Exemplo n.º 1
        }// AddBook()

        // *************************************************************
        // ****                      Quote()                        ****
        // *************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// This sets the inner market price and qty for the trade.
        /// For now it assumes the strategy has only one OrderInstrument, which is always
        /// the case when we have an "ExecutionStrategy" deployed; eg, an autospreader.
        /// qty must be signed, negative for sell qty's
        /// This will validate all prices prior to setting them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tradeSide"></param>
        /// <param name="price"></param>
        /// <param name="qty">Signed qty</param>
        /// <param name="aBook"></param>
        public void Quote(int tradeSide, double price, int qty, UV.Lib.BookHubs.Book aBook)
            if (qty != 0 && tradeSide != QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(qty))
            { // mismatch qty and sides
                Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Warning, "Quote: tradeSide and side implied by qty sign do not match, rejecting quote update");
            if (!m_IsMarketReady)
            { // we cant't even validate prices yet.
                Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Quote: Market has not been intialized yet. Order's will not be sent until market is intialized");
            if (!QTMath.IsPriceEqual(m_StrategyWorkingPrice[tradeSide], price, m_InstrumentDetails.TickSize))
            {     // price is different.
                if (m_RiskManager.ValidatePrices(price, tradeSide, m_Instrument, aBook))
                { // our prices are valid so we can save variables
                    m_StrategyWorkingPrice[tradeSide] = price;
                    m_TotalDesiredQty[tradeSide]      = qty;
            { // price hasn't changed so if it was already set
                m_TotalDesiredQty[tradeSide] = qty;
            Quote();                                    // go ahead an update our orders
Exemplo n.º 2
        // *****************************************************
        // ****         TimerSubscriberUpdate()             ****
        // *****************************************************
        public void TimerSubscriberUpdate(UV.Lib.BookHubs.Book aBook)
            double midPrice = 0.5 * (this.ImpliedMarket.Price[BidSide][0] + this.ImpliedMarket.Price[AskSide][0]);

            for (int tradeSide = 0; tradeSide < 2; tradeSide++)
                if (m_IsPriceInitialized[tradeSide] && System.Math.Abs(m_TotalQty[tradeSide]) > System.Math.Abs(m_ExecutedQty[tradeSide]) && m_IsTradingEnabled)
                    m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSideToLongString(tradeSide), m_Price[tradeSide]);

            m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, "Price", midPrice);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private bool PnLCheck(UV.Lib.BookHubs.Book aBook)
            double midPrice = (aBook.Instruments[m_InstrExternalId].Price[UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.BidSide][0] +
                               aBook.Instruments[m_InstrExternalId].Price[UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.AskSide][0]) / 2;

            m_PnL = m_OrderEngine.m_FillBook.m_RealizedGain + m_OrderEngine.m_FillBook.UnrealizedDollarGains(midPrice);
            if (m_PnL < m_MaxLossPnL)
                m_Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "Max Loss PnL Has Been Exceeded: Current PnL = {0} MaxLossPnL = {1}", m_PnL, m_MaxLossPnL);
Exemplo n.º 4
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Public Methods                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        public override void MarketInstrumentInitialized(UV.Lib.BookHubs.Book marketBook)
            if (m_IsTradingEnabled)
                if (!m_IOrderEngineRemote.TrySetParameter("IsUserTradingEnabled", true)) // once we are all set allow orders to be sent out.
                    Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "{0} failed to set flag for IsUserTradingEnabled in IOrderEngine, no order will go out");

            // Plot historical values
            List <DateTime>         historicTimeStamp   = null;
            List <double>           historicStrategyMid = null;
            List <MarketDataItem[]> historicLegMarkets  = null;

            if (base.TryGetTimeSeries(out historicTimeStamp, out historicStrategyMid, out historicLegMarkets))
                PlotHistoricData(m_GraphID, "Price", historicTimeStamp, historicStrategyMid);
Exemplo n.º 5
 // *************************************************************
 // ****                 Market Change()                     ****
 // *************************************************************
 /// <summary>
 /// Called whenever the market changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="marketBook"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool MarketInstrumentChanged(UV.Lib.BookHubs.Book marketBook, UV.Lib.BookHubs.InstrumentChangeArgs eventArgs)
     base.MarketInstrumentChanged(marketBook, eventArgs);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Called prior to updating prices in a strategy to make sure our prices are valid.
        /// This is the overload that must be called if you currenttly are holding the book
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="desiredPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="mktSide"></param>
        /// <param name="instrName"></param>
        /// <param name="aBook"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ValidatePrices(double desiredPrice, int mktSide, InstrumentName instrName, UV.Lib.BookHubs.Book aBook)
            if (m_Leg.InstrumentName != instrName)
                m_Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "{0} Submitted Price Check To Risk Manager That Does Not Manage Risk For That Instrument");

            int    mktSign     = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSideToMktSign(mktSide);                     // sign of the market we are looking to execute on
            int    oppMktSign  = mktSign * -1;                                                          // opposite sign
            int    oppMktSide  = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(oppMktSign);                  // opposite side
            double oppMktPrice = aBook.Instruments[m_InstrExternalId].Price[oppMktSide][0];             // best bid/offer (aggressible) price

            double allowedPrice = oppMktPrice + (m_FatFingerPriceTolerance * mktSign);                  // this is the max allowable price that we are allow to buy/sell

            if ((desiredPrice * mktSign) >= (allowedPrice * mktSign))                                   // this should correctly avoid us executing any prices outside our tolerances.
                m_Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "Risk Check has Rejected Your Price Update To {0}, Price must be better than {1}", desiredPrice, allowedPrice);