public void UpdateMenu()
        foreach (GameObject menuItem in menuItems)
            if (menuItem == null)
            UpgradeTypes itemType     = menuItem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem>().type;
            Upgrade      ownedUpgrade = upgrades.GetOwnedUpgrade(itemType);

            Text[] comps   = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
            Text   txt     = comps[1];
            double hvalue  =;
            double mhvalue = ownedUpgrade.GetCurrentLevelHealth();
            string hunit   = "";
            string mhunit  = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref hvalue, ref hunit);
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref mhvalue, ref mhunit);
            txt.text = "Health: " + hvalue.ToString("f" + healthDecimals) + hunit + "/" + mhvalue.ToString("f" + healthDecimals) + mhunit;
            txt      = comps[2];
            double repairCost = ownedUpgrade.GetRepairCost();
            string runit      = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref repairCost, ref runit);
            txt.text = "Repair: $" + repairCost.ToString("f" + priceDecimals) + runit;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float currentTime = Time.time;

        if (currentTime > lastTime + updateInterval)
            float seconds = Mathf.Floor((float)speed.ETA % 60.0f);
            float minutes = Mathf.Floor(((float)speed.ETA / 60.0f) % 60.0f);
            float hours   = Mathf.Floor(((float)speed.ETA / 3600.0f) % 24.0f);
            float days    = Mathf.Floor((float)speed.ETA / 86400);

            double val   = (double)days;
            string vunit = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref val, ref vunit);
            if (vunit == " Infinity")
                displayText.text = "ETA: N/A";
                displayText.text = "ETA: " + val.ToString("f0") + vunit + " d " + hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s";
            lastTime = currentTime;
    public void Repair(GameObject menuItem)
        UpgradeTypes itemType     = menuItem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem>().type;
        Upgrade      ownedUpgrade = instance.upgrades.GetOwnedUpgrade(itemType);

        float  healthBefore =;
        double repairCost   = ownedUpgrade.GetRepairCost();

        instance.speed.points -= repairCost;

        Text[] comps  = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
        Text   txt    = comps[1];
        double hvalue =;
        string hunit  = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref hvalue, ref hunit);
        txt.text = "Health: " + hvalue.ToString("f" + instance.healthDecimals) + hunit;
        txt      = comps[2];
        double rvalue = ownedUpgrade.GetRepairCost();
        string runit  = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref rvalue, ref runit);
        txt.text = "Repair: $" + rvalue.ToString("f" + instance.priceDecimals) + runit;

        //rather than updating values of all items we just fix the value for the repaired item and update total with difference
        float healthAfter =;

        instance.totalHealth      += (healthAfter - healthBefore);
        instance.totalRepairPrice -= repairCost;
Exemplo n.º 4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        double value = (double)(entity.GetComponent <Speed>().GetType().GetField(var).GetValue(entity.GetComponent <Speed>()));

        string unit = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref value, ref unit);
        text.text = "" + value.ToString("f" + numberOfDecimals) + unit + " " + postfix;
Exemplo n.º 5
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        double value = speed.currentPlanet.distanceToTravel;

        string unit = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref value, ref unit);
        text.text = "" + value.ToString("f" + numberOfDecimals) + unit + " " + postfix;
    void BuildMenu()
        totalRepairPrice = 0;
        totalHealth      = 0;
        totalMaxHealth   = 0;
        int j = 0;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <UpgradeTypes, Upgrade> upgradeItem in ownedUpgrades)
            if (upgradeItem.Key != UpgradeTypes.Clicker && upgradeItem.Key != UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot1h && upgradeItem.Key != UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot6h && upgradeItem.Key != UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot12h && upgradeItem.Key != UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot3d && upgradeItem.Key != UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot1w)
                Upgrade upgrade = upgradeItem.Value;

                string name       = upgrade.type.ToString();
                float  health     =;
                double repaircost = upgrade.GetRepairCost();
                float  maxhealth  = upgrade.GetCurrentLevelHealth();

                totalRepairPrice += repaircost;
                totalHealth      += health;
                totalMaxHealth   += maxhealth;

                GameObject menuItem = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/RepairMenuItem")) as GameObject;
                menuItem.GetComponentInChildren <UpdateItemHealthBar> ().SetItemUpgrade(upgrade);
                menuItem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem>().type = upgrade.type;

