/// <summary>
        /// 将输入的数据单位转化为米
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dValue"></param>
        /// <param name="outUnits"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double UnitsConvertToMeters(double dValue, esriUnits outUnits)
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            double         newValue      = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(dValue, esriUnits.esriMeters, outUnits);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 从比例尺列表中,选择能够展示指定要素范围的最合适比例尺
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageLayout">页面布局</param>
        /// <param name="mapFrame">要设定显示范围及比例尺的地图数据框</param>
        /// <param name="featureEnv">地图要素显示范围</param>
        /// <param name="scaleList">比例尺列表,将从中选取最合适的比例尺</param>
        /// <param name="bufferDistance">要素与图廓的缓冲距离(厘米),即地图实际显示范围是featEnvelope + 2 * bufferDistance</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double SetMapScale(this IPageLayout pageLayout, IMapFrame mapFrame,
                                         IEnvelope featureEnv, double[] scaleList, double bufferDistance = 2)
            esriUnits pageUnit = pageLayout.Page.Units;
            esriUnits mapUnit  = mapFrame.Map.DistanceUnits;
            esriUnits cmUnit   = esriUnits.esriCentimeters; //厘米

            IEnvelope      mapFrameEnv   = (mapFrame as IElement)?.Geometry.Envelope;
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            double         wScale        = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(featureEnv.Width, mapUnit, cmUnit) / (unitConverter.ConvertUnits(mapFrameEnv.Width, pageUnit, cmUnit) - 2 * bufferDistance);
            double         hScale        = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(featureEnv.Height, mapUnit, cmUnit) / (unitConverter.ConvertUnits(mapFrameEnv.Height, pageUnit, cmUnit) - 2 * bufferDistance);
            double         dScale        = wScale > hScale ? wScale : hScale;

            int maxIndex = 0;

            while (maxIndex < scaleList.Length && dScale > scaleList[maxIndex])
            if (maxIndex == scaleList.Length)
                throw new Exception("需要更小的比例尺!");

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 内插中间贞函数,只需给出第一帧和最后一帧的状态信息,即可内插出中间帧状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pGlobe"></param>
        /// <param name="doubleX1_Tar">第一帧目标点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleY1_Tar">第一帧目标点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleZ1_Tar">第一帧目标点Z坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleX1_Obs">第一帧观察点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleY1_Obs">第一帧观察点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleZ1_Obs">第一帧观察点Z坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleX2_Tar">第二帧目标点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleY2_Tar">第二帧目标点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleZ2_Tar">第二帧目标点Z坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleX2_Obs">第二帧观察点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleY2_Obs">第二帧观察点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleZ2_Obs">第二帧观察点Z坐标</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static IKeyframe CreateMiddleKeyframe(IGlobe pGlobe, double doubleX1_Tar, double doubleY1_Tar, double doubleZ1_Tar,
                                                      double doubleX1_Obs, double doubleY1_Obs, double doubleZ1_Obs,
                                                      double doubleX2_Tar, double doubleY2_Tar, double doubleZ2_Tar,
                                                      double doubleX2_Obs, double doubleY2_Obs, double doubleZ2_Obs)
            IUnitConverter         unitConverter         = new UnitConverterClass();
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)pGlobe.GlobeDisplay;
            IKeyframe pMidKeyframe = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();

                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueInt(0, 0);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(1, (doubleY1_Tar + doubleY2_Tar) / 2);                                                                           //doubleY_mid);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(2, (doubleX1_Tar + doubleX2_Tar) / 2);                                                                           //doubleX_mid);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(3, (doubleZ1_Tar + doubleZ2_Tar) / 2);                                                                           //doubleZ1_Tar/2);//// (globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius / -1000));
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(4, (doubleY1_Obs + doubleY2_Obs) / 2);                                                                           //doubleY_mid);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(5, (doubleX1_Obs + doubleX2_Obs) / 2);                                                                           //doubleX_mid);
                double doubleAltitide_mid = ReturnProjectDistance(pGlobe, doubleX1_Obs, doubleY1_Obs, doubleZ1_Obs, doubleX2_Obs, doubleY2_Obs, doubleZ2_Obs) / 1000; //KM
                doubleAltitide_mid += GetGlobeElevation(pGlobe.GlobeDisplay, (doubleX1_Obs + doubleX2_Obs) / 2, (doubleY1_Obs + doubleY2_Obs) / 2, true);

                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(6, doubleAltitide_mid);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(7, 30);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(8, 0);
            { }
Exemplo n.º 4
        public double getLinearConversion(IProjectedCoordinateSystem prjSys)
            IUnitConverter converter  = new UnitConverterClass();
            ILinearUnit    linearUnit = prjSys.CoordinateUnit;
            double         meter      = linearUnit.MetersPerUnit;
            double         unitToFoot = converter.ConvertUnits(meter, esriUnits.esriMeters, esriUnits.esriFeet);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static double GetGlobeElevation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, double longitude, double latitude, bool maxResolution)
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            double doubleZ = 0;

            globeDisplay.GetSurfaceElevation(longitude, latitude, maxResolution, out doubleZ);
            return(unitConverter.ConvertUnits(doubleZ, esriUnits.esriMeters, globeDisplay.Globe.GlobeUnits));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves points or vertices to coincide exactly with the vertices, edges, or end points of other features.
        /// Snapping rules can be specified to control whether the input vertices are snapped to the nearest vertex, edge, or
        /// endpoint within a specified distance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The input features whose vertices will be snapped to the vertices, edges, or end points of other
        /// features. The input features can be points, multipoints, lines, or polygons.</param>
        /// <param name="snap">The features that the input features' vertices will be snapped to. These features can be points,
        /// multipoints, lines, or polygons.</param>
        /// <param name="snapType">The type of feature part that the input features' vertices can be snapped to (END | VERTEX |
        /// EDGE).</param>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance within which the input features' vertices will be snapped to the nearest vertex,
        /// edge, or end point.</param>
        /// <param name="units">The units.</param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel">The track cancel.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHandler">The events.</param>
        public static void Snap(this IFeatureClass source, IFeatureClass snap, SnapType snapType, double distance, esriUnits units, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGeoProcessorEvents eventHandler)
            IUnitConverter converter = new UnitConverterClass();
            object         row       = string.Format("{0} {1} '{2} {3}'", snap.GetAbsolutePath(), snapType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), distance, converter.EsriUnitsAsString(units, esriCaseAppearance.esriCaseAppearanceUpper, true));

            IGpValueTableObject table = new GpValueTableObjectClass();

            table.AddRow(ref row);

            source.Snap(table, trackCancel, eventHandler);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Locates the along route implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="locateAlongRouteName">Name of the locate along route.</param>
        /// <param name="workspace">The workspace.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceWhereClause">The source where clause.</param>
        /// <param name="route">The route.</param>
        /// <param name="routeWhereClause">The route where clause.</param>
        /// <param name="routeIDFieldName">Name of the route identifier field.</param>
        /// <param name="radiusOrTolerance">The radius or tolerance.</param>
        /// <param name="radiusOrToleranceUnits">The radius or tolerance units.</param>
        /// <param name="searchMultipleLocations">if set to <c>true</c> [search multiple locations].</param>
        /// <param name="keepAllFields">if set to <c>true</c> [keep all fields].</param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel">The track cancel.</param>
        /// <param name="eventHandler">The event handler.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ITable LocateAlongRouteImpl(IFeatureClass source, string locateAlongRouteName, IWorkspace workspace, string sourceWhereClause, IFeatureClass route, string routeWhereClause, string routeIDFieldName, double radiusOrTolerance, esriUnits radiusOrToleranceUnits, bool searchMultipleLocations, bool keepAllFields, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGeoProcessorEvents eventHandler)
            var ds = (IDataset)source;

            object input    = route;
            object features = source;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(routeWhereClause))
                var name = string.Format("{0}_V", ((IDataset)route).Name);
                input = route.MakeView(name, routeWhereClause, null, trackCancel, eventHandler);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceWhereClause))
                var name = string.Format("{0}_V", ds.Name);
                features = source.MakeView(name, sourceWhereClause, null, trackCancel, eventHandler);

            LocateFeaturesAlongRoutes gp = new LocateFeaturesAlongRoutes();

            gp.in_features    = features;
            gp.in_fields      = keepAllFields ? "FIELDS" : "NO_FIELDS";
            gp.in_routes      = input;
            gp.route_id_field = routeIDFieldName;

            gp.out_table = workspace.GetAbsolutePath(locateAlongRouteName);

            if (source.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                gp.out_event_properties = string.Format("{0} LINE FMEASURE TMEASURE", routeIDFieldName);
                gp.out_event_properties = string.Format("{0} POINT MEASURE", routeIDFieldName);

            IUnitConverter converter = new UnitConverterClass();

            gp.radius_or_tolerance = string.Format("{0} {1}", radiusOrTolerance, converter.EsriUnitsAsString(radiusOrToleranceUnits, esriCaseAppearance.esriCaseAppearanceUpper, true));

            gp.route_locations = searchMultipleLocations ? "ALL" : "FIRST";

            if (gp.Run(trackCancel, eventHandler) == esriJobStatus.esriJobSucceeded)

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IUnitConverter unitConverter = (ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IUnitConverter)ServerContext.CreateObject("esriSystem.UnitConverter");

            //project raster
            //IUnitConverter iu = new esriUnits();

            IUnitConverter unitConverter             = new UnitConverterClass();
            double         dFittedBoundsWidthInches  = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(-100, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees, esriUnits.esriMeters) / 100;
            double         dFittedBoundsWidthInchesy = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(40, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees, esriUnits.esriMeters) / 100;
            //ui.ConvertUnits(10, esriUnits.esriMeters, esriUnits.esriMeters);
            //IPoint pPoint = new PointClass();
            //pPoint.X = -1000;
            //pPoint.Y = -1000;

            //IGeometry pGeometry;
            //pGeometry = (IGeometry)pPoint;

            //IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

            //axMapControl.FlashShape(pGeometry, 4, 100, pMarkerSymbol);

            IEnvelope pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            IPoint    pPoint    = new PointClass();

            //axMapControl.MapUnits = esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees;
            //axMapControl.MapUnits = esriUnits.esriMeters; //米

            // esriUnits mapUnits = axMapControl.MapUnits;

            //axMapControl.MapUnits = esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees;
            //pPoint.PutCoords(Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));//该句中的txtlong,txtlat是输入经纬值的TextBox
            pPoint.X  = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text);
            pPoint.Y  = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text);
            pEnvelope = axMapControl.Extent;

            axMapControl.Extent = pEnvelope.Envelope;     //前一段代码实现平移
            axMapControl.FlashShape(pPoint as IGeometry); //此句实现闪烁(效果没有ArcMap中好, )
            //axMapControl.ActiveView.Extent = pEnvelope;
Exemplo n.º 9
        //private void toolCM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    this.m_Units = esriUnits.esriCentimeters;

        //private void toolMM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    this.m_Units = esriUnits.esriMillimeters;


        /// <summary>
        /// guozheng 2011-5-8 added 将量算坐标单位转换为实际要求的单位
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="in_Len">输入需要转换的数值</param>
        /// <returns>输出:转换后的数值,内部异常返回-1并记录异常日志</returns>
        private double UnitConvert(double in_Len)
            IUnitConverter pUnitConvert = new UnitConverterClass();

                double Res = pUnitConvert.ConvertUnits(in_Len, this.m_Displayunit, this.m_Units);
            catch (Exception eError)
                if (SysCommon.Log.Module.SysLog == null)
                    SysCommon.Log.Module.SysLog = new SysCommon.Log.clsWriteSystemFunctionLog();
        public int DrawGpsCep(double latitude, double longitude, double[] radii)
            if (MxDocument == null)
            if (GraphicsLayer == null)
            ISpatialReference sr = MxDocument.FocusMap.SpatialReference;

            if (sr == null || sr is IGeographicCoordinateSystem)
            esriUnits mapUnits = MxDocument.FocusMap.MapUnits;

            if (mapUnits == esriUnits.esriUnknownUnits ||
                mapUnits == esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees ||
                mapUnits == esriUnits.esriUnitsLast)
            IUnitConverter uc       = new UnitConverterClass();
            var            mapRadii = from radius in radii
                                      select uc.ConvertUnits(radius, esriUnits.esriMeters, mapUnits);

            IPoint point = new PointClass();

            point.PutCoords(longitude, latitude);
            point.SpatialReference = Wgs84;
            if (point.IsEmpty)

            int id = AddCepGraphic(point, mapRadii.ToList());

