Exemplo n.º 1
    public static URDFRobot BuildRobot(string urdfContent, Dictionary <string, string> packages, Options options = new Options())
        if (options.loadMeshCb == null)
            options.loadMeshCb = LoadMesh;

        // load the XML doc
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


        // Store the information about the link and the objects
        // indexed by link name
        Dictionary <string, XmlNode> xmlLinks  = new Dictionary <string, XmlNode>();
        Dictionary <string, XmlNode> xmlJoints = new Dictionary <string, XmlNode>();

        // indexed by joint name
        Dictionary <string, URDFJoint> urdfJoints = new Dictionary <string, URDFJoint>();
        Dictionary <string, URDFLink>  urdfLinks  = new Dictionary <string, URDFLink>();

        // indexed by joint name
        Dictionary <string, string> parentNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        // first node is the robot node (for the full robot)
        foreach (XmlNode n in doc.ChildNodes)
            // first node is expected to be the robot
            // cycle through and find all the links for the robot first
            foreach (XmlNode xLink in n.ChildNodes)
                if (xLink.Name == "link")
                    // Store the XML node for hte link
                    xmlLinks.Add(xLink.Attributes["name"].Value, xLink);

                    // create the link gameobject
                    URDFLink urdfLink = new URDFLink();
                    urdfLink.name      = xLink.Attributes["name"].Value;
                    urdfLink.transform = new GameObject(urdfLink.name).transform;
                    urdfLinks.Add(urdfLink.name, urdfLink);

                    // Get the geometry node and skip it if there isn't one
                    XmlNode[]         visualNodes = GetXmlNodeChildrenByName(xLink, "visual");
                    List <GameObject> renderers   = new List <GameObject>();

                    // Iterate over all the visual nodes
                    foreach (var vn in visualNodes)
                        XmlNode geomNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(vn, "geometry");
                        if (geomNode == null)

                        XmlNode matNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(vn, "material");
                        Color   col     = Color.white;
                        if (matNode != null)
                            XmlNode colNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(matNode, "color");
                            if (colNode != null)
                                col = TupleToColor(colNode.Attributes["rgba"].Value);

                            // TODO: Load the textures
                            // XmlNode texNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(matNode, "texture");
                            // if (texNode != null) { }

                        // Get the mesh and the origin nodes
                        XmlNode meshNode      = GetXmlNodeChildByName(geomNode, "mesh");
                        XmlNode visOriginNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(vn, "origin");

                        // take the visual origin and place on the renderer
                        // use the visual origin to set the pose if necessary
                        Vector3 visPos = Vector3.zero;
                        if (visOriginNode != null && visOriginNode.Attributes["xyz"] != null)
                            visPos = TupleToVector3(visOriginNode.Attributes["xyz"].Value);

                        visPos = URDFToUnityPos(visPos);

                        Vector3 visRot = Vector3.zero;
                        if (visOriginNode != null && visOriginNode.Attributes["rpy"] != null)
                            visRot = TupleToVector3(visOriginNode.Attributes["rpy"].Value);

                        visRot = URDFToUnityRot(visRot);

                            // try to load primitives if there is no mesh
                            if (meshNode == null)
                                XmlNode primitiveNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(geomNode, "box") ??
                                                        GetXmlNodeChildByName(geomNode, "sphere") ??
                                                        GetXmlNodeChildByName(geomNode, "cylinder");
                                if (primitiveNode != null)
                                    GameObject go = null;
                                    switch (primitiveNode.Name)
                                    case "box":
                                        go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                                        go.transform.localScale =

                                    case "sphere":
                                        go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                                        go.transform.localScale =
                                            Vector3.one * (float.Parse(primitiveNode.Attributes[0].Value) * 2);

                                    case "cylinder":
                                        go = new GameObject();
                                        var cPrimitive = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
                                        cPrimitive.transform.parent = go.transform;

                                        var length = float.Parse(primitiveNode.Attributes[0].Value);
                                        var radius = float.Parse(primitiveNode.Attributes[1].Value);
                                        go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(radius * 2, length / 2, radius * 2);

                                    Renderer r = go.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                                    if (r == null)
                                        r = go.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();

                                    go.transform.parent        = urdfLink.transform;
                                    go.transform.localPosition = visPos;
                                    go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(visRot);

                                    go.name = urdfLink.name + " geometry " + primitiveNode.Name;