                Text[] comps = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
                Text   txt   = comps[0];
                txt.text = name.ToUpper();
                txt      = comps[1];
                double hvalue  = (double)health;
                double mhvalue = (double)maxhealth;
                string hunit   = "";
                string mhunit  = "";
                UnitsConverter.Convert(ref hvalue, ref hunit);
                UnitsConverter.Convert(ref mhvalue, ref mhunit);
                txt.text = "Health: " + hvalue.ToString("f" + healthDecimals) + hunit + "/" + mhvalue.ToString("f" + healthDecimals) + mhunit;
                txt      = comps[2];
                string runit = "";
                UnitsConverter.Convert(ref repaircost, ref runit);
                txt.text = "Repair: $" + repaircost.ToString("f" + priceDecimals) + runit;

                menuItem.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

                menuItems[j] = menuItem;
                //parent = menuItems[i].transform;
        //menuItems [3].transform.SetSiblingIndex (0);
 void UpdateAutoPilotItems()
     foreach (GameObject menuItem in menuItems)
         UpgradeTypes itemType = menuItem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type;;
         Upgrade      upgrade  = allUpgrades[itemType];
         Text[]       comps    = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
         Text         txt      = comps[2];
         txt.color = Color.magenta;
         double cost = upgrade.GetCost();
         string unit = "";
         UnitsConverter.Convert(ref cost, ref unit);
         txt.text = "$ " + cost.ToString("f" + priceDecimals) + unit;
         txt      = comps[3];
 private void InitializeSetWithScreenData(PsaParametersSet set,
                                          PeugeotScreen screen)
     set.Type         = PsaParametersSetTypeMapper.Get(screen.Name);
     set.OriginalName = screen.Name;
     foreach (PeugeotRawParameterPoint p in screen.Points)
         PsaParameterData parameter = new PsaParameterData(p.ParameterName); // passed original type ID
         parameter.Type          = DataTypeResolver2.GetType(p.ParameterName);
         parameter.OriginalName  = p.ParameterName;
         parameter.HasTimestamps = false;
         parameter.Units = UnitsConverter.Convert(p.Units);
         parameter.AdditionalSourceInfo = GenerateAdditionalSourceInfo(parameter.OriginalTypeId);
    public void UpdateRepairAllButton()
        Text[] texts   = instance.repairAllItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
        Text   rtxt    = texts[1];
        double hvalue  = instance.totalHealth;
        double mhvalue = instance.totalMaxHealth;
        string hunit   = "";
        string mhunit  = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref hvalue, ref hunit);
        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref mhvalue, ref mhunit);
        rtxt.text = "Health: " + hvalue.ToString("f" + instance.healthDecimals) + hunit + "/" + mhvalue.ToString("f" + instance.healthDecimals) + mhunit;
        rtxt      = texts[2];
        double totalRepairValue = instance.totalRepairPrice;
        string runit            = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref totalRepairValue, ref runit);
        rtxt.text = "Repair: $" + totalRepairValue.ToString("f" + instance.priceDecimals) + runit;
    public void RepairAll()
        instance.totalRepairPrice = 0;
        instance.totalHealth      = 0;
        instance.totalMaxHealth   = 0;
        foreach (GameObject menuItem in instance.menuItems)
            if (menuItem == null)

            UpgradeTypes itemType     = menuItem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem>().type;
            Upgrade      ownedUpgrade = instance.upgrades.GetOwnedUpgrade(itemType);

            instance.speed.points -= ownedUpgrade.GetRepairCost();

            double repairCost = ownedUpgrade.GetRepairCost();
            float  health     =;
            float  maxHealth  = ownedUpgrade.GetCurrentLevelHealth();

            instance.totalRepairPrice += repairCost;
            instance.totalHealth      += health;
            instance.totalMaxHealth   += ownedUpgrade.GetCurrentLevelHealth();

            Text[] comps   = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
            Text   txt     = comps[1];
            double hvalue  = (double)health;
            double mhvalue = (double)maxHealth;
            string hunit   = "";
            string mhunit  = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref hvalue, ref hunit);
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref mhvalue, ref mhunit);
            txt.text = "Health: " + hvalue.ToString("f" + instance.healthDecimals) + hunit + "/" + mhvalue.ToString("f" + instance.healthDecimals) + mhunit;
            txt      = comps[2];
            string runit = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref repairCost, ref runit);
            txt.text = "Repair: $" + repairCost.ToString("f" + instance.priceDecimals) + runit;
Exemplo n.º 11
    public void TapPoints(float points)
        GameObject text = textsPool.Enqueue();