Exemplo n.º 11
        private double GetBuffSize()
            double dBufferSize = 0;

            //double.TryParse(this.dblBuffLen.Text, out dblSize);
            dBufferSize = Convert.ToDouble(dblBuffLen.Text); /*/ 10*/; //20110802 xisheng
            dBufferSize = dBufferSize < 1 ? 1 : dBufferSize;           //设置缓冲值不能设置成0 xisheng 20110722
            if (dBufferSize == 0.0)
                dBufferSize = 0.001;
            //转换如果是经纬度的地图 xisheng 20110731
            UnitConverter punitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            if (m_pMap.MapUnits == esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees)
                dBufferSize = punitConverter.ConvertUnits(dBufferSize, esriUnits.esriMeters, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees);
            }//转换如果是经纬度的地图 xisheng 20110731
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void GetArea(ref double area, IMap pMap)
            switch (pMap.MapUnits)
            case esriUnits.esriKilometers:
                area = (Math.Abs(area)) * 1000000;

            case esriUnits.esriMeters:
            case esriUnits.esriUnknownUnits:
                area = Math.Abs(area);

            case esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees:
                //转换如果是经纬度的地图 xisheng 20110731
                UnitConverter punitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
                area = punitConverter.ConvertUnits(Math.Abs(area), esriUnits.esriMeters, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees);

                area = 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the unit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dValue">The d value.</param>
        /// <param name="inUnits">The in units.</param>
        /// <param name="outUnits">The out units.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Double.</returns>
        public static double ConvertUnit(double dValue, esriUnits inUnits, esriUnits outUnits)
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            return(unitConverter.ConvertUnits(dValue, inUnits, outUnits));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override int Execute(string logfileName)
            this.LogMessage(this.Name + " QA test execution started.");

            int currentOid = -1;
            bool bProblemsRunning = false;

                this.LogMessage(this.Name + " Parameters:");
                for (int i = 0; i < this.ParameterCount; i++)
                    this.LogMessage(this.get_ParameterText(i) + ": " + this.get_ParameterValue(i));


                int index = this.FindParameter("search-radius");
                double searchRadius = Math.Abs((double)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue);

                index = this.FindParameter("aspect-ratio-limit");
                double aspectRatio = Math.Abs((double)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue);
                if (aspectRatio <= 1)
                    aspectRatio = 10;
                    this.LogMessage("Segment length to distance ratio set under 1.0, using 10 instead.");

                index = this.FindParameter(ParameterInfo.PARAM_CANDEFER);
                bool canDefer = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue;
                index = this.FindParameter(ParameterInfo.PARAM_CANEXCEPT);
                bool canExcept = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue;
                index = this.FindParameter("limit-neatline-index");
                bool limitNeatline = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue;

                // Convert gap limits to metres
                UnitsParameterInfo theUnits = (UnitsParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("search-units")];
                IUnitConverter theConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
                searchRadius = theConverter.ConvertUnits(searchRadius, theUnits.ParamValueInUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);

                IFeatureLayer theNeatlineLayer = this.NeatlineLayer;
                if (theNeatlineLayer == null)
                    this.LogMessage("Missing valid neatline layer. Exiting Execute.");
                    bProblemsRunning = true;
                    // Create index of neatline segments
                    this.LogMessage("Building neatline index");

                    // Calc cell size by taking some segment lengths
                    double sum = 0;
                    int segCount = 0;
                    IFeatureCursor theNLCursor = this.NeatlineLayer.Search(null, true);
                    IFeature theNeatline = theNLCursor.NextFeature();

                    while (theNeatline != null)
                        IGeometry theGeometry = theNeatline.Shape;
                        ISegmentCollection theSegColl = (ISegmentCollection)theGeometry;
                        for (int i = 0; i < theSegColl.SegmentCount; i++)
                            sum += theSegColl.get_Segment(i).Length;
                        theNeatline = theNLCursor.NextFeature();
                        if (segCount > 100)
                    theNLCursor = null;

                    double cellsize = (sum / segCount) * 5;
                    this.LogMessage("Cellsize: (" + sum + " / " + segCount + ") = " + cellsize);

                    // Determine the bounding env for the features to analyze
                    // If this is significantly smaller than the bounds of the neatline
                    // layer, this will save time building the cache
                    ISpatialFilter theSF = null;
                    if (limitNeatline)
                        IEnvelope theAOI = null;
                        for (int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < this.LayerCount; layerIdx++)
                            IFeatureLayer theFLayer = this.get_Layer(layerIdx);
                            IFeatureClass theFClass = theFLayer.FeatureClass;
                            if (theFLayer != theNeatlineLayer
                                && this.SupportsGeometryType(theFClass.ShapeType))
                                if (this.ConstrainToSelection)
                                    IFeatureCursor theFCursor;
                                    ICursor theCursor;
                                    IFeatureSelection theFSel = (IFeatureSelection)theFLayer;
                                    theFSel.SelectionSet.Search(null, true, out theCursor);
                                    theFCursor = (IFeatureCursor)theCursor;
                                    IFeature theFeature = theFCursor.NextFeature();
                                    while (theFeature != null)
                                        if (theFeature.Shape != null && theFeature.Shape.IsEmpty == false)
                                            if (theAOI != null)
                                                theAOI = theFeature.Shape.Envelope;
                                        theFeature = theFCursor.NextFeature();
                                    if (theAOI != null)
                                        theAOI = theFLayer.AreaOfInterest;

                        theSF = new SpatialFilterClass();
                        theSF.Geometry = theAOI;
                        theSF.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;

                    SegmentCollectionIndex theIndex = new SegmentCollectionIndex(cellsize);
                    theNLCursor = this.NeatlineLayer.Search(theSF, true);
                    theNeatline = theNLCursor.NextFeature();
                    while (theNeatline != null)
                        ISegmentCollection theSegColl = theNeatline.Shape as ISegmentCollection;
                        for (int i = 0; i < theSegColl.SegmentCount; i++)
                            IndexSegment theSegment = new IndexSegment(theNeatline.OID, theSegColl.get_Segment(i));
                        theNeatline = theNLCursor.NextFeature();

                    for (int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < this.LayerCount; layerIdx++)
                        IFeatureLayer theFLayer = this.get_Layer(layerIdx);
                        IFeatureClass theFClass = theFLayer.FeatureClass;
                        IDataset theDataset = (IDataset)theFClass;

                        if (theFLayer != theNeatlineLayer
                            && this.SupportsGeometryType(theFClass.ShapeType))
                            this.LogMessage("Detecting neatline artifacts in featureclass " + theDataset.Name);

                            int nFeatures = 0;

                            IFeatureCursor theFCursor = null;
                            IFeatureSelection theFSel = (IFeatureSelection)theFLayer;

                            if (this.ConstrainToSelection)
                                this.LogMessage("Constraining analysis to selected features.");
                                ICursor theCursor;
                                theFSel.SelectionSet.Search(null, true, out theCursor);
                                theFCursor = (IFeatureCursor)theCursor;
                                nFeatures = theFSel.SelectionSet.Count;
                                theFCursor = theFClass.Search(null, true);
                                nFeatures = theFClass.FeatureCount(null);

                            this.LogMessage("Number of features to process: " + nFeatures);

                            int count = 0;
                            int countIncrement = Math.Max(1, nFeatures / 10);

                            IFeature theFeature = theFCursor.NextFeature();

                            while (theFeature != null)
                                if (theFeature.HasOID)
                                    currentOid = theFeature.OID; // for error trapping and debugging

                                ArrayList theList = this.ProcessFeature(theFeature, theIndex,
                                    searchRadius, aspectRatio, canDefer, canExcept);

                                if (theList != null)
                                    foreach (DataQualityError dqe in theList)

                                if (++count % countIncrement == 0)
                                    this.LogMessage("Processed " + count + " polygons...");
                                theFeature = theFCursor.NextFeature();


                this.LogMessage("Number of errors found: " + this.ErrorCount);
                this.LogMessage("Test " + this.Name + " successful.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.LogMessage("Exception caught: \n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace.ToString());
                this.LogMessage("id of the current polygon: " + currentOid);
                return -1;

            if (bProblemsRunning)
                return -1;

            return this.ErrorCount;
 /// <summary>
 /// 将输入的数据单位转化为米
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dValue"></param>
 /// <param name="outUnits"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public double UnitsConvertToMeters(double dValue,esriUnits outUnits)
     IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
     double newValue = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(dValue, esriUnits.esriMeters, outUnits);
     return newValue;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static IAnimationTrack CreateZoomOverLocationAnimation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, double doubleX, double doubleY, double doubleAltitide)
            // Set Mouse Cursor
            //IMouseCursor mouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();
            // QI to GlobeDisplayRendering Interface
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)
            // Get Elevation Multiplication Factor
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            // Get GlobeDisplay and Camera
            IGlobe globe = globeDisplay.Globe;
            IAnimationTracks animationTracks = (IAnimationTracks)globe;

            IGlobeCamera globeCamera = (IGlobeCamera)globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera;
            // Create New Animation Track
            IAnimationTrack animationTrack = new AnimationTrackClass();
                IAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass();
                animationTrack.AnimationType = animationType;
                // Create First KeyFrame At Current Location
                IKeyframe keyframe1 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe1.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe1, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                // Create Last KeyFrame Over Desired Location
                IKeyframe keyframe3 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueInt(0, 0);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(1, doubleY);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(2, doubleX);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(3, -1d *
                                                   unitConverter.ConvertUnits(globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius, esriUnits.esriMeters,
                                                           globe.GlobeUnits)); // (globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius / -1000));
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(4, doubleY);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(5, doubleX);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(6, doubleAltitide);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(7, 30);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(8, 0);

                #region 获取第一帧和第三帧的参数
                double dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe1, out dX1_Tar, out dY1_Tar, out dZ1_Tar, out dX1_Obs, out dY1_Obs, out dZ1_Obs);
                double dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe3, out dX3_Tar, out dY3_Tar, out dZ3_Tar, out dX3_Obs, out dY3_Obs, out dZ3_Obs);

                ////=========================================== 创建中间帧    == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
                IKeyframe keyframe2 = CreateMiddleKeyframe(globeDisplay.Globe, dX1_Tar,
                                      dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs,
                                      dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs);  //头晕、高血压、糖尿病患者调用该函数请慎重!
                //=========================================== 创建中间帧    == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
                //animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe2, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe3, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                // Set The Animation Track Name
                animationTrack.Name = "Zoom Over Location";
                // Set Track Attachments
                animationTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = true;
                // Add The New Track To The Scene
                // Return The Newly Create Aninmation Track
            catch { }
            return animationTrack;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override int Execute(string logfileName)
            this.LogMessage(this.Name + " QA test execution started.");

            int currentOid = -1;

                this.LogMessage(this.Name + " Parameters:");
                for (int i = 0; i < this.ParameterCount; i++)
                    this.LogMessage(this.get_ParameterText(i) + ": " + this.get_ParameterValue(i));


                // Check the search radius
                int idx = this.FindParameter("search-radius");
                DoubleParameterInfo theInfo = (DoubleParameterInfo)this._params[idx];
                double theSearchRadius = (double)theInfo.ParamValue;

                if (theSearchRadius <= 0)
                    this.LogMessage("Zero or negative value passed as search radius for " + this.Name + ". Stopping.");
                    return -1;

                // Check the cluster tolerance
                idx = this.FindParameter("cluster-tolerance");
                theInfo = (DoubleParameterInfo)this._params[idx];
                double theCluster = (double)theInfo.ParamValue;

                if (theCluster >= theSearchRadius)
                    this.LogMessage("Cluster tolerance equal to or larger than search radius for " + this.Name + ". Stopping.");
                    return -1;

                // Convert them to metres
                idx = this.FindParameter("search-units");
                UnitsParameterInfo theUnitsParam = (UnitsParameterInfo)this._params[idx];
                esriUnits theUnits = theUnitsParam.ParamValueInUnits;
                IUnitConverter theConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
                theSearchRadius = theConverter.ConvertUnits(theSearchRadius, theUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);
                theCluster = theConverter.ConvertUnits(theCluster, theUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);

                // Get the canDefer/canExcept params
                idx = this.FindParameter(ParameterInfo.PARAM_CANDEFER);
                bool canDefer = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[idx]).ParamValue;
                idx = this.FindParameter(ParameterInfo.PARAM_CANEXCEPT);
                bool canExcept = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[idx]).ParamValue;

