Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnLoadComplete()
            _UITopbar = new ObjectUI(0, 0, 0, 90, new DrawUIFrame(Color.Wheat, Color.DarkSlateBlue, 1, 0));

            _UIInfo        = new ObjectUIPlayerInfo(DirectionType.TopLeft, 5, 5, MoveNull.Value);
            _UIInfo.Click += (x, e) => { PlayerInfoShow(); };

            _UISceneChoice              = new ObjectUISceneChoice(0, 90, Width, Height - _UITopbar.Layout.Height);
            _UISceneChoice.SceneChoice += (x, i, l) =>
                GlobalScenes.ChoiceScene = i;
                GlobalScenes.ChoiceLevel = l;
                OnGoScene(new SceneSkill());
            _UISceneChoice.SceneHightScoreClick += (x, i, l) =>
            _UISceneChoice.Mode = GlobalScenes.ChoiceScene == null ? 0 : 1;


            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GlobalPlayer.PlayerName))
Exemplo n.º 2
        public SceneGaming()
            SceneTimeFix        = 1.4F;
            MenuCooldownCounter = new CounterObject(Sec(2));
            EndDelay            = new CounterObject(Global.DefaultEndDelayLimit);
            IntervalOfWave      = Global.DefaultIntervalOfWave;
            WaveNo     = new CounterObject(0);
            Waves      = new List <WaveLine>();
            WaveEvents = new Dictionary <string, WaveEventHandle>();

            _UIPlayName   = new ObjectUI(75, 20, 150, 25, new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, 0, GlobalPlayer.PlayerName, new Font("微軟正黑體", 11), GlobalFormat.MiddleLeft));
            _UIEnergyBar  = new ObjectUI(80, 45, 150, 15, new DrawUICounterBar(GlobalColors.EnergyBar, Color.Black, Color.AliceBlue, 2, false));
            _UISkillIcon1 = new ObjectUI(250, 10, 50, 50, _DrawSkill1);
            _UISkillIcon2 = new ObjectUI(320, 10, 50, 50, _DrawSkill2);

            Skill1 = GlobalScenes.ChoiceSkill1;
            Skill2 = GlobalScenes.ChoiceSkill2;

            GameObjects.ObjectDead += OnObjectDead;
            ShowMenu = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a GameObject reference to the Objects dictionary
 /// If a CollidableObject is passed, it is also added to the CollidableObjects List
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">GameObject name</param>
 /// <param name="g">GameObject reference</param>
 public static void Add(string name, GameObject g)
     Objects.Add(name, g);
     if (g is CollidableObject)
         CollidableObject c = (CollidableObject)g;
     else if (g is Background)
         Background b = (Background)g;
     else if (g is UIObject)
         UIObject ui = (UIObject)g;
     else if (g is SFXWrapper)
         SFXWrapper wrap = (SFXWrapper)g;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void HightScoreShow(ISceneInfo sceneInfo)
            if (_UIHightScore != null)

            LockScene(Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0), 3);
            _UIHightScore        = new ObjectUIHighScore(DirectionType.Center, 5, 5, MoveNull.Value, sceneInfo);
            _UIHightScore.Close += (x, e) =>
            _UIHightScore.Layout.X = Width / 2;
            _UIHightScore.Layout.Y = Height / 2;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void PlayerInfoShow()
            if (_UIPlayerNameSetting != null)

            LockScene(Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 0, 0), 3);
            _UIPlayerNameSetting        = new ObjectUINameSetting(DirectionType.Center, 5, 5, new MoveStraight(null, 1, 800, 1, 100, 1F));
            _UIPlayerNameSetting.Close += (x, e) =>
            _UIPlayerNameSetting.Layout.X = Width / 2;
            _UIPlayerNameSetting.Layout.Y = Height / 2 - 100;
            _UIPlayerNameSetting.MoveObject.Target.SetObject(new PointObject(_UIPlayerNameSetting.Layout.X, Height / 2));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public SceneSkill()

