Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult UpdateProfile_Post(UpdateUserProfileModel model)
                var currentIdentity = HttpContext.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;

                var avatarClaim = currentIdentity.FindFirst(ClaimKeys.Avatar);
                if (avatarClaim != null)
                    UserManager.RemoveClaim(model.UserId, avatarClaim);

                currentIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimKeys.Avatar, model.Avatar));
                UserManager.AddClaim(model.UserId, new Claim(ClaimKeys.Avatar, model.Avatar));

                var authenticationManager = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication;
                authenticationManager.AuthenticationResponseGrant = new AuthenticationResponseGrant(new ClaimsPrincipal(currentIdentity), new AuthenticationProperties()
                    IsPersistent = true

                this.AddNotification("Update profile successfully", NotificationType.SUCCESS);
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.AddNotification("System is busy now. Please try again later", NotificationType.ERROR);
                var strError = string.Format("Could not UpdateProfile because: {0}", ex.ToString());


Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult UpdateProfile()
            var model = new UpdateUserProfileModel();

                if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                    model.UserId   = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                    model.UserName = User.Identity.GetUserName();

                    var claims = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity;
                    model.FullName = claims.FindFirstValue(ClaimKeys.FullName);
                    model.Avatar   = claims.FindFirstValue(ClaimKeys.Avatar);
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.AddNotification("System is busy now. Please try again later", NotificationType.ERROR);
                var strError = string.Format("Could not open page UpdateProfile because: {0}", ex.ToString());


Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProfile(int id, [FromBody] UpdateUserProfileModel model)
            if (id <= 0 || model is null)
                return(BadRequest(new { Message = "Invalid client request" }));

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(BadRequest(new { Message = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Errors) }));

                var user = await this._userService.Get(id);

                if (user == null)
                    return(NotFound(new { Message = "User not found" }));

                user.Culture   = model.Culture;
                user.Firstname = model.Firstname;
                user.Surname   = model.Surname;
                user.Timezone  = model.Timezone;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Password) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NewPassword))
                    if (!PasswordHasher.VerifyHash(model.Password, user.Salt, user.PasswordHash))
                        return(BadRequest(new { Message = "Wrong current password" }));

                    var hash = PasswordHasher.ComputeHash(model.NewPassword);
                    user.PasswordHash = hash.Hash;
                    user.Salt         = hash.Salt;
                    await _userService.Update(user);

                    return(Ok(new { Message = "User was updated" }));

                await _userService.Update(user);

                var links = HypermediaHelper.PutUserHypermediaLinks(this, id);

                    Message = "User updated",
                    Links = links
            catch (UserException exception)
                return(BadRequest(new { exception.Message }));
            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task UpdateUserProfileTest(KnownChains apiName, string followUser)
            var user = Users[apiName];

            var userProfileModel = new UserProfileModel(user.Login);
            var profileResponse  = await Api[apiName].GetUserProfile(userProfileModel, CancellationToken.None);

            var profile = profileResponse.Result;

            var updateUserProfileModel = new UpdateUserProfileModel()
                Login        = user.Login,
                ActiveKey    = user.PostingKey,
                About        = profile.About,
                Location     = profile.Location,
                Name         = profile.Name,
                ProfileImage = profile.ProfileImage,
                Website      = profile.Website
            var response = await Api[apiName].UpdateUserProfile(updateUserProfileModel, CancellationToken.None);

        //PUT: /api/UserProfile
        public async Task <ApiResponse> UpdateUserProfile([FromBody] UpdateUserProfileModel userProfile)
            var emailChanged = false;

            string userId = User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == "UserID").Value;
            var    user   = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

            //user.Notes = userProfile.Notes;
            if (userProfile.FirstName != null)
                user.FirstName = userProfile.FirstName;

            if (userProfile.LastName != null)
                user.LastName = userProfile.LastName;

            if (userProfile.Department != null)
                user.Department = userProfile.Department;

            if (userProfile.Position != null)
                user.Position = userProfile.Position;

            if (userProfile.UserName != null)
                user.UserName = userProfile.UserName;

            if (userProfile.Email != null &&
                !string.Equals(userProfile.Email.Replace(" ", ""), user.NormalizedEmail))
                user.Email = userProfile.Email;

                user.EmailConfirmed = false;

                emailChanged = true;

            var result = await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                return(new ApiResponse());
                return new ApiResponse
                           ErrorMessage = result.Errors.ToString()
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <OperationResult <VoidResponse> > UpdateUserProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model, CancellationToken ct)
            var results = Validate(model);

            if (results.Any())
                return(new OperationResult <VoidResponse>(new ValidationError(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, results.Select(i => i.ErrorMessage)))));

            return(await _ditchClient.UpdateUserProfile(model, ct));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <OperationResult <VoidResponse> > UpdateUserProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model, CancellationToken ct)
            var results = Validate(model);

            if (results.Any())
                return(new OperationResult <VoidResponse>(new ValidationError(results)));

            return(await _ditchClient.UpdateUserProfile(model, ct));
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected string UpdateProfileJson(string jsonMetadata, UpdateUserProfileModel model)
            var meta     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonMetadata) ? "{}" : jsonMetadata;
            var jMeta    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(meta);
            var jProfile = GetOrCreateJObject(jMeta, "profile");

