Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Update()
                if (thumbnailsToGenerate.Count > 0)
                    List <PrefabInfo> prefabs;
                    lock (thumbnailsToGenerate)
                        prefabs = new List <PrefabInfo>(thumbnailsToGenerate.Keys);

                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (PrefabInfo prefab in prefabs)
                        string name         = Asset.GetName(prefab);
                        string baseIconName = prefab.m_Thumbnail;
                        if (!ImageUtils.CreateThumbnailAtlas(name, prefab) && !baseIconName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                            prefab.m_Thumbnail = baseIconName;
                        UIButton button = thumbnailsToGenerate[prefab];
                        if (button != null)
                            button.atlas = prefab.m_Atlas;

                            button.normalFgSprite   = prefab.m_Thumbnail;
                            button.hoveredFgSprite  = prefab.m_Thumbnail + "Hovered";
                            button.pressedFgSprite  = prefab.m_Thumbnail + "Pressed";
                            button.disabledFgSprite = prefab.m_Thumbnail + "Disabled";
                            button.focusedFgSprite  = null;

                        lock (thumbnailsToGenerate)

                        // Generate 1 thumbnail max
                        if (count > 1)

            catch (Exception e)
                DebugUtils.Log("Update failed");
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the Ploppable Tool panel.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawPloppablePanel()
            // Check to make sure that we haven't already done this.
            if (PloppableButton == null)
                // Set state flag; this is a new setup.
                hasShown = false;

                // Main button on ingame toolbar.
                PloppableButton                  = UIView.GetAView().FindUIComponent <UITabstrip>("MainToolstrip").AddUIComponent <UIButton>();
                PloppableButton.size             = new Vector2(43, 49);
                PloppableButton.normalBgSprite   = "ToolbarIconGroup6Normal";
                PloppableButton.normalFgSprite   = "IconPolicyBigBusiness";
                PloppableButton.focusedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Focused";
                PloppableButton.hoveredBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Hovered";
                PloppableButton.pressedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Pressed";
                PloppableButton.disabledBgSprite = "ToolbarIconGroup6Disabled";
                PloppableButton.relativePosition = new Vector2(800, 0);
                PloppableButton.name             = "PloppableButton";

                // Event handler - show the Ploppable Tool panel when the button is clicked.
                PloppableButton.eventClick += (component, clickEvent) =>
                    buildingPanel.isVisible = true;

                // Base panel.
                buildingPanel = UIView.GetAView().FindUIComponent("TSContainer").AddUIComponent <UIPanel>();
                buildingPanel.backgroundSprite = "SubcategoriesPanel";
                buildingPanel.isVisible        = false;
                buildingPanel.name             = "PloppableBuildingPanel";
                buildingPanel.size             = new Vector2(859, 109);
                buildingPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(0, 0);

                // Tabstrip.
                Tabs                  = UIView.GetAView().FindUIComponent("PloppableBuildingPanel").AddUIComponent <UITabstrip>();
                Tabs.size             = new Vector2(832, 25);
                Tabs.relativePosition = new Vector2(13, -25);
                Tabs.pivot            = UIPivotPoint.BottomCenter;
                Tabs.padding          = new RectOffset(0, 3, 0, 0);

                // Get game sprite thumbnail atlas.
                UITextureAtlas gameIconAtlas = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <UITextureAtlas>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.name == "Thumbnails");

                // Scroll panel.

                // Tabs.
                for (int i = 0; i <= NumTypes; i++)
                    // Draw tabs in tabstrip.
                    TabButtons[i]                  = new UIButton();
                    TabButtons[i]                  = Tabs.AddUIComponent <UIButton>();
                    TabButtons[i].size             = new Vector2(46, 25);
                    TabButtons[i].normalBgSprite   = "SubBarButtonBase";
                    TabButtons[i].disabledBgSprite = "SubBarButtonBaseDisabled";
                    TabButtons[i].pressedBgSprite  = "SubBarButtonBasePressed";
                    TabButtons[i].hoveredBgSprite  = "SubBarButtonBaseHovered";
                    TabButtons[i].focusedBgSprite  = "SubBarButtonBaseFocused";
                    TabButtons[i].state            = UIButton.ButtonState.Normal;
                    TabButtons[i].name             = Names[i] + "Button";
                    TabButtons[i].tabStrip         = true;

