Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestIsDirectoryOnly()
            Assert.False(new UFile("/a/b/c.txt").IsDirectoryOnly);

            var dirPath = new UDirectory("/a/b/c");
            Assert.AreEqual("/a/b/c", dirPath.GetDirectory());

            var filePath = new UFile("/test.txt");
            Assert.AreEqual("/", filePath.GetDirectory());
            Assert.AreEqual("test.txt", filePath.GetFileNameWithExtension());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static BuildStep FromRequest(AssetCompilerContext context, Package package, UDirectory urlRoot, EffectCompileRequest effectCompileRequest)
            var compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters(effectCompileRequest.UsedParameters);

            compilerParameters.EffectParameters.Platform = context.GetGraphicsPlatform(package);
            compilerParameters.EffectParameters.Profile  = context.GetGameSettingsAsset().GetOrCreate <RenderingSettings>(context.Platform).DefaultGraphicsProfile;
            return(new CommandBuildStep(new EffectCompileCommand(context, urlRoot, effectCompileRequest.EffectName, compilerParameters, package)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static async void Startup(UFile initialSessionPath)
                var serviceProvider = InitializeServiceProvider();

                catch (Exception e)
                    var message = "Could not find a compatible version of MSBuild.\r\n\r\n" +
                                  "Check that you have a valid installation with the required workloads, or go to [www.visualstudio.com/downloads](https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads) to install a new one.\r\n\r\n" +
                    await serviceProvider.Get <IEditorDialogService>().MessageBox(message, Core.Presentation.Services.MessageBoxButton.OK, Core.Presentation.Services.MessageBoxImage.Error);


                // We use a MRU that contains the older version projects to display in the editor
                var mru = new MostRecentlyUsedFileCollection(InternalSettings.LoadProfileCopy, InternalSettings.MostRecentlyUsedSessions, InternalSettings.WriteFile);
                var editor = new GameStudioViewModel(serviceProvider, mru);

                // Attempt to load the startup session, if available
                if (!UPath.IsNullOrEmpty(initialSessionPath))
                    var sessionLoaded = await editor.OpenInitialSession(initialSessionPath);

                    if (sessionLoaded == true)
                        var mainWindow = new GameStudioWindow(editor);
                        Application.Current.MainWindow = mainWindow;

                // No session successfully loaded, open the new/open project window
                // The user might cancel after chosing a template to instantiate, in this case we'll reopen the window
                var startupWindow = new ProjectSelectionWindow
                    WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen,
                    ShowInTaskbar         = true,
                var viewModel = new NewOrOpenSessionTemplateCollectionViewModel(serviceProvider, startupWindow);
                startupWindow.Templates = viewModel;

                // The user selected a template to instantiate
                if (startupWindow.NewSessionParameters != null)
                    // Clean existing entry in the MRU data
                    var directory = startupWindow.NewSessionParameters.OutputDirectory;
                    var name      = startupWindow.NewSessionParameters.OutputName;
                    var mruData   = new MRUAdditionalDataCollection(InternalSettings.LoadProfileCopy, GameStudioInternalSettings.MostRecentlyUsedSessionsData, InternalSettings.WriteFile);
                    mruData.RemoveFile(UFile.Combine(UDirectory.Combine(directory, name), new UFile(name + SessionViewModel.SolutionExtension)));

                    completed = await editor.NewSession(startupWindow.NewSessionParameters);
                // The user selected a path to open
                else if (startupWindow.ExistingSessionPath != null)
                    completed = await editor.OpenSession(startupWindow.ExistingSessionPath);
                // The user cancelled from the new/open project window, so exit the application
                    completed = true;

                if (completed != true)
                    var windowsClosed = new List <Task>();
                    foreach (var window in Application.Current.Windows.Cast <Window>().Where(x => x.IsLoaded))
                        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <int>();
                        window.Unloaded += (s, e) => tcs.SetResult(0);

                    await Task.WhenAll(windowsClosed);

