Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Version2EncoderTest()
            // Arrange
            var seed = new byte[32]; // signingKey

            var sk = Ed25519.ExpandedPrivateKeyFromSeed(seed);

            //var secret = Convert.ToBase64String(sk); //BitConverter.ToString(sk).Replace("-", string.Empty); // Hex Encoded

            // Act
            var encoder = new PasetoEncoder(cfg => cfg.Use <Version2>(sk)); // defaul is public purpose
            var token   = encoder.Encode(new PasetoPayload
                { "example", HelloPaseto },
                { "exp", UnixEpoch.ToUnixTimeString(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24)) }

            // Assert
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an issued claim to the Paseto.
 /// The Utc time will be converted to Unix time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time">The Utc time.</param>
 /// <returns>Current builder instance</returns>
 public static PasetoBuilder <TProtocol> IssuedAt <TProtocol>(this PasetoBuilder <TProtocol> builder, DateTime time) where TProtocol : IPasetoProtocol, new() => builder.AddClaim(RegisteredClaims.IssuedAt, UnixEpoch.ToUnixTimeString(time));