Exemplo n.º 1
         * Using different matching data types as our collection to determine if there is a match.
         * Convert a set of examples all true then all false using different DataTypes as the collection of trueValues
        public static void setThenConvert_2_Steps()
            p("\n-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\nDataType_Class > Boolean_Extended_Syntax > setThenConvert_2_Steps");

             * UnitOf.DataType, "12.5" for this entire example.
            UnitOf.DataType numberMatches = new UnitOf.DataType("12.5");//String passed in.

             * Returns true for all
            bool t_MatchStr_NonCase_Equals   = numberMatches.ToBoolean(new string[] { "1.2", "12.5", "3" });    //True, matches "12.5"
            bool t_MatchFloat_NonCase_Equals = numberMatches.ToBoolean(new object[] { 1.2f, 12.5f, 3f });       //True, matches 12.5
            bool t_MatchStr_NonCase_Contains = numberMatches.ToBoolean(new object[] { 5, 12, 3 }, false, true); //True, matches 5 & 12

             * Returns false for all
            bool f_MatchStr_NonCase_Equals2   = numberMatches.ToBoolean(new string[] { "1.2", "12.55", "3" });      //False, No matches
            bool f_MatchFloat_NonCase_Equals2 = numberMatches.ToBoolean(new object[] { 1.2f, 12.55f, 3f });         //False, No matches
            bool f_MatchStr_NonCase_Contains2 = numberMatches.ToBoolean(new object[] { 5, 12, 3 }, false, false);   //False, No matches

             * Print results
            pt("t_MatchStr_NonCase_Equals: " + t_MatchStr_NonCase_Equals);          //True, matches "12.5"
            pt("t_MatchFloat_NonCase_Equals: " + t_MatchFloat_NonCase_Equals);      //True, matches 12.5
            pt("t_MatchStr_NonCase_Contains: " + t_MatchStr_NonCase_Contains);      //True, matches 5 & 12
            pt("f_MatchStr_NonCase_Equals2: " + f_MatchStr_NonCase_Equals2);        //False, No matches
            pt("f_MatchFloat_NonCase_Equals2: " + f_MatchFloat_NonCase_Equals2);    //False, No matches
            pt("f_MatchStr_NonCase_Contains2: " + f_MatchStr_NonCase_Contains2);    //False, No matches
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void run()

             * Our intial value of "12.5" as type String is passed into our new instance of UnitOf.DataType.
             * UnitOf.DataType determines the type passed in making it unnecessary for the user to have to manually define this.
             * Below are also just a few examples of what can be passed in
            p("\n-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\nDataType_Class > Basic_2_Step_Conversions");
            p("-=-=-=-=-\nInstantiating UnitOf.DataType(\"12.5\")");
            UnitOf.DataType uoDataType = new UnitOf.DataType("12.5");   //String passed in.
            //dt = new UnitOf.DataType(12.5);                           //Example of double passed in.
            //dt = new UnitOf.DataType(12);                             //Example of int passed in.
            //dt = new UnitOf.DataType('$');                            //Example of char pssed in.
            //dt = new UnitOf.DataType(false);                          //Example of boolean passed in.
            //dt = new UnitOf.DataType("12.5");                         //Back to our example, 12.5 in string form

             * getTypeConstantPassed() and getValuePassed() return the variable type and value passed in respectively.
             * Because we passed in "12.5" as a String, the getTypeConstantPassed() will return the word "String".
             * getValuePassed() will return "12.5" as a string since that is how it was passed in.
            string dataTypePassedType  = uoDataType.GetTypeConstantPassed(); //The word "String" is returned
            object dataTypePassedValue = uoDataType.GetValuePassed();        //"12.5" as a String is returned

             * Returns an double equivalent of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToDouble() default value of 0.0d is returned.
            double doubleDefault0      = uoDataType.ToDouble();     //Returns 12.5 from "12.5", If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToDouble() default value of 0.0d is returned.
            double doubleDefault1dot23 = uoDataType.ToDouble(1.23); //Returns 12.5 If the conversion did fail, 1.23 would be returned.

             * Returns an int equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToInt() default value of 0 is returned.
            int intDefault0     = uoDataType.ToInt();       //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToInt() default value of 0 is returned.
            int intDefaultNeg25 = uoDataType.ToInt(-25);    //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, -25 would be returned.

             * Returns a String equivalent of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToString() default value of "" is returned.
            string stringDefaultEmptyStr  = uoDataType.ToString();          //String equivalent of "12.5" is returned, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToString() default value of null is returned.
            string stringDefault1dot23Str = uoDataType.ToString("1.23");    //Returns "12.5" If the conversion did fail, "1.23" would be returned.

             * Returns a boolean equivalent of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToBoolean() default value of false is returned.
             * NOTE: More in its own extended class - examples/DataType_Class/Boolean_Extended_Syntax.cs

            bool booleanDefaultFalse = uoDataType.ToBoolean();       //Conversion fails: false is returned. No default was passed in so the UnitOf.ToBoolean() default of false is returned.
            bool booleanDefaultTrue  = uoDataType.ToBoolean(true);   //Conversion fails: true is returned. Default of true was passed in so it is returned

             * Returns a String fraction equivalent of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToFraction() default value of "" is returned.
            string fractionDefaultEmpty   = uoDataType.ToFraction();        //Returns "25/2" passed in as 25 divided by 2 equals the DataType value passed in, 12.5. If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToFraction() default value of "" is returned.
            string fractionDefault2Slash5 = uoDataType.ToFraction("2/5");   //Returns "25/2" If the conversion did fail, "2/5" would be returned.

