public ActionResult Add(UI.Models.PortalContact contact) { Business.ApplicationService.AppServiceClient appclient = new Business.ApplicationService.AppServiceClient(); string jsoncontact = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contact); appclient.CreateContact(Session["companyid"].ToString(), Session["companyid"].ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-",""), contact.designation, contact.title, contact.firstname, contact.lastname, contact.emailaddress, contact.officephone, contact.secondaryemail, contact.mobilephone, jsoncontact, contact.objecttype,"", Session["companyid"].ToString()); return RedirectToAction("index"); }
void DisplayMenu () { if (Social.localUser == null || !Social.localUser.authenticated) { if (GUILayout.Button("Login/Register")) { LumosSocialGUI.ShowWindow(LumosGUIWindow.Login); } } else { if (GUILayout.Button("Achievements")) { LumosSocialGUI.ShowWindow(LumosGUIWindow.Achievements); } if (GUILayout.Button("Leaderboards")) { LumosSocialGUI.ShowWindow(LumosGUIWindow.Leaderboards); } if (GUILayout.Button("Profile")) { LumosSocialGUI.ShowWindow(LumosGUIWindow.Profile); } if (GUILayout.Button("Settings")) { LumosSocialGUI.ShowWindow(LumosGUIWindow.Settings); } if (GUILayout.Button("Close")) { currentUI = UI.None; } } }
protected override HtmlNode CreateInput(UI.UIControlState state) { HtmlComposite ul = new HtmlComposite("ul", new HtmlAttribute("class", "unstyled")); foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> item in state.Options) { HtmlComposite li = new HtmlComposite("li"); ul.Children.AddLast(li); string id = state.Name + "_" + item.Key; HtmlComposite label = new HtmlComposite("label", new HtmlAttribute("class", "checkbox")); li.Children.AddLast(label); HtmlStandalone checkbox = new HtmlStandalone("input", new HtmlAttribute("type", "radio"), new HtmlAttribute("id", id), new HtmlAttribute("name", state.Name), new HtmlAttribute("value", item.Key)); if (state.Value.Equals(item.Key)) checkbox.Attributes.AddLast("checked", "checked"); label.Children.AddLast(checkbox); label.Children.AddLast(new HtmlText(" " + item.Value)); } return ul; }
public virtual void Render(System.IO.TextWriter writer, UI.UIControlState state, params HtmlAttribute[] attributes) { if (_Label == null) _Label = new HtmlSimple("label", state.Label, new HtmlAttribute("for", state.Name)); _Label.Write(writer); if (_Input == null) _Input = CreateInput(state); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++) _Input.Attributes[attributes[i].Name] = attributes[i].Value; this._Input.Write(writer); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.ErrorMessage)) new HtmlSimple("span", state.ErrorMessage, new HtmlAttribute("class", "error")).Write(writer); else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.Hint)) { if (_Hint == null) _Hint = new HtmlSimple("span", state.Hint, new HtmlAttribute("class", "hint")); _Hint.Write(writer); } } }
public ReviewClientOrderPage(YellowstonePathology.Business.Rules.Surgical.PatientRecentAccessions patientRecentAccessions, YellowstonePathology.Business.ClientOrder.Model.ClientOrder clientOrder, UI.Navigation.PageNavigator pageNavigator) { this.m_PatientRecentAccessions = patientRecentAccessions; this.m_ClientOrder = clientOrder; this.m_PageNavigator = pageNavigator; InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = this; if (this.m_ClientOrder.Accessioned == true) { this.m_CloseButtonVisibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.m_NextButtonVisibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; } else { this.m_CloseButtonVisibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.m_NextButtonVisibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; } this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(ReviewClientOrderPage_Loaded); }
public Dama() { InitializeComponent(); ui = new UI(); this.Width = 650; this.Height = 540; igra = false; polje = new int[10, 10]; poteze1 = new List<Poteza>(); poteze2 = new List<Poteza>(); poteze = new List<Poteza>(); narejene_poteze = new List<Poteza>(); poteza = true; stran = true; prvi_klik = false; stevilka_poteze = -1; slika = new Bitmap(530, 530); pictureBox1.Width = 510; pictureBox1.Height = 510; besedilo.Top = 5; besedilo.Left = 510; besedilo.Width = 180; besedilo.Height = 500; besedilo.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical; besedilo.Text += "Pozdravljeni! \r\n"; pictureBox1.Image = slika; potrebno = true; ctrl = z = false; menu(); }
static void Main() { var ui = new UI(new RealConsoleAdapter()); while (ui.Process()) { } }
public Settings(UI ui) : base(ui) { = "Settings"; CreatePage(); }
public ActionResult Add(UI.Models.Job jobdata) { UI.Models.Job job = new Models.Job(); jobdata.PayRate = jobdata.PayRate + "-" + jobdata.payratemax; job.InsertJobDetials(jobdata); return RedirectToAction("index", "jobs", null); }
public virtual void Render(System.IO.TextWriter writer, UI.UIControlState state, params HtmlAttribute[] attributes) { writer.Write("<div class=\""); if (state.Validated) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.ErrorMessage)) { writer.Write("form-group has-success"); } else { writer.Write("form-group has-error"); } } else { writer.Write("form-group"); } writer.WriteLine("\">"); RenderLabel(writer, state); RenderInput(writer, state, attributes); RenderHintOrError(writer, state); writer.WriteLine("</div>"); }
public TiawpsReader(UI.DelegateManager delegatemanager, string filename) { this.delegatemanager = delegatemanager; readrguid = Guid.NewGuid(); this.fileName = filename; name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); }
public ActionResult consultant(UI.Models.portaluser recruiterdata) { Business.ApplicationService.AppServiceClient appclient = new Business.ApplicationService.AppServiceClient(); appclient.Addconsultant(recruiterdata.usermail, recruiterdata.userpassword, recruiterdata.usertitle, Session["usertoken"].ToString()); return RedirectToAction("index"); }
