Exemplo n.º 1
    public void onGoodUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG currentUpgrade)
        // good - the virtual good that was just upgraded
        // currentUpgrade - the upgrade after the operation completed

Exemplo n.º 2
    public VirtualGood[] GetUpgradeableVirtualGoods()
        UpgradeVG[] goods = new UpgradeVG[Map_UpgradeableVirtualGoods.Count];
        Map_UpgradeableVirtualGoods.Values.CopyTo(goods, 0);

Exemplo n.º 3
 public void PostGoodUpgradeEvent(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG upgradeVG)
     if (OnGoodUpgradeEvent != null)
         OnGoodUpgradeEvent(good, upgradeVG);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Upgrades the good with the given <code>upgradeItemId</code> for FREE (you are GIVING him/her
  * the upgrade). In case that the good is not an upgradeable item, an error message will be
  * produced. <code>forceUpgrade()</code> is different than <code>upgradeVirtualGood()<code>
  * because <code>forceUpgrade()</code> is a FREE upgrade.
  * @param upgradeItemId id of the virtual good who we want to force an upgrade upon
  * @throws VirtualItemNotFoundException
 public static void forceUpgrade(String upgradeItemId)
     try {
         UpgradeVG upgradeVG = (UpgradeVG)StoreInfo.getVirtualItem(upgradeItemId);
     } catch (InvalidCastException ex) {
         SoomlaUtils.LogError("SOOMLA StoreInventory",
                              "The given itemId was of a non UpgradeVG VirtualItem. Can't force it." + " " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void onGoodUpgrade(string message)
        StoreUtils.LogDebug(TAG, "SOOMLA/UNITY onGoodUpgrade:" + message);

        string[] vars = Regex.Split(message, "#SOOM#");

        VirtualGood vg  = (VirtualGood)StoreInfo.GetItemByItemId(vars[0]);
        UpgradeVG   vgu = (UpgradeVG)StoreInfo.GetItemByItemId(vars[1]);

        Events.OnGoodUpgrade(vg, vgu);
Exemplo n.º 6
         * Retrieves the itemId of the current upgrade of the virtual good with the given
         * <code>goodItemId</code>.
         * @param goodItemId id of the virtual good whose upgrade id we want to know
         * @return upgrade id if exists, or empty string otherwise
         * @throws VirtualItemNotFoundException
        public static String getGoodCurrentUpgrade(String goodItemId)
            VirtualGood good      = (VirtualGood)StoreInfo.getVirtualItem(goodItemId);
            UpgradeVG   upgradeVG = StorageManager.getVirtualGoodsStorage().getCurrentUpgrade(good);

            if (upgradeVG == null)
Exemplo n.º 7
    private void processUpgradeVirtualGood(Dictionary <string, string> atts)
        string    name      = atts["name"];
        UpgradeVG upgradeVG = new UpgradeVG(atts["localID"],
                                            new PurchaseWithVirtualItem(atts["localID"], Convert.ToInt32(atts["currencyCost"]))

        upgradeVG.imageIconPath             = atts["spriteIcon"];
        ourIAPAssets.Map_VirtualGoods[name] = upgradeVG;
Exemplo n.º 8
 void bought(VirtualGood arg1, UpgradeVG arg2)
     if (upgrades)
         int upgdLevel = StoreInventory.GetGoodUpgradeLevel(id);
         if (upgdLevel == 5)
             el_desc.text = LanguageManager.current.getText(LanguageNode.FullUpgraded);
             el_upgradeMeter.fillAmount = 1f;
             el_upgradeMeter.fillAmount = upgdLevel / 5f;
             el_price.text = AnimineStoreAssets.UPGRADE_PRICE [upgdLevel] + "";
Exemplo n.º 9
         * Retrieves the upgrade level of the virtual good with the given <code>goodItemId</code>.
         * For Example:
         * Let's say there's a strength attribute to one of the characters in your game and you provide
         * your users with the ability to upgrade that strength on a scale of 1-3.
         * This is what you've created:
         *  1. <code>SingleUseVG</code> for "strength"
         *  2. <code>UpgradeVG</code> for strength 'level 1'.
         *  3. <code>UpgradeVG</code> for strength 'level 2'.
         *  4. <code>UpgradeVG</code> for strength 'level 3'.
         * In the example, this function will retrieve the upgrade level for "strength" (1, 2, or 3).
         * @param goodItemId id of the virtual good whose upgrade level we want to know
         * @return upgrade level of the good with the given id
         * @throws VirtualItemNotFoundException
        public static int getGoodUpgradeLevel(String goodItemId)
            VirtualGood good      = (VirtualGood)StoreInfo.getVirtualItem(goodItemId);
            UpgradeVG   upgradeVG = StorageManager.getVirtualGoodsStorage().getCurrentUpgrade(good);

