void ApplyCustomTheme(AutocompleteViewController autocompleteViewController)
            // WhiteOnBlack Theme
            var backgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(.25f, 1);
            var selectedTableCellBackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(.35f, 1);
            var primaryTextColor   = UIColor.White;
            var highlightColor     = UIColor.FromRGBA(.75f, 1, .75f, 1);
            var secondaryColor     = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(1, .5f);
            var tintColor          = UIColor.White;
            var searchBarTintColor = tintColor;
            var separatorColor     = UIColor.FromRGBA(.5f, .75f, .5f, .3f);

            // BlueColors Theme
            if (ColorTheme == ColorTheme.BlueColors)
                backgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(225f / 255f, 241f / 255f, 252f / 255f, 1);
                selectedTableCellBackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(213f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 230f / 255f, 1);
                primaryTextColor   = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(.5f, 1);
                highlightColor     = UIColor.FromRGBA(76f / 255f, 175f / 255f, 248f / 255f, 1);
                secondaryColor     = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(.5f, .65f);
                tintColor          = UIColor.FromRGBA(0, 142f / 255f, 248f / 255f, 1);
                searchBarTintColor = tintColor;
                separatorColor     = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(.5f, .65f);

            var placeHolderColor = searchBarTintColor.ColorWithAlpha(searchBarTintColor.CGColor.Alpha * .75f);

            // Use UIAppearance proxies to change the appearance of UI controls in
            // GMSAutocompleteViewController. Here we use appearanceWhenContainedIn
            // to localise changes to just this part of the Demo app. This will
            // generally not be necessary in a real application as you will probably
            // want the same theme to apply to all elements in your app.
            .Color = primaryTextColor;
            .BackgroundColor = selectedTableCellBackgroundColor;

            autocompleteViewController.TableCellBackgroundColor  = backgroundColor;
            autocompleteViewController.TableCellSeparatorColor   = separatorColor;
            autocompleteViewController.PrimaryTextColor          = primaryTextColor;
            autocompleteViewController.PrimaryTextHighlightColor = highlightColor;
            autocompleteViewController.SecondaryTextColor        = secondaryColor;
            autocompleteViewController.TintColor = tintColor;