void Start() { UITextInfo backTextInfo = new UITextInfo(); backTextInfo.SetFont(fontBack).SetFontSize(24).SetColor(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f)).SetTextAlignment(UIAnchorLocation.LEFT_TOP); UITextInfo backTextLargerInfo = new UITextInfo(); backTextLargerInfo.SetFont(fontBack).SetFontSize(28).SetColor(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f)).SetTextAlignment(UIAnchorLocation.LEFT_TOP); UIRelativeLayout rootLayout = new UIRelativeLayout("rootLayout", 0f, 0f, 1f, 1f, null, UIAnchorLocation.LEFT_BOT); UIStringLabel backLabelSmall = new UIStringLabel(0.01f, 0.99f, 0.2f, 0.1f, null, UILayoutType.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, UIAnchorLocation.LEFT_TOP, backTextInfo, "Back"); UIStringLabel backLabelLarge = new UIStringLabel(0.01f, 0.99f, 0.2f, 0.1f, null, UILayoutType.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, UIAnchorLocation.LEFT_TOP, backTextLargerInfo, "Back"); UIStaticButton backButton = new UIStaticButton(0.01f, 0.99f, 0.1f, 0.08f, null, UILayoutType.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, UIAnchorLocation.LEFT_TOP, new MenuButtonListener(hover, dehover, "MainMenu")); backButton.SetUIComponentIdle(backLabelSmall).SetUIComponentHighlighted(backLabelLarge); UITextInfo mainTextInfo = new UITextInfo(); mainTextInfo.SetFont(fontMain).SetFontSize(48).SetColor(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f)).SetTextAlignment(UIAnchorLocation.LEFT_TOP); UIStringLabel mainTextLabel = new UIStringLabel(0.15f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 0.5f, null, UILayoutType.RELATIVE_LAYOUT, UIAnchorLocation.LEFT_TOP, mainTextInfo, mainText); rootLayout.AddUIComponent(backButton) .AddUIComponent(mainTextLabel); m_panel = new UI(rootLayout); m_panel.SetStartMenu(1); screenWidth = Screen.width; screenHeight = Screen.height; }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // build var es = new EventStore("eventstore.db"); var ui = new UI(); var sb = new Spielbrett(es.History); var sp = new Spiel(es); var schiri = new Schiedsrichter(es); var map = new Mapper(sb); var app = new App(sp, schiri, map); // bind es.OnAppended += sb.Update; app.Spielstand_aktualisiert += ui.Spielstand_anzeigen; ui.Neues_Spiel_gewünscht += app.Neues_Spiel; ui.Spielstein_gesetzt += app.Zug_ausführen; // run app.Starten(); Application.Run(ui); }
public void Run() { var app = new MockApplication(); var sut = new UI(app); Application.Run(sut); }
protected override HtmlNode CreateInput(UI.UIControlState state) { HtmlComposite ul = new HtmlComposite("ul"); System.Collections.IEnumerable items = state.Value is string ? ((string)state.Value).Split(',') : (System.Collections.IEnumerable)state.Value; foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> item in state.Options) { HtmlComposite li = new HtmlComposite("li"); ul.Children.AddLast(li); string id = state.Name + "_" + item.Key; li.Children.AddLast(new HtmlSimple("label", item.Value, new HtmlAttribute("for", id))); HtmlStandalone checkbox = new HtmlStandalone("input", new HtmlAttribute("type", "checkbox"), new HtmlAttribute("id", id), new HtmlAttribute("name", state.Name), new HtmlAttribute("value", item.Key)); if (IsChecked(items, item.Key)) checkbox.Attributes.AddLast("checked", "checked"); li.Children.AddLast(checkbox); } return ul; }
void Default(int active) { currentUI = Default; curActive = active; GUI.depth = 0; CreatePanel (); CreateNavButton ("Research",Research); CreateNavButton ("Components",Components); //Debug stuff /*if (CreateButton ("Spawn Ship")) { shipbuilder.SpawnShip(); } if (CreateButton ("Destroy Ship")) { shipbuilder.DespawnShip(); } */ if (CreateButton ("Save")) shipbuilder.Save (); /* if (CreateButton ("Load")) shipbuilder.Load (0);*/ }
public About(UI ui) : base(ui) { = "About"; CreatePage(); }
void Start() { instance = this; skullIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); femur1.gameObject.SetActive(false); femur2.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public bool ChangePassword(UI.Models.ProfileModelObject.ChangePassword changepassworddata,string accesstoken) { bool passwordchangestatus = false; Business.DataLayer datalayer = new DataLayer(); datalayer.ChangePassword(changepassworddata.newpassword, changepassworddata.AuthToken, accesstoken); return passwordchangestatus; }
void Start () { this._ui = new UI (new RulesBuilderBase ()); this._ui.Load (this.XML.text, this._data); this._ui.Canvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay; this._ui.Canvas.worldCamera = Camera.main; }
protected override HtmlNode CreateInput(UI.UIControlState state) { return new HtmlStandalone("input", new HtmlAttribute("type", "hidden"), new HtmlAttribute("name", state.Name), new HtmlAttribute("id", state.Name), new HtmlAttribute("value", state.Value)); }
void Awake() { if (instance == null) { GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject); instance = this; } else GameObject.Destroy (this.gameObject); }
public static void Init( string _logFile, UI _form ) { form = _form; logFile = _logFile; if( !File.Exists( logFile ) ) { FileStream fs = File.Create( logFile ); fs.Close(); } }
public Core(UI.EventManager pEventManager) { EventManager = pEventManager; NameQueryResponseInfoList = new Dictionary<WoWGuid, NameQueryResponseInfo>(); ChatList = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection(); ObjList = new Dictionary<WoWGuid, ObjectBase>(); }
void Start() { breakingPoints = 0; breakingLimit = 2 + (ShelfGameManager.manager.currentLevel + 1) * 2; uiScript = FindObjectOfType<UI> (); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the properties to the solidworks page /// </summary> /// <param name="page">The page to be added to</param> /// <param name="id">The starting Id for the controls. Will be updated to the next avalible id</param> /// <param name="mark">The starting mark for the selection boxes.Will be updated to the next avalible mark</param> public override void AddPropertiesToSWPage(UI.JointPMPage page, ref int id, ref int mark) { modelDoc.ClearSelection2(true); Axes[0].AddAxisToPage(ref id, ref mark, page, ref AxisSelBoxIDs[0]); Axes[1].AddAxisToPage(ref id, ref mark, page, ref AxisSelBoxIDs[1]); if (!Axes[0].UseCustomMovementLimits && !((RotationalJointAxis)Axes[0]).IsContinuous) Axes[0].AddLimitsToPage(ref id, ref mark, page); }
