Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void LaunchRadar()
            int d;
            var myConn = new MySqlConnection("server=; user id=tnb; password=tnb006; database=offydump;");

            catch (Exception e)
            // Various mount repair, portable mailbox, repair robots, Guild Page...
            var BlackListed = new List <int>(new[] { 77789, 32638, 32639, 32641, 32642, 35642, 191605, 24780, 29561, 49586, 49588, 62822, 211006 });

            //Spell WildCharge = new Spell("Wild Charge");
            while (true)
                /*WoWUnit target = ObjectManager.Target;
                 * if (target.IsValid)
                 * {
                 *  Logging.Write("Distance to target (" + target.Name + ") : " + target.GetDistance);
                 *  Logging.Write("Target CombatReach : " + target.GetCombatReach);
                 *  Logging.Write("Target BoundingRadius : " + target.GetBoundingRadius);
                 *  Logging.Write("In Range ? " + CombatClass.InSpellRange(target, WildCharge.MinRangeHostile, WildCharge.MaxRangeHostile));
                 * }*/
                Thread.Sleep(650 * 2); // Every 2 ObjectManager refresh
                // Prevent corruptions while the game loads after a zone change
                if (!Usefuls.InGame || Usefuls.IsLoading)
                var npcRadar = new List <Npc>();
                List <WoWGameObject> Mailboxes        = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectOfType(WoWGameObjectType.Mailbox);
                List <WoWUnit>       Vendors          = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitVendor();
                List <WoWUnit>       Repairers        = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitRepair();
                List <WoWUnit>       Inkeepers        = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitInkeeper();
                List <WoWUnit>       Trainers         = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitTrainer();
                List <WoWUnit>       FlightMasters    = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitFlightMaster();
                List <WoWUnit>       Auctioneers      = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAuctioneer();
                List <WoWUnit>       SpiritHealers    = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitSpiritHealer();
                List <WoWUnit>       SpiritGuides     = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitSpiritGuide();
                List <WoWUnit>       NpcMailboxes     = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitMailbox();
                var                  npcRadarQuesters = new List <Npc>();
                List <WoWUnit>       NpcQuesters      = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitQuester();
                List <WoWGameObject> ObjectQuesters   = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectOfType(WoWGameObjectType.Questgiver);
                List <WoWGameObject> Forges           = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectOfType(WoWGameObjectType.SpellFocus);

                List <WoWGameObject> AllGos = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject();