                // Loop through the layers
                for (int i = 0; i < this.LayerCount - 1; i++)
                    IFeatureLayer theLayer1 = this.get_Layer(i);
                    if (this.SupportsGeometryType(theLayer1.FeatureClass.ShapeType) == false)

                    // Index the points in theLayer1
                    IDataset theDataset1 = (IDataset)theLayer1.FeatureClass;
                    IGeoDataset theGeoDS = (IGeoDataset)theDataset1;
                    IEnvelope theAOI = theGeoDS.Extent;
                    if (theAOI == null || theAOI.IsEmpty)

                    double theCellsize = theAOI.Width / 100;
                    this.LogMessage("Indexing features in " + theDataset1.Name + ". Cellsize (m): " + theCellsize);
                    PointCollectionIndex theIndex = new PointCollectionIndex(theCellsize);

                    IFeatureCursor theFCursor1 = null;
                    if (this.ConstrainToSelection)
                        ICursor theCursor = null;
                        IFeatureSelection theFSel = (IFeatureSelection)theLayer1;
                        theFSel.SelectionSet.Search(null, true, out theCursor);
                        theFCursor1 = (IFeatureCursor)theCursor;
                        theFCursor1 = theLayer1.Search(null, true);

                    IFeature theFeature1 = theFCursor1.NextFeature();
                    while (theFeature1 != null)
                        if (theFeature1.Shape != null && theFeature1.Shape.IsEmpty == false)
                            IPointCollection thePtColl = (IPointCollection)theFeature1.Shape;
                            for (int k = 0; k < thePtColl.PointCount; k++)
                                theIndex.AddPoint(new IndexPoint(theFeature1.OID, k, thePtColl.get_Point(k)));

                        theFeature1 = theFCursor1.NextFeature();

                    // Release the cursor
                    theFCursor1 = null;

                    if (theIndex.PointCount > 0)
                        // Use the index to analyze the other layers
                        for (int j = i+1; j < this.LayerCount; j++)
                            IFeatureLayer theLayer2 = this.get_Layer(j);
                            if (this.SupportsGeometryType(theLayer2.FeatureClass.ShapeType) == false)

                            IDataset theDataset2 = (IDataset)theLayer2.FeatureClass;
                            IFeatureCursor theFCursor2 = null;
                            if (this.ConstrainToSelection)
                                ICursor theCursor = null;
                                IFeatureSelection theFSel = (IFeatureSelection)theLayer2;
                                theFSel.SelectionSet.Search(null, true, out theCursor);
                                theFCursor2 = (IFeatureCursor)theCursor;
                                theFCursor2 = theLayer2.Search(null, true);

                            IFeature theFeature2 = theFCursor2.NextFeature();
                            while (theFeature2 != null)
                                if (theFeature2.Shape != null && theFeature2.Shape.IsEmpty == false)
                                    IGeometry theCopy = theFeature2.ShapeCopy;
                                    IPointCollection thePtColl = (IPointCollection)theCopy;
                                    for (int k = 0; k < thePtColl.PointCount; k++)
                                        // Find the closest point in the index. If it's less than
                                        // the search radius and larger than the cluster tolerance,
                                        // log as an error
                                        IPoint thePoint = thePtColl.get_Point(k);
                                        IndexPoint theIdxPoint = theIndex.get_ClosestPointWithinLimits(

                                        if (theIdxPoint != null)
                                            // Build a straight line between the offending points
                                            IPolyline thePolyline = new PolylineClass();
                                            ((IPointCollection)thePolyline).AddPoint(thePoint, ref this._missing, ref this._missing);
                                            IPoint theOtherPoint = new PointClass();
                                            theOtherPoint.PutCoords(theIdxPoint.X, theIdxPoint.Y);
                                            ((IPointCollection)thePolyline).AddPoint(theOtherPoint, ref this._missing, ref this._missing);

                                            // Get the distance
                                            double dist = PointCollectionIndex.get_Distance(thePoint.X, thePoint.Y, theOtherPoint.X, theOtherPoint.Y);

                                            // Project to geographics for error reporting

                                            // Error point will be 1/2 way along line between points
                                            IPoint theErrorPoint = new PointClass();
                                            thePolyline.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 0.5, true, theErrorPoint);

                                            DataQualityError theError = new DataQualityError(this.Name, canDefer, canExcept);
                                            theError.Location = theErrorPoint;

                                            // If it's in the smallest 10% of the search radius, mark high severity
                                            // 50%, medium
                                            if (dist <= theSearchRadius / 10)
                                                theError.Severity = 1;
                                            else if (dist <= theSearchRadius / 2)
                                                theError.Severity = 2;
                                                theError.Severity = 3;

                                            theError.Description = "Points almost but not quite co-located";

                                            ExtendedInfo theExtInfo = new ExtendedInfo();

                                            theExtInfo.AddProperty("Feature class 1", theDataset1.Name);
                                            theExtInfo.AddProperty("Feature class 2", theDataset2.Name);
                                            if (theLayer1.FeatureClass.HasOID)
                                                theExtInfo.AddProperty("Feature ID 1", theIdxPoint.SourceFeatureID.ToString());
                                            if (theLayer2.FeatureClass.HasOID)
                                                theExtInfo.AddProperty("Feature ID 2", theFeature2.OID.ToString());
                                            theExtInfo.AddProperty("Distance", String.Format("{0:0.## metres}", dist));
                                            theExtInfo.AddProperty("From point x", thePolyline.FromPoint.X.ToString());
                                            theExtInfo.AddProperty("From point y", thePolyline.FromPoint.Y.ToString());
                                            theExtInfo.AddProperty("To point x", thePolyline.ToPoint.X.ToString());
                                            theExtInfo.AddProperty("To point y", thePolyline.ToPoint.Y.ToString());

                                            theError.ExtendedData = theExtInfo.WriteXML();

                                theFeature2 = theFCursor2.NextFeature();

                this.LogMessage("Number of errors found: " + this.ErrorCount);
                this.LogMessage("Test " + this.Name + " successful.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.LogMessage("Exception caught: \n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace.ToString());
                this.LogMessage("id of the current polygon: " + currentOid);
                return -1;

            return this.ErrorCount;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public override int Execute(string logfileName)
            this.LogMessage(this.Name + " QA test execution started.");

            int currentOid = -1;
            bool bProblemsRunning = false;

                this.LogMessage(this.Name + " Parameters:");
                for (int i = 0; i < this.ParameterCount; i++)
                    this.LogMessage(this.get_ParameterText(i) + ": " + this.get_ParameterValue(i));


                int index = this.FindParameter(ParameterInfo.PARAM_CANDEFER);
                bool canDefer = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue;
                index = this.FindParameter(ParameterInfo.PARAM_CANEXCEPT);
                bool canExcept = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue;

                if (canDefer || canExcept)
                    this.LogMessage("Errors found by " + this.Name + " cannot be deferred or excepted.");

                IFeatureLayer theSeeLayer = this.SEELayer;
                if (theSeeLayer == null)
                    this.LogMessage("Missing SEE layer. Exiting Execute.");
                    bProblemsRunning = true;
                else if (this._eDao == null)
                    this.LogMessage("Missing Edits Data Access Object. Exiting Execute.");
                    bProblemsRunning = true;
                //else if (this._tmConfig == null)
                //    this.LogMessage("Missing Transaction Config object. Exiting Execute.");
                //    bProblemsRunning = true;
                    // Select the SEE polygon
                    string theTxID = this.TxID;
                    IQueryFilter theQF = new QueryFilterClass();
                    theQF.WhereClause = SEE_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = '" + theTxID + "'";
                    IFeatureCursor theFCursor = theSeeLayer.Search(theQF, false);
                    IFeature theSee = theFCursor.NextFeature();
                    theFCursor = null;

                    if (theSee == null)
                        this.LogMessage("Could not find SEE feature with id " + theTxID + ". Exiting Execute.");
                        bProblemsRunning = true;
                    else if (theSee.Shape == null || theSee.Shape.IsEmpty)
                        this.LogMessage("The SEE feature with id " + theTxID + " does not have a valid shape. Exiting Execute.");
                        bProblemsRunning = true;
                        ISegmentCollection theSColl = (ISegmentCollection)this.ShapeCopy(theSee);
                        IPolygon theSeeBounds = new PolygonClass();

                        // Convert shift limit to metres
                        DoubleParameterInfo theParam = (DoubleParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("ignore-shift-smaller-than")];
                        double shiftLimit = (double)theParam.ParamValue;
                        UnitsParameterInfo theUnits = (UnitsParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("shift-units")];
                        IUnitConverter theConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
                        shiftLimit = theConverter.ConvertUnits(shiftLimit, theUnits.ParamValueInUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);

                        for (int i = 0; i < this.LayerCount; i++)
                            IFeatureLayer theFLayer = this.get_Layer(i);
                             if (this.SupportsGeometryType(theFLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType) == false)
                                this.LogMessage("Geometry type " + theFLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType + " of layer " + theFLayer.Name + " not supported by " + this.Name);

                            if (theFLayer == theSeeLayer)

                            string theLayerKey = ((IDataset)theFLayer.FeatureClass).Name;
                            if (theLayerKey == null)
                                this.LogMessage("Could not find TM layer key for layer " + theFLayer.Name + " passed to " + this.Name);
                                bProblemsRunning = true;

                            IFeatureClass theEditsFC = this.SiblingFClassWithName(i, "E_" + theLayerKey);
                            if (theEditsFC == null)
                                this.LogMessage("Could not find TM edits featureclass for layer " + theFLayer.Name + " passed to " + this.Name);
                            IFeatureClass thePristineFC = this.SiblingFClassWithName(i, "P_" + theLayerKey);
                            if (thePristineFC == null)
                                this.LogMessage("Could not find TM pristine featureclass for layer " + theFLayer.Name + " passed to " + this.Name);

                            if (theEditsFC == null || thePristineFC == null)
                                bProblemsRunning = true;

                            if (this.ProcessLayer(theLayerKey, theFLayer.FeatureClass, theEditsFC, thePristineFC, theSeeBounds, shiftLimit) == false)
                                bProblemsRunning = true;

                this.LogMessage("Number of errors found: " + this.ErrorCount);
                if (!bProblemsRunning)
                    this.LogMessage("Test " + this.Name + " successful.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.LogMessage("Exception caught: \n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace.ToString());
                this.LogMessage("id of the current polygon: " + currentOid);
                return -1;

            if (bProblemsRunning)
                return -1;

            return this.ErrorCount;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void MapUserIdentify(double mapX, double mapY)
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.IMapControl3 m_mapControl = (IMapControl3)axMapControl1.Object;
                IMap        pMap        = axMapControl1.Map;
                IGroupLayer pGroupLayer = new GroupLayer();

                if (pMap.LayerCount == 0)
                IEnumLayer pEnumLayer;
                ILayer     pLayer;
                pEnumLayer = pMap.get_Layers(null, true);
                if (pEnumLayer == null)
                double dCurrScale = m_mapControl.MapScale;
                for (pLayer = pEnumLayer.Next(); pLayer != null; pLayer = pEnumLayer.Next())
                    if (pLayer.Visible)
                        if (pLayer is IGroupLayer)
                        if (pLayer.MinimumScale != 0 && dCurrScale > pLayer.MinimumScale)
                        if (pLayer.MaximumScale != 0 && dCurrScale < pLayer.MaximumScale)

                IPoint pPoint = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pPoint.X = mapX; pPoint.Y = mapY;
                IIdentifyObj        pIdObj;
                IIdentify           pIdentify = pGroupLayer as IIdentify;
                IArray              pIDArray;
                IFeatureIdentifyObj pFeatIdObj;

                IEnvelope pEnv             = pPoint.Envelope;
                IDisplayTransformation pDT = m_mapControl.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation;
                pEnv.Expand(pDT.VisibleBounds.Width / 200, pDT.VisibleBounds.Height / 200, false);

                pIDArray = pIdentify.Identify(pEnv);

                if (pIDArray == null || pIDArray.Count == 0)

                pFeatIdObj = pIDArray.get_Element(0) as IFeatureIdentifyObj;
                pIdObj     = pFeatIdObj as IIdentifyObj;