                    TabSprites[i] = new UISprite();
                    TabSprites[i] = TabButtons[i].AddUIComponent <UISprite>();

                    // Standard "Vanilla" categories (low and high residential, low and high commercial, and offices) - use standard zoning icons from original vanilla release.
                    if (i <= 5)
                        TabSprites[i].atlas = gameIconAtlas;
                        SetTabSprite(TabSprites[i], "Zoning" + Names[i]);
                        // Other types don't have standard zoning icons; use policy icons instead.
                        SetTabSprite(TabSprites[i], "IconPolicy" + Names[i]);

                // This can't happen in a loop, because the loop index is undefined after setup has occured (i.e. when the function is actually called).
                TabButtons[0].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(0, TabSprites[0]);
                TabButtons[1].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(1, TabSprites[1]);
                TabButtons[2].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(2, TabSprites[2]);
                TabButtons[3].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(3, TabSprites[3]);
                TabButtons[4].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(4, TabSprites[4]);
                TabButtons[5].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(5, TabSprites[5]);
                TabButtons[6].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(6, TabSprites[6]);
                TabButtons[7].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(7, TabSprites[7]);
                TabButtons[8].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(8, TabSprites[8]);
                TabButtons[9].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(9, TabSprites[9]);
                // Below are DLC categories - AD for first two, then GC for next 3.  Will be hidden if relevant DLC is not installed.
                TabButtons[10].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(10, TabSprites[10]);
                TabButtons[11].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(11, TabSprites[11]);
                TabButtons[12].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(12, TabSprites[12]);
                TabButtons[13].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(13, TabSprites[13]);
                TabButtons[14].eventClick += (component, clickEvent) => TabClicked(14, TabSprites[14]);

                // Activate low residential panel to start with (what the user sees on first opening the panel).
                //BuildingPanels[0].isVisible = true;

                // Hide AD tabs if AD is not installed.
                if (!Util.IsADinstalled())
                    TabButtons[10].isVisible = false;
                    TabButtons[11].isVisible = false;

                // Hide GC tabs if GC is not installed.
                if (!Util.IsGCinstalled())
                    TabButtons[12].isVisible = false;
                    TabButtons[13].isVisible = false;
                    TabButtons[14].isVisible = false;

                // Settings tab.
                showSettings                = UIUtils.CreateButton(Tabs);
                showSettings.size           = new Vector2(100, 25);
                showSettings.normalBgSprite = "SubBarButtonBase";
                showSettings.eventClick    += (component, clickEvent) =>

                // Add UI text.

                // Toggle active state on visibility changed if we're using the UI speed boost (deactivating when hidden to minimise UI workload and impact on performance).
                buildingPanel.eventVisibilityChanged += (component, isVisible) =>
                    // Additional check to allow for the case where speedboost has been deactivated mid-game while the panel was deactivated.
                    if ((ModSettings.speedBoost) || (isVisible && !buildingPanel.gameObject.activeSelf))

                    // Other checks.
                    if (isVisible)
                        // If this is the first time we're visible, set the display to the initial default tab (low residential).
                        if (!hasShown)
                            // Set initial default tab.
                            TabClicked(0, _instance.TabSprites[0]);

                            // Done!
                            hasShown = true;
                            // Clear previous selection and refresh panel.
                            scrollPanel.selectedItem = null;
                        // Destroy thumbnail renderer if we're no longer visible.
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Start()
                GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("FindItMainButton");
                if (gameObject != null)

                isRicoEnabled     = IsRicoEnabled();
                isPOEnabled       = IsPOEnabled();
                isTVPPatchEnabled = IsTVPPatchEnabled();

                if (isPOEnabled)
                    POTool = new ProceduralObjectsTool();

                list = AssetTagList.instance;

                UITabstrip tabstrip = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.component as UITabstrip;

                m_defaultXPos = tabstrip.relativePosition.x;