            _Skills = new SkillBase[]
                new SkillSprint(3000, Sec(0.7F), 0, 6000, true),
                new SkillShield(1, 6000, 0, Sec(2F), Sec(3F)),
                new SkillShockwave(6000, 0, Sec(1.5F), Sec(2.5F), Sec(0.1F), 4000, 300),
                new SkillBulletTime(2000, 9000, -1, Sec(3), 1),
                new SkillBait(6000, Sec(2F), Sec(2F), 400),
                new SkillShotgun(5, 1, 60, 5000, Sec(1F))
                //new SkillSleep(3000,Sec(0.5F),Sec(0.5F))

            if (DeveloperOptions.Player_NoCast)
                foreach (SkillBase skill in _Skills)
                    skill.CostEnergy       = 0;
                    skill.CostEnergyPerSec = 0;

            if (DeveloperOptions.Player_NoCooldown)
                foreach (SkillBase skill in _Skills)
                    skill.Cooldown.Limit = 0;

            int len = _Skills.Length;

            _UISkillIcons = new ObjectUI[len];
            _UISkillInfos = new ObjectUI[len];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                int              left      = i % 2 * 270 + 30;
                int              top       = i / 2 * 100 + 120;
                DrawBase         skillDraw = _Skills[i].GetDrawObject(Color.FromArgb(120, 60, 0));
                DrawUISkillFrame drawFrame = new DrawUISkillFrame(Color.White, Color.FromArgb(210, 180, 50), 2, 10, SkillKeyType.None, skillDraw)
                    StaticMode = true
                _UISkillIcons[i]           = new ObjectUI(left, top, 75, 75, drawFrame);
                _UISkillIcons[i].GetFocus += (s, e) =>
                    (s as ObjectUI).DrawObject.Colors.SetColor("Border", Color.Chocolate);
                    (s as ObjectUI).DrawObject.Scale = 1.1F;
                _UISkillIcons[i].LostFocus += (s, e) =>
                    (s as ObjectUI).DrawObject.Colors.SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(210, 180, 50));
                    (s as ObjectUI).DrawObject.Scale = 1F;
                _UISkillIcons[i].Click += IconClick;

                DrawBase infoDraw = _Skills[i].GetInfoObject(Color.Chocolate, Color.Cornsilk, Color.FromArgb(180, 210, 180, 50));
                _UISkillInfos[i] = new ObjectUI(left + 85, top + 6, 170, 75, infoDraw);

                _UISkillIcons[i].Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(4, 6, 1, 1, 0.2F)
                    RFix = -0.3F, GFix = -0.3F, BFix = -0.3F

                if (GlobalScenes.ChoiceSkill1 != null && _Skills[i].ID == GlobalScenes.ChoiceSkill1.ID)
                    Skill1 = drawFrame;
                    drawFrame.DrawButton = SkillKeyType.MouseButtonLeft;
                else if (GlobalScenes.ChoiceSkill2 != null && _Skills[i].ID == GlobalScenes.ChoiceSkill2.ID)
                    Skill2 = drawFrame;
                    drawFrame.DrawButton = SkillKeyType.MouseButtonRight;


            DrawUIText drawCommandOK          = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 255), Color.Black, 2, 10, "繼續", Global.CommandFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            DrawUIText drawCommandCancel      = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 255), Color.Black, 2, 10, "返回", Global.CommandFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            DrawUIText drawCommandOKHover     = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 220), Color.Black, 2, 10, "繼續", Global.CommandFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            DrawUIText drawCommandCancelHover = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 220), Color.Black, 2, 10, "返回", Global.CommandFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);

            _UICommandOK                     = new ObjectUI(0, 0, 150, 50, drawCommandOK);
            _UICommandCancel                 = new ObjectUI(0, 0, 150, 50, drawCommandCancel);
            _UICommandOK.DrawObjectHover     = drawCommandOKHover;
            _UICommandCancel.DrawObjectHover = drawCommandCancelHover;
            _UICommandOK.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(-4, 4)
                RFix = 0, GFix = 0, BFix = 0
            _UICommandCancel.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(4, 4)
                RFix = 0, GFix = 0, BFix = 0


            _UICommandOK.Click += (x, e) =>
                GlobalScenes.ChoiceSkill1 = Skill1 == null ? null : (Skill1.DrawObjectInside as DrawSkillBase).BindingSkill;
                GlobalScenes.ChoiceSkill2 = Skill2 == null ? null : (Skill2.DrawObjectInside as DrawSkillBase).BindingSkill;
                SceneGaming scene = GlobalScenes.ChoiceScene.CreateScene(GlobalScenes.ChoiceLevel);

