public TreeMapCustomization()
     this.TreeMap.DataSource = new OlymicMedalsViewModel().OlympicMedalsDetails;
     UniColorMapping uniMapping = new UniColorMapping()
         Color = Color.FromHex("#D21243")
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Form1()
            this.MetroColor = Color.White;
            this.BackColor  = Color.White;

            #region Sample Header

            Label sampleHeader = new Label();
            sampleHeader.Text      = "This sample represents TreeMap showing Olympic Medals won by United States in various events.";
            sampleHeader.Font      = new System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
            sampleHeader.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(17)))), ((int)(((byte)(150)))), ((int)(((byte)(205)))));
            sampleHeader.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
            sampleHeader.Size      = new System.Drawing.Size(970, (int)DpiAware.LogicalToDeviceUnits(35));
            sampleHeader.Margin    = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0);
            sampleHeader.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            sampleHeader.Dock      = DockStyle.Top;


            #region TreeMap

            Panel sampleLayoutPanel = new Panel();
            sampleLayoutPanel.Dock    = DockStyle.Fill;
            sampleLayoutPanel.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(10, (int)DpiAware.LogicalToDeviceUnits(35), 0, 0);

            OlymicMedalsViewModel olymicMedalsViewModel = new OlymicMedalsViewModel();

            TreeMap treeMap = new TreeMap();
            treeMap.Dock             = DockStyle.Fill;
            treeMap.Margin           = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 0, 10, 10);
            treeMap.ItemsSource      = olymicMedalsViewModel.OlympicMedalsDetails;
            treeMap.WeightValuePath  = "TotalMedals";
            treeMap.ColorValuePath   = "GoldMedals";
            treeMap.ItemsLayoutMode  = ItemsLayoutModes.Squarified;
            treeMap.LeafItemDrawing += treeMap_LeafItemDrawing;
            ToolTipInfo itemInfo = new ToolTipInfo();
            itemInfo.ToolTipHeaderPattern      = "<b>{Country} - {GameName}</b>";
            itemInfo.ToolTipContentPattern     = "GoldMedals \t {GoldMedals}  \nSilverMedals \t {SilverMedals}  \nBronzeMedals \t {BronzeMedals}";
            treeMap.ItemToolTipInfo            = itemInfo;
            treeMap.LeafItemSettings.LabelPath = "GameName";
            #region Range ColorMapping

            UniColorMapping uniColorMapping = new UniColorMapping();
            uniColorMapping.Color    = Color.FromArgb(215, 48, 40);
            treeMap.LeafColorMapping = uniColorMapping;



Exemplo n.º 3
        public TreeMapGettingStarted()

            baritem             = new ToolbarItem();
            this.BindingContext = this;
            this.TreeMap.LegendSettings.Size = new Size(300, 70);
            ObservableCollection <Range> ranges = new ObservableCollection <Range>();

            ranges.Add(new Range()
                LegendLabel = "1 % Growth", From = 0, To = 1, Color = Color.FromHex("#77D8D8")
            ranges.Add(new Range()
                LegendLabel = "2 % Growth", From = 0, To = 2, Color = Color.FromHex("#AED960")
            ranges.Add(new Range()
                LegendLabel = "3 % Growth", From = 0, To = 3, Color = Color.FromHex("#FFAF51")
            ranges.Add(new Range()
                LegendLabel = "4 % Growth", From = 0, To = 4, Color = Color.FromHex("#F3D240")
            this.TreeMap.LeafItemColorMapping = rangeMapping = new RangeColorMapping()
                Ranges = ranges
            treeMapColorMapping = rangeMapping;
            desaturationMapping = new DesaturationColorMapping()
                From = 1, To = 0.2, Color = Color.FromHex("#02AEDC")
            this.TreeMap.DataSource = new PopulationViewModel().PopulationDetails;
            uniMapping = new UniColorMapping()
                Color = Color.FromHex("#D21243")

            paletteMapping = new PaletteColorMapping();