                GameObject asGameObject  = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject("MainToolbarButtonTemplate");
                GameObject asGameObject2 = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject("ScrollableSubPanelTemplate");

                mainButton       = tabstrip.AddTab("FindItMainButton", asGameObject, asGameObject2, new Type[] { typeof(UIGroupPanel) }) as UIButton;
                mainButton.atlas = atlas;

                mainButton.normalBgSprite   = "ToolbarIconGroup6Normal";
                mainButton.focusedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Focused";
                mainButton.hoveredBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Hovered";
                mainButton.pressedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6ressed";
                mainButton.disabledBgSprite = "ToolbarIconGroup6Disabled";

                mainButton.normalFgSprite   = "FindIt";
                mainButton.focusedFgSprite  = "FindItFocused";
                mainButton.hoveredFgSprite  = "FindItHovered";
                mainButton.pressedFgSprite  = "FindItPressed";
                mainButton.disabledFgSprite = "FindItDisabled";

                mainButton.tooltip = "Find It! " + (ModInfo.isBeta ? "[BETA] " : "") + ModInfo.version;

                Locale     locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(LocaleManager.instance);
                Locale.Key key    = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                    m_Key        = mainButton.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Find It! " + ModInfo.version);
                key = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                    m_Key        = mainButton.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Thanks for subscribing to Find It! 2.\n\nStart typing some keywords into the input field to find the desired asset.\n\nCheck the workshop page occasionally for new features or bug reports.");

                FieldInfo m_ObjectIndex = typeof(MainToolbar).GetField("m_ObjectIndex", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                m_ObjectIndex.SetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar, (int)m_ObjectIndex.GetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar) + 1);

                mainButton.gameObject.GetComponent <TutorialUITag>().tutorialTag = name;
                m_groupPanel = tabstrip.GetComponentInContainer(mainButton, typeof(UIGroupPanel)) as UIGroupPanel;

                if (m_groupPanel != null)
                    m_groupPanel.name    = "FindItGroupPanel";
                    m_groupPanel.enabled = true;
                    m_groupPanel.component.isInteractive   = true;
                    m_groupPanel.m_OptionsBar              = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.m_OptionsBar;
                    m_groupPanel.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas;
                    if (ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.enabled)

                    scrollPanel = UIScrollPanel.Create(m_groupPanel.GetComponentInChildren <UIScrollablePanel>());
                    scrollPanel.eventClicked           += OnButtonClicked;
                    scrollPanel.eventVisibilityChanged += (c, p) =>

                        if (p && scrollPanel.selectedItem != null)
                            // Simulate item click
                            UIScrollPanelItem.ItemData item = scrollPanel.selectedItem;

                            UIScrollPanelItem panelItem = scrollPanel.GetItem(0);
                            panelItem.Display(scrollPanel.selectedItem, 0);

                            scrollPanel.selectedItem = item;


                    scrollPanel.eventTooltipEnter += (c, p) =>

                    searchBox                  = scrollPanel.parent.AddUIComponent <UISearchBox>();
                    searchBox.scrollPanel      = scrollPanel;
                    searchBox.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
                    Debugging.Message("GroupPanel not found");

                m_roadsPanel          = FindObjectOfType <RoadsPanel>();
                m_beautificationPanel = FindObjectOfType <BeautificationPanel>();

                defaultPanel                 = GameObject.Find("FindItDefaultPanel").GetComponent <UIPanel>();
                defaultPanelAtlas            = defaultPanel.atlas;
                defaultPanelBackgroundSprite = defaultPanel.backgroundSprite;

            catch (Exception e)
                Debugging.Message("Start failed");
                enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Start()
                isRicoEnabled = IsRicoEnabled();

                GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("FindItMainButton");
                if (gameObject != null)

                list = AssetTagList.instance;

                UITabstrip tabstrip = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.component as UITabstrip;