            _UICommandCancel.Click += (x, e) =>
                OnGoScene(new SceneMain()
Exemplo n.º 7
        public ObjectUISceneChoice(int x, int y, int width, int height)
            : base(x, y, width, height, new DrawBrush(Color.White, ShapeType.Rectangle))
            BackObjects = new ObjectCollection();

            var ScenesItems = GlobalScenes.Scenes.GetItems();
            int group1Idx   = 0;
            int group1Cot   = ScenesItems.Count;

            _UIScenes         = new ObjectUISceneInfo[group1Cot];
            _UIScenesLocation = new PointF[group1Cot];

            foreach (ISceneInfo sceneInfo in ScenesItems)
                _UIScenes[group1Idx] = new ObjectUISceneInfo(DirectionType.TopLeft, 0, 0, new MoveStraight(this, 1, 3000, 1, 100, 1F));
                _UIScenes[group1Idx].MoveObject.Target.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
                _UIScenes[group1Idx].MoveObject.Anchor        = DirectionType.TopLeft;
                _UIScenes[group1Idx].Layout.Depend.Anchor     = DirectionType.TopLeft;
                _UIScenes[group1Idx].BindingScene     = sceneInfo;
                _UIScenes[group1Idx].SceneChoice     += (s, i, l) => { OnSceneChoice(i, l); };
                _UIScenes[group1Idx].HightScoreClick += (s, i) => { OnSceneHightScoreClick(sceneInfo); };

            if (group1Cot > 0)
                int maxH = (int)((width - _PaddingX * 2 + _ItemPaddingX) / (_UIScenes[0].Layout.RectWidth + _ItemPaddingX)); // 橫向最多項目數

                int cotX = group1Cot > maxH ? maxH : group1Cot;                                                              // 橫向數量
                int cotY = (group1Cot - 1) / maxH + 1;                                                                       // 縱向數量

                float baseX = (width - (_UIScenes[0].Layout.RectWidth * cotX) - (_ItemPaddingX * (cotX - 1))) / 2;
                float baseY = _PaddingY + (height - (_UIScenes[0].Layout.RectWidth * cotY) - (_ItemPaddingY * (cotY - 1))) / 2;
                baseY = Math.Max(_ItemMinY, baseY);

                float originX = baseX;

                for (int i = 0; i < _UIScenes.Length; i++)
                    _UIScenesLocation[i]  = new PointF(baseX, baseY);
                    _UIScenes[i].Layout.X = baseX;
                    _UIScenes[i].Layout.Y = baseY + height;
                    _UIScenes[i].MoveObject.Target.SetOffsetByXY(baseX, baseY + height);

                    if (i > 0 && i - 1 % cotX == 0)
                        baseX  = originX;
                        baseY += _UIScenes[0].Layout.RectHeight + _ItemPaddingY;
                        baseX += _UIScenes[i].Layout.RectWidth + _ItemPaddingX;

            _DrawGroup1 = new DrawUIText(Color.DarkSlateBlue, Color.White, Color.AliceBlue, Color.DarkSlateBlue, 2, 12, "生存100秒", new Font("標楷體", 18, FontStyle.Bold), GlobalFormat.BottomCenter);
            _DrawGroup1.DrawObjectInside = new DrawSceneTypeA(Color.LightSteelBlue);
            _UIGroup1 = new ObjectUI(DirectionType.Center, -200, height / 2, 200, 200, _DrawGroup1, new MoveStraight(this, 1, 3000, 1, 100, 1F));
            _UIGroup1.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(3, 4));
            _UIGroup1.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            _UIGroup1.GetFocus += (s, e) =>
                _DrawGroup1.Colors.SetColor("Back", Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 220));
                _DrawGroup1.DrawObjectInside.Colors.SetColor("Player", Color.Black);
                _DrawGroup1.DrawObjectInside.Colors.SetColor("Ememy", Color.Red);

            _UIGroup1.LostFocus += (s, e) =>
                _DrawGroup1.Colors.SetColor("Back", Color.AliceBlue);
                _DrawGroup1.DrawObjectInside.Colors.SetColor("Player", Color.LightSteelBlue);
                _DrawGroup1.DrawObjectInside.Colors.SetColor("Ememy", Color.LightSteelBlue);