                IRowIdentifyObject pRowIdentifyObj = pFeatIdObj as IRowIdentifyObject;
                IFeature           pFeature        = pRowIdentifyObj.Row as IFeature;
                if (pFeature != null && pFeature.Shape != null && !pFeature.Shape.IsEmpty)
                    axMapControl1.Map.SelectFeature(pIdObj.Layer, pFeature);
                    FlashFeature(axMapControl1, pFeature.Shape);

                //  pIdObj.Flash(m_mapControl.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay);//The Flash method is not supported with ArcGIS Engine, use the IHookActions.DoActions() method with the esriHookActionsFlash for this functionality.
                ILayer pIdentiyLayer = pIdObj.Layer;

                DataTable  pTable      = new DataTable();
                DataColumn pDataColumn = pTable.Columns.Add();
                pDataColumn.ColumnName = "列名";
                pDataColumn            = pTable.Columns.Add();
                pDataColumn.ColumnName = "值";

                DataRow pFirestDataRow = pTable.Rows.Add();
                pFirestDataRow[0] = "所在层";
                pFirestDataRow[1] = pIdentiyLayer.Name;

                if (pIdentiyLayer is IFeatureLayer)
                    IRowIdentifyObject pRowObj = pIdObj as IRowIdentifyObject;
                    //   IRow pRow = pRowObj.Row;

                    IFeature pRow    = pRowObj.Row as IFeature;
                    IFields  pFields = pRow.Fields;

                    for (int i = 0; i < pFields.FieldCount; i++)
                        IField  pField   = pFields.get_Field(i);
                        DataRow pDataRow = null;

                         * switch (pField.Type)
                         * {
                         *  case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID:
                         *      pDataRow = pTable.Rows.Add();
                         *      pDataRow[0] = pField.Name;
                         *      pDataRow[1] = pRow.OID.ToString();
                         *      break;
                         *  case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry:
                         *      //pDataRow[0] = "Geometry";
                         *      //pDataRow[1] = QueryShapeType(pField.GeometryDef.GeometryType);;
                         *      break;
                         *  default:
                         *      pDataRow = pTable.Rows.Add();
                         *      pDataRow[0] = pField.Name;
                         *      pDataRow[1] = pRow.get_Value(i).ToString();
                         *      break;
                         * }
                         * * */

                        string sValue   = pRow.get_Value(i).ToString();
                        string strFName = pField.AliasName.ToUpper();
                        string strUName = strFName.ToUpper();
                        if (strUName == "SHAPE" || strUName == "LENGTH" || strUName == "OBJECTID" || strUName == "ID" || strUName == "FNODE_" || strUName == "TNODE_" || strUName == "LPOLY_" || strUName == "RPOLY_" || strUName == "SDXL_" || strUName == "SDXL_ID" || strUName == "OBJECTID_1" || strUName == "FID")
                        else if (strUName == "SHAPE.LEN" || strUName == "SHAPE_LENG")
                            strFName = "几何长度";
                        else if (strUName == "SHAPE_AREA" || strUName == "SHAPE.AREA")
                            strFName = "多边形面积";
                        else if (strUName == "HEIGHT")
                            strFName = "高程";
                        else if (strUName == "NAME")
                            strFName = "名称";
                        else if (strUName == "TYPE")
                            strFName = "类型";
                        else if (strUName == "SUBTYPE")
                            strFName = "子类型";

                        if (strUName == "LENGTH" || strUName == "SHAPE.LEN")
                            IUnitConverter myUnit = new UnitConverterClass();
                            sValue = Math.Round(myUnit.ConvertUnits((double)pRow.get_Value(i), esriUnits.esriMeters, esriUnits.esriKilometers), 2).ToString();
                            sValue = sValue.ToString() + "千米";
                        if (strUName == "SHAPE_AREA" || strUName == "SHAPE.AREA")
                            IGeometry pGeo = pRow.ShapeCopy;
                            IPolygon pPolygon = (IPolygon)pGeo;
                            IArea    pArea    = (IArea)pPolygon;
                            double   strValue = pArea.Area * 0.000001;
                            //// double strValue = Math.Abs((double)pFeature.get_Value(j)) * 10585;
                            strValue = Math.Round(strValue, 2);
                            sValue   = strValue.ToString() + "平方千米";
                        esriFieldType tFieldTypy = pField.Type;
                        if (tFieldTypy == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry)
                            sValue = pField.GeometryDef.GeometryType.ToString();
                            sValue = sValue.Substring(12, sValue.Length - 12);

                        pDataRow    = pTable.Rows.Add();
                        pDataRow[0] = strFName;
                        pDataRow[1] = sValue;

                else if (pIdentiyLayer is ITinLayer)
                    ITinLayer   pTinLayer   = (ITinLayer)pIdentiyLayer;
                    ITinSurface pTinSurface = (ITinSurface)pTinLayer.Dataset;
                    if (pTinSurface == null)
                    ITinSurfaceElement pTinSurfaceElement = pTinSurface.GetSurfaceElement(pPoint);

                    if (pTinSurfaceElement == null)
                    IFields pFields  = pTinLayer.Dataset.Fields;
                    DataRow pDataRow = null;

                    pDataRow    = pTable.Rows.Add();
                    pDataRow[0] = "高度";
                    pDataRow[1] = pTinSurfaceElement.Elevation.ToString();

                    pDataRow    = pTable.Rows.Add();
                    pDataRow[0] = "坡度";
                    pDataRow[1] = pTinSurfaceElement.SlopeDegrees.ToString();

                    pDataRow    = pTable.Rows.Add();
                    pDataRow[0] = "方向";
                    pDataRow[1] = pTinSurfaceElement.AspectDegrees.ToString();

                if (pIdentiyLayer is IRasterLayer)
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override int Execute(string logfileName)
            this.LogMessage(this.Name + " QA test execution started.");

            bool bProblemsRunning = false;

            int currentOid = -1;

                this.LogMessage(this.Name + " Parameters:");
                for (int i = 0; i < this.ParameterCount; i++)
                    this.LogMessage(this.get_ParameterText(i) + ": " + this.get_ParameterValue(i));


                for (int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < this.LayerCount; layerIdx++)
                    IFeatureLayer theFLayer = this.get_Layer(layerIdx);
                    IFeatureClass theFClass = theFLayer.FeatureClass;
                    IDataset theDataset = (IDataset)theFClass;

                    if (!this.SupportsGeometryType(theFClass.ShapeType))
                        this.LogMessage("Gap detector does not support the geometry type in featureclass " + theDataset.Name);
                        bProblemsRunning = true;
                    else if (theFClass.FeatureDataset == null)
                        this.LogMessage("Featureclass " + theDataset.Name + " is not in a feature dataset");
                        bProblemsRunning = true;
                        this.LogMessage("Looking for topology with gap rule including featureclass " + theDataset.Name);

                        ITopology theTopology = null;
                        ArrayList theTRules = new ArrayList();
                        ITopologyRule theTopoRule = null;
                        IEnumDataset theDatasetEnum = theFClass.FeatureDataset.Subsets;

                        IDataset theSiblingDS = theDatasetEnum.Next();
                        while (theSiblingDS != null)
                            if (theSiblingDS.Type == esriDatasetType.esriDTTopology)
                                // Look for a gap rule featuring theFClass
                                theTopology = (ITopology)theSiblingDS;
                                ITopologyRuleContainer theTRContainer = (ITopologyRuleContainer)theTopology;
                                IEnumRule theRules = theTRContainer.get_RulesByClass(theFClass.FeatureClassID);

                                theTopoRule = (ITopologyRule)theRules.Next();
                                while (theTopoRule != null)
                                    if (theTopoRule.TopologyRuleType == esriTopologyRuleType.esriTRTAreaNoGaps)
                                    theTopoRule = (ITopologyRule)theRules.Next();
                            theSiblingDS = theDatasetEnum.Next();

                        if (theTopology == null || theTRules.Count == 0)
                            this.LogMessage("Featureclass " + theDataset.Name + " is not part of a Gap topology rule");
                            bProblemsRunning = true;

                        if (this.ValidateTopology(theTopology) == false)
                            this.LogMessage("The topology " + ((IDataset)theTopology).Name + " could not be validated");
                            bProblemsRunning = true;

                        if (theTopology.State == esriTopologyState.esriTSAnalyzedWithErrors)
                            this.LogMessage("Indexing gap errors in featureclass " + theDataset.Name
                                + " as it relates to Topology " + ((IDataset)theTopology).Name);

                            IErrorFeatureContainer theTopoErrorContainer = (IErrorFeatureContainer)theTopology;

                            int count = 0;
                            int countIncrement = 500;

                            DoubleParameterInfo theParam = (DoubleParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("ignore-gap-larger-than")];
                            double maxGap = (double)theParam.ParamValue;
                            theParam = (DoubleParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("ignore-gap-smaller-than")];
                            double minGap = (double)theParam.ParamValue;

                            // Convert gap limits to metres
                            UnitsParameterInfo theUnits = (UnitsParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("gap-units")];
                            IUnitConverter theConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
                            maxGap = theConverter.ConvertUnits(maxGap, theUnits.ParamValueInUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);
                            minGap = theConverter.ConvertUnits(minGap, theUnits.ParamValueInUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);

                            for (int j = 0; j < theTRules.Count; j++)
                                theTopoRule = (ITopologyRule)theTRules[j];

                                this.LogMessage("Processing rule " + (j+1) + " of " + theTRules.Count);

                                double cellsize = maxGap * 5;
                                PointCollectionIndex theIndex = new PointCollectionIndex(cellsize);

                                IGeoDataset theGeoDS = (IGeoDataset)theTopology;
                                IEnumTopologyErrorFeature theTopoErrors = theTopoErrorContainer.get_ErrorFeatures(theGeoDS.SpatialReference, theTopoRule, null, true, false);
                                ITopologyErrorFeature theTopoErrorFeature = theTopoErrors.Next();
                                while (theTopoErrorFeature != null)
                                    currentOid = theTopoErrorFeature.ErrorID;

                                    IPointCollection thePtColl = (IPointCollection)((IFeature)theTopoErrorFeature).Shape;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < thePtColl.PointCount; i++)
                                        // ErrorID the same as ObjectID on the error feature
                                        theIndex.AddPoint(new IndexPoint(theTopoErrorFeature.ErrorID, i, thePtColl.get_Point(i)));

                                    if (++count % countIncrement == 0)
                                        this.LogMessage("Indexed " + count + " topology errors...");

                                    theTopoErrorFeature = theTopoErrors.Next();

                                this.LogMessage("Getting pairs of points within tolerances...");
                                ArrayList theResults = theIndex.PointPairsWithinLimits(minGap, maxGap);
                                this.LogMessage(theResults.Count + " pairs of points found within gap tolerances. Checking.");

                                // Get info from the params
                                int index = this.FindParameter("angle-tolerance-degrees");
                                theParam = (DoubleParameterInfo)this._params[index];
                                double theLimitRadians = Math.PI * (double)theParam.ParamValue / 180;
                                index = this.FindParameter("eliminate-pinches");
                                bool allowPinches = !(bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue;

                                ArrayList theList = this.ProcessPotentialGapErrors(theResults, theTopology, theFClass,
                                    theLimitRadians, allowPinches);

                                if (theList != null)
                                    index = this.FindParameter(ParameterInfo.PARAM_CANDEFER);
                                    bool canDefer = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue;
                                    index = this.FindParameter(ParameterInfo.PARAM_CANEXCEPT);
                                    bool canExcept = (bool)((ParameterInfo)this._params[index]).ParamValue;

                                    theList = this.WeedErrors(theList, canDefer, canExcept, minGap, maxGap);

                                if (theList != null)
                                    foreach (DataQualityError dqe in theList)
                            this.LogMessage("Topology has no errors");

                this.LogMessage("Number of errors found: " + this.ErrorCount);
                this.LogMessage("Test " + this.Name + " successful.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.LogMessage("Exception caught: \n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace.ToString());
                this.LogMessage("id of the current polygon: " + currentOid);
                return -1;

            if (bProblemsRunning)
                return -1;

            return this.ErrorCount;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static IAnimationTrack CreateZoomOverLocationAnimation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, double doubleX, double doubleY, double doubleAltitide)
            // Set Mouse Cursor
            //IMouseCursor mouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();
            // QI to GlobeDisplayRendering Interface
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)
            // Get Elevation Multiplication Factor
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            // Get GlobeDisplay and Camera
            IGlobe           globe           = globeDisplay.Globe;
            IAnimationTracks animationTracks = (IAnimationTracks)globe;