                    // When a project has been partially loaded, it might already have initialized some plugin that could conflict with
                    // the next attempt to start something. Better start the application again.
                    var commandLine = string.Join(" ", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Skip(1).Select(x => $"\"{x}\""));
                    var process     = new Process {
                        StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location, commandLine)

                if (editor.Session != null)
                    // If a session was correctly loaded, show the main window
                    var mainWindow = new GameStudioWindow(editor);
                    Application.Current.MainWindow = mainWindow;
                    // Otherwise, exit.
            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 4
 public AssetFolder Find(UDirectory folder)
     return(folders.FirstOrDefault(sourceFolder => sourceFolder.Path == folder));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestMakeRelative()
            UPath assetPath2    = null;
            UPath newAssetPath2 = null;
            var   dir1          = new UDirectory("/a/b/c");

            var assetDir2 = new UDirectory("/a/b/c");

            newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir2);
            Assert.Equal(".", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            var assetDir3 = new UDirectory("/a/b");

            newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir3);
            Assert.Equal("c", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            var assetDir4 = new UDirectory("/a/b/c/d");

            newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir4);
            Assert.Equal("..", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test direct relative
            assetPath2    = new UFile("/a/b/c/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.Equal("test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test direct relative + subdir
            assetPath2    = new UFile("/a/b/c/test/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.Equal("test/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 1
            assetPath2    = new UFile("/a/b/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.Equal("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 2
            assetPath2    = new UFile("/a/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.Equal("../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 3
            assetPath2    = new UFile("/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.Equal("../../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test already relative
            assetPath2    = new UFile("../test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.Equal("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test only root path in common
            assetPath2    = new UFile("/e/f/g/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.Equal("../../../e/f/g/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test only root path in common with single file
            assetPath2    = new UFile("/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.Equal("../../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void Build(ILogger log, Package package, string outputDirectory = null)
            if (package == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(package));

            var meta = new ManifestMetadata();

            PackageStore.ToNugetManifest(package.Meta, meta);

            // Sanity check: Xenko version should be same between NuGet package and Xenko package
            var nugetVersion   = new PackageVersion(XenkoVersion.NuGetVersion).Version;
            var packageVersion = package.Meta.Version.Version;

            if (nugetVersion != packageVersion)
                log.Error($"Package has mismatching version: NuGet package version is {nugetVersion} and Xenko Package version is {packageVersion}");

            if (nugetVersion.Revision <= 0)
                // If 0, we have special cases with NuGet dropping it in install path, could be dangerous and lead to bugs if not properly tested.
                log.Error($"Package has revision {nugetVersion} but 4th digit needs to be at least 1.");

            // Override version with NuGet version (4th number is different in Xenko package)
            meta.Version = XenkoVersion.NuGetVersion;

            var builder = new NugetPackageBuilder();


            var currentAssemblyLocation = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
            var mainPlatformDirectory   = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(currentAssemblyLocation));

            // TODO this is not working
            // We are excluding everything that is in a folder that starts with a dot (ie. .shadow, .vs)
            var files = new List <ManifestFile>()
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.exe", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.exe;Bin\**\Tools\**.exe"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.so", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.so;Bin\Windows\lib\**\*.so"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.ssdeps", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.ssdeps"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.a", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.a"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.md", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.md"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.html", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.html"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.config", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.config"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.dll", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.dll;Bin\Windows\lib\**\*.dll"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.xml", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.xml"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.usrdoc", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.usrdoc"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.winmd", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.winmd"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.sh", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.sh"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.json", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.json"),
                NewFile(@"deps\AssemblyProcessor\*.exe", @"deps/AssemblyProcessor"),
                NewFile(@"deps\AssemblyProcessor\*.dll", @"deps/AssemblyProcessor"),
                NewFile(@"deps\CoreFX\**\*.*", @"deps\CoreFX"),
                NewFile($@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\ios-tcprelay\*.py", $@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\ios-tcprelay"),
                NewFile(@"Targets\*.targets", "Targets"),
                NewFile($@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\SiliconStudio.*.pdb", $@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}", @"Bin\**\SiliconStudio.Xenko.Importer*.pdb;Bin\**\SiliconStudio.Xenko.Assimp.Translation.pdb"),