                foreach (WoWGameObject go in AllGos)
                    string query = "";
                        if (go.Entry != 0 && go.Name != "" && go.CreatedBy == 0)
                            query = "SELECT entry FROM gameobject WHERE entry = " + go.Entry + " AND " +
                                    "map = " + Usefuls.RealContinentId + " AND " +
                                    "SQRT((x-" + go.Position.X + ")*(x-" + go.Position.X + ") + " +
                                    "(y-" + go.Position.Y + ")*(y-" + go.Position.Y + ") + " +
                                    "(z-" + go.Position.Z + ")*(z-" + go.Position.Z + ")) < 0.5;";
                            var             cmd    = new MySqlCommand(query, myConn);
                            MySqlDataReader result = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                            if (!result.HasRows && go.GOType != WoWGameObjectType.MoTransport && go.GOType != WoWGameObjectType.Transport)
                                Quaternion rotations = go.Rotations;
                                Matrix4    matrice   = go.WorldMatrix;
                                query = "INSERT INTO gameobject (entry,map,x,y,z,o,r0,r1,r2,r3,m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44) VALUES (" + go.Entry + "," + Usefuls.RealContinentId +
                                        "," + go.Position.X + "," + go.Position.Y + "," + go.Position.Z + "," + go.Orientation + "," + rotations.X + "," + rotations.Y + "," + rotations.Z + "," + rotations.W + "," +
                                        matrice.xx + "," + matrice.xy + "," + matrice.xz + "," + matrice.xw + "," + matrice.yx + "," + matrice.yy + "," + matrice.yz + "," + matrice.yw + "," + matrice.zx + "," +
                                        matrice.zy + "," + matrice.zz + "," + matrice.zw + "," + matrice.wx + "," + matrice.wy + "," + matrice.wz + "," + matrice.ww + ");";
                                cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, myConn);
                            //bool newAdded = false;
                            query  = "SELECT entry,questitem1 FROM gameobject_template WHERE entry = " + go.Entry + ";";
                            cmd    = new MySqlCommand(query, myConn);
                            result = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                            if (!result.HasRows)
                                query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO gameobject_template (entry,type,name,iconname,castbarcaption,model,faction,flags,size";
                                for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                                    query += ",data" + i;
                                query += ",questitem1,questitem2,questitem3,questitem4) VALUES (" + go.Entry + "," + (uint)go.GOType + ",'" + go.Name.Replace("'", "\\'") + "','" + go.IconName.Replace("'", "\\'") +
                                         "','" + go.CastBarCaption.Replace("'", "\\'") + "'," + go.DisplayId + "," + go.Faction + "," + (uint)go.GOFlags + "," + go.Size;
                                for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                                    query += "," + go.Data(i);
                                query += "," + go.QuestItem1 + "," + go.QuestItem2 + "," + go.QuestItem3 + "," + go.QuestItem4;
                                query += ");";
                                cmd    = new MySqlCommand(query, myConn);
                                //newAdded = true;
                                int questitem = result.GetInt32(1);
                                if (questitem > 1000000 || questitem < 0) // 1065353216
                                    query = "UPDATE gameobject_template set size = " + go.Size + ", questitem1 = " + go.QuestItem1 + ", questitem2 = " + go.QuestItem2 + ", questitem3 = " + go.QuestItem3 +
                                            ", questitem4 = " + go.QuestItem4 + " WHERE entry =" + go.Entry + ";";
                                    cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, myConn);

                            /*if (!newAdded && go.IconName != "")
                             * {
                             *  query = "UPDATE gameobject_template set iconname='" + go.IconName + "' WHERE entry =" + go.Entry + ";";
                             *  cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, myConn);
                             *  cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                             * }
                             * if (!newAdded && go.CastBarCaption != "")
                             * {
                             *  query = "UPDATE gameobject_template set castbarcaption='" + go.CastBarCaption + "' WHERE entry =" + go.Entry + ";";
                             *  cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, myConn);
                             *  cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                             * }*/
                    catch (Exception)
                        Logging.Write("This query has a problem ? " + query);