/// <summary> /// Set position and size of a GUI element using resolution-independant coordinates. Size of the screen in these coordinates is always 1280x720. /// There are a lot of overloads of this method that allow you to use <see cref="Vector2i"/>/<see cref="Vector2u"/> for position and/or size. /// </summary> /// <param name="ctrl">Gui element to resize</param> /// <param name="x">Distance from left of the window to left of ctrl</param> /// <param name="y">Distance from top of the window to top of ctrl</param> /// <param name="w">Width of ctrl</param> /// <param name="h">Height of ctrl</param> /// <param name="screenrect">Actual screen resolusion</param> /// <seealso cref="LayoutSprite"/> public static void LayoutControl(UI.Control ctrl, int x, int y, int w, int h, IntRect screenrect) { // x,y,w,h are relative to 1280x720 ctrl.X = (int)((x / 1280.0f) * screenrect.Width); ctrl.Y = (int)((y / 720.0f) * screenrect.Height); ctrl.Width = (int)((w / 1280.0f) * screenrect.Width); ctrl.Height = (int)((h / 720.0f) * screenrect.Height); }
public Processor(ReaderBase reader, UI.DelegateManager delegateManager, List<uint> filterOpcodeList) { Reader = reader; FilterOpcodeList = filterOpcodeList; DelegateManager = delegateManager; Core = new WoW.Core(delegateManager, reader.ClientBuildAmount); UniqueOpcodeList = new List<uint>(); DefinedOpcodeList = new List<uint>(); }
protected override HtmlNode CreateInput(UI.UIControlState state) { return new HtmlStandalone("input", new HtmlAttribute("type", "password"), new HtmlAttribute("name", state.Name), new HtmlAttribute("id", state.Name), new HtmlAttribute("value", state.Value), new HtmlAttribute("class", "form-control")); }
void ParseSettings() { try { settings = ScriptSettings.Load(@".\scripts\Metric_Speedometer.ini"); // Parse Core settings this.useMph = settings.GetValue("Core", "UseMph", false); this.speedoMode = (SpeedoMode)settings.GetValue <int>("Core", "DisplayMode", 1); this.enableSaving = settings.GetValue("Core", "EnableSaving", true); this.rainbowMode = settings.GetValue("Core", "RainbowMode", 0); this.onfootSpeedo = settings.GetValue("Core", "OnfootSpeedo", false); // Parse UI settings this.vAlign = (VerticalAlignment)Enum.Parse(typeof(VerticalAlignment), settings.GetValue("UI", "VertAlign"), true); this.hAlign = (HorizontalAlign)Enum.Parse(typeof(HorizontalAlign), settings.GetValue("UI", "HorzAlign"), true); this.posOffset = new Point(settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "OffsetX", 0), settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "OffsetY", 0)); this.pWidth = settings.GetValue("UI", "PanelWidth", 66); this.pHeight = settings.GetValue("UI", "PanelHeight", 24); this.fontSize = float.Parse(settings.GetValue("UI", "FontSize"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); this.fontStyle = settings.GetValue("UI", "FontStyle", 4); this.backcolor = Color.FromArgb(settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "BackcolorA", 200), settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "BackcolorR", 237), settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "BackcolorG", 239), settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "BackcolorB", 241)); this.forecolor = Color.FromArgb(settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "ForecolorA", 255), settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "ForecolorR", 0), settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "ForecolorG", 0), settings.GetValue <int>("UI", "ForecolorB", 0)); this.kphText = settings.GetValue("Text", "KphText", "km/h"); this.mphText = settings.GetValue("Text", "MphText", "mph"); // Load stats if (enableSaving) { LoadStats(); } } catch { UI.Notify("~r~failed to load speedometer config"); } }
public void RerollSelected(DelegateDiceroll callBack) { this.callBack = callBack; if (!Network.IsNetworkGame) { foreach (Die die in DiceList) { if (die.IsSelected) { die.RandomizeRotation(); } } RerollPreparedDice(); } else { if (DebugManager.DebugNetwork) { UI.AddTestLogEntry("DiceRoll.SyncSelectedDice"); } Network.SyncSelectedDiceAndReroll(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { /*Bird birdie = new Bird(); * Console.WriteLine(birdie.ComeHere()); * * Wolf wolfie = new Wolf(); * Console.WriteLine(wolfie.Hunt()); * * Bear teddy = new Bear(); * Console.WriteLine(teddy.Hunt()); * * Console.WriteLine(birdie.weight); * * birdie.Eat(); * * Console.WriteLine(birdie.Name); */ /*Bear teddyBear = new Bear(); * Console.WriteLine(teddyBear.Hunt());*/ UI userInterface = new UI(); userInterface.Start(); }
protected override void MouseDownHandler(Point p) { if (this.flowsheet.Activity == FlowsheetActivity.AddingConnStepOne) { if (this.ProcessStreamBase.CanConnect()) { // ok for the second step this.flowsheet.firstStepCtrl = this; this.flowsheet.SetFlowsheetActivity(FlowsheetActivity.AddingConnStepTwo); } else { this.flowsheet.ResetActivity(); } } else if (this.flowsheet.Activity == FlowsheetActivity.AddingConnStepTwo) { if (this.flowsheet.firstStepCtrl.Solvable is UnitOperation) { UnitOpControl ctrl = (UnitOpControl)this.flowsheet.firstStepCtrl; if (ctrl.UnitOperation.CanAttachStream(this.ProcessStreamBase, this.flowsheet.attachIndex)) { // update the model, the UI will be updated in the listener ErrorMessage error = ctrl.UnitOperation.AttachStream(this.ProcessStreamBase, this.flowsheet.attachIndex); UI.ShowError(error); } } this.flowsheet.ResetActivity(); } else { this.flowsheet.ResetActivity(); this.PerformSelection(); this.PrepareForTheMove(p.X, p.Y); } }
private void RpcSyncSelectedDiceAndReroll(int[] selectedDiceIds) { if (DebugManager.DebugNetwork) { UI.AddTestLogEntry("C: RpcSyncSelectedDice"); } foreach (var die in DiceRoll.CurrentDiceRoll.DiceList) { int diceId = int.Parse("DiceN", "")); bool isFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < selectedDiceIds.Length; i++) { if (selectedDiceIds[i] == diceId) { isFound = true; break; } } die.ToggleSelected(isFound); } DiceRoll.CurrentDiceRoll.RandomizeAndRerollSelected(); }
// // Information Panel // /// <summary> /// Updates the information panel from the message queue. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerator UpdateInfoPanel() { WaitForSeconds showInfoWait = new WaitForSeconds(5.0f); while (true) { string text = UI.PopMessage(); // reset the label so it will catch the user's eye informationLabel.text = ""; yield return(null); informationLabel.text = text; if (text.Length == 0) { yield return(null); // just wait until the next frame, so the next info will immediately be displayed } else { yield return(showInfoWait); // wait for a little bit to show the information } } }