            // Handle Assets
            var rootDir = package.RootDirectory;

            var newPackage = new Package {
                Meta = package.Meta

            foreach (var profile in package.Profiles)
                var target = "Assets/" + profile.Name;
                foreach (var assetFolder in profile.AssetFolders)
                    // TODO: handle exclude in asset folders
                    //files.Add(NewFile(source, target, @"**\*.cs;**\*.hlsl;**\*.csproj;**\*.csproj.user;**\obj\**"));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xksl", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xkfx", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xkfnt", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xksheet", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xkuilib", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xkgfxcomp", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xktex", target));
                    var resourceFolder = UPath.Combine(assetFolder.Path, new UDirectory("../../Resources"));
                    if (Directory.Exists(resourceFolder.ToWindowsPath()))
                        files.Add(NewFile(resourceFolder.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.*", "Resources"));
                var targetProfile = new PackageProfile(profile.Name);
                targetProfile.AssetFolders.Add(new AssetFolder(target));

            //Handle RootAssets
            foreach (var rootAsset in package.RootAssets)

            // Handle templates
            var targetFolder = new TemplateFolder("Templates");

            foreach (var templateFolder in package.TemplateFolders)
                var        source = templateFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**";
                UDirectory target = targetFolder.Path;
                if (templateFolder.Group != null)
                    target = UPath.Combine(target, templateFolder.Group);

                var excludeFiles = templateFolder.Exclude;
                files.Add(NewFile(source, target, excludeFiles));

                // Add template files
                foreach (var templateFile in templateFolder.Files)
                    var newTemplateFile = templateFile.MakeRelative(templateFolder.Path);
                    if (templateFolder.Group != null)
                        newTemplateFile = UPath.Combine(templateFolder.Group, newTemplateFile);

                    newTemplateFile = UPath.Combine(targetFolder.Path, newTemplateFile);

            // Add files
            builder.PopulateFiles(package.RootDirectory, files);

            var dataFiles = builder.Files.ToList();


            // Create temp package for archive
            var newPackageFileName = "temp" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".xkpkg";

            newPackage.FullPath = package.RootDirectory + "/" + newPackageFileName;
            var result = new LoggerResult();

            if (result.HasErrors)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(result.ToText());
                // TODO throw error

            // Add the package file
            files.Add(NewFile(newPackageFileName, package.Meta.Name + Package.PackageFileExtension));
            // Add entry point to decompress LZMA
            files.Add(NewFile(@"tools\**\*.exe", "tools"));
            files.Add(NewFile(@"tools\**\*.dll", "tools"));
            // Add an empty .xz file so that it gets added to [Content_Types].xml
            // This file will be removed later
            files.Add(NewFile(@"tools\data_empty.xz", string.Empty));

            // Repopulate with .xkpkg file
            builder.PopulateFiles(package.RootDirectory, files);

            outputDirectory = outputDirectory ?? Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            // Save the nupkg
            var  outputPath        = GetOutputPath(builder, outputDirectory);
            bool isExistingPackage = File.Exists(outputPath);

            if (isExistingPackage)
                using (Stream stream = File.Create(outputPath))

                    stream.Position = 0;

                    // Add LZMA file as update so that it is stored without compression
                    using (var archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Update, true))
                        // Delete data_empty.xz
                        var dataEntry = archive.GetEntry("data_empty.xz");

                        // Create data.xz (no compression since .xz is already compressed)
                        dataEntry = archive.CreateEntry("data.xz", CompressionLevel.NoCompression);
                        using (var dataStream = dataEntry.Open())
                            // Generate LZMA
                            using (var indexedArchive = new IndexedArchive())
                                foreach (var file in dataFiles)
                                    indexedArchive.AddFile(Path.Combine(package.RootDirectory, file.SourcePath), file.Path);
                                indexedArchive.Save(dataStream, new ConsoleProgressReport());
                if (!isExistingPackage && File.Exists(outputPath))