            IGlobeCamera globeCamera = (IGlobeCamera)globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera;
            // Create New Animation Track
            IAnimationTrack animationTrack = new AnimationTrackClass();

                IAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass();
                animationTrack.AnimationType = animationType;
                // Create First KeyFrame At Current Location
                IKeyframe keyframe1 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe1.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe1, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                // Create Last KeyFrame Over Desired Location
                IKeyframe keyframe3 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueInt(0, 0);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(1, doubleY);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(2, doubleX);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(3, -1d *
                                                  unitConverter.ConvertUnits(globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius, esriUnits.esriMeters,
                                                                             globe.GlobeUnits)); // (globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius / -1000));
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(4, doubleY);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(5, doubleX);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(6, doubleAltitide);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(7, 30);
                keyframe3.set_PropertyValueDouble(8, 0);

                #region 获取第一帧和第三帧的参数
                double dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe1, out dX1_Tar, out dY1_Tar, out dZ1_Tar, out dX1_Obs, out dY1_Obs, out dZ1_Obs);
                double dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe3, out dX3_Tar, out dY3_Tar, out dZ3_Tar, out dX3_Obs, out dY3_Obs, out dZ3_Obs);

                ////=========================================== 创建中间帧    == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
                IKeyframe keyframe2 = CreateMiddleKeyframe(globeDisplay.Globe, dX1_Tar,
                                                           dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs,
                                                           dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs); //头晕、高血压、糖尿病患者调用该函数请慎重!
                //=========================================== 创建中间帧    == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == =
                //animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe2, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe3, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);
                // Set The Animation Track Name
                animationTrack.Name = "Zoom Over Location";
                // Set Track Attachments
                animationTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = true;
                // Add The New Track To The Scene
                // Return The Newly Create Aninmation Track
            catch { }
Exemplo n.º 22
        private IPolygon CreateBox(IPoint centre, double orientation, double size, esriUnits units)
            // Orientation is in degrees from east, counterclockwise
            // First point in the polygon will be on a face, at the orientation point
            // Four points on the corners will be at sqrt(2) * size,
            // at orientation+45, orientation+135, orientation+225 and orientation+315
            ISDUTExtension theExt = this.Extension;
            IPolygon theBox = new PolygonClass();

            ISpatialReference theWorkingReference = theExt.FocusMap.SpatialReference;
            theBox.SpatialReference = theWorkingReference;
            esriUnits theWorkingUnits = esriUnits.esriMeters;

            UnitConverter theConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            double theSize = theConverter.ConvertUnits(size, units, theWorkingUnits);
            double theCornerDistance = Math.Sqrt(2) * theSize;

            IPoint theCentroid = this._Wellsite;
            Debug.WriteLine("Box centroid X: " + theCentroid.X + "  Y: " + theCentroid.Y);

            IPointCollection thePtColl = (IPointCollection)theBox;
            object theMissing = Type.Missing;

            // Place the first point
            IPoint thePoint = new PointClass();
            thePoint.SpatialReference = theWorkingReference;
            double theAngle = orientation * Math.PI / 180;
            ((IConstructPoint2)thePoint).ConstructAngleDistance(theCentroid, theAngle, theSize);
            Debug.WriteLine("    First point X: " + thePoint.X + "  Y: " + thePoint.Y);
            thePtColl.AddPoint(thePoint, ref theMissing, ref theMissing);

            // Place the corners
            for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                thePoint = new PointClass();
                thePoint.SpatialReference = theWorkingReference;
                theAngle =  (orientation - 45 + (i * 90)) * Math.PI / 180;
                ((IConstructPoint2)thePoint).ConstructAngleDistance(theCentroid, theAngle, theCornerDistance);
                Debug.WriteLine("    Corner " + i + " X: " + thePoint.X + "  Y: " + thePoint.Y);
                thePtColl.AddPoint(thePoint, ref theMissing, ref theMissing);

            return theBox;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IUnitConverter unitConverter = (ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IUnitConverter)ServerContext.CreateObject("esriSystem.UnitConverter");

            //project raster
            //IUnitConverter iu = new esriUnits();

            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            double dFittedBoundsWidthInches = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(-100, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees, esriUnits.esriMeters)/100;
            double dFittedBoundsWidthInchesy = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(40, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees, esriUnits.esriMeters)/100;
            //ui.ConvertUnits(10, esriUnits.esriMeters, esriUnits.esriMeters);
            //IPoint pPoint = new PointClass();
            //pPoint.X = -1000;
            //pPoint.Y = -1000;

            //IGeometry pGeometry;
            //pGeometry = (IGeometry)pPoint;

            //IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();

            //axMapControl.FlashShape(pGeometry, 4, 100, pMarkerSymbol);

            IEnvelope pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            IPoint pPoint = new PointClass();

            //axMapControl.MapUnits = esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees;
            //axMapControl.MapUnits = esriUnits.esriMeters; //米

               // esriUnits mapUnits = axMapControl.MapUnits;

            //axMapControl.MapUnits = esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees;
            //pPoint.PutCoords(Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text), Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));//该句中的txtlong,txtlat是输入经纬值的TextBox
            pPoint.X = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text);
            pPoint.Y = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text);
            pEnvelope = axMapControl.Extent;

            axMapControl.Extent = pEnvelope.Envelope;//前一段代码实现平移
            axMapControl.FlashShape(pPoint as IGeometry);//此句实现闪烁(效果没有ArcMap中好, )
            //axMapControl.ActiveView.Extent = pEnvelope;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            if (Button == 2)
            IPoint pt = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

            pt = GIS.GraphicEdit.SnapSetting.getSnapPoint(pt);
            IGraphicsContainer g          = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer;
            IEnvelope          pEnvBounds = null;

                if (m_TraceLine != null)
                    pEnvBounds.Expand(4, 4, true); //矩形框向四周扩大4倍(大于2倍就行),目的是为了保证有充足的刷新区域
                    pEnvBounds = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.Extent;
                pEnvBounds = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.Extent;

            #region 启动画线
            if (m_NewLineFeedback == null)
                m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);

                m_NewLineFeedback         = new NewLineFeedbackClass();
                m_NewLineFeedback.Display = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay;
                ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = m_NewLineFeedback.Symbol as ISimpleLineSymbol;
                simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                simpleLineSymbol.Width = 2;
                simpleLineSymbol.Color = TransColorToAEColor(Color.Blue);


            if (m_ptColl == null)
                m_ptColl = new PolylineClass();
            object obj = Type.Missing;
            m_ptColl.AddPoint(pt, ref obj, ref obj);


            #region 绘制结点

                IElement vertexElement = createElement_x(pt);
                g = m_hookHelper.ActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;

                //g.AddElement(vertexElement, 0);
                //g.MoveElementToGroup(vertexElement, m_VertexElement);

                m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, vertexElement, pEnvBounds);
            { }

                if (m_ptColl.PointCount >= 2)
                    IPoint fromPt = m_ptColl.get_Point(m_ptColl.PointCount - 2); //倒数第二个点
                    IPoint toPt   = m_ptColl.get_Point(m_ptColl.PointCount - 1); //最后第一个点
                    ILine  line   = new LineClass();
                    line.PutCoords(fromPt, toPt);

                    #region 绘制轨迹线

                        object             missing = Type.Missing;
                        ISegmentCollection segColl = new PolylineClass();
                        segColl.AddSegment(line as ISegment, ref missing, ref missing);
                        IElement traceElement = createElement_x(segColl as IPolyline);
                        g = m_hookHelper.ActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;

                        //g.AddElement(traceElement, 0);
                        //g.MoveElementToGroup(traceElement, m_TraceElement);


                        m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, traceElement, pEnvBounds);
                    { }

                    #region 计算单线的长度,并将结果显示在单线中点偏上上面
                        double angle = line.Angle;
                        if ((angle > (Math.PI / 2) && angle < (Math.PI)) || (angle > -Math.PI && angle < -(Math.PI / 2))) // 大于90度小于等于180
                            angle += Math.PI;

                        double d_OffsetY = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.FromPoints(9);


                        double d_CenterX = (fromPt.X + toPt.X) / 2;
                        double d_CenterY = (fromPt.Y + toPt.Y) / 2 + d_OffsetY; //向上偏移

                        IPoint labelPt = new PointClass();
                        labelPt.PutCoords(d_CenterX, d_CenterY);
                        IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
                        double         segmentLength = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(line.Length, _MsgInfo.inUnit.pUnit, _MsgInfo.outUnit.pUnit);
                        ITextElement   txtElement    = CreateTextElement(segmentLength.ToString("0.00"));

                        IElement labelelement = txtElement as IElement;
                        labelelement.Geometry = labelPt;
                        object oElement = (object)labelelement;

                        TransformByRotate(ref oElement, labelPt, angle);

                        //g.AddElement(labelelement, 0);

                        //g.MoveElementToGroup(labelelement, m_LabelElement);



                        m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, labelelement, pEnvBounds);
                    { }
            { }

Exemplo n.º 25
        public static IAnimationTrack CreateZoomOverLocationAnimation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, IBookmark3D pBookmark3D)
            // Set Mouse Cursor
            //IMouseCursor mouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();

            // QI to GlobeDisplayRendering Interface
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)globeDisplay;

            // Get Elevation Multiplication Factor
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            // Get GlobeDisplay and Camera
            IGlobe           globe           = globeDisplay.Globe;
            IAnimationTracks animationTracks = (IAnimationTracks)globe;
            IGlobeCamera     globeCamera     = (IGlobeCamera)globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera;

            // Create New Animation Track
            IAnimationTrack animationTrack = new AnimationTrackClass();

                IAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass();
                animationTrack.AnimationType = animationType;

                // Create First KeyFrame At Current Location
                IKeyframe keyframe1 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe1.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe1, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                //// Create Last KeyFrame Over Desired Location
                //pBookmark3D.Apply(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer as ISceneViewer, false, 0);

                //IKeyframe keyframe3 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                //keyframe3.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);

                IKeyframe keyframe3 = CreateKeyframefromBook(globeDisplay.Globe, pBookmark3D) as IKeyframe;

                #region 获取第一帧和第三帧的参数
                double dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe1, out dX1_Tar, out dY1_Tar, out dZ1_Tar, out dX1_Obs, out dY1_Obs, out dZ1_Obs);
                double dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe3, out dX3_Tar, out dY3_Tar, out dZ3_Tar, out dX3_Obs, out dY3_Obs, out dZ3_Obs);

                //=========================================== 创建中间帧 ===========================================
                //IKeyframe keyframe2 = CreateMiddleKeyframe(globeDisplay.Globe, dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs,
                //    dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs);          //头晕、高血压、糖尿病患者调用该函数请慎重!
                //=========================================== 创建中间帧 ===========================================
                //animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe2, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe3, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                // Set The Animation Track Name
                animationTrack.Name = "Zoom Over Location From Bookmark";

                // Set Track Attachments
                animationTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = true;

                // Add The New Track To The Scene

                // Return The Newly Create Aninmation Track
            catch { }
Exemplo n.º 26
        public override void OnDblClick()
            //获取折线 并获取当前视图的屏幕显示
            if (m_pNewPolygonFeedback == null)
            IPolygon pPolygon = m_pNewPolygonFeedback.Stop();

            m_pNewPolygonFeedback = null;

            if (pPolygon == null || pPolygon.IsEmpty)
            //xisheng 判断面积的高度,宽度时需判断是什么单位,若是经纬度则需要转换。20111220
            double        w      = pPolygon.Envelope.Width;
            double        h      = pPolygon.Envelope.Height;
            UnitConverter conver = new UnitConverterClass();

            if (m_MapControl.Map.MapUnits == esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees)
                w = conver.ConvertUnits(w, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees, esriUnits.esriMeters);
                h = conver.ConvertUnits(h, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees, esriUnits.esriMeters);
            if (w < 0.01 || h < 0.01)
            //xisheng 20111220 end *********************************************************

