param>
 /// <param name="downloadProgress">Download progress.</param>
 /// <param name="downloadError">Download error.</param>
 /// <param name="pushQueueItem">Push queue item.</param>
 /// <param name="uploadQueueItem">Upload queue item.</param>
 /// <param name="segmentationId">Segmentation id.</param>
 /// <param name="modelId">Model id.</param>
 /// <param name="destination">Destination.</param>
 /// <param name="path">Path.</param>
 /// <param name="failedDicomTags">String formatted list of failed DICOM tags.</param>
 /// <param name="dicomDataReceiverProgress">Receiver progress.</param>
 /// <returns>New LogEntry of type SegmentationStatus.</returns>
 public static LogEntry Create(
     AssociationStatus associationStatus,
     string information                  = null,
     QueueItemBase queueItemBase         = null,
     DeleteQueueItem deleteQueueItem     = null,
     DownloadQueueItem downloadQueueItem = null,
     int?downloadProgress                = null,
     string downloadError                = null,
     PushQueueItem pushQueueItem         = null,
     UploadQueueItem uploadQueueItem     = null,
     string segmentationId               = null,
     string modelId = null,
     (string ipAddress, string title, int port)?destination = null,
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for when data is received. Used for adding a received folder onto the message queue
        /// when the association is closed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The progress update.</param>
        private void DataReceiver_DataReceived(object sender, DicomDataReceiverProgressEventArgs e)
            var queueItem = new UploadQueueItem(
                calledApplicationEntityTitle: e.DicomAssociation?.CalledAE,
                callingApplicationEntityTitle: e.DicomAssociation?.CallingAE,
                associationFolderPath: e.FolderPath,
                rootDicomFolderPath: e.RootFolderPath,
                associationGuid: e.AssociationId,
                associationDateTime: e.SocketConnectionDateTime);

            if (e.ProgressCode == DicomReceiveProgressCode.AssociationReleased || e.ProgressCode == DicomReceiveProgressCode.TransferAborted)
                // Send a log event
                                               uploadQueueItem: queueItem,
                                               dicomDataReceiverProgress: CreateReceiveProperties(e)));

                // If no data has been received, we do not need to add to the message queue.
                // An example of a no data received scenario is a Dicom echo.
                if (!e.AnyDataReceived)

                using (var transaction = CreateQueueTransaction(_uploadQueuePath))

                        // Add the receive queue item onto the queue.
                        // No retry logic as if the method fails, retrying will not help
                        EnqueueMessage(queueItem, _uploadQueuePath, transaction);
                    // This should never happen unless someone has manually changed the queue configuration
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
                    catch (Exception exception)
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
                        LogError(LogEntry.Create(AssociationStatus.ReceiveEnqueueError, uploadQueueItem: queueItem),
            else if (e.ProgressCode == DicomReceiveProgressCode.FileReceived ||
                     e.ProgressCode == DicomReceiveProgressCode.ConnectionClosed ||
                     e.ProgressCode == DicomReceiveProgressCode.AssociationEstablished)
                                               uploadQueueItem: queueItem,
                                               dicomDataReceiverProgress: CreateReceiveProperties(e)));
            else if (e.ProgressCode == DicomReceiveProgressCode.AssociationEstablished)
                                               uploadQueueItem: queueItem,
                                               dicomDataReceiverProgress: CreateReceiveProperties(e)));
            else if (e.ProgressCode == DicomReceiveProgressCode.Echo)
                                               uploadQueueItem: queueItem,
                                               dicomDataReceiverProgress: CreateReceiveProperties(e)));
                LogError(LogEntry.Create(AssociationStatus.ReceiveUploadError, uploadQueueItem: queueItem,
                                         dicomDataReceiverProgress: CreateReceiveProperties(e)),
                         new ReceiveServiceException("Cannot add to upload queue"));
        private void AddItem(string filename)
            if (!YouTubeSession.IsAlreadyAuthorized)

            bool alreadyAdded = false;
            Uri  filenameUri  = new Uri(filename);

            foreach (var item in uploadQueueListBox.ItemsSource as IList <UploadQueueItem> )
                if (item.FileName.AbsolutePath == filenameUri.AbsolutePath)
                    alreadyAdded = true;

            if (alreadyAdded)

            string          itemName = Path.GetFileName(filename);
            UploadQueueItem queueItem;

                queueItem = new UploadQueueItem(YouTubeSession, filename)
                    PrivacyStatus = ( PrivacyStatus )comboBoxDefaultPrivacyStatus.SelectedIndex
            catch (ArgumentException)
                NotificatorManager.Notify("오류", $"{itemName}의 업로드할 파일의 크기는 64GB를 넘길 수 없습니다.", NotifyType.Error);
            catch (IOException)
                NotificatorManager.Notify("오류", $"{itemName}의 영상 파일에 접근할 수 없었습니다.", NotifyType.Error);

            // 업로드 성공
            queueItem.Completed += (sender, e) =>
                if (DeleteWhenComplete)
                    File.Delete(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode((sender as UploadQueueItem).FileName.AbsolutePath));

                if (HaltWhenAllCompleted)
                    var  list        = uploadQueueListBox.ItemsSource as IList <UploadQueueItem>;
                    bool incompleted = false;
                    foreach (var i in list)
                        if (i.UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UploadCompleted || i.UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UpdateComplete)
                        incompleted = true;

                    if (!incompleted)
                        Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { new HaltWindow().ShowDialog(); }));
            // 업로드 실패
            queueItem.Failed += async(sender, e) =>
                if ((sender as UploadQueueItem).UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UploadCompleted ||
                    (sender as UploadQueueItem).UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UpdateComplete ||
                    (sender as UploadQueueItem).UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UploadCanceled)
                if ((sender as UploadQueueItem).IsManuallyPaused)
                if (!HaltWhenAllCompleted && !RetryWhenCanceled)

                int sec = 0;
                switch (option.Options.RetryDelayIndex)
                case 0: sec = 0; break;

                case 1: sec = 5; break;

                case 2: sec = 10; break;

                case 3: sec = 15; break;

                case 4: sec = 30; break;

                case 5: sec = 60; break;
                if (sec != 0)
                    await Task.Delay(1000 *sec);

                if (!HaltWhenAllCompleted && !RetryWhenCanceled)
                var uploadState = (sender as UploadQueueItem).UploadingStatus;
                if (uploadState == UploadingStatus.Uploading || uploadState == UploadingStatus.UploadCompleted || uploadState == UploadingStatus.UpdateComplete)

                await(sender as UploadQueueItem).UploadStart();
            // 업로드 중
            queueItem.Uploading += (sender, e) =>
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    double totalProgress   = 0;
                    bool thereIsFailedItem = false;
                    int totalCount         = 0;

                    foreach (var item in uploadQueueListBox.ItemsSource as ObservableCollection <UploadQueueItem> )
                        if (item.UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UploadFailed || item.UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.UpdateFailed)
                            thereIsFailedItem = true;
                        else if (item.UploadingStatus == UploadingStatus.Queued)
                        totalProgress += item.Progress;

                    TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = thereIsFailedItem ? TaskbarItemProgressState.Paused : TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal;
                    TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = totalProgress / totalCount;
            (uploadQueueListBox.ItemsSource as IList <UploadQueueItem>).Add(queueItem);