                // TODO: temporary

                /*tabstrip.eventComponentAdded += (c, p) =>
                 * {
                 *  foreach (UIComponent tab in tabstrip.tabPages.components)
                 *  {
                 *      DebugUtils.Log(tab.name);
                 *      if(tab.name == "LandscapingPanel")
                 *      {
                 *          tab.components[0].relativePosition = new Vector3(0, -134);
                 *          tab.components[1].relativePosition = new Vector3(0, -109);
                 *          tab.components[1].height = 218;
                 *          foreach(UIScrollablePanel panel in tab.components[1].GetComponentsInChildren<UIScrollablePanel>())
                 *          {
                 *              panel.autoLayoutStart = LayoutStart.TopLeft;
                 *              panel.scrollWheelDirection = UIOrientation.Vertical;
                 *              panel.scrollWheelAmount = 104;
                 *              panel.wrapLayout = true;
                 *              panel.width = 764;
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * };*/

                m_defaultXPos = tabstrip.relativePosition.x;

                GameObject asGameObject  = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject("MainToolbarButtonTemplate");
                GameObject asGameObject2 = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject("ScrollableSubPanelTemplate");

                mainButton       = tabstrip.AddTab("FindItMainButton", asGameObject, asGameObject2, new Type[] { typeof(UIGroupPanel) }) as UIButton;
                mainButton.atlas = atlas;

                Locale     locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(LocaleManager.instance);
                Locale.Key key    = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                    m_Key        = mainButton.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Find It! " + ModInfo.version);
                key = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                    m_Key        = mainButton.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Thanks for subscribing to Find It!\n\nStart typing some keywords into the input field to find the desired asset.\n\nIf you like the mod please consider leaving a rating on the steam workshop.");

                FieldInfo m_ObjectIndex = typeof(MainToolbar).GetField("m_ObjectIndex", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                m_ObjectIndex.SetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar, (int)m_ObjectIndex.GetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar) + 1);

                mainButton.gameObject.GetComponent <TutorialUITag>().tutorialTag = name;
                m_groupPanel = tabstrip.GetComponentInContainer(mainButton, typeof(UIGroupPanel)) as UIGroupPanel;

                if (m_groupPanel != null)
                    m_groupPanel.name    = "FindItGroupPanel";
                    m_groupPanel.enabled = true;
                    m_groupPanel.component.isInteractive   = true;
                    m_groupPanel.m_OptionsBar              = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.m_OptionsBar;
                    m_groupPanel.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas;
                    if (ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.enabled)

                    scrollPanel = UIScrollPanel.Create(m_groupPanel.GetComponentInChildren <UIScrollablePanel>());
                    scrollPanel.eventClicked           += OnButtonClicked;
                    scrollPanel.eventVisibilityChanged += (c, p) =>

                        if (p && scrollPanel.selectedItem != null)
                            // Simulate item click
                            UIScrollPanelItem.ItemData item = scrollPanel.selectedItem;

                            UIScrollPanelItem panelItem = scrollPanel.GetItem(0);
                            panelItem.Display(scrollPanel.selectedItem, 0);

                            scrollPanel.selectedItem = item;


                    scrollPanel.eventTooltipEnter += (c, p) =>

                    searchBox                  = scrollPanel.parent.AddUIComponent <UISearchBox>();
                    searchBox.scrollPanel      = scrollPanel;
                    searchBox.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
                    DebugUtils.Warning("GroupPanel not found");

                mainButton.normalBgSprite   = "ToolbarIconGroup6Normal";
                mainButton.focusedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Focused";
                mainButton.hoveredBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Hovered";
                mainButton.pressedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6ressed";
                mainButton.disabledBgSprite = "ToolbarIconGroup6Disabled";

                mainButton.normalFgSprite   = "FindIt";
                mainButton.focusedFgSprite  = "FindItFocused";
                mainButton.hoveredFgSprite  = "FindItHovered";
                mainButton.pressedFgSprite  = "FindItPressed";
                mainButton.disabledFgSprite = "FindItDisabled";

                mainButton.tooltip = "Find It! " + ModInfo.version;

                m_beautificationPanel = FindObjectOfType <BeautificationPanel>();

            catch (Exception e)
                DebugUtils.Log("Start failed");
                enabled = false;