Exemplo n.º 1
    public static UpdateStatus UpdateFiles(string RemotePath, bool bWantDebug)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RemotePath))
            RemotePath = m_RemotePath;
            m_RemotePath = RemotePath;

        UpdateStatus    Ret               = UpdateStatus.NothingToUpdate;
        string          AssemblyName      = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name;
        string          ToDeleteExtension = "._del";
        string          RemoteUri         = RemotePath + "/";
        WebClient       MyWebClient       = new WebClient();
        string          s;
        string          Contents;
        FileVersionInfo fv;

        UpdateProgress progressCue = new UpdateProgress();

        progressCue.Progress = 0;

        if (bWantDebug)
            Log = "AutoUpdater started";
        if (bWantDebug)
            Log = "... our assembly name is: " + AssemblyName;
        if (bWantDebug)
            Log = "... our remote URI is:    " + RemoteUri + UpdateFileName;

            progressCue.Status = "Cleaning Up Old Files";

            // Perform clean-up (delete *._del files left over from prior update)
                string[] sFilesToDelete = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath, "*" + ToDeleteExtension, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                if (sFilesToDelete.Length > 0)
                    s = sFilesToDelete[0];
                    s = null;
                while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    if (bWantDebug)
                        Log = "... found to delete: " + s;
                    sFilesToDelete = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath, "*" + ToDeleteExtension, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                    if (sFilesToDelete.Length > 0)
                        s = sFilesToDelete[0];
                        s = null;
            catch { }

            progressCue.Progress = 5;

            // Download update file (usually AutoUpdate.txt)
            progressCue.Status = "Searching For Updates";
            if (bWantDebug)
                Log = "... downloading " + UpdateFileName;
            try { Contents = MyWebClient.DownloadString(RemoteUri + UpdateFileName); }
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message != null)
                    if (ex.Message.Contains("(404)"))
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "... error: 404 at server";

                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = "... error: other exception, see details:";
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = GetAllErrorDetails(ex);

            // Parse update file (usually AutoUpdate.txt)
            string[] FileList;
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = "... shuffling list of files from " + UpdateFileName;

                FileList = Contents.Replace("\r", string.Empty).Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                // Remove all comments and blank lines
                Contents = string.Empty;
                foreach (string F_iteration in FileList)
                    string F = F_iteration;
                    if (F.IndexOf("|") > 0)
                        F = F.Substring(0, F.IndexOf("|"));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(F.Trim()))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Contents))
                            Contents += "\n";
                        Contents += F.Trim();
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = "... error: exception during file shuffle, see details:";
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = GetAllErrorDetails(ex);

            // Rebuild the file list
            string[] Info = new string[] { string.Empty, string.Empty };
                FileList = Contents.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                Info     = FileList[0].Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = "... error: exception during file list rebuild, see details:";
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = GetAllErrorDetails(ex);

            int iCountUpdatedFiles = 0;

            // If the name is correct and it is a new version...
            if (bWantDebug)
                Log = "... this looks like auto-update information for: " + Info[0];
            if (bWantDebug)
                Log = "... local version is:                            " + GetVersion(Application.ProductVersion);
            if (Info.Length > 1)
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = "... the server's latest version is:              " + GetVersion(Info[1]);

            if (Application.StartupPath.ToLower() + "\\" + Info[0].ToLower() == Application.ExecutablePath.ToLower())
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = "... proceeding to check for updated files";

                // Process files in the list
                int iFileNum = 0;
                int iFileMax = FileList.Length;

                foreach (string F in FileList)

                    progressCue.Progress = ((((iFileNum - 1) * 100) / iFileMax) * 90 / 100) + 5;