            _UIGroup1.Click += (s, e) =>
                Mode = 1;

            _DrawGroup2 = new DrawUIText(Color.DarkSlateBlue, Color.White, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.DarkSlateBlue, 2, 12, "", new Font("標楷體", 18), GlobalFormat.BottomCenter);
            _UIGroup2   = new ObjectUI(DirectionType.Center, width + 200, height / 2, 200, 200, _DrawGroup2, new MoveStraight(this, 1, 3000, 1, 100, 1F));
            _UIGroup2.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(-3, 4));
            _UIGroup2.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;

            _CommandBack = new ObjectUI(20, 20, 80, 40, new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.Gray, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 220), Color.Black, 1, 8, "返回", new Font("微軟正黑體", 18), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter));
            _CommandBack.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(5, 4)
                RFix = 0F, GFix = 0F, BFix = 0F
            _CommandBack.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            _CommandBack.Visible = false;
            _CommandBack.Click  += (s, e) =>
                Mode = 0;


            Mode = 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ObjectUIHighScore(DirectionType anchor, int x, int y, MoveBase moveObject, ISceneInfo sceneInfo)
            : base(anchor, x, y, 380, 390, new DrawUIFrame(Color.AliceBlue, Color.CornflowerBlue, 2, 20), moveObject)
            Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(0, 6, 0.95F, 1));

            DrawUIText drawCommandClose      = new DrawUIText(Color.RoyalBlue, Color.Gray, Color.FromArgb(175, 220, 230, 255), Color.FromArgb(100, 140, 255), 1, 10, "關 閉", new Font("微軟正黑體", 14), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            DrawUIText drawCommandCloseHover = new DrawUIText(Color.RoyalBlue, Color.Gray, Color.FromArgb(220, 255, 250, 235), Color.FromArgb(100, 140, 255), 1, 10, "關 閉", new Font("微軟正黑體", 14), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);

            _CommandClose = new ObjectUI(285, 10, 75, 30, drawCommandClose)
                DrawObjectHover = drawCommandCloseHover
            _CommandClose.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(2, 2)
                RFix = -0.5F, GFix = -0.5F, BFix = -0.5F, Opacity = 0.2F
            _CommandClose.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            _CommandClose.Click += (s, e) => { OnClose(); };

            if (sceneInfo == null)
            _SceneInfo = sceneInfo;
            int itemWidth  = 40;
            int itemHeight = 25;
            int left       = 15;
            int top        = 15;

            _SceneButtons = new ObjectUI[sceneInfo.MaxLevel];
            for (int i = 0; i < sceneInfo.MaxLevel; i++)
                int         idx        = i + 1;
                DrawUIFrame drawObject = new DrawUIFrame(Color.FromArgb(175, 255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(100, 140, 255), 1, 8)
                    Scale = 0.8F
                ObjectUI newObject = new ObjectUI(left, top, itemWidth, itemHeight, drawObject);
                newObject.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
                newObject.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(3, 3)
                    Opacity = 0.2F, ScaleX = 0.95F, ScaleY = 0.95F
                left += itemWidth;

                drawObject.AfterDraw += (s, g, r) =>
                    g.DrawString(idx.ToString(), _ItemFont, Brushes.RoyalBlue, r, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);

                newObject.GetFocus += (s, e) =>
                    (s as ObjectUI).DrawObject.Colors.SetColor("Border", Color.Red);
                    _HoverLevel = idx;

                newObject.LostFocus += (s, e) =>
                    (s as ObjectUI).DrawObject.Colors.SetColor("Border", Color.FromArgb(100, 140, 255));
                    _HoverLevel = 0;

                newObject.Click += (s, e) =>
                    SelectedIndex = _HoverLevel;

                _SceneButtons[i] = newObject;
            SelectedIndex = 1;

            DrawUIFrame drawPanel = new DrawUIFrame(Color.FromArgb(180, 220, 240, 250), Color.Empty, 0, 0);
            ObjectUI    panel     = new ObjectUI(10, 50, Layout.Width - 20, Layout.Height - 60, drawPanel);

            panel.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(-2, -2));
            panel.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.Left | DirectionType.Top;

