Exemplo n.º 1
        // c'tor
        public ColorPalette()
            // Create elements for the color buttons.
            // Start with a blob of common parameters.
            UIGridElement.ParamBlob blob = new UIGridElement.ParamBlob();
            blob.width           = 1.0f;
            blob.height          = 1.0f;
            blob.edgeSize        = 0.5f;
            blob.selectedColor   = Color.White;
            blob.unselectedColor = Color.White;
            blob.normalMapName   = @"QuarterRound4NormalMap";

            int numColors = (int)Classification.Colors.SIZEOF - 1;

            buttonHitBoxes = new AABB2D[numColors];
            for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
                buttonHitBoxes[i] = new AABB2D();

            for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
                buttons[i]     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, null);
                buttons[i].NoZ = false;

                // Set initial size.
                textureSize[i] = inactiveSize;

                buttons[i].BaseColor = Classification.ColorVector4(GetColorFromIndex(i));

            camera = new UiCamera();
Exemplo n.º 2
        }   // end of OnCancel()

        public void Activate()
            if (!active)
                // Do stack handling here.  If we do it in the update object we have no
                // clue which order things get pushed and popped and madness ensues.
                active                  = true;
                grid.Active             = true;
                grid.RenderWhenInactive = false;

                // Never allow the Play button to be the default.
                if (grid.SelectionIndex.X == 0)
                    // Default to object edit.
                    grid.SelectionIndex = new Point(2, 0);

                // Reset all the tiles to the origin so they spring out nicely.
                for (int i = 0; i < grid.ActualDimensions.X; i++)
                    UIGrid2DTextureElement e = (UIGrid2DTextureElement)grid.Get(i, 0);
                    e.Position = Vector3.Zero;
                grid.Dirty = true;
                // Force the grid to update the positions before getting rendered.
                grid.Update(ref worldMatrix);

                lastChangedTime = Time.WallClockTotalSeconds;
                curIndex        = grid.SelectionIndex.X;

Exemplo n.º 3
        }   // end of GetElementInfo()

        public override void Render(Camera camera)
            if (active && alpha > 0.0f)
                // Render reticule around selected brush.
                CameraSpaceQuad        quad = CameraSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                UIGrid2DTextureElement e    = (UIGrid2DTextureElement)grid.SelectionElement;
                Vector2 position            = new Vector2(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y);
                position.X += grid.WorldMatrix.Translation.X;
                position.Y += grid.WorldMatrix.Translation.Y;
                position.Y -= 0.14f;    // No clue.  Nedd to figure this out.
                Vector2 size = 2.0f * new Vector2(e.Size.X, e.Size.Y);
                quad.Render(camera, reticuleTexture, alpha, position, size, @"AdditiveBlend");

                // Trigger icons?
                double curTime = Time.WallClockTotalSeconds;
                double dTime   = curTime - lastChangedTime;
                if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.GamePad && dTime > kPreFadeTime)
                    dTime -= kPreFadeTime;

                    float   triggerAlpha = Math.Min((float)(dTime / kFadeTime), 1.0f);
                    Vector2 offset       = size * 0.4f;
                    size *= 0.4f;
                    // Note the 12/64 in the positioning accounts for the fact that the
                    // button textures only use the upper 40x40 out of the 64x64 space they allocate.
                    // The 12 is actually (64-40)/2.
                    quad.Render(camera, ButtonTextures.RightTrigger, triggerAlpha, position + offset + size * 12.0f / 64.0f, size, @"TexturedRegularAlpha");
                    offset.X = -offset.X;
                    quad.Render(camera, ButtonTextures.LeftTrigger, triggerAlpha, position + offset + size * 12.0f / 64.0f, size, @"TexturedRegularAlpha");

        } // end of BrushPicker Render()
Exemplo n.º 4
        }   // end of HandleMouseInput()

        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to cut down on the cut/paste.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The element we want info about.</param>
        /// <param name="invMat">Inverse world matrix of the element.</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the element.</param>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the element.</param>
        private void GetElementInfo(UIGridElement e, out Matrix invMat, out float height, out float width)
            invMat = e.InvWorldMatrix;
            UIGrid2DTextureElement te = e as UIGrid2DTextureElement;

            width  = te.Width;
            height = te.Height;
        }   // end of GetElementInfo()
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Render()
            if (active)
                // Render menu using local camera.