            baritem.Clicked   += buttonClicked;
            this.PropertyView  = GetOptionPage();
            toggleButton.Value = groupPadding;
        public GettingStarted()
            baritem = new ToolbarItem();
            tree    = new SfTreeMap();
            Title   = "GettingStarted";
            this.BackgroundColor              = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Color.White, Android: Color.White, WinPhone: Color.Black);
            tree.WeightValuePath              = "Population";
            tree.ColorValuePath               = "Growth";
            tree.LeafItemSettings             = new LeafItemSettings();
            tree.LeafItemSettings.BorderColor = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Color.Gray, Android: Color.White, WinPhone: IsDarkTheme ? Color.White : Color.Gray);
            tree.LeafItemSettings.BorderWidth = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: 1, Android: 2, WinPhone: 2);
            tree.LeafItemSettings.Gap         = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: 1, Android: 5, WinPhone: 3);
            tree.LeafItemSettings.LabelStyle  = new Syncfusion.SfTreeMap.XForms.Style()
                Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(18), Color = Color.White
            tree.LeafItemSettings.LabelPath = "Country";
            ObservableCollection <Range> ranges = new ObservableCollection <Range>();

            ranges.Add(new Range()
                LegendLabel = "1 % Growth", From = 0, To = 1, Color = Color.FromHex("#77D8D8")
            ranges.Add(new Range()
                LegendLabel = "2 % Growth", From = 0, To = 2, Color = Color.FromHex("#AED960")
            ranges.Add(new Range()
                LegendLabel = "3 % Growth", From = 0, To = 3, Color = Color.FromHex("#FFAF51")
            ranges.Add(new Range()
                LegendLabel = "4 % Growth", From = 0, To = 4, Color = Color.FromHex("#F3D240")
            tree.LeafItemColorMapping = rangeMapping = new RangeColorMapping()
                Ranges = ranges
            Size legendSize = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: new Size(300, 60), Android: new Size(200, 60), WinPhone: new Size(420, 75));
            Size iconSize   = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: new Size(17, 17), Android: new Size(25, 25), WinPhone: new Size(15, 15));

            treeMapColorMapping = rangeMapping;
            desaturationMapping = new DesaturationColorMapping()
                From = 1, To = 0.2, Color = Color.FromHex("#02AEDC")
            TreeMapFlatLevel level = new TreeMapFlatLevel()
                HeaderStyle = new Syncfusion.SfTreeMap.XForms.Style()
                    Color = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Color.Gray, Android: Color.Gray, WinPhone: Color.White)
                }, GroupPath = "Continent", HeaderHeight = 20, GroupGap = 5, ShowHeader = true

            level.GroupBackground = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Color.White, Android: Color.White, WinPhone: Color.Black);
            tree.DataSource = new PopulationViewModel().PopulationDetails;
            if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone && Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows)
                tree.LegendSettings = new LegendSettings()
                    Size = new Size(0, 0), ShowLegend = false
                tree.LegendSettings = new LegendSettings()
                    LabelStyle = new Syncfusion.SfTreeMap.XForms.Style()
                        Font  = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Font.SystemFontOfSize(12), Android: Font.SystemFontOfSize(14), WinPhone: Font.SystemFontOfSize(12)),
                        Color = Color.Gray
                    IconSize   = iconSize,
                    ShowLegend = true,
                    Size       = legendSize
                if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet)
                    tree.LegendSettings.Size = new Size(500, 30);
            uniMapping = new UniColorMapping()
                Color = Color.FromHex("#D21243")

            paletteMapping = new PaletteColorMapping();