/// <summary> /// 取得ListView选中的行 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int GetLvSelectedIndex() { int index = -1; lvSelecteds.Clear(); try { if (lvServers.SelectedIndices.Count <= 0) { UI.Show(UIRes.I18N("PleaseSelectServer")); return index; } index = lvServers.SelectedIndices[0]; foreach (int i in lvServers.SelectedIndices) { lvSelecteds.Add(i); } return index; } catch { return index; } }
void endWave() { if (waveIndex < wavesInfo.EnemyWaves.Count - 1) { waveIndex++; } timer = 0; stopDrums(); audioSource.clip = waveEndSound; audioSource.Play(); if (currentWave >= wavesInfo.EnemyWaves.Count) { winScreenUI.SetActive(true); stopSounds(); Time.timeScale = 0; } else { fastForwardButton.interactable = true; OnPlanningPhase = true; setSignalsVisuals(true); UI.OpenUpgrades(3); } }
//private bool uiiOSFlag=true; void Awake() { if (gameMessage == null) { gameMessage = this; //~ messageObj=gameObject; gameMessage.init = true; Init(); } UI ui = (UI)FindObjectOfType(typeof(UI)); if (ui != null && ui.enabled) { uiFlag = true; } UInGUI uiNGUI = (UInGUI)FindObjectOfType(typeof(UInGUI)); if (uiNGUI != null && uiNGUI.enabled) { nGUIFlag = true; } }
//Assignment and launch of execution of meneuver public void AssignManeuver() { string parameters =; Selection.ThisShip.SetAssignedManeuver(MovementFromString(parameters)); UI.HideDirectionMenu(); if (Phases.CurrentSubPhase.GetType() == typeof(SubPhases.PlanningSubPhase)) { //Selection.ThisShip.InfoPanel.transform.Find("DialAssigned" + Selection.ThisShip.Owner.Id).gameObject.SetActive(true); Roster.HighlightShipOff(Selection.ThisShip); if (Roster.AllManuersAreAssigned(Phases.CurrentPhasePlayer)) { UI.ShowNextButton(); UI.HighlightNextButton(); } } else { Triggers.FinishTrigger(); } }
public void Start() { RegisterPlayer(); RegisterGear(); if (isLocalPlayer) { UI.Reset(); Local = this; Local._Player = this; Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraFollow>().Target = transform; Health.UponDeath += UponDeath; } else { Debug.Log("Player '" + Name + "' of team '" + Team + "'"); } foreach (SpriteRenderer r in GetComponentsInChildren <SpriteRenderer>()) { if (r.gameObject.layer != 9) { r.sortingLayerName = "Player"; } } if (isLocalPlayer) { // Apply no gear, TODO load from file if necessary. } else if (!isServer) { // Request updated gear RequestGear = true; } }
public void Update() { Hierarchy.Push(Matrix.T(0, 0, -0.5f)); /// :CodeSample: Lines.Add Lines.Add(new Vec3(0.1f, 0, 0), new Vec3(-0.1f, 0, 0), Color.White, 0.01f); /// :End: Hierarchy.Pop(); Hierarchy.Push(Matrix.T(0, 0.05f, -0.5f)); /// :CodeSample: Lines.Add Lines.Add(new Vec3(0.1f, 0, 0), new Vec3(-0.1f, 0, 0), Color.White, Color.Black, 0.01f); /// :End: Hierarchy.Pop(); Hierarchy.Push(Matrix.T(0, 0.1f, -0.5f)); /// :CodeSample: Lines.Add Lines.Add(new LinePoint[] { new LinePoint(new Vec3(0.1f, 0, 0), Color.White, 0.01f), new LinePoint(new Vec3(0, 0.02f, 0), Color.Black, 0.005f), new LinePoint(new Vec3(-0.1f, 0, 0), Color.White, 0.01f), }); /// :End: Hierarchy.Pop(); UI.WindowBegin("Settings", ref windowPose, new Vec2(20, 0) *; if (UI.Button("Clear")) { drawList.Clear(); drawPoints.Clear(); } UI.WindowEnd(); DrawMenu(); Draw(Handed.Right); }
public static void Show(Action<string> doWithSelectedManeuver, Action callback, Func<string, bool> filter = null, bool isRegularPlanning = false) { UI.HideNextButton(); PrepareSubphase(doWithSelectedManeuver, callback); GameObject prefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/UI/DirectionsWindow", typeof(GameObject)); DirectionsWindow = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(prefab, GameObject.Find("UI/DirectionsPanel").transform); if (Selection.ThisShip.Owner is Players.HumanPlayer) { GameObject.Find("UI").transform.Find("ContextMenuPanel").gameObject.SetActive(false); CustomizeDirectionsMenu(filter); CustomizeForStressed(); DirectionsWindow.transform.localPosition = FixMenuPosition( DirectionsWindow.transform.gameObject, Input.mousePosition ); } else { DirectionsMenu.Hide(); } Phases.CurrentSubPhase.IsReadyForCommands = true; if (isRegularPlanning) Selection.ThisShip.Owner.AskAssignManeuver(); if (!HasAnyAvailableManeuver) { Messages.ShowError("No available maneuvers!"); DirectionsMenu.Hide(); DirectionsMenu.FinishManeuverSelections(); } }
public override void Load() { SelectableImage newGame = new SelectableImage(Assets.GetTexture("HUDNewGameBase"), Assets.GetTexture("HUDNewGameSelected"), new Vector2(150, 150), scale: 0.25f); newGame.OnClick = () => { SceneManager.LoadScene("Level_1"); }; SelectableImage settings = new SelectableImage(Assets.GetTexture("HUDSettingsBase"), Assets.GetTexture("HUDSettingsSelected"), new Vector2(150, 200), scale: 0.25f); settings.OnClick = () => { SceneManager.StartScene("Settings"); }; SelectableImage quit = new SelectableImage(Assets.GetTexture("HUDQuitBase"), Assets.GetTexture("HUDQuitSelected"), new Vector2(150, 250), scale: 0.25f); quit.OnClick = Config.ExitAction; UI.AddUIElement(quit); UI.AddUIElement(settings); UI.AddUIElement(newGame); }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SaveBase() != 0) { return; } if (SaveRouting() != 0) { return; } if (SaveKCP() != 0) { return; } if (SaveGUI() != 0) { return; } if (SaveUserPAC() != 0) { return; } if (ConfigHandler.SaveConfigToFile(ref config) == 0) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { UI.ShowWarning(UIRes.I18N("OperationFailed")); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { UI Ui = new UI(); Ui.RunUI(); }