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sync <paramref name="sourceDir"/> with <paramref name="destDir"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectInfo">Credentials to access host where synchronization takes place.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceDir">Source directory on the local host.</param>
        /// <param name="destDir">Destination directory on the remote host</param>
        /// <param name="logger">Logging facility</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if successful; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        private static bool SyncTo(ConnectionInfo connectInfo, UDirectory sourceDir, UDirectory destDir, LoggerResult logger)
            // Copy files over
            using (var sftp = new SftpClient(connectInfo))
                    if (!sftp.IsConnected)
                    logger.Error("Cannot connect");

                // Perform recursive copy of all the folders under `sourceDir`. This is required
                // as the sftp client only synchronize directories at their level only, no
                // subdirectory.
                var dirs = new Queue <DirectoryInfo>();
                dirs.Enqueue(new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir));
                var parentPath = sourceDir;
                while (dirs.Count != 0)
                    var currentDir  = dirs.Dequeue();
                    var currentPath = new UDirectory(currentDir.FullName);
                    foreach (var subdir in currentDir.EnumerateDirectories())

                    // Get the destination path by adding to `Location` the relative path of `sourceDir` to `currentDir`.
                    var destination = UPath.Combine(destDir, currentPath.MakeRelative(parentPath));

                    logger.Info("Synchronizing " + currentPath + " with " + destination.FullPath);
                    // Try to create a remote directory. If it throws an exception, we will assume
                    // for now that the directory already exists. See https://github.com/sshnet/SSH.NET/issues/25
                        logger.Info("Creating remote directory " + destination.FullPath);
                    catch (SshException)
                        // Do nothing, as this is when the directory already exists
                    // Synchronize files.
                    foreach (var file in sftp.SynchronizeDirectories(currentPath.FullPath, destination.FullPath, "*"))
                        logger.Info("Updating " + file.Name);
                        // Some of our files needs executable rights, however we do not know in advance which one
                        // need it. For now all files will be rwxr.xr.x (0755 in octal but written in decimal for readability).
                        sftp.ChangePermissions(destination.FullPath + "/" + file.Name, 755);
        public MaterialDescription Run(MaterialDescription material, UDirectory materialPath, PixelFormat outputFormat = PixelFormat.ETC1)
            if (material == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("material");

            var assetManager     = new AssetManager();
            var modifiedMaterial = material.Clone();
            var textureVisitor   = new MaterialTextureVisitor(modifiedMaterial);
            var nodeReplacer     = new MaterialNodeReplacer(modifiedMaterial);
            var textureNodes     = textureVisitor.GetAllModelTextureValues();

            foreach (var textureNode in textureNodes)
                var itemAsset = assetSession.FindAsset(textureNode.TextureReference.Id);
                if (itemAsset == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The referenced texture is not included in the project session.");

                var textureAsset = (TextureAsset)itemAsset.Asset;
                if (textureAsset.Format != TextureFormat.Compressed || textureAsset.Alpha == AlphaFormat.None)
                    continue; // the texture has no alpha so there is no need to divide the texture into two sub-textures
                var originalLocation = textureNode.TextureReference.Location;

                using (var image = assetManager.Load <Image>(originalLocation))
                    CreateAndSaveSeparateTextures(image, originalLocation, textureAsset.GenerateMipmaps, outputFormat);
                    assetManager.Unload(image); // matching unload to the previous asset manager load call

                // make new tree
                var colorNode           = new MaterialTextureNode(GenerateColorTextureURL(originalLocation), textureNode.TexcoordIndex, Vector2.One, Vector2.Zero);
                var alphaNode           = new MaterialTextureNode(GenerateAlphaTextureURL(originalLocation), textureNode.TexcoordIndex, Vector2.One, Vector2.Zero);
                var substituteAlphaNode = new MaterialShaderClassNode {
                    MixinReference = new AssetReference <EffectShaderAsset>(Guid.Empty, "ComputeColorSubstituteAlphaWithColor")
                substituteAlphaNode.CompositionNodes.Add("color1", colorNode);
                substituteAlphaNode.CompositionNodes.Add("color2", alphaNode);