            this.PropertyView = GetOptionPage();
            this.ContentView  = tree;
            this.ContentView.BackgroundColor = Color.White;
		public GettingStarted ()
			baritem = new ToolbarItem();
			tree = new SfTreeMap();
			Title = "GettingStarted";
			this.BackgroundColor = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Color.White, Android: Color.White, WinPhone: Color.Black);
			tree.WeightValuePath = "Population";
			tree.ColorValuePath = "Growth";
			tree.LeafItemSettings = new LeafItemSettings();
			tree.LeafItemSettings.BorderColor =  Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Color.Gray, Android: Color.White, WinPhone:IsDarkTheme ? Color.White : Color.Gray);
			tree.LeafItemSettings.BorderWidth = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: 1, Android:2, WinPhone:2);
			tree.LeafItemSettings.Gap = Device.OnPlatform(iOS:1 , Android: 5, WinPhone: 3);
			tree.LeafItemSettings.LabelStyle = new Syncfusion.SfTreeMap.XForms.Style() { Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(18), Color = Color.White };
			tree.LeafItemSettings.LabelPath = "Country";
			ObservableCollection<Range> ranges = new ObservableCollection<Range>();
			ranges.Add(new Range() { LegendLabel = "1 % Growth", From = 0, To = 1, Color = Color.FromHex("#77D8D8") });
			ranges.Add(new Range() { LegendLabel = "2 % Growth", From = 0, To = 2, Color = Color.FromHex("#AED960") });
			ranges.Add(new Range() { LegendLabel = "3 % Growth", From = 0, To = 3, Color = Color.FromHex("#FFAF51") });
			ranges.Add(new Range() { LegendLabel = "4 % Growth", From = 0, To = 4, Color = Color.FromHex("#F3D240") });
			tree.LeafItemColorMapping = rangeMapping = new RangeColorMapping() { Ranges = ranges };
			Size legendSize = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: new Size(300, 60), Android: new Size(200, 60), WinPhone: new Size(420, 75));
			Size iconSize = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: new Size(17, 17), Android: new Size(25, 25), WinPhone: new Size(15, 15));

			treeMapColorMapping = rangeMapping;
			desaturationMapping = new DesaturationColorMapping (){ From = 1, To = 0.2, Color = Color.FromHex ("#02AEDC") };
			TreeMapFlatLevel level = new TreeMapFlatLevel() { HeaderStyle = new Syncfusion.SfTreeMap.XForms.Style() { Color= Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Color.Gray, Android: Color.Gray, WinPhone: Color.White) }, GroupPath = "Continent", HeaderHeight = 20, GroupGap = 5, ShowHeader = true };
			level.GroupBackground = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Color.White, Android: Color.White, WinPhone: Color.Black);
			tree.Levels.Add (level);
			tree.DataSource = new PopulationViewModel ().PopulationDetails;
            if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone && Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows)
                tree.LegendSettings = new LegendSettings() { Size = new Size(0, 0),ShowLegend = false };

                tree.LegendSettings = new LegendSettings()
                    LabelStyle = new Syncfusion.SfTreeMap.XForms.Style()
                        Font = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: Font.SystemFontOfSize(12), Android: Font.SystemFontOfSize(14), WinPhone: Font.SystemFontOfSize(12)),
                        Color = Color.Gray
                    IconSize = iconSize,
                    ShowLegend = true,
                    Size = legendSize
                if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet)
                    tree.LegendSettings.Size = new Size(500, 30);

			uniMapping = new UniColorMapping (){ Color = Color.FromHex ("#D21243") };

			paletteMapping = new PaletteColorMapping ();
			paletteMapping.Colors.Add (Color.FromHex ("#BD8EC2"));
			paletteMapping.Colors.Add (Color.FromHex ("#FFD34E"));
			paletteMapping.Colors.Add (Color.FromHex ("#55B949"));
			paletteMapping.Colors.Add (Color.FromHex ("#00B2DA"));
			paletteMapping.Colors.Add (Color.FromHex ("#744A94"));
			paletteMapping.Colors.Add (Color.FromHex ("#A1A616"));
			paletteMapping.Colors.Add (Color.FromHex ("#0753A1"));
			DrawOptionsPage ();

			this.PropertyView = GetOptionPage ();
            this.ContentView = tree;
            this.ContentView.BackgroundColor = Color.White;