protected void gvBusiness_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { //鼠标移动到每项时颜色交替效果 e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", ";'#c1ebff'"); e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", ""); //设置悬浮鼠标指针形状为"小手" e.Row.Attributes["style"] = "Cursor:hand"; //申请人、申请时间 Label lblState = e.Row.FindControl("lblState") as Label; Button btnSubmit = e.Row.FindControl("btnSubmit") as Button; Label lblApplyName = e.Row.FindControl("lblApplyName") as Label; Label lblApplyTime = e.Row.FindControl("lblApplyTime") as Label; if (!Convert.IsDBNull(gvBusiness.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Value)) { int SaleId = Convert.ToInt32(gvBusiness.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Value); BusinessExpInfo pc = new BusinessExpInfo(SaleId); if (pc.SendEmployeeName == "") { lblApplyName.Text = pc.PreEmployeeName.ToString();//市场部员工 lblApplyTime.Text = pc.PreApplyTime.ToString(); } else if (pc.PreEmployeeName == "") { lblApplyName.Text = pc.SendEmployeeName.ToString();//市场部经理 lblApplyTime.Text = pc.ApplyTime.ToString(); } //绑定子GridView GridView gv = e.Row.FindControl("GridView2") as GridView; int emid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["EmployeeId"]); int mainid = Convert.ToInt32(pc.MainBusinessExpId); DataTable dt = BusinessExpInfo.getBusinessExpListOfApproves1(emid, mainid); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { dt.Rows.Add(dt.NewRow()); UI.BindCtrl(dt.DefaultView, gv, AspNetPager2); gv.Rows[0].Visible = false; } else { UI.BindCtrl(dt.DefaultView, gv, AspNetPager2); } //button控制 if (pc.IsApply1 == 1) { btnSubmit.Enabled = false; } //审批状态 if (pc.IsApply1 == 0) { lblState.Text = "待审"; } else if (pc.IsApply1 == 1 && pc.IsApply2 == 0) { if (pc.IsOver1 == 0) { lblState.Text = "修正"; } else { lblState.Text = "通过"; } } } } }
private static int Main(string[] args) { // Enabling Windows XP visual effects before any controls are created Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // Sort out the command line arguments CommandLineArgs clargs = new CommandLineArgs(args); // see if we're already running bool createdNew = false; System.Threading.Mutex mutex = new System.Threading.Mutex(true, "TVRenameMutex", out createdNew); if (!createdNew) { // we're already running // tell the already running copy to come to the foreground IpcClientChannel clientChannel = new IpcClientChannel(); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(clientChannel, true); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownClientType(typeof(IPCMethods), "ipc://TVRenameChannel/IPCMethods"); IPCMethods ipc = new IPCMethods(); // if we were already running, and no command line arguments, then bring application to the foreground // and we're done. if (args.Length == 0) { ipc.BringToForeground(); return(0); } // Send command-line arguments to already running TVRename via IPC CommandLineArgs.MissingFolderBehaviour before = ipc.MissingBehaviour; bool renameBefore = ipc.RenameBehaviour; if (clargs.RenameCheck == false) { // Temporarily override behaviour for missing folders ipc.RenameBehaviour = false; } if (clargs.MissingFolder != CommandLineArgs.MissingFolderBehaviour.Ask) { // Temporarily override behaviour for missing folders ipc.MissingBehaviour = clargs.MissingFolder; } // TODO: Unify command line handling between here and in UI.cs (ProcessArgs). Just send in clargs via IPC? if (clargs.Scan || clargs.DoAll) // doall implies scan { ipc.Scan(); } if (clargs.DoAll) { ipc.DoAll(); } if (clargs.Quit) { ipc.Quit(); return(0); } ipc.RenameBehaviour = renameBefore; ipc.MissingBehaviour = before; return(0); } #if !DEBUG try { #endif // Starting TVRename... // Check arguments for forced recover bool ok = true; string recoverText = ""; if (clargs.ForceRecover) { ok = false; // force recover dialog recoverText = "Recover manually requested."; } // Load settings files TVDoc doc = null; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clargs.UserFilePath)) { PathManager.SetUserDefinedBasePath(clargs.UserFilePath); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error while setting the User-Defined File Path:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } FileInfo tvdbFile = PathManager.TVDBFile; FileInfo settingsFile = PathManager.TVDocSettingsFile; do // loop until no problems loading settings & tvdb cache files { if (!ok) // something went wrong last time around, ask the user what to do { RecoverXML rec = new RecoverXML(recoverText); if (rec.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { tvdbFile = rec.DBFile; settingsFile = rec.SettingsFile; } else { return(1); } } // try loading using current settings files, and set up the main // classes TheTVDB.Instance.setup(tvdbFile, PathManager.TVDBFile, clargs); doc = new TVDoc(settingsFile, clargs); if (!ok) { doc.SetDirty(); } ok = doc.LoadOK; if (!ok) { recoverText = ""; if (!doc.LoadOK && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.LoadErr)) { recoverText += doc.LoadErr; } if (!TheTVDB.Instance.LoadOK && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(TheTVDB.Instance.LoadErr)) { recoverText += "\r\n" + TheTVDB.Instance.LoadErr; } } } while (!ok); // Show user interface UI theUI = new UI(doc); Application.Run(theUI); GC.KeepAlive(mutex); #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { ShowException se = new ShowException(e); se.ShowDialog(); } #endif return(0); }
protected override void DrawBackground() { UI.FillScreen("UI/SaveBg"); UI.Darken(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { UI ui = new UI(); ui.Start(); }
public PCB_Options() : base() { InitializeComponent(); UI.ApplyADUITheme(this); }
/// <summary> /// 保存基础设置 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int SaveBase() { //日志 bool logEnabled = chklogEnabled.Checked; string loglevel = cmbloglevel.Text.TrimEx(); //Mux bool muxEnabled = chkmuxEnabled.Checked; //本地监听 string localPort = txtlocalPort.Text.TrimEx(); string protocol = cmbprotocol.Text.TrimEx(); bool udpEnabled = chkudpEnabled.Checked; bool sniffingEnabled = chksniffingEnabled.Checked; if (Utils.IsNullOrEmpty(localPort) || !Utils.IsNumberic(localPort)) { UI.Show(UIRes.I18N("FillLocalListeningPort")); return(-1); } if (Utils.IsNullOrEmpty(protocol)) { UI.Show(UIRes.I18N("PleaseSelectProtocol")); return(-1); } config.inbound[0].localPort = Utils.ToInt(localPort); config.inbound[0].protocol = protocol; config.inbound[0].udpEnabled = udpEnabled; config.inbound[0].sniffingEnabled = sniffingEnabled; //本地监听2 string localPort2 = txtlocalPort2.Text.TrimEx(); string protocol2 = cmbprotocol2.Text.TrimEx(); bool udpEnabled2 = chkudpEnabled2.Checked; bool sniffingEnabled2 = chksniffingEnabled2.Checked; if (chkAllowIn2.Checked) { if (Utils.IsNullOrEmpty(localPort2) || !Utils.IsNumberic(localPort2)) { UI.Show(UIRes.I18N("FillLocalListeningPort")); return(-1); } if (Utils.IsNullOrEmpty(protocol2)) { UI.Show(UIRes.I18N("PleaseSelectProtocol")); return(-1); } if (config.inbound.Count < 2) { config.inbound.Add(new Mode.InItem()); } config.inbound[1].localPort = Utils.ToInt(localPort2); config.inbound[1].protocol = protocol2; config.inbound[1].udpEnabled = udpEnabled2; config.inbound[1].sniffingEnabled = sniffingEnabled2; } else { if (config.inbound.Count > 1) { config.inbound.RemoveAt(1); } } //日志 config.logEnabled = logEnabled; config.loglevel = loglevel; //Mux config.muxEnabled = muxEnabled; //remoteDNS config.remoteDNS = txtremoteDNS.Text.TrimEx(); config.listenerType = (ListenerType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(ListenerType), cmblistenerType.SelectedIndex); config.defAllowInsecure = chkdefAllowInsecure.Checked; return(0); }