            ITopologicalOperator pTopo = (ITopologicalOperator)pPolygon;


            if (m_frmQuery == null)
                m_frmQuery             = new frmQuery(m_MapControl, m_enumQueryMode);
                m_frmQuery.Owner       = m_mainFrm;
                m_frmQuery.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(frmQuery_FormClosed);
            if (this.WriteLog)
                Plugin.LogTable.Writelog("面缓冲查询");//xisheng 日志记录 0928;
            (m_MapControl.Map as IGraphicsContainer).DeleteAllElements();
            m_frmBufferSet = new frmBufferSet(pPolygon as IGeometry, m_MapControl.Map, m_frmQuery);
            IGeometry pGeometry = m_frmBufferSet.GetBufferGeometry();

            if (pGeometry == null || m_frmBufferSet.Res == false)
            // m_frmQuery.Show();
            ///ZQ 20111119  modify
            //m_frmQuery.FillData(m_MapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap, pGeometry,m_frmBufferSet.pesriSpatialRelEnum);
            _QueryBar.m_pMapControl = m_MapControl;
            _QueryBar.EmergeQueryData(m_MapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap, pGeometry, m_frmBufferSet.pesriSpatialRelEnum);
                DevComponents.DotNetBar.Bar pBar = _QueryBar.Parent.Parent as DevComponents.DotNetBar.Bar;
                if (pBar != null)
                    pBar.AutoHide = false;
                    //pBar.SelectedDockTab = 1;
                    int tmpindex = pBar.Items.IndexOf("dockItemDataCheck");
                    pBar.SelectedDockTab = tmpindex;
            { }
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override int Execute(string logfileName)
            this.LogMessage(this.Name + " QA test execution started.");

            bool bProblemsRunning = false;

            int currentOid = -1;

                this.LogMessage(this.Name + " Parameters:");
                for (int i = 0; i < this.ParameterCount; i++)
                    this.LogMessage(this.get_ParameterText(i) + ": " + this.get_ParameterValue(i));


                for (int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < this.LayerCount; layerIdx++)
                    IFeatureLayer theFLayer = this.get_Layer(layerIdx);
                    IFeatureClass theFClass = theFLayer.FeatureClass;
                    IDataset theDataset = (IDataset)theFClass;

                    if (!this.SupportsGeometryType(theFClass.ShapeType))
                        this.LogMessage("Overlap detector does not support the geometry type in featureclass " + theDataset.Name);
                        bProblemsRunning = true;
                    else if (theFClass.FeatureDataset == null)
                        this.LogMessage("Featureclass " + theDataset.Name + " is not in a feature dataset");
                        bProblemsRunning = true;
                        this.LogMessage("Looking for topology with overlap rule including featureclass " + theDataset.Name);

                        ITopology theTopology = null;
                        ArrayList theTRules = new ArrayList();
                        ITopologyRule theTopoRule = null;
                        IEnumDataset theDatasetEnum = theFClass.FeatureDataset.Subsets;

                        IDataset theSiblingDS = theDatasetEnum.Next();
                        while (theSiblingDS != null)
                            if (theSiblingDS.Type == esriDatasetType.esriDTTopology)
                                // Look for a gap rule featuring theFClass
                                theTopology = (ITopology)theSiblingDS;
                                ITopologyRuleContainer theTRContainer = (ITopologyRuleContainer)theTopology;
                                IEnumRule theRules = theTRContainer.get_RulesByClass(theFClass.FeatureClassID);

                                theTopoRule = (ITopologyRule)theRules.Next();
                                while (theTopoRule != null)
                                    if (theTopoRule.TopologyRuleType == esriTopologyRuleType.esriTRTAreaNoOverlap)
                                    theTopoRule = (ITopologyRule)theRules.Next();
                            theSiblingDS = theDatasetEnum.Next();

                        if (theTopology == null || theTRules.Count == 0)
                            this.LogMessage("Featureclass " + theDataset.Name + " is not part of an Overlap topology rule");
                            bProblemsRunning = true;

                        if (this.ValidateTopology(theTopology) == false)
                            this.LogMessage("The topology " + ((IDataset)theTopology).Name + " could not be validated");
                            bProblemsRunning = true;

                        if (theTopology.State == esriTopologyState.esriTSAnalyzedWithErrors)
                            this.LogMessage("Processing overlap errors in featureclass " + theDataset.Name
                                + " as it relates to Topology " + ((IDataset)theTopology).Name);

                            IErrorFeatureContainer theTopoErrorContainer = (IErrorFeatureContainer)theTopology;

                            int count = 0;
                            int countIncrement = 500;

                            DoubleParameterInfo theParam = (DoubleParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("ignore-overlap-larger-than")];
                            double maxOverlap = (double)theParam.ParamValue;
                            theParam = (DoubleParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("ignore-overlap-smaller-than")];
                            double minOverlap = (double)theParam.ParamValue;

                            // Convert gap limits to metres
                            UnitsParameterInfo theUnits = (UnitsParameterInfo)this._params[this.FindParameter("overlap-units")];
                            IUnitConverter theConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
                            maxOverlap = theConverter.ConvertUnits(maxOverlap, theUnits.ParamValueInUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);
                            minOverlap = theConverter.ConvertUnits(minOverlap, theUnits.ParamValueInUnits, esriUnits.esriMeters);

                            for (int j = 0; j < theTRules.Count; j++)
                                theTopoRule = (ITopologyRule)theTRules[j];

                                this.LogMessage("Processing rule " + (j+1) + " of " + theTRules.Count);

                                string theSubtypeName = "";
                                if (theFClass is ISubtypes && ((ISubtypes)theFClass).HasSubtype)
                                    IEnumSubtype theSubtypes = ((ISubtypes)theFClass).Subtypes;
                                    int theValue;
                                    string theLabel = theSubtypes.Next(out theValue);
                                    while (theLabel.Length > 0)
                                        if (theValue == theTopoRule.OriginSubtype)
                                            theSubtypeName = theLabel;
                                        theLabel = theSubtypes.Next(out theValue);

                                IGeoDataset theGeoDS = (IGeoDataset)theTopology;
                                IEnumTopologyErrorFeature theTopoErrors = theTopoErrorContainer.get_ErrorFeatures(theGeoDS.SpatialReference, theTopoRule, null, true, false);
                                ITopologyErrorFeature theTopoErrorFeature = theTopoErrors.Next();
                                while (theTopoErrorFeature != null)
                                    currentOid = theTopoErrorFeature.ErrorID;

                                    // Analysis here
                                    ArrayList theList = ProcessFeature(

                                    if (theList != null)
                                        foreach (DataQualityError dqe in theList)

                                    if (++count % countIncrement == 0)
                                        this.LogMessage("Processed " + count + " topology errors...");

                                    theTopoErrorFeature = theTopoErrors.Next();
                            this.LogMessage("Topology has no errors");

                this.LogMessage("Number of errors found: " + this.ErrorCount);
                this.LogMessage("Test " + this.Name + " successful.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.LogMessage("Exception caught: \n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace.ToString());
                this.LogMessage("id of the current polygon: " + currentOid);
                return -1;

            if (bProblemsRunning)
                return -1;

            return this.ErrorCount;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void GenerateReportOfSegment(double BegMeasure, double endMeasure, string outFile)
            if (checkBoxRotateMap.Checked)
                IFeatureLayer pCenterlineLayer    = null;
                string        pCenterlineFileName = comboBoxExCenterline.SelectedItem.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < pMapcontrol.LayerCount; i++)
                    if (pCenterlineFileName == pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i).Name)
                        pCenterlineLayer = pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureClass pCenterlineFC = pCenterlineLayer.FeatureClass;
                    IFeatureCursor pCurcor  = pCenterlineFC.Search(null, false);
                    IFeature       pFeature = pCurcor.NextFeature();
                    IGeometry      pGeo     = pFeature.Shape;
                    IMSegmentation pMS      = pGeo as IMSegmentation;
                    double         minM     = pMS.MMin;
                    double         maxM     = pMS.MMax;
                    BegMeasure = BegMeasure < minM ? minM : BegMeasure;
                    endMeasure = endMeasure > maxM ? maxM : endMeasure;
                    IPoint begPt = pMS.GetPointsAtM(BegMeasure, 0).Geometry[0] as IPoint;
                    IPoint endPt = pMS.GetPointsAtM(endMeasure, 0).Geometry[0] as IPoint;

                    ISpatialReference sourcePrj;
                    sourcePrj = pCenterlineFC.Fields.get_Field(pCenterlineFC.FindField(pCenterlineFC.ShapeFieldName)).GeometryDef.SpatialReference;
                    ISpatialReference targetPrj = pMapcontrol.Map.SpatialReference;
                    IPoint            begPtPrj;
                    IPoint            endPtPrj;
                    begPtPrj = begPt;
                    endPtPrj = endPt;
                    IActiveView pView = this.pMapcontrol.Map as IActiveView;
                    pView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.Rotation = 0;
                    double widthHeightR = (((double)pView.ExportFrame.right - pView.ExportFrame.left) / ((double)pView.ExportFrame.bottom - pView.ExportFrame.top));
                    // Dim fw As New FileWindow(begPt, endPt, widthHeightR)
                    MCenterlineUtil fw = new MCenterlineUtil(begPtPrj, endPtPrj, widthHeightR);

                    fw.FitActiveViewTo(pView, true);

                catch (Exception ex)

            #region //导出arcmap 地图 export mapfram

            IPageLayout _PageLayout = this.pPageLayoutControl.PageLayout;
            SizeF       m_PageSize  = new SizeF();
            double      width;
            double      hight;

            _PageLayout.Page.QuerySize(out width, out hight);
            m_PageSize.Width  = Convert.ToSingle(width);
            m_PageSize.Height = Convert.ToSingle(hight);
            IUnitConverter pUConvert = new UnitConverterClass();
            esriUnits      ut        = _PageLayout.Page.Units;
            float          pageUnitToInchUnitScale = (float)pUConvert.ConvertUnits(1, ut, esriUnits.esriInches);

            var layerOutPageSize = m_PageSize;
            var outputDPI        = 300;
            int BandHeadWidth    = 40;

            var originalActiveView = _PageLayout as IActiveView;
            var activeView         = _PageLayout as IActiveView;
            var avEvents = _PageLayout as IActiveViewEvents;

            float centerX = layerOutPageSize.Width / 2;
            float centerY = layerOutPageSize.Height / 2;

            var backGroundEnv = new Envelope() as IEnvelope;
            backGroundEnv.PutCoords(0, 0, layerOutPageSize.Width, layerOutPageSize.Height);

            activeView.Extent = backGroundEnv;

            IExport pExporter = new ExportPDF() as IExport;
            pExporter.ExportFileName = outFile;
            pExporter.Resolution     = outputDPI;

            var pExPdf = pExporter as IExportPDF;
            pExPdf.Compressed       = true;
            pExPdf.ImageCompression = esriExportImageCompression.esriExportImageCompressionDeflate;

            var screenResolution = GetCurrentScreenResolution();
            var outputResolution = outputDPI;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.tagRECT exportRECT;
            exportRECT.left   = 0;
            exportRECT.top    = 0;
            exportRECT.right  = (int)(activeView.ExportFrame.right * outputResolution / screenResolution) + 1;
            exportRECT.bottom = (int)(activeView.ExportFrame.bottom * outputResolution / screenResolution) + 1;

            var envelope = new Envelope() as IEnvelope;
            envelope.PutCoords(exportRECT.left, exportRECT.top, exportRECT.right, exportRECT.bottom);
            pExporter.PixelBounds = envelope;

            var hDC = pExporter.StartExporting();
            activeView.Output(hDC, outputDPI, exportRECT, backGroundEnv, null);

            // MessageBox.Show("Export finished.");

            #region  //根据中线图层生成剖面图
            System.Drawing.Point LastBottomLeftPoint = new System.Drawing.Point();
            int         bandwidth = 0;
            PdfGraphics pGraphics = null;

            IFeatureLayer pCenterlinePointLayer = null;
            string        centerlinePointnName  = cboBoxPointLayer.SelectedItem.ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < pMapcontrol.LayerCount; i++)
                if (centerlinePointnName == pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i).Name)
                    pCenterlinePointLayer = pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer;
            IQueryFilter pQF = null;
            DataTable    centerlinePointTable = AOFunctions.GDB.ITableUtil.GetDataTableFromITable(pCenterlinePointLayer.FeatureClass as ITable, pQF);
            Series         series  = new Series("高程", ViewType.Line);
            Series         series2 = new Series("埋深", ViewType.Line);
            SecondaryAxisY myAxisY = new SecondaryAxisY("埋深");

            foreach (DataRow r in centerlinePointTable.Rows)
                double m; double z; double underz;
                m = Convert.ToDouble(r[EvConfig.CenterlineMeasureField]);
                if (m < BegMeasure || m > endMeasure)
                if (r[EvConfig.CenterlineMeasureField] != DBNull.Value && r[EvConfig.CenterlineZField] != DBNull.Value)
                    m = Convert.ToDouble(r[EvConfig.CenterlineMeasureField]);
                    z = Convert.ToDouble(r[EvConfig.CenterlineZField]);
                    series.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(m, z));
                // if (r[EvConfig.CenterlineMeasureField] != DBNull.Value && r["管道埋深("] != DBNull.Value)
                if (r[EvConfig.CenterlineMeasureField] != DBNull.Value && r[EvConfig.CenterlineBuryDepthField] != DBNull.Value)
                    m = Convert.ToDouble(r[EvConfig.CenterlineMeasureField]);
                    z = Convert.ToDouble(r[EvConfig.CenterlineBuryDepthField]);
                    series2.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(m, z));