            UpdateJValue(jProfile, "profile_image", model.ProfileImage);
            UpdateJValue(jProfile, "name", model.Name);
            UpdateJValue(jProfile, "location", model.Location);
            UpdateJValue(jProfile, "website", model.Website);
            UpdateJValue(jProfile, "about", model.About);
        public async Task <Result <LightUserModel> > UpdateProfile([FromQuery] string placeid,
                                                                   UpdateUserProfileModel model)
            var placeDetail = await _placeApi.PlaceDetail(placeid);

            if (placeDetail.Success)
                model.Province   = placeDetail.Data.Item1;
                model.City       = placeDetail.Data.Item2;
                model.PostalCode = placeDetail.Data.Item3;
                model.Address    = placeDetail.Data.Item4;

            return(await _membershipServiceApi.AuthAuthApiService.UpdateProfile(model));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public IActionResult Update(int id, [FromBody] UpdateUserProfileModel model)
            // map model to entity and set id
            var user = _mapper.Map <User>(model);

            user.Id = id;

                // update user
            catch (AppException ex)
                // return error message if there was an exception
                return(BadRequest(new { message = ex.Message }));
        public async Task <ErrorBase> TryUpdateUserProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model, UserProfileResponse currentProfile)
            var error = await TryRunTask(UpdateUserProfile, OnDisposeCts.Token, model);

            if (error != null)
                NotifySourceChanged(nameof(TryUpdateUserProfile), false);
                //TODO:KOA: Looks like it is work for AutoMapper
                currentProfile.About        = model.About;
                currentProfile.Name         = model.Name;
                currentProfile.Location     = model.Location;
                currentProfile.Website      = model.Website;
                currentProfile.ProfileImage = model.ProfileImage;
                NotifySourceChanged(nameof(TryUpdateUserProfile), false);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public override async Task <OperationResult <VoidResponse> > UpdateUserProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model, CancellationToken ct)
            var isConnected = await TryReconnectChain(ct);

            if (!isConnected)
                return(new OperationResult <VoidResponse>(new ValidationException(LocalizationKeys.EnableConnectToBlockchain)));

            var keys = ToKeyArr(model.ActiveKey);

            if (keys == null)
                return(new OperationResult <VoidResponse>(new ValidationException(LocalizationKeys.WrongPrivateActimeKey)));

            var resp = await _operationManager.LookupAccountNames(new[] { model.Login }, CancellationToken.None);

            var result = new OperationResult <VoidResponse>();

            if (resp.IsError)
                result.Exception = new RequestException(resp);

            var profile = resp.Result.Length == 1 ? resp.Result[0] : null;

            if (profile == null)
                result.Exception = new ValidationException(LocalizationKeys.UnexpectedProfileData);

            var editedMeta = UpdateProfileJson(profile.JsonMetadata, model);

            var op    = new AccountUpdateOperation(model.Login, profile.MemoKey, editedMeta);
            var resp2 = await _operationManager.BroadcastOperationsSynchronous(keys, ct, op);

            if (resp2.IsError)
                result.Exception = new RequestException(resp2);
                result.Result = new VoidResponse();
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override async Task <OperationResult <VoidResponse> > UpdateUserProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model, CancellationToken ct)
            return(await Task.Run(() =>
                if (!TryReconnectChain(ct))
                    return new OperationResult <VoidResponse>(new AppError(LocalizationKeys.EnableConnectToBlockchain));

                var keys = ToKeyArr(model.ActiveKey);
                if (keys == null)
                    return new OperationResult <VoidResponse>(new AppError(LocalizationKeys.WrongPrivateActimeKey));

                var findAccountsArgs = new FindAccountsArgs
                    Accounts = new[] { model.Login }
                var resp = _operationManager.FindAccounts(findAccountsArgs, CancellationToken.None);
                var result = new OperationResult <VoidResponse>();
                if (resp.IsError)
                    OnError(resp, result);
                    return result;

                var profile = resp.Result.Accounts.Length == 1 ? resp.Result.Accounts[0] : null;
                if (profile == null)
                    result.Error = new BlockchainError(LocalizationKeys.UnexpectedProfileData);
                    return result;

                var editedMeta = UpdateProfileJson(profile.JsonMetadata, model);

                var op = new AccountUpdateOperation(model.Login, profile.MemoKey, editedMeta);
                var resp2 = _operationManager.BroadcastOperationsSynchronous(keys, ct, op);
                if (!resp2.IsError)
                    result.Result = new VoidResponse();
                    OnError(resp2, result);
                return result;
            }, ct));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public async Task <Result <LightUserModel> > UpdateProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model)
 => await _userBiz.UpdateProfile(model);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override async Task <OperationResult <VoidResponse> > UpdateUserProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model, CancellationToken ct)
            var isConnected = await TryReconnectChain(ct);