            _DrawRects = new DrawUIText[3, 10];
            _DrawInfos = new string[3, 10];
            int rectLeft = 5, rectTop = 5;
            int rectHeight = 27;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                _DrawRects[0, i] = new DrawUIText(Color.RoyalBlue, Color.Empty, Color.AliceBlue, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "", _ItemFont2, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
                _DrawRects[1, i] = new DrawUIText(Color.RoyalBlue, Color.Empty, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "", _ItemFont2, GlobalFormat.MiddleLeft);
                _DrawRects[2, i] = new DrawUIText(Color.RoyalBlue, Color.Empty, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "", _ItemFont2, GlobalFormat.MiddleRight);

                ObjectUI object1 = new ObjectUI(rectLeft, rectTop, 35, rectHeight, _DrawRects[0, i]);
                ObjectUI object2 = new ObjectUI(rectLeft + 40, rectTop, 210, rectHeight, _DrawRects[1, i]);
                ObjectUI object3 = new ObjectUI(rectLeft + 255, rectTop, 90, rectHeight, _DrawRects[2, i]);

                object1.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(2, 2));
                object2.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(2, 2));
                object3.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(2, 2));
                object1.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.Left | DirectionType.Top;
                object2.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.Left | DirectionType.Top;
                object3.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.Left | DirectionType.Top;

                rectTop += rectHeight + 5;

            _DrawCommandMessage = new DrawUIText(Color.Red, Color.Gray, Color.LightYellow, Color.Black, 1, 0, "連線中...", new Font("微軟正黑體", 20), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            _CommandMessage     = new ObjectUI(DirectionType.Center, 0, 0, 200, 60, _DrawCommandMessage);
            _CommandMessage.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.Center;
            _CommandMessage.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(2, 4));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public ObjectUIGameMenu(DirectionType anchor, int x, int y, MoveBase moveObject, ScenePlayingInfo playingInfo, int mode)
            : base(anchor, x, y, 380, 240 + playingInfo.ScoreDetail.Count * _DetailHeight, new DrawUIFrame(Color.Empty, Color.DarkSlateBlue, 2, 20), moveObject)
            _DrawCommandAction               = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 255), Color.Black, 2, 10, "", Global.CommandFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            _DrawCommandActionHover          = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 220), Color.Black, 2, 10, "", Global.CommandFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            _UICommandAction                 = new ObjectUI(210, Layout.Height - 75, 150, 50, _DrawCommandAction);
            _UICommandAction.DrawObjectHover = _DrawCommandActionHover;
            _UICommandAction.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            _UICommandAction.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(-4, 4)
                RFix = 0, GFix = 0, BFix = 0
            _UICommandAction.Click += (s, e) =>

            _DrawCommandBack               = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 255), Color.Black, 2, 10, "回選單", Global.CommandFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            _DrawCommandBackHover          = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 220), Color.Black, 2, 10, "回選單", Global.CommandFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            _UICommandBack                 = new ObjectUI(20, Layout.Height - 75, 150, 50, _DrawCommandBack);
            _UICommandBack.DrawObjectHover = _DrawCommandBackHover;
            _UICommandBack.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            _UICommandBack.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(4, 4)
                RFix = 0, GFix = 0, BFix = 0
            _UICommandBack.Click += (s, e) =>

            _DrawCommandUpdate               = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(150, 225, 255, 225), Color.Black, 2, 10, "上傳分數", _UpdateFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            _DrawCommandUpdateHover          = new DrawUIText(Color.Black, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 235, 220), Color.Black, 2, 10, "上傳分數", _UpdateFont, GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            _UICommandUpdate                 = new ObjectUI(270, 10, 90, 25, _DrawCommandUpdate);
            _UICommandUpdate.DrawObjectHover = _DrawCommandUpdateHover;
            _UICommandUpdate.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            _UICommandUpdate.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(4, 4)
                RFix = 0, GFix = 0, BFix = 0
            _UICommandUpdate.Click += (s, e) =>
                if (Global.Online)
                    Global.SQL.AddParameter("@SceneID", PlayingInfo.SceneID);
                    Global.SQL.AddParameter("@Level", PlayingInfo.Level);
                    Global.SQL.AddParameter("@PlayerName", GlobalPlayer.PlayerName);
                    Global.SQL.AddParameter("@Score", PlayingInfo.Score);
                    if (Global.SQL.Run(@"set time_zone = '+8:00';
                                         insert into Score (SceneID,Level,PlayerName,Score,UpdateTime) 
                                         values (@SceneID,@Level,@PlayerName,@Score,now())"))
                        _DrawCommandUpdate.Text      = "上傳成功";
                        _DrawCommandUpdateHover.Text = "上傳成功";
                        _UICommandUpdate.Enabled     = false;
                        _DrawCommandUpdate.Text      = "上傳失敗";
                        _DrawCommandUpdateHover.Text = "上傳失敗";
                    _DrawCommandUpdate.Text      = "不可用";
                    _DrawCommandUpdateHover.Text = "不可用";
                    _UICommandUpdate.Enabled     = false;