            ((LineSeriesView)series2.View).AxisY = myAxisY;
            ((LineSeriesView)series.View).AxisY  = ((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisY;
            ((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.WholeRange.Auto = true;
            myAxisY.WholeRange.Auto = true;
            myAxisY.Tickmarks.Visible      = true;
            myAxisY.Tickmarks.MinorVisible = false;
            ((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisX.WholeRange.AutoSideMargins  = false;
            ((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisX.WholeRange.SideMarginsValue = 0;
            ((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).AxisX.WholeRange.SetMinMaxValues(BegMeasure, endMeasure);
            series.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical;

            int ProfileMapHight = 8;


            #region export chartcontrol
            IGraphicsContainer pGC = _PageLayout as IGraphicsContainer;
            IElement pE = pGC.Next();
            while (pE != null)
                if (pE is IMapFrame)
                    // framgeo related to _PageLayout.Page pagesize, 8.5 x 11, inch
                    IEnvelope framgeo    = pE.Geometry.Envelope as IEnvelope;
                    float     defaultDPI = PdfGraphics.DefaultDpi;
                    double    x          = defaultDPI * framgeo.LowerLeft.X * pageUnitToInchUnitScale;
                    double    y          = defaultDPI * (layerOutPageSize.Height - framgeo.LowerLeft.Y) * pageUnitToInchUnitScale + 1;

                    bandwidth = (int)(defaultDPI * (framgeo.Width * pageUnitToInchUnitScale));

                    LastBottomLeftPoint.X = (int)x;
                    LastBottomLeftPoint.Y = (int)y;

                    chartControl1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size((int)(framgeo.Width * pageUnitToInchUnitScale * defaultDPI), (int)(ProfileMapHight * pageUnitToInchUnitScale * defaultDPI));

                    Image  img = null;
                    Bitmap bmp = null;
                    // Create an image of the chart.
                    ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Png;
                    using (MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream())
                        chartControl1.ExportToImage(s, format);
                        img = Image.FromStream(s);
                        bmp = new Bitmap(img);
                        bmp.SetResolution(300, 300);

                    using (PdfDocumentProcessor processor = new PdfDocumentProcessor())
                        PdfDocument  pd     = processor.Document;
                        PdfPage      page   = pd.Pages[0];
                        PdfRectangle pdfrec = page.MediaBox;
                        // RectangleF rf = new RectangleF(0, 0, Convert.ToSingle(pdfrec.Width) * 96 / 72, Convert.ToSingle(pdfrec.Height) * 96 / 72);
                        // Create and draw PDF graphics.
                        using (pGraphics = processor.CreateGraphics())
                            PdfGraphics graph = pGraphics;

                            Pen defaultPen = new Pen(Color.Black);
                            defaultPen.Width = 1;
                            graph.DrawImage(bmp, new RectangleF((float)x, (float)y, (float)framgeo.Width * pageUnitToInchUnitScale * defaultDPI, (float)ProfileMapHight * pageUnitToInchUnitScale * defaultDPI));

                            // draw map head.
                            RectangleF MapheadRect = new RectangleF((float)(int)(defaultDPI * framgeo.XMin * pageUnitToInchUnitScale - BandHeadWidth),
                                                                    (float)(int)(defaultDPI * (layerOutPageSize.Height - framgeo.UpperLeft.Y) * pageUnitToInchUnitScale),
                                                                    (float)(int)(defaultDPI * framgeo.Height * pageUnitToInchUnitScale));
                            graph.DrawRectangle(defaultPen, MapheadRect);
                            //draw head text
                            RectangleF      rF  = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)MapheadRect.Height, (float)BandHeadWidth);
                            PdfStringFormat psf = new PdfStringFormat(PdfStringFormat.GenericDefault);
                            psf.Alignment     = PdfStringAlignment.Center;
                            psf.LineAlignment = PdfStringAlignment.Center;
                            // head box 的左下角
                            System.Drawing.Font textfont = new System.Drawing.Font("仿宋", 6F);
                            graph.TranslateTransform((float)(MapheadRect.Left), (float)(MapheadRect.Bottom));
                            graph.DrawString("地图", textfont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), rF, psf);

                            // draw chart head
                            RectangleF ChartheadRect = new RectangleF((float)(int)(defaultDPI * framgeo.XMin * pageUnitToInchUnitScale - BandHeadWidth),
                                                                      (float)(int)(defaultDPI * (layerOutPageSize.Height - framgeo.LowerLeft.Y) * pageUnitToInchUnitScale + 1),
                                                                      (float)(int)(defaultDPI * ProfileMapHight * pageUnitToInchUnitScale));
                            graph.DrawRectangle(defaultPen, ChartheadRect);
                            //draw head text
                            rF = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)ChartheadRect.Height, (float)BandHeadWidth);
                            // head box 的左下角
                            graph.TranslateTransform((float)(ChartheadRect.Left), (float)(ChartheadRect.Bottom));
                            graph.DrawString("剖面图", textfont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), rF, psf);

                            LastBottomLeftPoint.Y = (int)ChartheadRect.Bottom;
                            //double beginM = -999; double endM = -999;
                            //GetIMUBeginEndMeasure(ref beginM, ref endM);
                            double beginM = BegMeasure;
                            double endM   = endMeasure;
                            for (int i = 0; i < listBoxDrawBandFields.Items.Count; i++)
                                string fieldname = listBoxDrawBandFields.Items[i].ToString();
                                band   b         = new band();
                                b.BandName    = fieldname;
                                b.pdfGC       = pGraphics;
                                b.BandWidth   = (int)bandwidth;
                                b.headFont    = labelbiaotou.Font;
                                b.ContentFont = labelNeirong.Font;
                                System.Drawing.Point pt = new System.Drawing.Point();
                                pt.X = LastBottomLeftPoint.X;
                                pt.Y = LastBottomLeftPoint.Y;
                                b.BandTopLeftLocation = pt;

                                b.BeginM = beginM;
                                b.EndM   = endM;
                                //b.bandData = new List<Tuple<double, string>>();
                                //for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                                //    double m = j * 500;
                                //    string txt = "异常2";
                                //    Tuple<double, string> t = new Tuple<double, string>(m,txt);
                                //    b.bandData.Add(t);
                                b.bandData = GetPDFBandData(fieldname);
                                LastBottomLeftPoint.Y += (int)b.BandHight;
                            // graph.DrawImage(img, rf);
                            // Render a page with graphics.
                            //processor.RenderNewPage(PdfPaperSize.Letter, graph);
                pE = pGC.Next();
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        ///     Converts the specified numeric data value from one unit of measure to another unit of measure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source units of the value.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        /// <param name="target">The target units that that the source units should be converted to.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="double" /> representing the converted units.</returns>
        public static double ConvertTo(this esriUnits source, double value, esriUnits target)
            IUnitConverter converter = new UnitConverterClass();

            return(converter.ConvertUnits(value, source, target));
 public double getLinearConversion(IProjectedCoordinateSystem prjSys)
     IUnitConverter converter = new UnitConverterClass();
     ILinearUnit linearUnit = prjSys.CoordinateUnit;
     double meter = linearUnit.MetersPerUnit;
     double unitToFoot = converter.ConvertUnits(meter, esriUnits.esriMeters, esriUnits.esriFeet);
     return unitToFoot;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public static IAnimationTrack CreateZoomOverLocationAnimation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, IBookmark3D pBookmark3D)
            // Set Mouse Cursor
            //IMouseCursor mouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();

            // QI to GlobeDisplayRendering Interface
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)globeDisplay;

            // Get Elevation Multiplication Factor
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            // Get GlobeDisplay and Camera
            IGlobe globe = globeDisplay.Globe;
            IAnimationTracks animationTracks = (IAnimationTracks)globe;
            IGlobeCamera globeCamera = (IGlobeCamera)globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera;

            // Create New Animation Track
            IAnimationTrack animationTrack = new AnimationTrackClass();
                IAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass();
                animationTrack.AnimationType = animationType;

                // Create First KeyFrame At Current Location
                IKeyframe keyframe1 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                keyframe1.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);
                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe1, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                //// Create Last KeyFrame Over Desired Location
                //pBookmark3D.Apply(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer as ISceneViewer, false, 0);

                //IKeyframe keyframe3 = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                //keyframe3.CaptureProperties((IScene)globe, globeCamera);

                IKeyframe keyframe3 = CreateKeyframefromBook(globeDisplay.Globe, pBookmark3D) as IKeyframe;

                #region 获取第一帧和第三帧的参数
                double dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe1, out dX1_Tar, out dY1_Tar, out dZ1_Tar, out dX1_Obs, out dY1_Obs, out dZ1_Obs);
                double dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs;
                GetParametersFromKeyFrame(keyframe3, out dX3_Tar, out dY3_Tar, out dZ3_Tar, out dX3_Obs, out dY3_Obs, out dZ3_Obs);

                //=========================================== 创建中间帧 ===========================================
                //IKeyframe keyframe2 = CreateMiddleKeyframe(globeDisplay.Globe, dX1_Tar, dY1_Tar, dZ1_Tar, dX1_Obs, dY1_Obs, dZ1_Obs,
                //    dX3_Tar, dY3_Tar, dZ3_Tar, dX3_Obs, dY3_Obs, dZ3_Obs);          //头晕、高血压、糖尿病患者调用该函数请慎重!
                //=========================================== 创建中间帧 ===========================================
                //animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe2, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                animationTrack.InsertKeyframe(keyframe3, animationTrack.KeyframeCount);

                // Set The Animation Track Name
                animationTrack.Name = "Zoom Over Location From Bookmark";

                // Set Track Attachments
                animationTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = true;

                // Add The New Track To The Scene

                // Return The Newly Create Aninmation Track
            catch { }
            return animationTrack;
Exemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// 内插中间贞函数,只需给出第一帧和最后一帧的状态信息,即可内插出中间帧状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pGlobe"></param>
        /// <param name="doubleX1_Tar">第一帧目标点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleY1_Tar">第一帧目标点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleZ1_Tar">第一帧目标点Z坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleX1_Obs">第一帧观察点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleY1_Obs">第一帧观察点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleZ1_Obs">第一帧观察点Z坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleX2_Tar">第二帧目标点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleY2_Tar">第二帧目标点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleZ2_Tar">第二帧目标点Z坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleX2_Obs">第二帧观察点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleY2_Obs">第二帧观察点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="doubleZ2_Obs">第二帧观察点Z坐标</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static IKeyframe CreateMiddleKeyframe(IGlobe pGlobe, double doubleX1_Tar, double doubleY1_Tar, double doubleZ1_Tar,
                                                                    double doubleX1_Obs, double doubleY1_Obs, double doubleZ1_Obs,
                                                                    double doubleX2_Tar, double doubleY2_Tar, double doubleZ2_Tar,
                                                                    double doubleX2_Obs, double doubleY2_Obs, double doubleZ2_Obs)
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
            IGlobeDisplayRendering globeDisplayRendering = (IGlobeDisplayRendering)pGlobe.GlobeDisplay;
            IKeyframe pMidKeyframe = new GlobeCameraKeyframeClass();
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueInt(0, 0);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(1, (doubleY1_Tar + doubleY2_Tar) / 2);//doubleY_mid);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(2, (doubleX1_Tar + doubleX2_Tar) / 2);//doubleX_mid);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(3, (doubleZ1_Tar + doubleZ2_Tar) / 2); //doubleZ1_Tar/2);//// (globeDisplayRendering.GlobeRadius / -1000));
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(4, (doubleY1_Obs + doubleY2_Obs) / 2);//doubleY_mid);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(5, (doubleX1_Obs + doubleX2_Obs) / 2);//doubleX_mid);
                double doubleAltitide_mid = ReturnProjectDistance(pGlobe, doubleX1_Obs, doubleY1_Obs, doubleZ1_Obs, doubleX2_Obs, doubleY2_Obs, doubleZ2_Obs) / 1000; //KM
                doubleAltitide_mid += GetGlobeElevation(pGlobe.GlobeDisplay, (doubleX1_Obs + doubleX2_Obs) / 2, (doubleY1_Obs + doubleY2_Obs) / 2, true);