                                    if (r)
                                        r.material.color = col;

                                        if (Application.isPlaying)
                                            Destroy(r.GetComponent <Collider>());
                                            Destroy(r.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
                                            DestroyImmediate(r.GetComponent <Collider>());
                                            DestroyImmediate(r.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
                                // load the STL file if possible
                                // get the file path and split it
                                string fileName = ResolveMeshPath(meshNode.Attributes["filename"].Value, packages, options.workingPath);

                                Vector3 meshScale = Vector3.one;
                                if (meshNode.Attributes["scale"] != null)
                                    meshScale = TupleToVector3(meshNode.Attributes["scale"].Value);
                                meshScale = URDFToUnityScale(meshScale);

                                // load all meshes
                                string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower().Replace(".", "");
                                options.loadMeshCb(fileName, ext, models =>
                                    // create the rest of the meshes and child them to the click target
                                    for (int i = 0; i < models.Length; i++)
                                        var trans           = models[i].transform;
                                        trans.parent        = urdfLink.transform;
                                        trans.localPosition = visPos;
                                        trans.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(visRot);
                                        trans.localScale    = meshScale;

                                        trans.name = urdfLink.name + " geometry " + i;

                                        foreach (Renderer r in trans.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>())
                                            r.material.color = col;


                                        // allows the urdf parser to be called from editor scripts outside of runtime without throwing errors
                                        // TODO: traverse over the children and do this
                                        if (Application.isPlaying)
                                            Destroy(trans.GetComponent <Collider>());
                                            Destroy(trans.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
                                            DestroyImmediate(trans.GetComponent <Collider>());
                                            DestroyImmediate(trans.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());

                                // save the geometry in the link
                                urdfLink.geometry = renderers;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Debug.LogError("Error loading model for " + urdfLink.name + " : " + e.Message);

            // find all the joints next
            foreach (XmlNode xJoint in n.ChildNodes)
                if (xJoint.Name == "joint")
                    string jointName = xJoint.Attributes["name"].Value;

                    // store the joints indexed by child name so we can find it later
                    // to properly indicate the parents in the joint list
                    xmlJoints.Add(jointName, xJoint);

                    // Get the links by name
                    URDFLink parentLink = urdfLinks[GetXmlNodeChildByName(xJoint, "parent").Attributes["link"].Value];
                    URDFLink childLink  = urdfLinks[GetXmlNodeChildByName(xJoint, "child").Attributes["link"].Value];

                    // Create the joint
                    URDFJoint urdfJoint = new URDFJoint();
                    urdfJoint.name       = jointName;
                    urdfJoint.parentLink = parentLink;
                    urdfJoint.transform  = new GameObject(urdfJoint.name).transform;
                    urdfJoint.type       = xJoint.Attributes["type"].Value;

                    // set the tree hierarchy
                    // Parent the joint to its parent link
                    urdfJoint.parentLink       = parentLink;
                    urdfJoint.transform.parent = parentLink.transform;

                    // Parent the child link to this joint
                    urdfJoint.childLink        = childLink;
                    childLink.transform.parent = urdfJoint.transform;
                    childLink.parent           = urdfJoint;

                    childLink.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                    childLink.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                    // position the origin if it's specified
                    XmlNode transNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(xJoint, "origin");
                    Vector3 pos       = Vector3.zero;
                    if (transNode != null && transNode.Attributes["xyz"] != null)
                        pos = TupleToVector3(transNode.Attributes["xyz"].Value);

                    pos = URDFToUnityPos(pos);

                    Vector3 rot = Vector3.zero;
                    if (transNode != null && transNode.Attributes["rpy"] != null)
                        rot = TupleToVector3(transNode.Attributes["rpy"].Value);

                    rot = URDFToUnityRot(rot);

                    // parent the joint and name it
                    urdfJoint.transform.localPosition = pos;
                    urdfJoint.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
                    urdfJoint.originalRotation        = urdfJoint.transform.localRotation;

                    XmlNode axisNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(xJoint, "axis");
                    if (axisNode != null)
                        Vector3 axis = TupleToVector3(axisNode.Attributes["xyz"].Value);
                        axis           = URDFToUnityPos(axis);
                        urdfJoint.axis = axis;