                // Darken the background to emphasize to the user that they need to pick a tool.
                ScreenSpaceQuad ssquad = ScreenSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                ssquad.Render(dropShadowTexture, new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0.9f), new Vector2(0, 0.6f * BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y), new Vector2(BokuGame.ScreenSize.X, 0.4f * BokuGame.ScreenSize.Y), "TexturedRegularAlpha");


                // Render reticule around selected tools tile.
                CameraSpaceQuad        csquad = CameraSpaceQuad.GetInstance();
                UIGrid2DTextureElement e      = (UIGrid2DTextureElement)grid.SelectionElement;
                Vector2 position = new Vector2(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y);
                position.X += grid.WorldMatrix.Translation.X;
                position.Y += grid.WorldMatrix.Translation.Y;
                position.Y -= 0.14f;    // No clue.  Nedd to figure this out.
                Vector2 size  = 2.0f * new Vector2(e.Size.X, e.Size.Y);
                float   alpha = 1.0f;
                csquad.Render(camera, BasePicker.reticuleTexture, alpha, position, size, @"AdditiveBlend");

                // Don't bother with trigger icons if we're modal.
                if (!XmlOptionsData.ModalToolMenu)
                    // Trigger icons?
                    double curTime = Time.WallClockTotalSeconds;
                    double dTime   = curTime - lastChangedTime;
                    if (dTime > kPreFadeTime)
                        dTime -= kPreFadeTime;

                        float   triggerAlpha = Math.Min((float)(dTime / kFadeTime), 1.0f);
                        Vector2 offset       = size * 0.4f;
                        size *= 0.4f;
                        // Note the 12/64 in the positioning accounts for the fact that the
                        // button textures only use the upper 40x40 out of the 64x64 space they allocate.
                        // The 12 is actually (64-40)/2.
                        csquad.Render(camera, ButtonTextures.RightTrigger, triggerAlpha, position + offset + size * 12.0f / 64.0f, size, @"TexturedRegularAlpha");
                        offset.X = -offset.X;
                        csquad.Render(camera, ButtonTextures.LeftTrigger, triggerAlpha, position + offset + size * 12.0f / 64.0f, size, @"TexturedRegularAlpha");
        }   // end of ToolMenu Render()
Exemplo n.º 6
        // c'tor
        public ToolMenu()
            // Create elements for the grid.
            // Start with a blob of common parameters.
            UIGridElement.ParamBlob blob = new UIGridElement.ParamBlob();
            blob.width    = 1.1f;
            blob.height   = 1.1f;
            blob.edgeSize = 0.1f;
            Color tileColor = new Color(110, 150, 140, 170);

            blob.selectedColor   = tileColor;
            blob.unselectedColor = tileColor;
            blob.textColor       = Color.Red; // Shouldn't need this.
            blob.dropShadowColor = Color.Black;
            blob.normalMapName   = @"QuarterRound4NormalMap";
            blob.altShader       = true;
            blob.ignorePowerOf2  = true;

            // Create and populate grid.
            int maxTools = 20;

            numTools = 0;
            grid     = new ToolMenuUIGrid(OnSelect, OnCancel, new Point(maxTools, 1), "ToolMenuGrid");

            UIGrid2DTextureElement e = null;

            // JW - The toolmenu elements are now assigned names so that they can be disabled by the
            // same strings as the Mouse/Touch "ToolBar" elements.
            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.runGame");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\Play");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.RunSim;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.home");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\Home");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.MiniHub;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.objectEdit");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\ObjectEdit");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.EditObject;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.terrainPaint");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\TerrainMaterial");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.TerrainMaterial;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.terrainRaiseLower");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\TerrainUpDown");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.TerrainUpDown;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.terrainSmoothLevel");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\TerrainFlatten");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.TerrainFlatten;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.terrainSpikeyHilly");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\TerrainRoughHill");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.TerrainRoughHill;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.waterRaiseLower");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\TerrainWater");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.TerrainWater;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.deleteObjects");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\DeleteObject");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.DeleteObjects;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            //e = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\ObjectTweak");
            //e.Object = InGame.UpdateMode.TweakObject;
            //grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            blob.elementName = Strings.Localize("toolBar.worldTweak");
            e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"ToolMenu\WorldSettings");
            e.Tag = InGame.UpdateMode.EditWorldParameters;
            grid.Add(e, numTools++, 0);