                foreach (WoWGameObject o in Mailboxes)
                    if (o.CreatedBy != 0)
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = o.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(o.Faction),
                        Name           = o.Name,
                        Position       = o.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.Mailbox
                foreach (WoWUnit n in Vendors)
                    if (BlackListed.Contains(n.Entry) || n.CreatedBy != 0)
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.Vendor
                foreach (WoWUnit n in Repairers)
                    if (BlackListed.Contains(n.Entry) || n.CreatedBy != 0)
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.Repair
                foreach (WoWUnit n in Inkeepers)
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.Innkeeper
                foreach (WoWUnit n in Trainers)
                    Npc.NpcType newtype;
                    if (n.SubName.Contains("Alchemy") || n.SubName.Contains("alchimistes"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.AlchemyTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Blacksmithing") || n.SubName.Contains("forgerons"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.BlacksmithingTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Enchanting") || n.SubName.Contains("enchanteurs"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.EnchantingTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Engineering") || n.SubName.Contains("ingénieurs"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.EngineeringTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Herbalism") || n.SubName.Contains("herboristes"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.HerbalismTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Inscription") || n.SubName.Contains("calligraphes"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.InscriptionTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Jewelcrafting") || n.SubName.Contains("joailliers"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.JewelcraftingTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Leatherworking") || n.SubName.Contains("travailleurs du cuir"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.LeatherworkingTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Mining") || n.SubName.Contains("mineurs"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.MiningTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Skinning") || n.SubName.Contains("dépeceurs"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.SkinningTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Tailoring") || n.SubName.Contains("tailleurs"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.TailoringTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Archaeology") || n.SubName.Contains("archéologues"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.ArchaeologyTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Cooking") || n.SubName.Contains("cuisiniers"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.CookingTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("First Aid") || n.SubName.Contains("secouristes"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.FirstAidTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Fishing") || n.SubName.Contains("pêche"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.FishingTrainer;
                    else if (n.SubName.Contains("Riding") || n.SubName.Contains(" de vol") || n.SubName.Contains(" de monte"))
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.RidingTrainer;
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = newtype
                foreach (WoWUnit n in SpiritHealers)
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.SpiritHealer
                foreach (WoWUnit n in SpiritGuides)
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.SpiritGuide
                foreach (WoWUnit n in NpcMailboxes)
                    if (BlackListed.Contains(n.Entry) || n.CreatedBy != 0)
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.Mailbox
                foreach (WoWUnit n in Auctioneers)
                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.Auctioneer
                foreach (WoWUnit n in NpcQuesters)
                    if (BlackListed.Contains(n.Entry) || n.CreatedBy != 0)
                    npcRadarQuesters.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = n.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                        Name           = n.Name,
                        Position       = n.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.QuestGiver
                foreach (WoWGameObject o in ObjectQuesters)
                    if (o.CreatedBy != 0)
                    npcRadarQuesters.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = o.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(o.Faction),
                        Name           = o.Name,
                        Position       = o.Position,
                        Type           = Npc.NpcType.QuestGiver
                foreach (WoWGameObject o in Forges)
                    if (o.CreatedBy != 0)
                    Npc.NpcType newtype;
                    switch (o.Data0)
                    case 3:
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.SmeltingForge;

                    case 1552:
                        newtype = Npc.NpcType.RuneForge;

                    npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                        ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                        Entry          = o.Entry,
                        Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(o.Faction),
                        Name           = o.Name,
                        Position       = o.Position,
                        Type           = newtype
                d = NpcDB.AddNpcRange(npcRadar, true);
                if (d > 0)
                    Logging.Write("Found " + d + " new NPCs/Mailboxes in memory");
                d = AddQuesters(npcRadarQuesters, true);
                if (d == 1)
                    Logging.Write("Found " + d + " new Quest Giver in memory");
                else if (d > 1)
                    Logging.Write("Found " + d + " new Quest Givers in memory");
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Various mount repair, portable mailbox, repair robots, Guild Page...
    public static void PulseRadar()
        if (!Usefuls.InGame || Usefuls.IsLoading)
        var npcRadar = new List <Npc>();
        List <WoWGameObject> Mailboxes        = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectOfType(WoWGameObjectType.Mailbox);
        List <WoWUnit>       Vendors          = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitVendor();
        List <WoWUnit>       Repairers        = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitRepair();
        List <WoWUnit>       NpcMailboxes     = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitMailbox();
        var                  npcRadarQuesters = new List <Npc>();
        List <WoWUnit>       NpcQuesters      = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitQuester();
        List <WoWGameObject> ObjectQuesters   = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectOfType(WoWGameObjectType.Questgiver);