            if (upgradeVG == null)
                return(0); //no upgrade

            UpgradeVG first = StoreInfo.getGoodFirstUpgrade(goodItemId);
            int       level = 1;

            while (!first.Equal(upgradeVG))
                first = (UpgradeVG)StoreInfo.getVirtualItem(first.getNextItemId());

Exemplo n.º 10
         * Assigns a specific upgrade to the given virtual good.
         * @param good the VirtualGood to upgrade
         * @param upgradeVG the upgrade to assign
         * @param notify if true post event to bus
        public void assignCurrentUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG upgradeVG, bool notify)
            if (getCurrentUpgrade(good) != null && getCurrentUpgrade(good).getItemId() == upgradeVG.getItemId())

            SoomlaUtils.LogDebug(mTag, "Assigning upgrade " + upgradeVG.getName() + " to virtual good: "
                                 + good.getName());

            String itemId   = good.getItemId();
            String key      = keyGoodUpgrade(itemId);
            String upItemId = upgradeVG.getItemId();

            KeyValueStorage.SetValue(key, upItemId);

            if (notify)
                BusProvider.Instance.Post(new GoodUpgradeEvent(good, upgradeVG));
Exemplo n.º 11
         * Upgrades the virtual good with the given <code>goodItemId</code> by doing the following:
         * 1. Checks if the good is currently upgraded or if this is the first time being upgraded.
         * 2. If the good is currently upgraded, upgrades to the next upgrade in the series, or in
         *    other words, <code>buy()</code>s the next upgrade. In case there are no more upgrades
         *    available(meaning the current upgrade is the last available), the function returns.
         * 3. If the good has never been upgraded before, the function upgrades it to the first
         *    available upgrade, or in other words, <code>buy()</code>s the first upgrade in the series.
         * @param goodItemId the id of the virtual good to be upgraded
         * @throws VirtualItemNotFoundException
         * @throws InsufficientFundsException
        public static void upgradeVirtualGood(String goodItemId)
            VirtualGood good      = (VirtualGood)StoreInfo.getVirtualItem(goodItemId);
            UpgradeVG   upgradeVG = StorageManager.getVirtualGoodsStorage().getCurrentUpgrade(good);