public static void Enable() { control.disabled = false; UI.SetHelpText("Press A or D to move."); }
private void VerifyDirectories() { try { if (!Directory.Exists(modDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modDirectory); } if (!Directory.Exists(bankDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(bankDirectory); } if (!File.Exists(modConfig)) { configuration = new Configuration() { banks = new List <Bank>(), settings = new Settings() { addBankKey = Keys.N, addBankRequiresShift = true } }; File.WriteAllText(modConfig, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configuration, Formatting.Indented)); } if (!File.Exists(franklinsBank)) { BankAccount account = new BankAccount() { balance = 0, owner = AccountOwner.franklin, transactions = new List <Transaction>(), isOpened = false, bank = null }; File.WriteAllText(franklinsBank, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account, Formatting.Indented)); } else { franklinsAccount = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BankAccount>(File.ReadAllText(franklinsBank)); } if (!File.Exists(michaelsBank)) { BankAccount account = new BankAccount() { balance = 0, owner = AccountOwner.michael, transactions = new List <Transaction>(), isOpened = false, bank = null }; File.WriteAllText(michaelsBank, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account, Formatting.Indented)); } else { michaelsAccount = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BankAccount>(File.ReadAllText(michaelsBank)); } if (!File.Exists(trevorsBank)) { BankAccount account = new BankAccount() { balance = 0, owner = AccountOwner.trevor, transactions = new List <Transaction>(), isOpened = false, bank = null }; File.WriteAllText(trevorsBank, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account, Formatting.Indented)); } else { trevorsAccount = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BankAccount>(File.ReadAllText(trevorsBank)); } if (!File.Exists(globalBank)) { BankAccount account = new BankAccount() { balance = 0, owner =, transactions = new List <Transaction>(), isOpened = false, bank = null }; File.WriteAllText(globalBank, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account, Formatting.Indented)); } else { globalAccount = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BankAccount>(File.ReadAllText(globalBank)); } } catch (Exception ex) { UI.Notify($"Ocorreu um erro: {ex.Message}"); } }
private void OnTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { BankAccount currAccount; if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_two")) { currAccount = trevorsAccount; } else if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_zero")) { currAccount = michaelsAccount; } else if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_one")) { currAccount = franklinsAccount; } else { currAccount = globalAccount; } if (currAccount.isOpened) { if (configuration.settings.showDebugMessages) { UI.Notify("DEBUG: Ativar itens de menu de depósito, retirada, saldo e abertura de conta"); } deposit.Enabled = true; withdraw.Enabled = true; transfer.Enabled = true; balance.Enabled = true; createAccount.Enabled = false; closeAccount.Enabled = true; } else { if (configuration.settings.showDebugMessages) { UI.Notify("DEBUG: Desativando itens de menu de depósito, retirada, saldo e fechamento de conta"); } deposit.Enabled = false; withdraw.Enabled = false; transfer.Enabled = false; balance.Enabled = false; createAccount.Enabled = true; closeAccount.Enabled = false; } balance.Text = $"Balance: ${currAccount.balance}"; if (pool != null) { pool.ProcessMenus(); } foreach (Bank bank in configuration.banks) { Vector3 bankPos = new Vector3(bank.XPos, bank.YPos, bank.ZPos - 1); Vector3 bankPosNM = new Vector3(bank.XPos, bank.YPos, bank.ZPos); if (World.GetDistance(Game.Player.Character.Position, bankPosNM) <= .75f && !bankMenu.Visible && !manageAccount.Visible && !transferMenu.Visible) { UI.ShowSubtitle("Pressione ~y~E~w~ para usar o banco", 1); } if (bankMenu.Visible || manageAccount.Visible) { Game.Player.Character.FreezePosition = true; } else if (!bankMenu.Visible && !manageAccount.Visible) { Game.Player.Character.FreezePosition = false; } World.DrawMarker(MarkerType.VerticalCylinder, bankPos, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(1, 1, 1), Color.Yellow); } } catch (Exception ex) { UI.Notify($"Ocorreu um erro: {ex.Message}"); } }
private void MenuItemPressed(UIMenu sender, UIMenuItem selectedItem) { try { BankAccount currAccount; if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_two")) { currAccount = trevorsAccount; } else if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_zero")) { currAccount = michaelsAccount; } else if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_one")) { currAccount = franklinsAccount; } else { currAccount = globalAccount; } int currentAmount = 0; if (selectedItem.Text == createBank.Text) { if (bankType.Items[bankType.Index].ToString() == "Fleeca") { CreateBankAtPlayerPosition(BankType.fleeca); } else if (bankType.Items[bankType.Index].ToString() == "Pacific Standard") { CreateBankAtPlayerPosition(BankType.pacificStandard); } else if (bankType.Items[bankType.Index].ToString() == "Blaine County") { CreateBankAtPlayerPosition(BankType.blaineCounty); } } else if (selectedItem.Text == deposit.Text) { currentAmount = GetNumberInput(); if (Game.Player.Money >= currentAmount) { if (currentAmount >= 1) { Transaction transaction = new Transaction() { transactionAmount = currentAmount, transactionDate = World.CurrentDate, transactionText = "DEPOSITO FEITO COM SUCESSO.", type = TransactionType.deposit }; Game.Player.Money = Game.Player.Money - currentAmount; currAccount.balance = currAccount.balance + currentAmount; currAccount.transactions.Add(transaction); UI.Notify($"Depositado com sucesso ~y~${currentAmount}~w~ para sua conta!"); } } else { UI.Notify("~r~Error: Você não