Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static void UpdateResultsTab(Finding PR)
            if (UI.ResultsDisplayRTB.InvokeRequired)
                UpdateResultsTab_d URT_d = new UpdateResultsTab_d(UpdateResultsTab);
                UI.Invoke(URT_d, new object[] { PR });
                StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(@"{\rtf1{\colortbl ;\red0\green77\blue187;\red247\green150\blue70;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green200\blue50;}");
                SB.Append(@" \b \fs30"); SB.Append(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Title)); SB.Append(@"\b0  \fs20  \par  \par");
                SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Finding ID: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Id.ToString())); SB.Append(@" \par");
                if (PR.Type == FindingType.Vulnerability)
                    SB.Append(@" \par \cf1 \b Severity: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Severity.ToString())); SB.Append(@" \par");
                    SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Confidence: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Confidence.ToString())); SB.Append(@" \par  \par");
                switch (PR.FinderType)
                        SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Discovery Mode: \b0 \cf0 Automated Vulnerability Scan \par");
                        SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Scan ID: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(PR.ScanId.ToString()); SB.Append(@" \par");
                        SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Vulnerability Check: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.FinderName)); SB.Append(@" \par");
                    case ("PassivePlugin"):
                        SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Discovery Mode: \b0 \cf0 Passive Traffic Analysis \par");
                        SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Passive Plugin Name: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.FinderName)); SB.Append(@" \par");
                        if (PR.FinderType.Length > 0 || PR.FinderName.Length > 0)
                            SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Discovered By: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(string.Format("{0} {1}",PR.FinderName, PR.FinderType))); SB.Append(@" \par");
                SB.Append(@" \par");
                SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Summary: \b0 \cf0  \par ");
                SB.Append(@" \par ");
                switch (PR.FinderType)
                        StringBuilder ASB = new StringBuilder();
                        if (PR.Reasons.Count > 0)
                            ASB.Append("<i<br>>IronWASP has reported this issue because of the following reasons:<i<br>>");
                            for (int i = 0; i < PR.Reasons.Count; i++)
                                ASB.Append(string.Format("<i<br>><i<b>><i<cb>>Reason {0}:<i</b>><i</cb>> <i<br>>", i + 1));

                                if (PR.Reasons[i].TriggerIds.Count > 0)
                                    ASB.Append("<i<br>><i<br>>The request and response associated with this check can be seen by clicking on ");
                                    if (PR.Reasons[i].TriggerIds.Count == 1)
                                        ASB.Append("Trigger "); ASB.Append(PR.Reasons[i].TriggerIds[0]);
                                        ASB.Append("Triggers ");
                                        for(int ii=0; ii < PR.Reasons[i].TriggerIds.Count; ii++)
                                            if (ii == 0)
                                            else if (ii == PR.Reasons[i].TriggerIds.Count - 1)
                                                ASB.Append(" and "); ASB.Append(PR.Reasons[i].TriggerIds[ii]);
                                                ASB.Append(", "); ASB.Append(PR.Reasons[i].TriggerIds[ii]);
                                    ASB.Append("<i<br>>The 'Trigger Analysis Tools' section has tools to compare the Request/Response of two different triggers or one trigger and the normal Request/Response.");
                                    ASB.Append("<i<br>>Doing a right-click on a Trigger id will show a menu with options to resend selected request or to send it after editing. Click on the 'Select this Request for Manual Testing' option in that menu for this feature.");
                                if (PR.Reasons[i].FalsePositiveCheck.Length > 0)
                                    ASB.Append("<i<br>><i<br>><i<cg>><i<b>>False Positive Check Assistance:<i</b>><i</cg>><i<br>>");
                        ASB.Append("<i<br>><i<hh>>More Scan Information:<i</hh>><i<br>>");
                        ASB.Append("To view all the payloads, requests/responses and detailed scan trace information associated with this vulnerability detection scan, please click on the associated button in the <i<b>>Trigger Analysis Tools<i</b>> section below.<i<br>>");
                        Request AHR = new Request(PR.AffectedHost);
                        StringBuilder PSB = new StringBuilder();
                        PSB.Append(string.Format("There might be more instances of this issue in <i<cb>>{0}<i</cb>> but they have not been reported to avoid creating a lot of noise.", AHR.Host));
                        PSB.Append(string.Format("<i<br>><i<br>>In order to identify every single instance of this issue on <i<cb>>{0}<i</cb>> follow these steps:", AHR.Host));
                        PSB.Append("<i<br>>1) Go to the 'Logs' section in IronWASP and click on the 'Search and Analyze Logs' button");
                        PSB.Append("<i<br>>2) Select the logs on which you want to do the analysis. Proxy logs would be selected by default.");
                        PSB.Append("<i<br>>3) Click the checkbox before the Hostname filter option and then click on the '+' radio button to set this filter option as a white-list.");
                        PSB.Append(string.Format("<i<br>>4) Now enter the hostname <i<cb>>{0}<i</cb>> in to the textbox field in this area. Donot add http:// or https:// or / here.", AHR.Host));
                        PSB.Append("<i<br>>5) If required you can configure some of the other options to set the search filter and then click on the 'Search with this Filter' button to perform a search.");
                        PSB.Append("<i<br>>6) Click on the 'Select all rows' checkbox in the search results section and then click on the 'Test Selected Sessions' button.");
                        PSB.Append("<i<br>>7) A new window wil appear, select the 'Run Passive Plugins on Selected Sessions' option here and click the 'Next Step' button.");
                        PSB.Append(string.Format("<i<br>>8) You will be shown a list of Passive Plugins, select the one named <i<cb>>{0}<i</cb>> and click the 'Start Test' button", PR.FinderName));
                        PSB.Append("<i<br>>9) Now you will be shown all instances of this issue present in the logs matching your search filter.");

