Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// 绘制UV界面
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rect"></param>
 public void DrawPreview(Rect rect, Color color, UVIndex uvIndex, bool drawVertexColor)
     if (drawVertexColor)
         DrawVertexColor(rect, (int)uvIndex); //绘制顶点色
     DrawUV(rect, (int)uvIndex, color);       //绘制UV
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void DrawCurrentUV()
            SKCanvas      graphCanvas = this.graphSurface.Canvas;
            ArpansaUVData arpansaData = this.arpansaModel.ArpansaUVData;

            if (arpansaData?.GraphData == null || arpansaData.GraphData.Length <= 0)
                //need graph data
            if (arpansaData?.CurrentUVIndex == null || arpansaData?.CurrentDateTime == null)
                //need current data
            if (arpansaData?.ReferenceUVs == null)
                //need reference UV levels

            //get latest datapoint
            float curUVLevel = float.Parse(arpansaData.CurrentUVIndex);

            TimeSpan lastMeasurementTime = DateTimeStringToTime(arpansaData.CurrentDateTime);

            float currentX = (float)(lastMeasurementTime.TotalMinutes - this.minX.TotalMinutes) * this.unitsPerMinute;
            float currentY = curUVLevel * this.unitsPerUVLevel;

            string uvString = curUVLevel.ToString("F1");

            //create a paint based of the current reading
            //paint colour will be set to the current UV reference colour
            UVIndex curUVIndex = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < arpansaData.ReferenceUVs.Count; i++)
                if (curUVLevel >= arpansaData.ReferenceUVs[i].LowerValue)
                    curUVIndex = arpansaData.ReferenceUVs[i];
            SKPaint curColourAreaPaint = new SKPaint
                Color       = curUVIndex.Colour.WithAlpha(0.8f),
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                IsAntialias = true
            SKPaint curColourLinePaint = new SKPaint
                Color       = curUVIndex.Colour.WithAlpha(0.4f),
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                IsAntialias = true,
                StrokeWidth = 2f

            //draw a nice circle on the endpoint
            float pointRadius = 3.6f;

            graphCanvas.DrawCircle(currentX, currentY, pointRadius, new SKPaint {
                Color = SKColors.White
            graphCanvas.DrawCircle(currentX, currentY, pointRadius, curColourLinePaint);

            //write the current text a little up and to the right of the current point
            float textX = currentX + 12f;
            float textY = currentY + 12f;

            SKRect uvRectFrame = new SKRect();

            this.currentUVTextPaint.MeasureText(uvString, ref uvRectFrame);

            //do a check to see if current UV reading will appear off the screen
            float framePadding = 5f;

            if (textX + uvRectFrame.Width + framePadding >= this.gridWidth)
                //being cut off on x axis
                GraphData closestPoint = this.GetClosestDataPointAtTime(this.maxX);

                textX = this.gridWidth - uvRectFrame.Width - framePadding - 4f;
            if (textY + uvRectFrame.Height + framePadding >= this.gridHeight)
                //being cut off on y axis
                textY = this.gridHeight - uvRectFrame.Height - framePadding - 4f;

            uvRectFrame.Offset(textX, textY + uvRectFrame.Height);
            uvRectFrame.Inflate(framePadding, framePadding);

            graphCanvas.DrawRoundRect(uvRectFrame, 3f, 3f, curColourAreaPaint);
            this.DrawTextOnGraph(uvString, textX, textY, this.currentUVTextPaint);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void DrawUVPlots()
            ArpansaUVData arpansaData = this.arpansaModel.ArpansaUVData;

            if (arpansaData?.GraphData == null || arpansaData.GraphData.Length <= 0)
                //no graph data
            if (arpansaData?.ReferenceUVs == null || arpansaData.ReferenceUVs.Count <= 0)
                //need reference points for background colour

            GraphData[] graphData       = arpansaData.GraphData;
            SKCanvas    graphCanvas     = this.graphSurface.Canvas;
            SKPath      approximatePath = null;
            SKPath      measuredPath    = null;

            //collect data for the UV plot lines
            TimeSpan timeValue = DateTimeStringToTime(graphData[0].Date);

            //approximate UV
            float?startForecast = graphData[0].Forecast;

            if (startForecast != null)
                float approxX = (float)(timeValue.TotalMinutes - this.minX.TotalMinutes) * this.unitsPerMinute;
                float approxY = (float)startForecast * this.unitsPerUVLevel;
                approximatePath = new SKPath();
                approximatePath.MoveTo(approxX, approxY);

            //measured UV
            float?startMeasured = graphData[0].Measured;

            if (startMeasured != null)
                float measuredX = (float)(timeValue.TotalMinutes - this.minX.TotalMinutes) * this.unitsPerMinute;
                float measuredY = (float)graphData[0].Measured * this.unitsPerUVLevel;
                measuredPath = new SKPath();
                measuredPath.MoveTo(measuredX, measuredY);

            //for each plot point
            for (int i = 1; i < graphData.Length; i++)
                //get time
                TimeSpan curTimeValue = DateTimeStringToTime(graphData[i].Date);

                //approximate UV
                float?curApproxUV = graphData[i].Forecast;
                if (curApproxUV != null && approximatePath != null)
                    float curApproxX = (float)(curTimeValue.TotalMinutes - this.minX.TotalMinutes) * this.unitsPerMinute;
                    float curApproxY = (float)curApproxUV * this.unitsPerUVLevel;
                    approximatePath.LineTo(curApproxX, curApproxY);

                //measured UV
                float?curMeasuredUV = graphData[i].Measured;
                if (curMeasuredUV != null && measuredPath != null)
                    float curMeasuredX = (float)(curTimeValue.TotalMinutes - this.minX.TotalMinutes) * this.unitsPerMinute;
                    float curMeasuredY = (float)curMeasuredUV * this.unitsPerUVLevel;
                    measuredPath.LineTo(curMeasuredX, curMeasuredY);

            //create an awesome rainbow shader
            SKPoint graphBottom    = new SKPoint(0.0f, 0.0f);
            UVIndex highestUVRef   = arpansaData.ReferenceUVs[arpansaData.ReferenceUVs.Count - 1];
            float   highestIVValue = highestUVRef.LowerValue;
            SKPoint highRefPoint   = new SKPoint(0.0f, highestIVValue * this.unitsPerUVLevel);

            List <SKColor> colourList = new List <SKColor>();
            List <float>   posList    = new List <float>();

            foreach (var uvInfo in arpansaData.ReferenceUVs)
                posList.Add(uvInfo.LowerValue / highestIVValue);
            SKShader uvShader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(graphBottom, highRefPoint, colourList.ToArray(), posList.ToArray(), SKShaderTileMode.Clamp);

            this.measuredLinePaint.Shader = uvShader;

            ////draw approximate and measured plot lines
            if (approximatePath != null)
                graphCanvas.DrawPath(approximatePath, this.predictedLinePaint);
            if (measuredPath != null)
                graphCanvas.DrawPath(measuredPath, this.measuredLinePaint);

                //now draw area under plot lines
                SKPoint firstMeasuredPoint = measuredPath.GetPoint(0);
                SKPoint lastMeasuredPoint  = measuredPath.GetPoint(measuredPath.PointCount - 1);
                measuredPath.LineTo(lastMeasuredPoint.X, 0);
                measuredPath.LineTo(firstMeasuredPoint.X, 0);

                graphCanvas.DrawPath(measuredPath, this.measuredAreaPaint);