            Debug.Assert(numTools <= maxTools, "If this fires, just up maxTools.");

            // Set grid properties.
            grid.Spacing      = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.0f);
            grid.Scrolling    = false;
            grid.Wrap         = false;
            grid.UseLeftStick = false;
            grid.UseTriggers  = true;

            Matrix mat = Matrix.Identity;

            mat.Translation  = new Vector3(0.0f, -2.2f, -10.0f);
            grid.LocalMatrix = mat;
        }   // end of ToolMenu c'tor
Exemplo n.º 7
        }   // end of TexturePicker InitFileList()

        public void Update()
            if (active)
                GamePadInput pad = GamePadInput.GetGamePad1();

                // Switch active grid?
                bool changed = false;
                if (pad.LeftStickLeft.WasPressed || pad.DPadLeft.WasPressed)
                    activeGrid = (activeGrid + 3) % 4;
                    changed    = true;
                if (pad.LeftStickRight.WasPressed || pad.DPadRight.WasPressed)
                    activeGrid = (activeGrid + 1) % 4;
                    changed    = true;

                if (changed)
                    Vector3 newPosition                = new Vector3(-2.25f + 1.5f * activeGrid, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    TwitchManager.GetVector3    get    = delegate(Object param) { return(selectionPlate.Position); };
                    TwitchManager.SetVector3    set    = delegate(Vector3 value, Object param) { selectionPlate.Position = value; };
                    TwitchManager.Vector3Twitch twitch = new TwitchManager.Vector3Twitch(get, set, newPosition, 0.25f, TwitchCurve.Shape.OvershootOut);

                    grid0.Active = false;
                    grid1.Active = false;
                    grid2.Active = false;
                    grid3.Active = false;

                    switch (activeGrid)
                    case 0: grid0.Active = true; break;

                    case 1: grid1.Active = true; break;

                    case 2: grid2.Active = true; break;

                    case 3: grid3.Active = true; break;

                    changed = false;

                grid0.Update(ref worldGrid);
                grid1.Update(ref worldGrid);
                grid2.Update(ref worldGrid);
                grid3.Update(ref worldGrid);

                // See if any of the grids have changed which texture is in focus.
                // If so, change what the terrain sees.
                if (grid0.SelectionIndex.Y != curFocusIndex0)
                    curFocusIndex0 = grid0.SelectionIndex.Y;
                    InGame.inGame.Terrain.ChangeTerrainTexture(0, files[curFocusIndex0]);
                    InGame.inGame.IsLevelDirty = true;
                if (grid1.SelectionIndex.Y != curFocusIndex1)
                    curFocusIndex1 = grid1.SelectionIndex.Y;
                    InGame.inGame.Terrain.ChangeTerrainTexture(1, files[curFocusIndex1]);
                    InGame.inGame.IsLevelDirty = true;
                if (grid2.SelectionIndex.Y != curFocusIndex2)
                    curFocusIndex2 = grid2.SelectionIndex.Y;
                    InGame.inGame.Terrain.ChangeTerrainTexture(2, files[curFocusIndex2]);
                    InGame.inGame.IsLevelDirty = true;
                if (grid3.SelectionIndex.Y != curFocusIndex3)
                    curFocusIndex3 = grid3.SelectionIndex.Y;
                    InGame.inGame.Terrain.ChangeTerrainTexture(3, files[curFocusIndex3]);
                    InGame.inGame.IsLevelDirty = true;

                float outerRowAlpha = 0.3f;
                float innerRowAlpha = 0.7f;

                // Update the alpha values of the visible tiles.
                for (int i = 0; i < grid0.ActualDimensions.Y; i++)
                    UIGrid2DTextureElement e = null;

                    e = grid0.Get(0, i) as UIGrid2DTextureElement;
                    if (e != null)
                        int delta = Math.Abs(i - grid0.SelectionIndex.Y);
                        if (delta < 2)
                            e.Alpha = 1.0f;
                        else if (delta < 3)
                            e.Alpha = innerRowAlpha;
                            e.Alpha = outerRowAlpha;