             * Returns an Object equivalent of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToObject() default value of null is returned.
            object objectDefaultNull      = uoDataType.ToObject();          //Object equivalent of "12.5" is returned, If the conversion fails, the UnitOf.ToObject() default value of null is returned.
            object objectDefault123       = uoDataType.ToObject(123);       //Returns "12.5" If the conversion did fail, 123 as an Object would be returned.
            object objectDefault1dot23    = uoDataType.ToObject(1.23);      //Returns "12.5" If the conversion did fail, 1.23 as an Object would be returned.
            object objectDefault12dot3Str = uoDataType.ToObject("12.3");    //Returns "12.5" If the conversion did fail, "12.3" as an Object would be returned.

             * Returns a char equivalent by taking the first non-spaced character of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToChar() default value of '\0' is returned.
            char charDefaultCharNul = uoDataType.ToChar();      //Returns '1' as it is the first non-spaced character of "12.5" passed in , If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToChar() default value of '\0' is returned.
            char charDefaultAtSign  = uoDataType.ToChar('@');   //Returns '1' If the conversion did fail, '@' would be returned.

             * Returns an float equivalent of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToFloat() default value of 0.0f is returned.
            float floatDefault0       = uoDataType.ToFloat();       //Returns 12.5 from "12.5", If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToFloat() default value of 0.0f is returned.
            float floatDefault1dot23f = uoDataType.ToFloat(1.23f);  //Returns 12.5 If the conversion did fail, 1.23f would be returned.

             * Returns an long equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToLong() default value of (long)0 is returned.
            long longDefault0  = uoDataType.ToLong();   //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToLong() default value of (long)0 is returned.
            long longDefault25 = uoDataType.ToLong(25); //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, 25 would be returned.

             * Returns a short equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToShort() default value of (short)0 is returned.
            short shortDefault0  = uoDataType.ToShort();            //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToShort() default value of (short)0 is returned.
            short shortDefault15 = uoDataType.ToShort((short)15);   //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (short)15 would be returned.

             * Returns a byte equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToByte() default value of (byte)0 is returned.
            byte byteDefault0 = uoDataType.ToByte();        //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToByte() default value of (byte)0 is returned.
            byte byteDefault5 = uoDataType.ToByte((byte)5); //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (byte)5 would be returned.

             * Returns an sbyte equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToSbyte() default value of (sbyte)0 is returned.
            sbyte sbyteDefault0 = uoDataType.ToSbyte();         //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToSbyte() default value of (sbyte)0 is returned.
            sbyte sbyteDefault6 = uoDataType.ToSbyte((sbyte)6); //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (sbyte)6 would be returned.

             * Returns a uint equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToUint() default value of (uint)0 is returned.
            uint uintDefault0 = uoDataType.ToUint();        //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToUint() default value of (uint)0 is returned.
            uint uintDefault7 = uoDataType.ToUint((uint)7); //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (uint)7 would be returned.

             * Returns a ulong equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToUlong() default value of (ulong)0 is returned.
            ulong ulongDefault0 = uoDataType.ToUlong();         //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToUlong() default value of (ulong)0 is returned.
            ulong ulongDefault8 = uoDataType.ToUlong((ulong)8); //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (ulong)8 would be returned.

             * Returns a ushort equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToUshort() default value of (ushort)0 is returned.
            ushort ushortDefault0 = uoDataType.ToUshort();          //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToUshort() default value of (ushort)0 is returned.
            ushort ushortDefault9 = uoDataType.ToUshort((ushort)9); //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (ushort)9 would be returned.

             * Returns a decimal equivalent (ending decimal values will be dropped) of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToDecimal() default value of 0.0M is returned.
            decimal decimalDefault0  = uoDataType.ToDecimal();      //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToDecimal() default value of 0.0M is returned.
            decimal decimalDefault1M = uoDataType.ToDecimal(1M);    //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, 1M would be returned.

             * Returns a DateTime equivalent of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToDateTime() default value of DateTime.Today is returned.
            DateTime dateTimeDefaultNewDT = uoDataType.ToDateTime();                //Returns "12/5/2018 12:00:00 AM" (if compiled in the US during the year of 2018) as "12.5" is read as month: 12, day: 5, and the rest are defaults. If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToDateTime() default value of DateTime.Today is returned.
            DateTime dateTimeDefaultToday = uoDataType.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today);  //Returns "12/5/2018 12:00:00 AM"  If failed, returns DateTime.Today, today (your system's date and time) would be returned like 11/30/2008 12:00:00 AM.