            if (upgradeVG != null)
                String nextItemId = upgradeVG.getNextItemId();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextItemId))
                UpgradeVG vgu = (UpgradeVG)StoreInfo.getVirtualItem(nextItemId);
                UpgradeVG first = StoreInfo.getGoodFirstUpgrade(goodItemId);
                if (first != null)
 private void GoodUpgrade(VirtualGood arg1, UpgradeVG arg2)
Exemplo n.º 13
		private static void fromJSONObject(JSONObject storeJSON)
			VirtualItems = new Dictionary<string, VirtualItem> ();
			PurchasableItems = new Dictionary<string, PurchasableVirtualItem> ();
			GoodsCategories = new Dictionary<string, VirtualCategory> ();
			GoodsUpgrades = new Dictionary<string, List<UpgradeVG>> ();
			CurrencyPacks = new List<VirtualCurrencyPack> ();
			Goods = new List<VirtualGood> ();
			Categories = new List<VirtualCategory> ();
			Currencies = new List<VirtualCurrency> ();
			if (storeJSON.HasField (StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCIES)) {
				List<JSONObject> objs = storeJSON [StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCIES].list;
				foreach (JSONObject o in objs) {
					VirtualCurrency c = new VirtualCurrency (o);
					Currencies.Add (c);
			if (storeJSON.HasField (StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCYPACKS)) {
				List<JSONObject> objs = storeJSON [StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCYPACKS].list;
				foreach (JSONObject o in objs) {
					VirtualCurrencyPack c = new VirtualCurrencyPack (o);
					CurrencyPacks.Add (c);
			if (storeJSON.HasField (StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS)) {
				JSONObject goods = storeJSON [StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS];
				if (goods.HasField (StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_SU)) {
					List<JSONObject> suGoods = goods [StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_SU].list;
					foreach (JSONObject o in suGoods) {
						var c = new SingleUseVG (o);
						Goods.Add (c);
				if (goods.HasField (StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_LT)) {
					List<JSONObject> ltGoods = goods [StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_LT].list;
					foreach (JSONObject o in ltGoods) {
						LifetimeVG c = new LifetimeVG (o);
						Goods.Add (c);
				if (goods.HasField (StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_EQ)) {
					List<JSONObject> eqGoods = goods [StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_EQ].list;
					foreach (JSONObject o in eqGoods) {
						EquippableVG c = new EquippableVG (o);
						Goods.Add (c);
				if (goods.HasField (StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_PA)) {
					List<JSONObject> paGoods = goods [StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_PA].list;
					foreach (JSONObject o in paGoods) {
						SingleUsePackVG c = new SingleUsePackVG (o);
						Goods.Add (c);
				if (goods.HasField (StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_UP)) {
					List<JSONObject> upGoods = goods [StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_UP].list;
					foreach (JSONObject o in upGoods) {
						UpgradeVG c = new UpgradeVG (o);
						Goods.Add (c);

			if (storeJSON.HasField(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CATEGORIES)) {
				List<JSONObject> categories = storeJSON[StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CATEGORIES].list;
				foreach (JSONObject o in categories){
					VirtualCategory category = new VirtualCategory(o);

			updateAggregatedLists ();
Exemplo n.º 14
 public GoodUpgradeEvent(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG upgradeVG)
     : this(good, upgradeVG, null)
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Prepare(int version, String JsonStoreAssets)
                mVersion = version;

                JObject JObject = JObject.Parse(JsonStoreAssets);

                JArray virtualCurrencies = JObject.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCIES);
                mVirtualCurrency = new VirtualCurrency[virtualCurrencies.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < virtualCurrencies.Count; i++)
                    JObject         o = virtualCurrencies.Value <JObject>(i);
                    VirtualCurrency c = new VirtualCurrency(o);
                    mVirtualCurrency[i] = c;

                JArray currencyPacks = JObject.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCYPACKS);
                mVirtualCurrencyPack = new VirtualCurrencyPack[currencyPacks.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < currencyPacks.Count; i++)
                    JObject             o    = currencyPacks.Value <JObject>(i);
                    VirtualCurrencyPack pack = new VirtualCurrencyPack(o);
                    mVirtualCurrencyPack[i] = pack;