        if (text)
            text.transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(-3.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(1.0f, 4.0f), 0);
            text.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            TextMesh tMesh = text.GetComponent <TextMesh> ();
            tMesh.color = Color.white;
            double value = (double)points;
            string unit  = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref value, ref unit);
            tMesh.text          = "+" + value.ToString("f1") + unit;
            tMesh.characterSize = 0.08f;
            ClickPoints cp = text.GetComponent <ClickPoints> ();
            cp.floatUpSpeed = 1f;
            cp.fadeTime     = 0.5f;
            text.GetComponent <ClickPoints> ().Animate();
    public void UpdateMenu()
        foreach (GameObject menuItem in menuItems)
            UpgradeTypes itemType = menuItem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type;;
            if (ownedUpgrades.ContainsKey(itemType))
                Upgrade upgrade = ownedUpgrades[itemType];
                Text[]  comps   = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
                Text    txt     = comps[1];
                double  value   = upgrade.GetCurrentLevelValue();
                string  unit    = "";
                UnitsConverter.Convert(ref value, ref unit);
                txt.text  = value.ToString("f" + speedDecimals) + unit + " m/s";
                txt       = comps[2];
                txt.color = Color.magenta;
                double cost = upgrade.GetCost();
                unit = "";
                UnitsConverter.Convert(ref cost, ref unit);
                txt.text = "$ " + cost.ToString("f" + priceDecimals) + unit;
                txt      = comps[3];

                double val = upgrade.GetNextLevelValue() - value;
                unit = "";
                UnitsConverter.Convert(ref val, ref unit);
                float bonus = upgrade.percentValueIncrease * 100.0f;
                txt.text = "+ " + bonus + "%" + " " + val.ToString("f" + speedDecimals) + unit;

                txt.color = Color.cyan;
                txt       = comps[4];
                txt.text  = "Level\n" + upgrade.level;
                Selectable selectableButton = menuItem.GetComponent <Selectable>();
                ColorBlock colors           = menuItem.GetComponent <Selectable>().colors;
                colors.normalColor      = new Color(0.06f, 0.08f, 0.16f, 1.0f);
                colors.disabledColor    = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f);
                colors.highlightedColor = new Color(0.09f, 0.12f, 0.31f, 1.0f);
                selectableButton.colors = colors;
    public void AddItem(UpgradeTypes itemType)
        GameObject menuItem     = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/RepairMenuItem")) as GameObject;
        Upgrade    ownedUpgrade = upgrades.GetOwnedUpgrade(itemType);

        menuItem.GetComponentInChildren <UpdateItemHealthBar> ().SetItemUpgrade(ownedUpgrade);

        double health     = (double);
        string name       = ownedUpgrade.type.ToString();
        double repaircost = ownedUpgrade.GetRepairCost();

        Text[] comps = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
        Text   txt   = comps[0];

        txt.text = name.ToUpper();
        txt      = comps[1];
        string hunit = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref health, ref hunit);
        txt.text = "Health: " + health.ToString("f" + healthDecimals) + hunit;
        txt      = comps[2];
        string runit = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref repaircost, ref runit);
        txt.text = "Repair: $" + repaircost.ToString("f" + priceDecimals) + runit;
        menuItem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type = itemType;

        menuItem.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

        //as soon i make it inot the dictionary we can use add
        for (int i = 0; i < menuItems.Length; i++)
            if (menuItems[i] == null)
                menuItems[i] = menuItem;
        private static PsaParameterData Convert(LexiaChannelRawData channel)
            PsaParameterData parameter = new PsaParameterData(channel.Header.Mnemocode) // Passed original type id
                HasTimestamps        = true,                                            // for Graph it is true
                AdditionalSourceInfo =
                Type         = ConvertType(channel.Header.Mnemocode),
                OriginalName = channel.Header.Mnemocode,
                Units        = UnitsConverter.Convert(channel.Header.DataUnit)

            foreach (LexiaRawDataPoint p in channel.ChannelDataPoints.Points)
                int ts;
                Int32.TryParse(p.TimeStamp, NumberStyles.Integer,
                               CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ts);
        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
            double fromValue = System.Convert.ToDouble(value);
            Tuple <ISensorItem, IGaugeItem> tuple = (Tuple <ISensorItem, IGaugeItem>)parameter;

            if (tuple.Item2.GaugeType == GaugeTypeEnum.TextControl)