             * Returns a DateTime equivalent of what was passed in as the DataType value, "12.5".
             * If the conversion fails, The user defined parameter passed is returned.
             * Otherwise if nothing is passed in the UnitOf.ToDateTime() default value of DateTime.Today is returned.
            TimeSpan timeSpanDefaultNewTS       = uoDataType.ToTimeSpan();                          //Returns "00:00:00" as the conversion fails and this is the default
            TimeSpan timeSpanDefaultFrom2Minues = uoDataType.ToTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));   //Returns "00:02:00" as the conversion fails and the default passed in was 2 minutes

             * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
             * Print Conversions
             * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
            p("-=-=-=-=-\nType and Value Originally passed in (\"12.5\" as a String)");
            pt(dataTypePassedType);         //The word "String" is returned
            pt(dataTypePassedValue);        //"12.5" as a String is returned

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toDouble()");
            pt(doubleDefault0);             //Returns 12.5 from "12.5", If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToDouble() default value of 0.0d is returned.
            pt(doubleDefault1dot23);        //Returns 12.5 If the conversion did fail, 1.23 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toInt()");
            pt(intDefault0);                //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToInt() default value of 0 is returned.
            pt(intDefaultNeg25);            //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, -25 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toString()");
            pt(stringDefaultEmptyStr);      //String equivalent of "12.5" is returned, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToString() default value of null is returned.
            pt(stringDefault1dot23Str);     //Returns "12.5" If the conversion did fail, "1.23" would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverting toBoolean()");
            pt(booleanDefaultFalse);        //Conversion fails: false is returned. No default was passed in so the UnitOf.ToBoolean() default of false is returned.
            pt(booleanDefaultTrue);         //Conversion fails: true is returned. Default of true was passed in so it is returned

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverting toFraction()");
            pt(fractionDefaultEmpty);       //Returns "25/2" passed in as 25 divided by 2 equals the DataType value passed in, 12.5. If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToFraction() default value of "" is returned.
            pt(fractionDefault2Slash5);     //Returns "25/2" If the conversion did fail, "2/5" would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toObject()");
            pt(objectDefaultNull);          //Object equivalent of "12.5" is returned, If the conversion fails, the UnitOf.ToObject() default value of null is returned.
            pt(objectDefault123);           //Returns "12.5" If the conversion did fail, 123 as an Object would be returned.
            pt(objectDefault1dot23);        //Returns "12.5" If the conversion did fail, 1.23 as an Object would be returned.
            pt(objectDefault12dot3Str);     //Returns "12.5" If the conversion did fail, "12.3" as an Object would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toChar()");
            pt(charDefaultCharNul);         //Returns '1' as it is the first non-spaced character of "12.5" passed in , If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToChar() default value of '\0' is returned.
            pt(charDefaultAtSign);          //Returns '1' If the conversion did fail, '@' would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toFloat()");
            pt(floatDefault0);              //Returns 12.5 from "12.5", If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToFloat() default value of 0.0f is returned.
            pt(floatDefault1dot23f);        //Returns 12.5 If the conversion did fail, 1.23f would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toLong()");
            pt(longDefault0);               //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToLong() default value of (long)0 is returned.
            pt(longDefault25);              //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, 25 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toShort()");
            pt(shortDefault0);              //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToShort() default value of (short)0 is returned.
            pt(shortDefault15);             //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (short)15 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toByte()");
            pt(byteDefault0);               //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToByte() default value of (byte)0 is returned.
            pt(byteDefault5);               //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (byte)5 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toSbyte()");
            pt(sbyteDefault0);              //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToSbyte() default value of (sbyte)0 is returned.
            pt(sbyteDefault6);              //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (sbyte)6 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toUint()");
            pt(uintDefault0);               //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToUint() default value of (uint)0 is returned.
            pt(uintDefault7);               //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (uint)7 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toUlong()");
            pt(ulongDefault0);              //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToUlong() default value of (ulong)0 is returned.
            pt(ulongDefault8);              //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (ulong)8 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toUshort()");
            pt(ushortDefault0);             //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToUshort() default value of (ushort)0 is returned.
            pt(ushortDefault9);             //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, (ushort)9 would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toDecimal()");
            pt(decimalDefault0);            //Returns 12 as "12.5" passed in is a non-decimal type so the ".5" is dropped, If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToDecimal() default value of 0.0M is returned.
            pt(decimalDefault1M);           //Returns 12 If the conversion did fail, 1M would be returned.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toDateTime()");
            pt(dateTimeDefaultNewDT);       //Returns "12/5/2018 12:00:00 AM" (if compiled in the US during the year of 2018) as "12.5" is read as month: 12, day: 5, and the rest are defaults. If the conversion did fail, the UnitOf.ToDateTime() default value of DateTime.Today is returned.
            pt(dateTimeDefaultToday);       //Returns "12/5/2018 12:00:00 AM"  If failed, returns DateTime.Today, today (your system's date and time) would be returned like 11/30/2008 12:00:00 AM.

            p("-=-=-=-=-\nConverted \"12.5\" toTimeSpan()");
            pt(timeSpanDefaultNewTS);       //Returns "00:00:00" as the conversion fails and this is the default
            pt(timeSpanDefaultFrom2Minues); //Returns "00:02:00" as the conversion fails and the default passed in was 2 minutes