        foreach (WoWGameObject o in Mailboxes)
            if (o.CreatedBy != 0)
            npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                Entry          = o.Entry,
                Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(o.Faction),
                Name           = o.Name,
                Position       = o.Position,
                Type           = Npc.NpcType.Mailbox
        foreach (WoWUnit n in Vendors)
            if (BlackListed.Contains(n.Entry) || n.CreatedBy != 0)
            npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                Entry          = n.Entry,
                Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                Name           = n.Name,
                Position       = n.Position,
                Type           = Npc.NpcType.Vendor
        foreach (WoWUnit n in Repairers)
            if (BlackListed.Contains(n.Entry) || n.CreatedBy != 0)
            npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                Entry          = n.Entry,
                Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                Name           = n.Name,
                Position       = n.Position,
                Type           = Npc.NpcType.Repair
        foreach (WoWUnit n in NpcMailboxes)
            if (BlackListed.Contains(n.Entry) || n.CreatedBy != 0)
            npcRadar.Add(new Npc
                ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                Entry          = n.Entry,
                Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                Name           = n.Name,
                Position       = n.Position,
                Type           = Npc.NpcType.Mailbox
        foreach (WoWUnit n in NpcQuesters)
            if (BlackListed.Contains(n.Entry) || n.CreatedBy != 0)
            npcRadarQuesters.Add(new Npc
                ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                Entry          = n.Entry,
                Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(n.Faction),
                Name           = n.Name,
                Position       = n.Position,
                Type           = Npc.NpcType.QuestGiver
        foreach (WoWGameObject o in ObjectQuesters)
            if (o.CreatedBy != 0)
            npcRadarQuesters.Add(new Npc
                ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId,
                Entry          = o.Entry,
                Faction        = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(o.Faction),
                Name           = o.Name,
                Position       = o.Position,
                Type           = Npc.NpcType.QuestGiver
        int d = NpcDB.AddNpcRange(npcRadar, true);

        if (d == 1)
            Logging.Write("Found " + d + " new NPC/Mailbox in memory");
        else if (d > 1)
            Logging.Write("Found " + d + " new NPCs/Mailboxes in memory");
        d = AddQuesters(npcRadarQuesters, true);
        if (d == 1)
            Logging.Write("Found " + d + " new Quest Giver in memory");
        else if (d > 1)
            Logging.Write("Found " + d + " new Quest Givers in memory");
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SearchObjectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                SearchObjectButton.Enabled = false;
                string searchString = "";
                if (InputBox(SearchObjectButton.Text, searchInputBox, ref searchString) != DialogResult.OK)
                    SearchObjectButton.Enabled = true;

                if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsValid)
                    SearchObjectButton.Enabled = true;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                    SearchObjectButton.Enabled = true;

                var npc = new Npc();

                List <WoWGameObject> gameObjects = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByName(searchString);

                if (gameObjects.Count > 0)
                    WoWGameObject gameObject = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject(gameObjects, true);
                    if (gameObject.IsValid)
                        npc.Entry    = gameObject.Entry;
                        npc.Position = gameObject.Position;
                        npc.Name     = gameObject.Name;
                        npc.Faction  = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(gameObject.Faction);

                if (npc.Entry <= 0)
                    List <WoWUnit> units = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByName(searchString);
                    if (units.Count > 0)
                        WoWUnit unit = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(units, true, true, true);
                        if (unit.IsValid)
                            npc.Entry    = unit.Entry;
                            npc.Position = unit.Position;
                            npc.Name     = unit.Name;
                            npc.Faction  = UnitRelation.GetObjectRacialFaction(unit.Faction);

                if (npc.Entry <= 0)
                    SearchObjectButton.Enabled = true;
                npc.ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId;
                npc.Faction        = (Npc.FactionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Npc.FactionType), ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction, true);
                if (Usefuls.IsOutdoors)
                    npc.Position.Type = "Flying";
                InformationArea.Text =
                    "  <Npc>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "    <Entry>" + npc.Entry + "</Entry>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "    <Name>" + npc.Name + "</Name>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "    <Position>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "      <X>" + npc.Position.X + "</X>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "      <Y>" + npc.Position.Y + "</Y>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "      <Z>" + npc.Position.Z + "</Z>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "      <Type>" + npc.Position.Type + "</Type>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "    </Position>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "    <Faction>" +
                    (Npc.FactionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Npc.FactionType), ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction, true) +
                    "</Faction>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "    <Type>None</Type>" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "    <ContinentId>" + npc.ContinentId + "</ContinentId>" +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    "  </Npc>";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.WriteError("DeveloperToolsMainFrame > SearchObjectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e): " + ex);
            SearchObjectButton.Enabled = true;