protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            foreach (var branch in unit.branches)
                if (port == branch.Key || port == branch.Value)
                    var index = int.Parse(port.key.PartAfter('_'));

                    var letter = ((char)('A' + index)).ToString();

                    description.label = letter;

                    if (port == branch.Key)
                        description.summary = $"Trigger to select the {letter} value.";
                    else if (port == branch.Value)
                        description.summary = $"The value to return if the {letter} control input is triggered.";
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Port Summary
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == target.Enter)
                description.summary = "Enter Flow.";
            if (port == target.Exit)
                description.summary = "Exit Flow.";
            if (port == target.Identifier)
                description.summary = "Identifier from Sent Notification";
            if (port == target.Title)
                description.summary = "Notification Title";
            if (port == target.SubTitle)
                description.summary = "Notification Sub Title";
            if (port == target.Body)
                description.summary = "Body Text of the Notification.";
            if (port == target.Delay)
                description.summary = "Delay in Seconds.";
        // Port Summary

        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == target.A)
                description.summary   = "Start Value.";
                description.showLabel = true;
            else if (port == target.B)
                description.summary   = "End Value.";
                description.showLabel = true;
            else if (port == target.ResultValue)
                description.summary   = "Tweened Value.";
                description.showLabel = false;
                description.label     = "Tweened Value.";

            else if (port == target.duration)
                description.summary   = "Duration of Tween in seconds.";
                description.showLabel = true;

            else if (port == target.start)
                description.summary   = "Start Tween.";
                description.showLabel = false;

            else if (port == target.started)
                description.summary   = "Event fired when Tween starts.";
                description.showLabel = true;

            else if (port == target.tick)
                description.summary   = "Connect this to the value you want to Tween.";
                description.showLabel = true;

            else if (port == target.completed)
                description.summary   = "Event fired when Tweening is completed";
                description.showLabel = true;
                description.label     = "Done";

            else if (port == target.DopeEasingTypeValue)
                description.summary   = "The Type of Easing Value to be applied to the tween.";
                description.showLabel = false;
                description.label     = "Easing Type";
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port is ControlInput && unit.awaitedInputs.Contains((ControlInput)port))
                description.showLabel = false;
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == unit.value)
                description.summary =;
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port is ValueOutput && unit.members.TryGetValue((ValueOutput)port, out Member member))
                description.label   =;
                description.summary =;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (unit.dictionary && port == unit.currentItem)
                description.label   = "Value";
                description.summary = "The value of the current item of the loop.";
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            var index = unit.argumentPorts.IndexOf(port as ValueOutput);

            if (index >= 0)
                description.label = "Arg. " + index;
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port ==
                description.icon = PathUtil.Load("EditorWindow", CommunityEditorPath.Fundamentals);
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port is ValueInput)
                var index = unit.multiInputs.IndexOf((ValueInput)port);

                if (index >= 0)
                    description.label = ((char)('A' + index)).ToString();
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port is ControlOutput)
                var index = unit.multiOutputs.IndexOf((ControlOutput)port);

                if (index >= 0)
                    description.label = index.ToString();
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            foreach (var branch in unit.branches)
                if (branch.Value == port)
                    var enumValue = branch.Key;
                    description.label   = enumValue.DisplayName();
                    description.summary = $"The action to execute if the enum has the value '{enumValue}'.";
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            foreach (var branch in unit.branches)
                if (branch.Value == port)
                    var option = branch.Key;

                    description.label   = GetLabelForOption(option);
                    description.summary = $"The action to execute if the selector has the value {GetLabelForOption(option)}.";
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            for (int i = 0; i < ((CreateBinarySave)target).count; i++)
                if (port.key == "name_" + i.ToString())
                    description.showLabel = false;
                if (port.key == "value_" + i.ToString())
                    description.label = "Value";
        // Port Summary
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == target.Title)
                description.summary = "Notification Title";
            if (port == target.Text)
                description.summary = "The Body of the Notification will contain this Text.";
            if (port == target.Delay)
                description.summary = "Time delay in Seconds.";
        // Port Summary
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == target.enter)
                description.summary = "Enter Flow.";
            if (port == target.exit)
                description.summary = "Exit Flow.";
            if (port == target.Identifier)
                description.summary = "Identifier from Sent Notification";
        // Port Summary
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == target.Title)
                description.summary = "Notification Title";
            if (port == target.Text)
                description.summary = "The Body of the Notification will contain this Text.";
            if (port == target.DateTimeValue)
                description.summary = "Date and Time. eg. 2/16/2020 12:15:12 PM";
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == unit.assign)
                description.label   = "Set";
                description.summary = "The entry point to set the value.";
            else if (port == unit.assigned)
                description.label   = "On Set";
                description.summary = "The action to call once the value has been set.";
            else if (port == unit.output)
                description.summary =;
Exemplo n.º 19
        // Port Summary
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == target.Enter)
                description.summary = "Enter Flow.";
            if (port == target.Exit)
                description.summary = "Exit Flow.";
            if (port == target.Identifier)
                description.summary = "Identifier from Sent Notification";
            if (port == target.Title)
                description.summary = "Notification Title";
            if (port == target.SubTitle)
                description.summary = "Notification Sub Title";
            if (port == target.Body)
                description.summary = "Body Text of the Notification.";
            if (port == target.RepeatsValue)
                description.summary = "Should the Notification Repeat.";
            if (port == target.DateTimeValue)
                description.summary = "The Date and Time as a String. e.g. 2/16/2020 12:15:13 PM";
Exemplo n.º 20
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            if (port == unit.exitNext)
                description.summary = "Exit control flow after True/False evaluation.  Will always be called following the comparison.";

            if (port == unit.exitTrue)
                switch (unit.BranchingType)
                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.And:
                    description.label   = "True";
                    description.summary = "Exit control flow if all inputs are true.";

                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.Or:
                    description.label   = "True";
                    description.summary = "Exit control flow if any of the inputs are true.";

                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.GreaterThan:
                    description.label   = "Greater";
                    description.summary = string.Format("Exit control flow if the first input is greater than {0}the second.", unit.AllowEquals ? "or equal to " : "");

                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.LessThan:
                    description.label   = "Less";
                    description.summary = string.Format("Exit control flow if the first input is less than {0}the second.", unit.AllowEquals ? "or equal to " : "");

                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.Equal:
                    description.label   = "Equal";
                    description.summary = "Exit control flow if all of the inputs are equal.";


            if (port == unit.exitFalse)
                switch (unit.BranchingType)
                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.And:
                    description.label   = "False";
                    description.summary = "Exit control flow if one of the inputs is false.";

                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.Or:
                    description.label   = "False";
                    description.summary = "Exit control flow if none of the inputs are true.";

                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.GreaterThan:
                    description.label   = "Less";
                    description.summary = string.Format("Exit control flow if the first input is less than {0}the second.", unit.AllowEquals ? "" : "or equal to ");

                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.LessThan:
                    description.label   = "Greater";
                    description.summary = string.Format("Exit control flow if the first input is greater than {0}the second.", unit.AllowEquals ? "" : "or equal to ");

                case LogicParamNode.BranchType.Equal:
                    description.label   = "Not Equal";
                    description.summary = "Exit control flow if any of the inputs are not equal.";

Exemplo n.º 21
        protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description)
            base.DefinedPort(port, description);

            description.showLabel = false;