                // set the parameters of the children so that they match the original texture
                var children = new[] { colorNode, alphaNode };
                foreach (var childTexture in children)
                    childTexture.Sampler.AddressModeU = textureNode.Sampler.AddressModeU;
                    childTexture.Sampler.AddressModeV = textureNode.Sampler.AddressModeV;
                    childTexture.Sampler.Filtering    = textureNode.Sampler.Filtering;
                    childTexture.Offset = textureNode.Offset;
                    childTexture.Sampler.SamplerParameterKey = textureNode.Sampler.SamplerParameterKey;
                    childTexture.Scale         = textureNode.Scale;
                    childTexture.TexcoordIndex = textureNode.TexcoordIndex;

                // copy the parameter key on the color and let the one of the alpha null so that it is set automatically to available value later
                colorNode.Key = textureNode.Key;
                alphaNode.Key = null;

                // update all the material references to the new node
                nodeReplacer.Replace(textureNode, substituteAlphaNode);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void Build(ILogger log, Package package, string outputDirectory = null)
            if (package == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(package));

            var meta = new ManifestMetadata();

            PackageStore.ToNugetManifest(package.Meta, meta);

            // Sanity check: Xenko version should be same between NuGet package and Xenko package
            var nugetVersion   = new PackageVersion(XenkoVersion.NuGetVersion).Version;
            var packageVersion = package.Meta.Version.Version;

            if (nugetVersion != packageVersion)
                log.Error($"Package has mismatching version: NuGet package version is {nugetVersion} and Xenko Package version is {packageVersion}");

            if (nugetVersion.Revision <= 0)
                // If 0, we have special cases with NuGet dropping it in install path, could be dangerous and lead to bugs if not properly tested.
                log.Error($"Package has revision {nugetVersion} but 4th digit needs to be at least 1.");

            // Override version with NuGet version (4th number is different in Xenko package)
            meta.Version = XenkoVersion.NuGetVersion;

            var builder = new NugetPackageBuilder();


            var currentAssemblyLocation = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
            var mainPlatformDirectory   = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(currentAssemblyLocation));

            // TODO this is not working
            // We are excluding everything that is in a folder that starts with a dot (ie. .shadow, .vs)
            var files = new List <ManifestFile>()
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.exe", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.exe;Bin\**\Tools\**.exe"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.so", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.so;Bin\Windows\lib\**\*.so"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.ssdeps", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.ssdeps"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.a", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.a"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.md", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.md"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.html", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.html"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.config", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.config"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.dll", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.dll;Bin\Windows\lib\**\*.dll"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.xml", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.xml"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.usrdoc", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.usrdoc"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.winmd", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.winmd"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.sh", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.sh"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.json", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.json"),
                NewFile(@"deps\AssemblyProcessor\*.exe", @"deps/AssemblyProcessor"),
                NewFile(@"deps\AssemblyProcessor\*.dll", @"deps/AssemblyProcessor"),
                NewFile($@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\ios-tcprelay\*.py", $@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\ios-tcprelay"),
                NewFile(@"Targets\*.targets", "Targets"),
                NewFile(@"Targets\*.props", "Targets"),
                NewFile($@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\Xenko.Core.*.pdb", $@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}", @"Bin\**\Xenko.Importer*.pdb;Bin\**\Xenko.Assimp.Translation.pdb"),
                NewFile(@"build\Xenko.targets", @"build"),
                NewFile(@"build\Xenko.props", @"build"),
                NewFile(@"tools\**\*.exe", "tools"),
                NewFile(@"tools\**\*.dll", "tools"),
                NewFile(@"LICENSE.md", @""),
                NewFile(@"THIRD PARTY.md", @""),
                NewFile(@"BACKERS.md", @""),