                UI.ResultsDisplayRTB.Rtf = SB.ToString();

                if (PR.FromActiveScan && PR.BaseRequest != null && PR.BaseResponse != null)
                    UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Normal" });
                    UI.SelectForDiffTriggersGrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "Normal" });
                for (int i=0; i < PR.Triggers.GetTriggers().Count; i++ )
                    UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { string.Format("Trigger {0}", i + 1) });
                    UI.SelectForDiffTriggersGrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, string.Format("Trigger {0}", i + 1) });
                if (UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (PR.FromActiveScan && UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows.Count == 2)
                        UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows[1].Selected = false;
                        UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows[1].Selected = true;
                        UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows[0].Selected = false;
                        UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows[0].Selected = true;
                if (!UI.main_tab.SelectedTab.Name.Equals("mt_results")) UI.main_tab.SelectTab("mt_results");
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static void UpdateResultsTab(Finding PR)
            if (UI.ResultsDisplayRTB.InvokeRequired)
                UpdateResultsTab_d URT_d = new UpdateResultsTab_d(UpdateResultsTab);
                UI.Invoke(URT_d, new object[] { PR });
                StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(@"{\rtf1{\colortbl ;\red0\green77\blue187;\red247\green150\blue70;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green200\blue50;}");
                SB.Append(@" \b \fs30"); SB.Append(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Title)); SB.Append(@"\b0  \fs20  \par  \par");
                SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b ID: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Id.ToString())); SB.Append(@" \par");
                SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Plugin: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Plugin)); SB.Append(@" \par");
                if (PR.Type == FindingType.Vulnerability)
                    SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Severity: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Severity.ToString())); SB.Append(@" \par");
                    SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Confidence: \b0 \cf0 "); SB.AppendLine(Tools.RtfSafe(PR.Confidence.ToString())); SB.Append(@" \par");
                SB.Append(@" \par");
                SB.Append(@" \cf1 \b Summary: \b0 \cf0  \par ");
                SB.Append(@" \par \par");
                UI.ResultsDisplayRTB.Rtf = SB.ToString();

                for (int i=0; i < PR.Triggers.GetTriggers().Count; i++ )
                    UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { (i + 1).ToString() });
                if (UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows.Count > 0)
                    UI.ResultsTriggersGrid.Rows[0].Selected = true;
                if (!UI.main_tab.SelectedTab.Name.Equals("mt_results")) UI.main_tab.SelectTab("mt_results");