                    e = grid1.Get(0, i) as UIGrid2DTextureElement;
                    if (e != null)
                        int delta = Math.Abs(i - grid1.SelectionIndex.Y);
                        if (delta < 2)
                            e.Alpha = 1.0f;
                        else if (delta < 3)
                            e.Alpha = innerRowAlpha;
                            e.Alpha = outerRowAlpha;
                    e = grid2.Get(0, i) as UIGrid2DTextureElement;
                    if (e != null)
                        int delta = Math.Abs(i - grid2.SelectionIndex.Y);
                        if (delta < 2)
                            e.Alpha = 1.0f;
                        else if (delta < 3)
                            e.Alpha = innerRowAlpha;
                            e.Alpha = outerRowAlpha;
                    e = grid3.Get(0, i) as UIGrid2DTextureElement;
                    if (e != null)
                        int delta = Math.Abs(i - grid3.SelectionIndex.Y);
                        if (delta < 2)
                            e.Alpha = 1.0f;
                        else if (delta < 3)
                            e.Alpha = innerRowAlpha;
                            e.Alpha = outerRowAlpha;
        }   // end of TexturePicker Update()
Exemplo n.º 8
        // c'tor
        public TexturePicker()

            // Create the back plate.
            backPlate          = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(7.0f, 1.25f, 0.625f, @"QuarterRound4NormalMap", backPlateColor, null);
            backPlate.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            backPlate.NoZ      = true;

            // Create the selection plate.
            selectionPlate          = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(1.125f, 1.125f, 0.5625f, @"QuarterRound4NormalMap", selectionPlateColor, null);
            selectionPlate.NoZ      = true;
            selectionPlate.Position = new Vector3(-2.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            // Create texture elements for the grids.
            // Start with a blob of common parameters.
            UIGridElement.ParamBlob blob = new UIGridElement.ParamBlob();
            blob.width           = 1.0f;
            blob.height          = 1.0f;
            blob.edgeSize        = 0.5f;
            blob.selectedColor   = Color.White;
            blob.unselectedColor = Color.LightGray;
            blob.normalMapName   = @"QuarterRound4NormalMap";

            // Create and populate grid.
            int numElements = files.Count;

            grid0 = new UIGrid(OnSelect, OnCancel, new Point(1, numElements), "TerrainEdit.TextureGrid0");
            grid1 = new UIGrid(OnSelect, OnCancel, new Point(1, numElements), "TerrainEdit.TextureGrid1");
            grid2 = new UIGrid(OnSelect, OnCancel, new Point(1, numElements), "TerrainEdit.TextureGrid2");
            grid3 = new UIGrid(OnSelect, OnCancel, new Point(1, numElements), "TerrainEdit.TextureGrid3");
            for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
                // Note, we could probably have the grid share elements except that the element positions
                // are set during Update() so unless we interleaved Update() and Render() calls we would
                // end up seeing everything rendered in the wrong place.
                TextureFile            file = (TextureFile)files[i];
                UIGrid2DTextureElement e    = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"Terrain\GroundTextures\" + file.filename);
                e.NoZ = true;
                grid0.Add(e, 0, i);

                file  = (TextureFile)files[i];
                e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"Terrain\GroundTextures\" + file.filename);
                e.NoZ = true;
                grid1.Add(e, 0, i);

                file  = (TextureFile)files[i];
                e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"Terrain\GroundTextures\" + file.filename);
                e.NoZ = true;
                grid2.Add(e, 0, i);

                file  = (TextureFile)files[i];
                e     = new UIGrid2DTextureElement(blob, @"Terrain\GroundTextures\" + file.filename);
                e.NoZ = true;
                grid3.Add(e, 0, i);

            // Set grid properties.
            grid0.Spacing     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.25f); // The first number doesn't really matter since we're doing a 1d column.
            grid0.Scrolling   = true;
            grid0.Wrap        = false;
            grid0.LocalMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-2.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

            grid1.Spacing     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.25f); // The first number doesn't really matter since we're doing a 1d column.
            grid1.Scrolling   = true;
            grid1.Wrap        = false;
            grid1.LocalMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-0.75f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

            grid2.Spacing     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.25f); // The first number doesn't really matter since we're doing a 1d column.
            grid2.Scrolling   = true;
            grid2.Wrap        = false;
            grid2.LocalMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(0.75f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

            grid3.Spacing     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.25f); // The first number doesn't really matter since we're doing a 1d column.
            grid3.Scrolling   = true;
            grid3.Wrap        = false;
            grid3.LocalMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(2.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
        }   // end of TexturePicker c'tor