                    XmlNode limitNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(xJoint, "limit");
                    if (limitNode != null)
                        if (limitNode.Attributes["lower"] != null)
                            urdfJoint.minAngle = float.Parse(limitNode.Attributes["lower"].Value);
                        if (limitNode.Attributes["upper"] != null)
                            urdfJoint.maxAngle = float.Parse(limitNode.Attributes["upper"].Value);

                    // save the URDF joint
                    urdfJoints.Add(urdfJoint.name, urdfJoint);

        // loop through all the transforms until we find the one that has no parent
        URDFRobot robot = options.target;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, URDFLink> kv in urdfLinks)
            // TODO : if there are multiple robots described, then we'll only be getting
            // the one. Should update to return a list of jointlists if necessary
            if (kv.Value.parent == null)
                // find the top most node and add a joint list to it
                if (robot == null)
                    robot = kv.Value.transform.gameObject.AddComponent <URDFRobot>();
                    kv.Value.transform.parent        = robot.transform;
                    kv.Value.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                    kv.Value.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                robot.links  = urdfLinks;
                robot.joints = urdfJoints;


Exemplo n.º 2
    public static URDFRobot Parse(string urdfContent, Dictionary <string, string> packages, Options options = new Options())
        if (options.loadMeshCb == null)
            options.loadMeshCb = LoadMesh;

        // Parse the XML doc
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


        // Store the information about the link and the objects indexed by link name
        Dictionary <string, XmlNode> xmlLinks  = new Dictionary <string, XmlNode>();
        Dictionary <string, XmlNode> xmlJoints = new Dictionary <string, XmlNode>();

        // Indexed by joint name
        Dictionary <string, URDFJoint> urdfJoints    = new Dictionary <string, URDFJoint>();
        Dictionary <string, URDFLink>  urdfLinks     = new Dictionary <string, URDFLink>();
        Dictionary <string, Material>  urdfMaterials = new Dictionary <string, Material>();

        // Indexed by joint name
        Dictionary <string, string> parentNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        // First node is the <robot> node
        XmlNode robotNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(doc, "robot");
        string  robotName = robotNode.Attributes["name"].Value;

        XmlNode[] xmlLinksArray     = GetXmlNodeChildrenByName(robotNode, "link");
        XmlNode[] xmlJointsArray    = GetXmlNodeChildrenByName(robotNode, "joint");
        XmlNode[] xmlMaterialsArray = GetXmlNodeChildrenByName(robotNode, "material", true);

        foreach (XmlNode materialNode in xmlMaterialsArray)
            if (materialNode.Attributes["name"] != null)
                string materialName = materialNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                if (!urdfMaterials.ContainsKey(materialName))
                    Material material  = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));
                    Color    color     = Color.white;
                    XmlNode  colorNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(materialNode, "color");
                    if (colorNode != null)
                        color = TupleToColor(colorNode.Attributes["rgba"].Value);
                    material.color = color;
                    urdfMaterials.Add(materialName, material);

        // Cycle through the links and instantiate the geometry
        foreach (XmlNode linkNode in xmlLinksArray)
            // Store the XML node for the link
            string linkName = linkNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
            xmlLinks.Add(linkName, linkNode);

            // create the link gameobject
            GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(linkName);
            URDFLink   urdfLink   = new URDFLink();
            urdfLink.name      = linkName;
            urdfLink.transform = gameObject.transform;
            urdfLinks.Add(linkName, urdfLink);

            // Get the geometry node and skip it if there isn't one
            XmlNode[]         visualNodesArray = GetXmlNodeChildrenByName(linkNode, "visual");
            List <GameObject> renderers        = new List <GameObject>();
            urdfLink.geometry = renderers;

            // Iterate over all the visual nodes
            foreach (XmlNode xmlVisual in visualNodesArray)
                XmlNode geomNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(xmlVisual, "geometry");
                if (geomNode == null)

                Material material     = null;
                XmlNode  materialNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(xmlVisual, "material");
                if (materialNode != null)
                    if (materialNode.Attributes["name"] != null)
                        string materialName = materialNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                        material = urdfMaterials[materialName];
                        Color   color     = Color.white;
                        XmlNode colorNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(materialNode, "color");
                        if (colorNode != null)
                            color = TupleToColor(colorNode.Attributes["rgba"].Value);

                        material       = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));
                        material.color = color;

                        // TODO: Load the textures
                        // XmlNode texNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(materialNode, "texture");
                        // if (texNode != null) { }