                    Info = F.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    bool   isToDelete   = false;
                    bool   isToUpgrade  = false;
                    string TempFileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds;
                    string FileName     = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Info[0].Trim();
                    bool   FileExists   = File.Exists(FileName);

                    if (bWantDebug)
                        Log = "....... filename:       " + Info[0].Trim();
                    if (Info.Length > 1)
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "....... version/method: " + Info[1].Trim();
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "....... version/method: always upgrade";

                    if (Info.Length == 1)
                        // If just the file was given without any parameters
                        // (upgrade the existing file unconditionally)
                        isToUpgrade = true;
                        isToDelete  = FileExists;
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... unconditional upgrade";
                    else if (Info[1].Trim() == "delete")
                        // If the second parameter is:  delete
                        // (delete the existing file)
                        isToDelete = FileExists;
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... delete request if file exists";
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... file exists = " + FileExists.ToString();
                    else if (Info[1].Trim() == "?")
                        // If the second parameter is:  ?
                        // (download if missing, but do not upgrade existing versions)
                        isToUpgrade = !FileExists;
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... upgrade if file doesn't exist";
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... file exists = " + FileExists.ToString();
                    else if (FileExists)
                        // If the file exists AND a version # was specified
                        // (compare the version information and upgrade if necessary)
                        fv          = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(FileName);
                        isToUpgrade = String.Compare(GetVersion(Info[1].Trim()), GetVersion(fv.FileMajorPart + "." + fv.FileMinorPart + "." + fv.FileBuildPart + "." + fv.FilePrivatePart)) > 0;
                        isToDelete  = isToUpgrade;
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... upgrade if new version is available";
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... local version:    " + GetVersion(fv.FileMajorPart + "." + fv.FileMinorPart + "." + fv.FileBuildPart + "." + fv.FilePrivatePart);
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... server's version: " + GetVersion(Info[1].Trim());
                        // Otherwise, the file didn't already exist -- we don't care what version the
                        // server has, we're going to download it anyway.
                        isToUpgrade = true;
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... download server version (local didn't exist)";

                    // Download the new version
                    if (isToUpgrade)
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... attempt to download latest version";
                        progressCue.Status = "Downloading " + Info[0];
                        MyWebClient.DownloadFile(RemoteUri + Info[0], TempFileName);

                    if (isToUpgrade && ((FileName.Trim().ToLower().EndsWith(".exe")) || (FileName.Trim().ToLower().EndsWith(".dll"))) && (Info.Length == 1))
                    else if (isToUpgrade && ((FileName.Trim().ToLower().EndsWith(".exe")) || (FileName.Trim().ToLower().EndsWith(".dll"))) && (Info[1].Trim() != "?"))
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "............... latest version is an executable/library, check version mismatch";

                        // Test the new EXE/DLL's version to make sure it really did update correctly
                        fv = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(TempFileName);
                        string sNewVersion = GetVersion(fv.FileMajorPart + "." + fv.FileMinorPart + "." + fv.FileBuildPart + "." + fv.FilePrivatePart);
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "................... version we downloaded is " + sNewVersion;
                        if (GetVersion(Info[1].Trim()) != sNewVersion)
                            if (bWantDebug)
                                Log = "................... this does not match, deleting it and aborting";

                            string FileName2 = Application.StartupPath + "\\" + Info[0].ToLower().Replace(".exe", ".pdb").Replace(".dll", ".pdb").Trim();
                            if (bWantDebug)
                                Log = "............... also downloading any available PDB";
                    else if (isToUpgrade)

                    // Rename existing file (it will be deleted on a subsequent launch)
                    if (isToDelete)
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... rename existing file to delete it";
                        File.Move(FileName, TempFileName + ToDeleteExtension);

                    // Rename the downloaded file to the real name
                    if (isToUpgrade)
                        if (bWantDebug)
                            Log = "........... rename downloaded file so it's used on the next launch";
                        File.Move(TempFileName, FileName);

                if (iCountUpdatedFiles > 0)
                    if (bWantDebug)
                        Log = "... return update success";
                    Ret = UpdateStatus.UpdatedSuccessfully;
                if (bWantDebug)
                    Log = "... the product hasn't been updated, closing out...";
            if (bWantDebug)
                Log = "... the product hasn't been updated, closing out...";
        catch (Exception ex)
            Ret = UpdateStatus.ErrorInAutoUpdate;
            if (bWantDebug)
                Log = "... error: exception somewhere, see details:";
            if (bWantDebug)
                Log = GetAllErrorDetails(ex);
        progressCue.Progress = 100;