            // Handle Assets
            var rootDir = package.RootDirectory;

            var newPackage = new Package {
                Meta = AssetCloner.Clone(package.Meta)

            newPackage.Meta.Version = new PackageVersion(meta.Version);

            foreach (var profile in package.Profiles)
                var target = "Assets/" + profile.Name;
                foreach (var assetFolder in profile.AssetFolders)
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xk*", target));
                foreach (var resourceFolder in profile.ResourceFolders)
                    files.Add(NewFile(resourceFolder.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.*", "Resources"));

                var targetProfile = new PackageProfile(profile.Name);
                if (profile.AssetFolders.Count > 0)
                    targetProfile.AssetFolders.Add(new AssetFolder(target));
                if (profile.ResourceFolders.Count > 0)


            //Handle RootAssets
            foreach (var rootAsset in package.RootAssets)

            // Handle templates
            var targetFolder = new TemplateFolder("Templates");

            foreach (var templateFolder in package.TemplateFolders)
                var        source = templateFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**";
                UDirectory target = targetFolder.Path;
                if (templateFolder.Group != null)
                    target = UPath.Combine(target, templateFolder.Group);

                var excludeFiles = templateFolder.Exclude;
                files.Add(NewFile(source, target, excludeFiles));

                // Add template files
                foreach (var templateFile in templateFolder.Files)
                    var newTemplateFile = templateFile.MakeRelative(templateFolder.Path);
                    if (templateFolder.Group != null)
                        newTemplateFile = UPath.Combine(templateFolder.Group, newTemplateFile);

                    newTemplateFile = UPath.Combine(targetFolder.Path, newTemplateFile);

            // Create temp package for archive
            var newPackageFileName = "temp" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".xkpkg";

            newPackage.FullPath = package.RootDirectory + "/" + newPackageFileName;
            var result = new LoggerResult();

            if (result.HasErrors)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(result.ToText());
                // TODO throw error
            files.Add(NewFile(newPackageFileName, package.Meta.Name + Package.PackageFileExtension));

            // Add files
            builder.PopulateFiles(package.RootDirectory, files);

            outputDirectory = outputDirectory ?? Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            // Save the nupkg
            var  outputPath        = GetOutputPath(builder, outputDirectory);
            bool isExistingPackage = File.Exists(outputPath);

            if (isExistingPackage)
                using (Stream stream = File.Create(outputPath))
                if (!isExistingPackage && File.Exists(outputPath))

Exemplo n.º 10
        public int Run(string[] args)
            clock = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // TODO this is hardcoded. Check how to make this dynamic instead.
            //var project = new Package();

            //var spriteFontAsset = StaticFontAsset.New();
            //Content.Save("test.sdfnt", spriteFontAsset);

            //args = new string[] { "test.sdpkg", "-o:app_data", "-b:tmp", "-t:1" };

            var exeName  = Path.GetFileName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            var showHelp = false;
            var packMode = false;
            var updateGeneratedFilesMode = false;
            var buildEngineLogger        = GlobalLogger.GetLogger("BuildEngine");
            var options = new PackageBuilderOptions(new ForwardingLoggerResult(buildEngineLogger));