            PlayingInfo = playingInfo;
            Mode        = mode;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public ObjectUINameSetting(DirectionType anchor, int x, int y, MoveBase moveObject)
            : base(anchor, x, y, 310, 125, new DrawUIFrame(Color.AliceBlue, Color.CornflowerBlue, 2, 20), moveObject)
            Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(0, 6, 0.95F, 1));

            // 玩家姓名
            _DrawPlayerName = new DrawUITextScroll(Color.Maroon, Color.LightGray, Color.FromArgb(230, 255, 245), Color.CornflowerBlue, 1, 10, GlobalPlayer.PlayerName, new Font("細明體", 12), GlobalFormat.MiddleLeft, 120)
                TextPadding = new Padding(10, 10, 0, 5)
            ObjectUI uiPlayerName = new ObjectUI(20, 60, 270, 40, _DrawPlayerName);

            // 重新選取
            DrawUIText drawCommandBuildName = new DrawUIText(Color.CornflowerBlue, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "↻", new Font("標楷體", 22, FontStyle.Bold), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter)
                TextPadding = new Padding(0, 10, 0, 0)
            DrawUIText drawCommandBuildNameHover = new DrawUIText(Color.Orange, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "↻", new Font("標楷體", 22, FontStyle.Bold), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter)
                TextPadding = new Padding(0, 10, 0, 0)
            ObjectUI uiCommandBuildName = new ObjectUI(250, 60, 40, 40, drawCommandBuildName)
                DrawObjectHover = drawCommandBuildNameHover

            DrawUIText drawCommandOK      = new DrawUIText(Color.FromArgb(100, 220, 100), Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "✔", new Font("微軟正黑體", 16, FontStyle.Bold), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            DrawUIText drawCommandOKHover = new DrawUIText(Color.FromArgb(0, 180, 0), Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "✔", new Font("微軟正黑體", 16, FontStyle.Bold), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);

            _CommandOK = new ObjectUI(230, 15, 30, 30, drawCommandOK)
                Visible = false, DrawObjectHover = drawCommandOKHover
            _CommandOK.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(2, 2)
                RFix = -0.5F, GFix = -0.5F, BFix = -0.5F, Opacity = 0.2F

            DrawUIText drawCommandClose      = new DrawUIText(Color.FromArgb(255, 150, 150), Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "✘", new Font("微軟正黑體", 16, FontStyle.Bold), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);
            DrawUIText drawCommandCloseHover = new DrawUIText(Color.FromArgb(255, 70, 70), Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, 0, "✘", new Font("微軟正黑體", 16, FontStyle.Bold), GlobalFormat.MiddleCenter);

            _CommandClose = new ObjectUI(260, 15, 30, 30, drawCommandClose)
                Visible = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GlobalPlayer.PlayerName), DrawObjectHover = drawCommandCloseHover
            _CommandClose.Propertys.Add(new PropertyShadow(2, 2)
                RFix = -0.5F, GFix = -0.5F, BFix = -0.5F, Opacity = 0.2F

            uiPlayerName.Layout.Depend.Anchor       = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            uiCommandBuildName.Layout.Depend.Anchor = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            _CommandOK.Layout.Depend.Anchor         = DirectionType.TopLeft;
            _CommandClose.Layout.Depend.Anchor      = DirectionType.TopLeft;


            uiCommandBuildName.Click += (s, e) =>
                _DrawPlayerName.Text = Function.GetRandName();
                _CommandOK.Visible   = true;

            _CommandOK.Click += (s, e) =>
                GlobalPlayer.PlayerName = _DrawPlayerName.Text;

            _CommandClose.Click += (s, e) => { OnClose(); };