                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(6, doubleAltitide_mid);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(7, 30);
                pMidKeyframe.set_PropertyValueDouble(8, 0);
            catch { }
            return pMidKeyframe;
Exemplo n.º 33
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            if (Button == 2)
            IPoint pt = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);
            pt = GIS.GraphicEdit.SnapSetting.getSnapPoint(pt);
            IGraphicsContainer g = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer;
            IEnvelope pEnvBounds = null;

                if (m_TraceLine != null)
                    pEnvBounds.Expand(4, 4, true); //���ο�����������4��(����2������),Ŀ����Ϊ�˱�֤�г����ˢ������
                    pEnvBounds = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.Extent;
                pEnvBounds = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.Extent;

            #region �������
            if (m_NewLineFeedback == null)
                m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);

                m_NewLineFeedback = new NewLineFeedbackClass();
                m_NewLineFeedback.Display = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay;
                ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = m_NewLineFeedback.Symbol as ISimpleLineSymbol;
                simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                simpleLineSymbol.Width = 2;
                simpleLineSymbol.Color = TransColorToAEColor(Color.Blue);


            if (m_ptColl == null)
                m_ptColl = new PolylineClass();
            object obj = Type.Missing;
            m_ptColl.AddPoint(pt, ref obj, ref obj);


            #region ���ƽ��

                IElement vertexElement = createElement_x(pt);
                g = m_hookHelper.ActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;

                //g.AddElement(vertexElement, 0);
                //g.MoveElementToGroup(vertexElement, m_VertexElement);

                m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, vertexElement, pEnvBounds);

            { }

                if (m_ptColl.PointCount >= 2)
                    IPoint fromPt = m_ptColl.get_Point(m_ptColl.PointCount - 2); //�����ڶ�����
                    IPoint toPt = m_ptColl.get_Point(m_ptColl.PointCount - 1); //����һ����
                    ILine line = new LineClass();
                    line.PutCoords(fromPt, toPt);

                    #region ���ƹ켣��

                        object missing = Type.Missing;
                        ISegmentCollection segColl = new PolylineClass();
                        segColl.AddSegment(line as ISegment, ref missing, ref missing);
                        IElement traceElement = createElement_x(segColl as IPolyline);
                        g = m_hookHelper.ActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;

                        //g.AddElement(traceElement, 0);
                        //g.MoveElementToGroup(traceElement, m_TraceElement);


                        m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, traceElement, pEnvBounds);

                    { }

                    #region ���㵥�ߵij���,���������ʾ�ڵ����е�ƫ������
                        double angle = line.Angle;
                        if ((angle > (Math.PI / 2) && angle < (Math.PI)) || (angle > -Math.PI && angle < -(Math.PI / 2))) // ����90��С�ڵ���180
                            angle += Math.PI;

                        double d_OffsetY = m_hookHelper.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.FromPoints(9);


                        double d_CenterX = (fromPt.X + toPt.X) / 2;
                        double d_CenterY = (fromPt.Y + toPt.Y) / 2 + d_OffsetY; //����ƫ��

                        IPoint labelPt = new PointClass();
                        labelPt.PutCoords(d_CenterX, d_CenterY);
                        IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();
                        double segmentLength = unitConverter.ConvertUnits(line.Length, _MsgInfo.inUnit.pUnit, _MsgInfo.outUnit.pUnit);
                        ITextElement txtElement = CreateTextElement(segmentLength.ToString("0.00"));

                        IElement labelelement = txtElement as IElement;
                        labelelement.Geometry = labelPt;
                        object oElement = (object)labelelement;

                        TransformByRotate(ref oElement, labelPt, angle);

                        //g.AddElement(labelelement, 0);

                        //g.MoveElementToGroup(labelelement, m_LabelElement);



                        m_hookHelper.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, labelelement, pEnvBounds);
                    { }

            { }

Exemplo n.º 34
        public static double GetGlobeElevation(IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay, double longitude, double latitude, bool maxResolution)
            IUnitConverter unitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            double doubleZ = 0;
            globeDisplay.GetSurfaceElevation(longitude, latitude, maxResolution, out doubleZ);
            return unitConverter.ConvertUnits(doubleZ, esriUnits.esriMeters, globeDisplay.Globe.GlobeUnits);
Exemplo n.º 35
        private void get_BufferGeometry()
            Error_Lable.Visible = false;
            Error_Lable.Text    = "";
            //存在上次的缓冲几何体 则先抹去其图形
            if (m_pBufferGeometry != null)
                drawgeometryXOR(m_pBufferGeometry as IPolygon, m_pScreenDisplay);

            dBufferSize = Convert.ToDouble(txtBufferValue.Text); /*/ 10*/; //20110802 xisheng
            dBufferSize = dBufferSize < 1 ? 1 : dBufferSize;               //设置缓冲值不能设置成0 xisheng 20110722
            if (dBufferSize == 0.0)
                dBufferSize = 0.001;
            //转换如果是经纬度的地图 xisheng 20110731
            UnitConverter punitConverter = new UnitConverterClass();

            if (m_pMap.MapUnits == esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees)
                dBufferSize = punitConverter.ConvertUnits(dBufferSize, esriUnits.esriMeters, esriUnits.esriDecimalDegrees);
            }//转换如果是经纬度的地图 xisheng 20110731
            IClone pClone = (IClone)m_pGeometry;
            ITopologicalOperator pTopo;

            if (m_pGeometry.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryBag)
                pTopo = pClone.Clone() as ITopologicalOperator;

                //topo非空则进行缓冲,获取缓冲后的 m_pBufferGeometry
                if (pTopo != null)
                    m_pBufferGeometry = pTopo.Buffer(dBufferSize);
                IGeometryCollection pGeometryBag = (IGeometryCollection)pClone.Clone();
                pTopo = (ITopologicalOperator)pGeometryBag.get_Geometry(0);
                IGeometry pUnionGeom = pTopo.Buffer(dBufferSize);
                for (int i = 1; i < pGeometryBag.GeometryCount; i++)
                    pTopo = (ITopologicalOperator)pGeometryBag.get_Geometry(i);
                    IGeometry pTempGeom = pTopo.Buffer(dBufferSize);
                    pTopo      = (ITopologicalOperator)pUnionGeom;
                    pUnionGeom = pTopo.Union(pTempGeom);
                m_pBufferGeometry = pUnionGeom;
            // m_pBufferGeometry为空,直接返回
            if (m_pBufferGeometry == null)

            //对 m_pBufferGeometry的topo进行简化再绘出
            pTopo = m_pBufferGeometry as ITopologicalOperator;
            if (pTopo != null)

            IPolygon pPolygon = m_pBufferGeometry as IPolygon;

            drawgeometryXOR(pPolygon, m_pScreenDisplay);
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        ///     Convert ESRI unit enumerations to strings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="appearance">The appearance to specify the case (eg. lower or upper case) of the string.</param>
        /// <param name="plural">
        ///     if set to <c>true</c> the
        ///     string specifies a many unit(s) otherwise single unit.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A <see cref="System.String" /> that represents the enumeration as a string.
        /// </returns>
        public static string ToString(this esriUnits source, esriCaseAppearance appearance, bool plural)
            IUnitConverter converter = new UnitConverterClass();

            return(converter.EsriUnitsAsString(source, appearance, plural));
        private string ExportPages(IActiveView docActiveView, int iDPI, string filename, enumExportType exportType, double paperWidth, double paperHeight, int blockCount)
            string filepath = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf("\\"));
            string NameExt = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename);
            if (docActiveView is IPageLayout)
            double width = 0, height = 0;   //实际长宽
            //计算分页地图大小 paperWidth,paperHeight
            //分块数量 blockCount
            //计算分页图片大小 iWidth,iHeight
            #region 计算出图参数
            var pPageLayout = docActiveView as IPageLayout;
            pPageLayout.Page.QuerySize(out width, out height);
            IUnitConverter pUnitCon = new UnitConverterClass();
            switch (exportType)
                case enumExportType.byPaperSize:
                    if (paperWidth <= 0 || paperHeight <= 0)
                    { paperWidth = 210; paperHeight = 297; }
                    paperWidth = pUnitCon.ConvertUnits(paperWidth, esriUnits.esriMillimeters, pPageLayout.Page.Units);
                    paperHeight = pUnitCon.ConvertUnits(paperHeight, esriUnits.esriMillimeters, pPageLayout.Page.Units);
                    bool bW = (width > paperWidth + 0.001) ? true : false;
                    bool bH = (height > paperHeight + 0.001) ? true : false;
                    blockCount = (bW && bH) ? 4 : 1;
                case enumExportType.byBlockCount:
                    if (blockCount < 1) blockCount = 1;
                    paperWidth = width / blockCount;
                    paperHeight = height / blockCount;
            int iWidth = (int)(pUnitCon.ConvertUnits(paperWidth, pPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * iDPI);
            int iHeight = (int)(pUnitCon.ConvertUnits(paperHeight, pPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * iDPI);

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
                var pWS = OpenWorkspace(filename, enumWsFactoryType.Raster) as IRasterWorkspace;
                var pRDs = pWS.OpenRasterDataset(NameExt);
                var pDS = pRDs as IDataset;

            if (blockCount > 1)
                #region 创建子目录,获得扩展名
                string NameNoExt = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
                string sExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower();
                string subPath = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf("."));
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(subPath))
                    System.IO.Directory.Delete(subPath, true);
                    if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(subPath))
                        subPath = subPath + "_1";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    subPath = subPath + "_1";

                string worldfileExt = "." + sExt[1].ToString() + sExt[sExt.Length - 1].ToString() + "w";

                #region 分页输出
                int index = 0;
                int minX = 0, maxY = iHeight;
                double w, h = 0;
                string t_name = subPath + @"\" + NameNoExt + "_";
                IExport docExport = CreateExport(filename, 1);
                IEnvelope pEnv1 = new EnvelopeClass();
                while (h < height - 0.0001)
                    w = 0;
                    minX = 0;
                    while (w < width - 0.0001)
                        pEnv1.XMin = w;
                        pEnv1.YMin = h;
                        pEnv1.XMax = w + paperWidth;
                        pEnv1.YMax = h + paperHeight;

                        label1.Text += ".";

                        ActiveViewOutput(docActiveView, iDPI, iWidth, iHeight, pEnv1, t_name + index.ToString() + sExt, docExport);
                        WriteWorldfile(t_name + index.ToString() + worldfileExt, 1, 0, 0, -1, minX, maxY);
                        w += paperWidth;
                        minX += iWidth;
                    h += paperHeight;
                    maxY += iHeight;

                #region 合并栅格
                var pRasterWS = OpenWorkspace(subPath, enumWsFactoryType.Raster);
                ISpatialReferenceFactory2 pSrF = new SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass();
                var pSR = pSrF.CreateSpatialReference(3857);
                var pEnumDS = pRasterWS.get_Datasets(esriDatasetType.esriDTRasterDataset);
                var pDS = pEnumDS.Next();
                while (pDS != null)
                    var GeoSchEdit = pDS as IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit;
                    if (GeoSchEdit.CanAlterSpatialReference)
                    pDS = pEnumDS.Next();

                Geoprocessor geoprocessor = new Geoprocessor();
                    CreateRasterDataset createRD = new CreateRasterDataset();
                    createRD.cellsize = 1;
                    createRD.number_of_bands = 3;
                    createRD.out_path = filepath;
                    createRD.out_name = NameExt;
                    createRD.pyramids = "NONE";
                    createRD.compression = "NONE";
                    geoprocessor.Execute(createRD, null);

                    WorkspaceToRasterDataset MosaicToRaster = new WorkspaceToRasterDataset();
                    MosaicToRaster.in_workspace = subPath;
                    MosaicToRaster.in_raster_dataset = filename;
                    geoprocessor.Execute(MosaicToRaster, null);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    for (int i = 0; i < geoprocessor.MessageCount; i++)
                        string abc = geoprocessor.GetMessage(i);


                return subPath;
                Export10Plus(docActiveView, filename, iDPI, 0, 0, null);
                return "";
            else      //map
            return "";