                // The order in which VirtualGoods are created matters!
                // For example: VGU and VGP depend on other VGs
                JObject            virtualGoods = JObject.Value <JObject>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS);
                JArray             suGoods      = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_SU);
                JArray             ltGoods      = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_LT);
                JArray             eqGoods      = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_EQ);
                JArray             upGoods      = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_UP);
                JArray             paGoods      = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_PA);
                List <VirtualGood> goods        = new List <VirtualGood>();
                for (int i = 0; i < suGoods.Count; i++)
                    JObject     o = suGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                    SingleUseVG g = new SingleUseVG(o);
                for (int i = 0; i < ltGoods.Count; i++)
                    JObject    o = ltGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                    LifetimeVG g = new LifetimeVG(o);
                for (int i = 0; i < eqGoods.Count; i++)
                    JObject      o = eqGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                    EquippableVG g = new EquippableVG(o);
                for (int i = 0; i < paGoods.Count; i++)
                    JObject         o = paGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                    SingleUsePackVG g = new SingleUsePackVG(o);
                for (int i = 0; i < upGoods.Count; i++)
                    JObject   o = upGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                    UpgradeVG g = new UpgradeVG(o);

                mVirtualGood = new VirtualGood[goods.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < goods.Count; i++)
                    mVirtualGood[i] = goods[i];

                // categories depend on virtual goods. That's why the have to be initialized after!
                JArray virtualCategories = JObject.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CATEGORIES);
                mVirtualCategory = new VirtualCategory[virtualCategories.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < virtualCategories.Count; i++)
                    JObject         o        = virtualCategories.Value <JObject>(i);
                    VirtualCategory category = new VirtualCategory(o);
                    mVirtualCategory[i] = category;

                JArray nonConsumables = JObject.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_NONCONSUMABLES);
                mNonConsumableItem = new NonConsumableItem[nonConsumables.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < nonConsumables.Count; i++)
                    JObject           o   = nonConsumables.Value <JObject>(i);
                    NonConsumableItem non = new NonConsumableItem(o);
                    mNonConsumableItem[i] = non;
            catch (Exception ex)
                SoomlaUtils.LogError(TAG, "An error occurred while trying to prepare storeAssets" + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void onGoodUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG currentUpgrade)
     //AndyUtils.LogDebug(TAG, "The current uprade of " + good.ItemId + " is " + currentUpgrade.ItemId);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public GoodUpgradeEvent(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG upgradeVG, object sender)
     : base(sender)
     mGood      = good;
     mUpgradeVG = upgradeVG;
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles a good upgraded event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="good">Virtual good that is being upgraded.</param>
 /// <param name="currentUpgrade">The current upgrade that the given virtual
 /// good is being upgraded to.</param>
 public void onGoodUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG currentUpgrade)
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Assigns a specific upgrade to the given virtual good.
  * @param good the virtual good to upgrade
  * @param upgradeVG the upgrade to assign
 public void assignCurrentUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG upgradeVG)
     assignCurrentUpgrade(good, upgradeVG, true);
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void OnGoodUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG currentUpgrade)
     Debug.Log(string.Format("GNOME: GoodUpgrade - ItemId: {0}", good.ItemId));
Exemplo n.º 21
		public void onGoodUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG currentUpgrade) {
            //AndyUtils.LogDebug(TAG, "The current uprade of " + good.ItemId + " is " + currentUpgrade.ItemId);
Exemplo n.º 22
        /** Private functions **/

         * Transforms given JObject to StoreInfo
         * @param JObject
         * @throws JSONException
        private static void fromJObject(JObject JObject)
            mVirtualItems     = new Dictionary <String, VirtualItem>();
            mPurchasableItems = new Dictionary <String, PurchasableVirtualItem>();
            mGoodsCategories  = new Dictionary <String, VirtualCategory>();
            mGoodsUpgrades    = new Dictionary <String, List <UpgradeVG> >();
            mCurrencyPacks    = new List <VirtualCurrencyPack>();
            mGoods            = new List <VirtualGood>();
            mCategories       = new List <VirtualCategory>();
            mCurrencies       = new List <VirtualCurrency>();
            mNonConsumables   = new List <NonConsumableItem>();