                // Get the mesh and the origin nodes
                XmlNode originNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(xmlVisual, "origin");

                // Extract the position and rotation of the mesh
                Vector3 position = Vector3.zero;
                if (originNode != null && originNode.Attributes["xyz"] != null)
                    position = TupleToVector3(originNode.Attributes["xyz"].Value);
                position = URDFToUnityPos(position);

                Vector3 rotation = Vector3.zero;
                if (originNode != null && originNode.Attributes["rpy"] != null)
                    rotation = TupleToVector3(originNode.Attributes["rpy"].Value);
                rotation = URDFToUnityRot(rotation);

                XmlNode meshNode =
                    GetXmlNodeChildByName(geomNode, "mesh") ??
                    GetXmlNodeChildByName(geomNode, "box") ??
                    GetXmlNodeChildByName(geomNode, "sphere") ??
                    GetXmlNodeChildByName(geomNode, "cylinder");

                try {
                    if (meshNode.Name == "mesh")
                        // Extract the mesh path
                        string fileName = ResolveMeshPath(meshNode.Attributes["filename"].Value, packages, options.workingPath);

                        // Extract the scale from the mesh node
                        Vector3 scale = Vector3.one;
                        if (meshNode.Attributes["scale"] != null)
                            scale = TupleToVector3(meshNode.Attributes["scale"].Value);
                        scale = URDFToUnityScale(scale);

                        // load all meshes
                        string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower().Replace(".", "");
                        options.loadMeshCb(fileName, extension, models => {
                            // create the rest of the meshes and child them to the click target
                            for (int i = 0; i < models.Length; i++)
                                GameObject modelGameObject = models[i];
                                Transform meshTransform    = modelGameObject.transform;

                                // Capture the original local transforms before parenting in case the loader or model came in
                                // with existing pose information and then apply our transform on top of it.
                                Vector3 originalLocalPosition    = meshTransform.localPosition;
                                Quaternion originalLocalRotation = meshTransform.localRotation;
                                Vector3 originalLocalScale       = meshTransform.localScale;
                                Vector3 transformedScale         = originalLocalScale;
                                transformedScale.x *= scale.x;
                                transformedScale.y *= scale.y;
                                transformedScale.z *= scale.z;

                                meshTransform.parent        = urdfLink.transform;
                                meshTransform.localPosition = originalLocalPosition + position;
                                meshTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation) * originalLocalRotation;
                                meshTransform.localScale    = transformedScale;

                                modelGameObject.name = urdfLink.name + " geometry " + i;

                                // allows the urdf parser to be called from editor scripts outside of runtime without throwing errors
                                // TODO: traverse over the children and do this
                                if (Application.isPlaying)
                                    Destroy(meshTransform.GetComponent <Collider>());
                                    Destroy(meshTransform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
                                    DestroyImmediate(meshTransform.GetComponent <Collider>());
                                    DestroyImmediate(meshTransform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
                        // Instantiate the primitive geometry
                        XmlNode    primitiveNode       = meshNode;
                        GameObject primitiveGameObject = null;
                        Transform  primitiveTransform  = null;
                        switch (primitiveNode.Name)
                        case "box": {
                            primitiveGameObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                            primitiveTransform  = primitiveGameObject.transform;

                            Vector3 boxScale = TupleToVector3(primitiveNode.Attributes["size"].Value);
                            boxScale = URDFToUnityPos(boxScale);
                            primitiveTransform.localScale = boxScale;

                        case "sphere": {
                            primitiveGameObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                            primitiveTransform  = primitiveGameObject.transform;

                            float sphereRadius = float.Parse(primitiveNode.Attributes["radius"].Value);
                            primitiveTransform.localScale = Vector3.one * sphereRadius * 2;

                        case "cylinder": {
                            primitiveGameObject = new GameObject();
                            primitiveTransform  = primitiveGameObject.transform;

                            GameObject cylinderPrimitive = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
                            cylinderPrimitive.transform.parent = primitiveTransform;

                            float length = float.Parse(primitiveNode.Attributes["length"].Value);
                            float radius = float.Parse(primitiveNode.Attributes["radius"].Value);
                            primitiveTransform.localScale = new Vector3(radius * 2, length / 2, radius * 2);