possui os fundos necessários para fazer esta transação"); } } else if (selectedItem.Text == withdraw.Text) { currentAmount = GetNumberInput(); if (currAccount.balance >= currentAmount) { if (currentAmount >= 1) { Transaction transaction = new Transaction() { transactionAmount = currentAmount, transactionDate = World.CurrentDate, transactionText = "RETIRADA EMITIDA PELO PROPRIETÁRIO DA CONTA", type = TransactionType.withdrawal }; Game.Player.Money = Game.Player.Money + currentAmount; currAccount.balance = currAccount.balance - currentAmount; currAccount.transactions.Add(transaction); UI.Notify($"Retirado com sucesso ~y~${currentAmount}~w~ da sua conta!"); } } else { UI.Notify("~r~Error: Você não possui os fundos necessários para fazer esta transação"); } } else if (selectedItem.Text == closeAccount.Text) { if (currAccount.isOpened && currentBank.typeOfBank == { Game.Player.Money = Game.Player.Money + currAccount.balance - / 2; currAccount.balance = 0; currAccount.isOpened = false; = null; UI.Notify($"Você encerrou sua conta com sucesso!"); } else { string bankname = null; if ( == BankType.fleeca) { bankname = "Fleeca"; } else if ( == BankType.blaineCounty) { bankname = "Blaine County Savings"; } else if ( == BankType.pacificStandard) { bankname = "Pacific Standard"; } UI.Notify($"~r~Você não pode fechar sua conta aqui! vá para (a) {bankname} banco para fechar sua conta"); } } else if (selectedItem.Text == createAccount.Text) { if (!currAccount.isOpened) { = currentBank; currAccount.balance = currentBank.startingMoney; currAccount.isOpened = true; Game.Player.Money = Game.Player.Money - currentBank.startingMoney / 2; string bankname = null; if (currentBank.typeOfBank == BankType.fleeca) { bankname = "Fleeca"; } else if (currentBank.typeOfBank == BankType.blaineCounty) { bankname = "Blaine County Savings"; } else if (currentBank.typeOfBank == BankType.pacificStandard) { bankname = "Pacific Standard"; } UI.Notify($"Você abriu uma conta com sucesso ~y~{bankname}~w~!"); } } else if (selectedItem.Text == transfer.Text) { int amountToTransfer = GetNumberInput(); if (currAccount.balance >= amountToTransfer) { if (bankAccountList.Items[bankAccountList.Index].ToString() == "Franklin" && currAccount != franklinsAccount && franklinsAccount.isOpened) { franklinsAccount.balance = franklinsAccount.balance + amountToTransfer; } else if (bankAccountList.Items[bankAccountList.Index].ToString() == "Michael" && currAccount != michaelsAccount && michaelsAccount.isOpened) { michaelsAccount.balance = michaelsAccount.balance + amountToTransfer; } else if (bankAccountList.Items[bankAccountList.Index].ToString() == "Trevor" && currAccount != trevorsAccount && trevorsAccount.isOpened) { trevorsAccount.balance = trevorsAccount.balance + amountToTransfer; } else if (bankAccountList.Items[bankAccountList.Index].ToString() == "Global" && currAccount != globalAccount && globalAccount.isOpened) { globalAccount.balance = globalAccount.balance + amountToTransfer; } else { UI.Notify("A conta selecionada não está aberta!"); return; } currAccount.balance = currAccount.balance - amountToTransfer; UI.Notify($"Transferido com sucesso ~y~${amountToTransfer}~w~ to ~y~{bankAccountList.Items[bankAccountList.Index].ToString()}~w~!"); } else { UI.Notify("~r~Error: Você não possui os fundos necessários para fazer esta transação"); } } if (configuration.settings.showDebugMessages) { UI.Notify("DEBUG: Salvando alterações"); } if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_two")) { currAccount = trevorsAccount; } else if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_zero")) { currAccount = michaelsAccount; } else if (Game.Player.Character.Model == new Model("player_one")) { currAccount = franklinsAccount; } else { currAccount = globalAccount; } Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { UI.Notify($"Ocorreu um erro: {ex.Message}"); } }
protected override void OnEnter() { GameObject _extazModeHolder = GameObject.Find("2D Extaz"); Transform[] _extazHolderChildren = _extazModeHolder.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); ////Trying to add/remove the speedlines //GameObject.Find("ReferenceBody/MainCamera/Speedlines_Foreground").GetComponent<SpeedLines_Opacity>().AddSpeedLines(); //GameObject.Find("GameManager/Speedlines_Background").GetComponent<SpeedLines_Opacity>().AddSpeedLines(); foreach (Transform childTransform in _extazHolderChildren) { if (childTransform != _extazModeHolder.transform) { childTransform.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } //################################################ playerInfos = gameManager.GetAllPlayerInfos(); fromX = new float[3]; toX = new float[3]; UI _uiScript = GameObject.Find("UI").GetComponent <UI>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { PlayerInfo _info = playerInfos[i]; if (_info.isDead) { _info.character.gameObject.SetActive(true); _info.isDead = true; _uiScript.GoWhite(_info.index); } fromX[i] = _info.character.transform.localPosition.x; toX[i] = _info.previous25dX; if (toX[i] == -10f) { toX[i] = 0; } Vector3 _charLocPos = _info.character.transform.localPosition; if (_info.currentLane == 0 && _charLocPos.z != -3f) { _charLocPos.z = -3f; _info.character.transform.localPosition = _charLocPos; } else if (_info.currentLane == 1 && _charLocPos.z != 0f) { _charLocPos.z = 0f; _info.character.transform.localPosition = _charLocPos; } else if (_info.currentLane == 2 && _charLocPos.z != 3f) { _charLocPos.z = 3f; _info.character.transform.localPosition = _charLocPos; } } //################################################ stateTimer = 0f; gameManager.cameraManager.StartTransition(transitionTo25dPosition, transitionTo25dRotation, transitionTo25dSize, transitionTo25dTime); }
public static bool Prefix(Pawn pawn) { return DSGUI.ContextMenuStorage.Create(UI.MouseMapPosition(), pawn); }