            Units fromUnits = (Units)tuple.Item1.SensorUnits;
            Units toUnits   = (Units)tuple.Item2.Units;

            if (fromUnits == toUnits)

            UnitItem fromUnitItem = UnitsConverter.Find(fromUnits);
            UnitItem toUnitItem   = UnitsConverter.Find(toUnits);

            return(UnitsConverter.Convert(toUnitItem, fromUnitItem, fromValue));
    void BuildMenu()
        GameObject autopilotitem = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/AutoPilot1h")) as GameObject;

        autopilotitem.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        autopilotitem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type = UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot1h;

        autopilotitem = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/AutoPilot6h")) as GameObject;
        autopilotitem.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        autopilotitem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type = UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot6h;

        autopilotitem = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/AutoPilot12h")) as GameObject;
        autopilotitem.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        autopilotitem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type = UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot12h;

        autopilotitem = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/AutoPilot3d")) as GameObject;
        autopilotitem.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        autopilotitem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type = UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot3d;

        autopilotitem = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/AutoPilot1w")) as GameObject;
        autopilotitem.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        autopilotitem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type = UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot1w;


        foreach (KeyValuePair <UpgradeTypes, Upgrade> upgradeItem in allUpgrades)
            Upgrade upgrade = upgradeItem.Value;
            if (upgrade.type == UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot1h || upgrade.type == UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot6h || upgrade.type == UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot12h || upgradeItem.Key == UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot3d || upgradeItem.Key == UpgradeTypes.AutoPilot1w)
                double value = upgrade.GetCurrentLevelValue();
                string vunit = "";
                UnitsConverter.Convert(ref value, ref vunit);

                string name  = upgrade.type.ToString();
                double cost  = upgrade.GetCost();
                string cunit = "";
                UnitsConverter.Convert(ref cost, ref cunit);
                int   level = upgrade.level;
                float bonus = upgrade.percentValueIncrease * 100.0f;

                GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/UpgradeMenuItem")) as GameObject;
                item.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type = upgrade.type;
                Text[] comps = item.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
                Text   txt   = comps[0];
                txt.text = name.ToUpper();

                if (ownedUpgrades.ContainsKey(upgrade.type))
                    txt = comps[1];

                    txt.text = value.ToString("f" + speedDecimals) + vunit + " m/s";
                    txt      = comps[2];

                    txt.text = "$ " + cost.ToString("f" + priceDecimals) + cunit;
                    txt      = comps[3];
                    double val = upgrade.GetNextLevelValue() - value;
                    vunit = "";
                    UnitsConverter.Convert(ref val, ref vunit);
                    txt.text = "+ " + bonus + "%" + " " + val.ToString("f" + speedDecimals) + vunit;
                    txt      = comps[4];
                    txt.text = "Level\n" + level;
                    Selectable selectableButton = item.GetComponent <Selectable>();
                    ColorBlock colors           = item.GetComponent <Selectable>().colors;
                    colors.normalColor      = new Color(0.91f, 0.55f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                    colors.disabledColor    = new Color(0.68f, 0.48f, 0.16f, 1.0f);
                    colors.highlightedColor = new Color(1.0f, 0.68f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                    selectableButton.colors = colors;
                    txt = comps[1];
                    double bvalue = upgrade.baseValue;
                    vunit = "";
                    UnitsConverter.Convert(ref bvalue, ref vunit);
                    txt.text  = bvalue.ToString("f" + speedDecimals) + vunit + " m/s";
                    txt       = comps[2];
                    txt.text  = "$ " + cost.ToString("f" + priceDecimals) + cunit;
                    txt.color =;
                    txt       = comps[3];
                    double val = upgrade.GetNextLevelValue() - bvalue;
                    vunit = "";
                    UnitsConverter.Convert(ref val, ref vunit);
                    txt.text  = "+ " + bonus + "%" + " " + val.ToString("f" + speedDecimals) + vunit;
                    txt.color =;
                    txt       = comps[4];
                    txt.text  = "NEW";
                item.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
            //parent = menuItems[i].transform;
        //menuItems [3].transform.SetSiblingIndex (0);
    public void BuyUpgrade(GameObject menuItem)
        UpgradeTypes itemType = menuItem.GetComponent <GUIMenuItem> ().type;

        if (instance.ownedUpgrades.ContainsKey(itemType))
            Upgrade upgrade = instance.ownedUpgrades[itemType];
            SpawnText(menuItem, upgrade);

            instance.speed.points -= upgrade.GetCost();
            Upgrade upgrade = instance.allUpgrades[itemType];
            SpawnText(menuItem, upgrade);
            instance.speed.points -= upgrade.GetCost();