            JToken value;

            if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCIES, out value))
                JArray virtualCurrencies = JObject.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCIES);
                for (int i = 0; i < virtualCurrencies.Count; i++)
                    JObject         o = virtualCurrencies.Value <JObject>(i);
                    VirtualCurrency c = new VirtualCurrency(o);

                    mVirtualItems.Add(c.getItemId(), c);

            if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCYPACKS, out value))
                JArray currencyPacks = JObject.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCYPACKS);
                for (int i = 0; i < currencyPacks.Count; i++)
                    JObject             o    = currencyPacks.Value <JObject>(i);
                    VirtualCurrencyPack pack = new VirtualCurrencyPack(o);

                    mVirtualItems.Add(pack.getItemId(), pack);

                    PurchaseType purchaseType = pack.GetPurchaseType();
                    if (purchaseType is PurchaseWithMarket)
                                              .getMarketItem().getProductId(), pack);

            // The order in which VirtualGoods are created matters!
            // For example: VGU and VGP depend on other VGs
            if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS, out value))
                JObject virtualGoods = JObject.Value <JObject>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS);

                JToken valueVg;
                if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_SU, out valueVg))
                    JArray suGoods = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_SU);
                    for (int i = 0; i < suGoods.Count; i++)
                        JObject     o = suGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                        SingleUseVG g = new SingleUseVG(o);

                if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_LT, out valueVg))
                    JArray ltGoods = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_LT);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ltGoods.Count; i++)
                        JObject    o = ltGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                        LifetimeVG g = new LifetimeVG(o);

                if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_EQ, out valueVg))
                    JArray eqGoods = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_EQ);
                    for (int i = 0; i < eqGoods.Count; i++)
                        JObject      o = eqGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                        EquippableVG g = new EquippableVG(o);

                if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_PA, out valueVg))
                    JArray paGoods = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_PA);
                    for (int i = 0; i < paGoods.Count; i++)
                        JObject         o = paGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                        SingleUsePackVG g = new SingleUsePackVG(o);

                if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_UP, out valueVg))
                    JArray upGoods = virtualGoods.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_UP);
                    for (int i = 0; i < upGoods.Count; i++)
                        JObject   o = upGoods.Value <JObject>(i);
                        UpgradeVG g = new UpgradeVG(o);

                        List <UpgradeVG> upgrades = mGoodsUpgrades[g.getGoodItemId()];
                        if (upgrades == null)
                            upgrades = new List <UpgradeVG>();
                            mGoodsUpgrades.Add(g.getGoodItemId(), upgrades);

            // Categories depend on virtual goods. That's why the have to be initialized after!
            if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CATEGORIES, out value))
                JArray virtualCategories = JObject.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CATEGORIES);
                for (int i = 0; i < virtualCategories.Count; i++)
                    JObject         o        = virtualCategories.Value <JObject>(i);
                    VirtualCategory category = new VirtualCategory(o);
                    foreach (String goodItemId in category.getGoodsItemIds())
                        mGoodsCategories.Add(goodItemId, category);

            if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_NONCONSUMABLES, out value))
                JArray nonConsumables = JObject.Value <JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_NONCONSUMABLES);
                for (int i = 0; i < nonConsumables.Count; i++)
                    JObject           o   = nonConsumables.Value <JObject>(i);
                    NonConsumableItem non = new NonConsumableItem(o);

                    mVirtualItems.Add(non.getItemId(), non);

                    PurchaseType purchaseType = non.GetPurchaseType();
                    if (purchaseType is PurchaseWithMarket)
                                              .getMarketItem().getProductId(), non);
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles a good upgraded event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="good">Virtual good that is being upgraded.</param>
 /// <param name="currentUpgrade">The current upgrade that the given virtual
 /// good is being upgraded to.</param>
 public void onGoodUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG currentUpgrade)
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles a good upgraded event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="good">Virtual good that is being upgraded.</param>
 /// <param name="currentUpgrade">The current upgrade that the given virtual
 /// good is being upgraded to.</param>
 public void onGoodUpgrade(VirtualGood good, UpgradeVG currentUpgrade)
     messageText.text = "You Have Succesfully Upgraded \n " + currentUpgrade.Name;