public override void UpdateUI() { UI[] array = new UI[3] { UI.OBJ_MISSION_INFO_1, UI.OBJ_MISSION_INFO_2, UI.OBJ_MISSION_INFO_3 }; UI[] array2 = new UI[3] { UI.OBJ_TOP_CROWN_1, UI.OBJ_TOP_CROWN_2, UI.OBJ_TOP_CROWN_3 }; UI[] array3 = new UI[3] { UI.LBL_MISSION_INFO_1, UI.LBL_MISSION_INFO_2, UI.LBL_MISSION_INFO_3 }; UI[] array4 = new UI[3] { UI.SPR_MISSION_INFO_CROWN_1, UI.SPR_MISSION_INFO_CROWN_2, UI.SPR_MISSION_INFO_CROWN_3 }; UI[] array5 = new UI[3] { UI.SPR_CROWN_1, UI.SPR_CROWN_2, UI.SPR_CROWN_3 }; QuestInfoData info = questInfo; QUEST_TYPE questType = info.questData.tableData.questType; int num = 0; SetFontStyle((Enum)UI.STR_MISSION, 2); SetFontStyle((Enum)UI.STR_TREASURE, 2); SetFontStyle((Enum)UI.STR_SELL, 2); string text = null; switch (questType) { default: text = "STR_QUEST_TYPE_NORMAL"; break; case QUEST_TYPE.ORDER: text = "STR_QUEST_TYPE_ORDER"; break; case QUEST_TYPE.EVENT: text = "STR_QUEST_TYPE_EVENT"; break; case QUEST_TYPE.STORY: text = "STR_QUEST_TYPE_STORY"; break; } SetText((Enum)UI.LBL_QUEST_TYPE, text); SetLabelText((Enum)UI.LBL_QUEST_NUM, string.Format(base.sectionData.GetText("QUEST_NUMBER"), info.questData.tableData.locationNumber, info.questData.tableData.questNumber)); SetLabelText((Enum)UI.LBL_QUEST_NAME, info.questData.tableData.questText); int num2 = (int)info.questData.tableData.limitTime; SetLabelText((Enum)UI.LBL_LIMIT_TIME, $"{num2 / 60:D2}:{num2 % 60:D2}"); SetActive((Enum)UI.LBL_GUILD_REQUEST_NEED_POINT, false); SetActive((Enum)UI.STR_MISSION_EMPTY, false); if (!info.isExistMission) { SetActive((Enum)UI.OBJ_MISSION_INFO_ROOT, false); } else { SetActive((Enum)UI.OBJ_MISSION_INFO_ROOT, true); int i = 0; for (int num3 = info.missionData.Length; i < num3; i++) { SetActive((Enum)array[i], info.missionData[i] != null); SetActive((Enum)array2[i], info.missionData[i] != null); if (info.missionData[i] != null) { SetActive((Enum)array4[i], info.missionData[i].state >= CLEAR_STATUS.CLEAR); SetActive((Enum)array5[i], info.missionData[i].state >= CLEAR_STATUS.CLEAR); SetLabelText((Enum)array3[i], info.missionData[i].tableData.missionText); } } } if (questType == QUEST_TYPE.ORDER) { SetActive((Enum)UI.OBJ_SELL_ITEM, true); QuestItemInfo quest_item = MonoBehaviourSingleton <InventoryManager> .I.GetQuestItem(info.questData.tableData.questID); if (quest_item != null && quest_item.sellItems != null && quest_item.sellItems.Count > 0) { SetGrid(UI.GRD_REWARD_SELL, string.Empty, quest_item.sellItems.Count, false, delegate(int i_2, Transform t_2, bool is_recycle_2) { QuestItem.SellItem sellItem = quest_item.sellItems[i_2]; REWARD_TYPE type2 = (REWARD_TYPE)sellItem.type; uint itemId = (uint)sellItem.itemId; if (sellItem.num <= 0) { Log.Error(LOG.OUTGAME, "QuestItem sold get item num is zero. type={0},itemId={1}", type2, itemId); } else { int num4 = -1; ItemIcon itemIcon4 = ItemIcon.CreateRewardItemIcon(type2, itemId, t_2, num4, null, 0, false, -1, false, null, false, false, ItemIcon.QUEST_ICON_SIZE_TYPE.DEFAULT); SetMaterialInfo(itemIcon4.transform, type2, itemId, null); } }); } SetActive((Enum)UI.OBJ_TOP_CROWN_ROOT, false); } SetActive((Enum)UI.OBJ_TREASURE, true); SetGrid(UI.GRD_REWARD_QUEST, string.Empty, 5, false, delegate(int i_2, Transform t_2, bool is_recycle_2) { if (info.questData.reward != null && info.questData.reward.Length > i_2) { REWARD_TYPE type = (REWARD_TYPE)info.questData.reward[i_2].type; uint id = (uint)info.questData.reward[i_2].id; ItemIcon itemIcon3 = ItemIcon.CreateRewardItemIcon(type, id, t_2, -1, null, 0, false, -1, false, null, false, false, ItemIcon.QUEST_ICON_SIZE_TYPE.DEFAULT); SetMaterialInfo(itemIcon3.transform, type, id, null); } }); EnemyTable.EnemyData enemyData = Singleton <EnemyTable> .I.GetEnemyData((uint)info.questData.tableData.GetMainEnemyID()); if (enemyData != null) { int iconId = enemyData.iconId; RARITY_TYPE?rarity = (info.questData.tableData.questType != QUEST_TYPE.ORDER) ? null : new RARITY_TYPE?(info.questData.tableData.rarity); ItemIcon itemIcon = ItemIcon.Create(ITEM_ICON_TYPE.QUEST_ITEM, iconId, rarity, GetCtrl(UI.OBJ_ENEMY), enemyData.element, null, -1, null, 0, false, -1, false, null, false, 0, 0, false, GET_TYPE.PAY); itemIcon.SetEnableCollider(false); ItemIcon itemIcon2 = ItemIcon.Create(ITEM_ICON_TYPE.QUEST_ITEM, iconId, rarity, GetCtrl(UI.OBJ_ENEMY), enemyData.element, null, -1, null, 0, false, -1, false, null, false, 0, 0, false, GET_TYPE.PAY); itemIcon2.SetEnableCollider(false); } SetActive((Enum)UI.SPR_ELEMENT_ROOT, false); if (enemyData != null) { SetActive((Enum)UI.SPR_ELEMENT_ROOT_2, true); SetElementSprite((Enum)UI.SPR_ELEMENT_2, (int)enemyData.element); SetActive((Enum)UI.STR_NON_ELEMENT_2, enemyData.element == ELEMENT_TYPE.MAX); SetElementSprite((Enum)UI.SPR_WEAK_ELEMENT_2, (int)enemyData.weakElement); SetActive((Enum)UI.STR_NON_WEAK_ELEMENT_2, enemyData.weakElement == ELEMENT_TYPE.MAX); } else { SetActive((Enum)UI.SPR_ELEMENT_ROOT_2, false); SetActive((Enum)UI.STR_NON_WEAK_ELEMENT_2, false); } ShowInfo(questType, isShowDropInfo); SetActive((Enum)UI.TWN_DIFFICULT_STAR, false); num = (MonoBehaviourSingleton <QuestManager> .I.GetClearStatusQuestEnemySpecies(info.questData.tableData.questID)?.questStatus ?? 1); SetClearStatus((CLEAR_STATUS)num); if (!MonoBehaviourSingleton <UserInfoManager> .I.isGuildRequestOpen) { SetActive((Enum)UI.BTN_GUILD_REQUEST, false); } }
public void SetStatus(TanjiState state) { if (UI.InvokeRequired) { UI.Invoke(_setStatus, state); return; } UI.CoTConnectBtn.Text = (state == TanjiState.StandingBy ? "Connect" : "Cancel"); #region Switch: state switch (State = state) { case TanjiState.StandingBy: UI.CoTStatusTxt.StopDotAnimation("Standing By..."); break; case TanjiState.ExtractingGameData: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Extracting Game Data"); break; case TanjiState.InjectingClient: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Injecting Client"); break; case TanjiState.InterceptingClient: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Intercepting Client"); break; case TanjiState.DecompressingClient: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Decompressing Client"); break; case TanjiState.CompressingClient: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Compressing Client"); break; case TanjiState.DisassemblingClient: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Disassembling Client"); break; case TanjiState.ModifyingClient: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Modifying Client"); break; case TanjiState.ReconstructingClient: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Reconstructing Client"); break; case TanjiState.InterceptingConnection: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Intercepting Connection"); break; case TanjiState.ReplacingResources: UI.CoTStatusTxt.SetDotAnimation("Replacing Resources"); break; } #endregion }