            Text[] comps = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
            Text   txt   = comps[2];
            txt.color = Color.magenta;
            txt       = comps[3];
            txt.color = Color.cyan;

            Selectable selectableButton = menuItem.GetComponent <Selectable>();
            ColorBlock colors           = menuItem.GetComponent <Selectable>().colors;
            colors.normalColor      = new Color(0.06f, 0.08f, 0.16f, 1.0f);
            colors.disabledColor    = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f);
            colors.highlightedColor = new Color(0.09f, 0.12f, 0.31f, 1.0f);
            selectableButton.colors = colors;


        Upgrade ownedUpgrade = instance.ownedUpgrades [itemType];

        Text[] texts = menuItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
        Text   txtx  = texts[1];
        double value = ownedUpgrade.GetCurrentLevelValue();
        string unit  = "";

        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref value, ref unit);
        txtx.text = value.ToString("f" + instance.speedDecimals) + unit + " m/s";
        txtx      = texts[2];
        double cost = ownedUpgrade.GetCost();

        unit = "";
        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref cost, ref unit);
        txtx.text = "$ " + cost.ToString("f" + instance.priceDecimals) + unit;

        txtx = texts[3];
        double val = ownedUpgrade.GetNextLevelValue() - value;

        unit = "";
        UnitsConverter.Convert(ref val, ref unit);
        float bonus = ownedUpgrade.percentValueIncrease * 100.0f;

        txtx.text = "+ " + bonus + "%" + " " + val.ToString("f" + speedDecimals) + unit;

        txtx      = texts[4];
        txtx.text = "Level\n" + ownedUpgrade.level;
    void SpawnText(GameObject menuItem, Upgrade upgrade)
        GameObject text = instance.textsPool.Enqueue();

        if (text)
            text.transform.position = menuItem.transform.position;
            text.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            text.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0.0f, -90.0f, 0.0f));
            text.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.1f));
            TextMesh tMesh = text.GetComponent <TextMesh> ();
            double   value = upgrade.GetCost();
            string   unit  = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref value, ref unit);
            tMesh.text          = "-" + value.ToString("f" + priceDecimals) + unit;
            tMesh.color         = Color.magenta;
            tMesh.characterSize = 0.003f;
            ClickPoints cp = text.GetComponent <ClickPoints>();
            cp.floatUpSpeed = -0.06f;
            cp.fadeTime     = 0.8f;

        text = instance.textsPool.Enqueue();
        if (text)
            text.transform.position = menuItem.transform.position;
            text.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            text.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0.0f, -90.0f, 0.0f));
            text.transform.Translate(new Vector3(-0.05f, -0.02f, -0.1f));
            TextMesh tMesh           = text.GetComponent <TextMesh> ();
            double   valueDifference = upgrade.GetNextLevelValue() - upgrade.GetCurrentLevelValue();
            string   unit            = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref valueDifference, ref unit);
            tMesh.text          = "+" + valueDifference.ToString("f" + speedDecimals) + unit;
            tMesh.characterSize = 0.003f;
            tMesh.color         = Color.cyan;
            ClickPoints cp = text.GetComponent <ClickPoints> ();
            cp.floatUpSpeed = 0.06f;
            cp.fadeTime     = 0.8f;

        text = instance.textsPool.Enqueue();
        if (text)
            text.transform.position = menuItem.transform.position;
            text.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            text.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0.0f, -90.0f, 0.0f));
            text.transform.Translate(new Vector3(-0.05f, 0.0f, -0.1f));
            TextMesh tMesh            = text.GetComponent <TextMesh> ();
            double   healthDifference = (double)upgrade.GetNextLevelHealth() - upgrade.GetCurrentLevelHealth();
            string   unit             = "";
            UnitsConverter.Convert(ref healthDifference, ref unit);
            tMesh.text          = "+" + healthDifference.ToString("f" + RepairsMenuManager.Instance.healthDecimals) + unit;
            tMesh.characterSize = 0.003f;
            tMesh.color         =;
            ClickPoints cp = text.GetComponent <ClickPoints> ();
            cp.floatUpSpeed = 0.06f;
            cp.fadeTime     = 0.8f;