            if (!isConnected)
                return(new OperationResult <VoidResponse>(new ValidationException(LocalizationKeys.EnableConnectToBlockchain)));

            var keys = ToKeyArr(model.ActiveKey);

            if (keys == null)
                return(new OperationResult <VoidResponse>(new ValidationException(LocalizationKeys.WrongPrivateActimeKey)));

            var args = new FindAccountsArgs
                Accounts = new[] { model.Login }
            var resp = await _operationManager.FindAccounts(args, CancellationToken.None);

            var result = new OperationResult <VoidResponse>();

            if (resp.IsError)
                result.Exception = new RequestException(resp);

            var profile = resp.Result.Accounts.Length == 1 ? resp.Result.Accounts[0] : null;

            if (profile == null)
                result.Exception = new ValidationException(LocalizationKeys.UnexpectedProfileData);

            var editedMeta = UpdateProfileJson(profile.JsonMetadata, model);

            var op = new AccountUpdateOperation(model.Login, profile.MemoKey, editedMeta);

            return(await Broadcast(keys, new BaseOperation[] { op }, ct));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public abstract Task <OperationResult <VoidResponse> > UpdateUserProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model, CancellationToken ct);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model)
            await _userService.UpdateProfile(model.Name, model.Password, model.ProfileImgUrl);

            return(Ok("Profile updated"));
        public Task <Result <LightUserModel> > UpdateProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model)
        => Result <LightUserModel> .TryAsync(async() =>
            var result =
                await _repository.FirstOrDefaultAsync <User>(u => u.Id == generalDataService.User.Id,
                                                             u => u.Receipt,
                                                             u => u.Role.RoleFeature.Select(rf =>
                                                                                            rf.Feature.FeaturePermission.Select(fp => fp.Permission)));
            if (!result.Success || result.Data == null)
                return(Result <LightUserModel> .Failed(Error.WithCode(ErrorCodes.UserNotFound)));
            var user = result.Data;

            var duplicateEmail =
                await _repository.FirstOrDefaultAsNoTrackingAsync <User>(u =>
                                                                         u.Id != user.Id && model.Email == u.Email);
            if (duplicateEmail.Success && duplicateEmail.Data != null)
                return(Result <LightUserModel> .Failed(Error.WithData(1000, new[] { "duplicate email address" })));

            var duplicateMobile =
                await _repository.FirstOrDefaultAsNoTrackingAsync <User>(u =>
                                                                         u.Id != user.Id && model.Mobile == u.Mobile);
            if (duplicateMobile.Success && duplicateMobile.Data != null)
                return(Result <LightUserModel> .Failed(Error.WithData(1000, new[] { "duplicate mobile" })));


            user.Address    = model.Address;
            user.City       = model.City;
            user.Province   = model.Province;
            user.Email      = model.Email;
            user.PostalCode = model.PostalCode;
            user.PoBox      = model.PoBox;
            user.Firstname  = model.Firstname;
            user.SinNumber  = model.SinNumber;
            user.UnitNumber = model.UnitNumber;
            user.UnitNumber = model.UnitNumber;
            user.Lastname   = model.Lastname;
            user.Mobile     = model.Mobile;
            user.AvatarId   = model.AvatarId;
            user.Receipt    = model.Receipts == null || !model.Receipts.Any()
                    ? null
                    : model.Receipts.Select(r => new Receipt {
                BlobId = r, Id = Guid.NewGuid()
            user.Latitude      = model.Latitude;
            user.MaritalStatus = (byte)model.MaritalStatus;
            user.Longtitude    = model.Longtitude;
            user.Gender        = model.Gender;
            user.DateOfBirth   = model.DateOfBirth ?? user.DateOfBirth;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Password))
                model.Password = _cryptoService.ComputeSha512Hash(model.Password);
                user.Password  = model.Password;

            await _repository.CommitAsync();
            return(Result <LightUserModel> .Successful(new LightUserModel
                Id = user.Id,
                Firstname = user.Firstname,
                Lastname = user.Lastname,
                Username = user.Username,
                Gender = user.Gender,
                Role = new RoleModel
                    Id = user.Role.Id,
                    Name = user.Role.Name,
                    Feature = user.Role.RoleFeature.Select(rf => new FeatureModel
                        Id = rf.Feature.Id,
                        Permissions = rf.Feature.FeaturePermission.Select(fp => new PermissionModel
                            Id = (PermissionType)fp.Permission.Id, Name = fp.Permission.Name
        private async Task <ErrorBase> UpdateUserProfile(UpdateUserProfileModel model, CancellationToken ct)
            var response = await Api.UpdateUserProfile(model, ct);