                        // Position the transform
                        primitiveTransform.parent        = urdfLink.transform;
                        primitiveTransform.localPosition = position;
                        primitiveTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);
                        primitiveGameObject.name         = urdfLink.name + " geometry " + primitiveNode.Name;

                        Renderer primitiveRenderer = primitiveGameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        if (primitiveRenderer == null)
                            primitiveRenderer = primitiveGameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();

                        if (material != null)
                            primitiveRenderer.material = material;

                        // Dispose of unneeded components
                        if (Application.isPlaying)
                            Destroy(primitiveRenderer.GetComponent <Collider>());
                            Destroy(primitiveRenderer.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
                            DestroyImmediate(primitiveRenderer.GetComponent <Collider>());
                            DestroyImmediate(primitiveRenderer.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Debug.LogError("Error loading model for " + urdfLink.name + " : " + e.Message);

        // Cycle through the joint nodes
        foreach (XmlNode jointNode in xmlJointsArray)
            string jointName = jointNode.Attributes["name"].Value;

            // store the joints indexed by child name so we can find it later
            // to properly indicate the parents in the joint list
            xmlJoints.Add(jointName, jointNode);

            // Get the links by name
            XmlNode  parentNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(jointNode, "parent");
            XmlNode  childNode  = GetXmlNodeChildByName(jointNode, "child");
            string   parentName = parentNode.Attributes["link"].Value;
            string   childName  = childNode.Attributes["link"].Value;
            URDFLink parentLink = urdfLinks[parentName];
            URDFLink childLink  = urdfLinks[childName];

            // Create the joint
            GameObject jointGameObject = new GameObject(jointName);
            URDFJoint  urdfJoint       = new URDFJoint();
            urdfJoint.name       = jointName;
            urdfJoint.parentLink = parentLink;
            urdfJoint.transform  = jointGameObject.transform;
            urdfJoint.type       = jointNode.Attributes["type"].Value;

            // Set the tree hierarchy
            // Parent the joint to its parent link
            urdfJoint.parentLink       = parentLink;
            urdfJoint.transform.parent = parentLink.transform;

            // Parent the child link to this joint
            urdfJoint.childLink        = childLink;
            childLink.transform.parent = urdfJoint.transform;
            childLink.parent           = urdfJoint;

            childLink.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            childLink.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // Position the origin if it's specified
            XmlNode transformNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(jointNode, "origin");
            Vector3 position      = Vector3.zero;
            if (transformNode != null && transformNode.Attributes["xyz"] != null)
                position = TupleToVector3(transformNode.Attributes["xyz"].Value);
            position = URDFToUnityPos(position);

            Vector3 rotation = Vector3.zero;
            if (transformNode != null && transformNode.Attributes["rpy"] != null)
                rotation = TupleToVector3(transformNode.Attributes["rpy"].Value);
            rotation = URDFToUnityRot(rotation);

            // parent the joint and name it
            urdfJoint.transform.localPosition = position;
            urdfJoint.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);
            urdfJoint.originalRotation        = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);

            XmlNode axisNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(jointNode, "axis");
            if (axisNode != null)
                Vector3 axis = TupleToVector3(axisNode.Attributes["xyz"].Value);
                axis = URDFToUnityPos(axis);
                urdfJoint.axis = axis;

            XmlNode limitNode = GetXmlNodeChildByName(jointNode, "limit");
            if (limitNode != null)
                // Use double.parse to handle particularly large values.
                if (limitNode.Attributes["lower"] != null)
                    urdfJoint.minAngle = (float)double.Parse(limitNode.Attributes["lower"].Value);

                if (limitNode.Attributes["upper"] != null)
                    urdfJoint.maxAngle = (float)double.Parse(limitNode.Attributes["upper"].Value);

            // save the URDF joint
            urdfJoints.Add(urdfJoint.name, urdfJoint);

        // loop through all the transforms until we find the one that has no parent
        URDFRobot robot = options.target;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, URDFLink> kv in urdfLinks)
            if (kv.Value.parent == null)
                // find the top most node and add a joint list to it
                if (robot == null)
                    robot = kv.Value.transform.gameObject.AddComponent <URDFRobot>();
                    kv.Value.transform.parent        = robot.transform;
                    kv.Value.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                    kv.Value.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                robot.links  = urdfLinks;
                robot.joints = urdfJoints;

        robot.name = robotName;