            var p = new OptionSet
                "Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and Contributors (https://dotnetfoundation.org/ & https://stride3d.net) and Silicon Studio Corp. (https://www.siliconstudio.co.jp) All Rights Reserved",
                "Stride Build Tool - Version: "
                    typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.Build) + string.Empty,
                string.Format("Usage: {0} inputPackageFile [options]* -b buildPath", exeName),
                "=== Options ===",
                { "h|help", "Show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null },
                { "v|verbose", "Show more verbose progress logs", v => options.Verbose = v != null },
                { "d|debug", "Show debug logs (imply verbose)", v => options.Debug = v != null },
                { "log", "Enable file logging", v => options.EnableFileLogging = v != null },
                { "disable-auto-compile", "Disable auto-compile of projects", v => options.DisableAutoCompileProjects = v != null },
                { "project-configuration=", "Project configuration", v => options.ProjectConfiguration = v },
                { "platform=", "Platform name", v => options.Platform = (PlatformType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PlatformType), v) },
                { "solution-file=", "Solution File Name", v => options.SolutionFile = v },
                { "package-id=", "Package Id from the solution file", v => options.PackageId = Guid.Parse(v) },
                { "package-file=", "Input Package File Name", v => options.PackageFile = v },
                { "msbuild-uptodatecheck-filebase=", "BuildUpToDate File base for MSBuild; it will create one .inputs and one .outputs files", v => options.MSBuildUpToDateCheckFileBase = v },
                { "o|output-path=", "Output path", v => options.OutputDirectory = v },
                { "b|build-path=", "Build path", v => options.BuildDirectory = v },
                { "log-file=", "Log build in a custom file.", v =>
                      options.EnableFileLogging = v != null;
                      options.CustomLogFileName = v;
                  } },
                { "monitor-pipe=", "Monitor pipe.", v =>
                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                  } },
                { "slave=", "Slave pipe", v => options.SlavePipe = v }, // Benlitz: I don't think this should be documented
                { "server=", "This Compiler is launched as a server", v => { } },
                { "pack", "Special mode to copy assets and resources in a folder for NuGet packaging", v => packMode = true },
                { "updated-generated-files", "Special mode to update generated files (such as .sdsl.cs)", v => updateGeneratedFilesMode = true },
                { "t|threads=", "Number of threads to create. Default value is the number of hardware threads available.", v => options.ThreadCount = int.Parse(v) },
                { "test=", "Run a test session.", v => options.TestName = v },
                { "property:", "Properties. Format is name1=value1;name2=value2", v =>
                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                          foreach (var nameValue in v.Split(new [] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                              var equalIndex = nameValue.IndexOf('=');
                              if (equalIndex == -1)
                                  throw new OptionException("Expect name1=value1;name2=value2 format.", "property");

                              var name  = nameValue.Substring(0, equalIndex);
                              var value = nameValue.Substring(equalIndex + 1);
                              if (value != string.Empty)
                                  options.Properties.Add(name, value);
                  } },
                { "compile-property:", "Compile properties. Format is name1=value1;name2=value2", v =>
                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                          if (options.ExtraCompileProperties == null)
                              options.ExtraCompileProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                          foreach (var nameValue in v.Split(new [] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                              var equalIndex = nameValue.IndexOf('=');
                              if (equalIndex == -1)
                                  throw new OptionException("Expect name1=value1;name2=value2 format.", "property");

                              options.ExtraCompileProperties.Add(nameValue.Substring(0, equalIndex), nameValue.Substring(equalIndex + 1));
                  } },
                    "reattach-debugger=", "Reattach to a Visual Studio debugger", v =>
                        int debuggerProcessId;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v) && int.TryParse(v, out debuggerProcessId))
                            if (!Debugger.IsAttached)
                                using (var debugger = VisualStudioDebugger.GetByProcess(debuggerProcessId))

            TextWriterLogListener fileLogListener = null;

            BuildResultCode exitCode;

                var unexpectedArgs = p.Parse(args);

                // Activate proper log level

                // Output logs to the console with colored messages
                if (options.SlavePipe == null)
                    globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged = new ConsoleLogListener {
                        LogMode = ConsoleLogMode.Always
                    globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged.TextFormatter = FormatLog;
                    GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged += globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged;

                if (updateGeneratedFilesMode)

                    var csprojFile = options.PackageFile;

                    var logger           = new LoggerResult();
                    var projectDirectory = new UDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(csprojFile));
                    var package          = Package.Load(logger, csprojFile, new PackageLoadParameters()
                        LoadMissingDependencies = false,
                        AutoCompileProjects     = false,
                        LoadAssemblyReferences  = false,
                        AutoLoadTemporaryAssets = true,
                        TemporaryAssetFilter    = assetFile => AssetRegistry.IsProjectCodeGeneratorAssetFileExtension(assetFile.FilePath.GetFileExtension().ToLowerInvariant())

                    foreach (var assetItem in package.TemporaryAssets)
                        if (assetItem.Asset is IProjectFileGeneratorAsset projectGeneratorAsset)
                                options.Logger.Info($"Processing: {assetItem}");
                            catch (Exception e)
                                options.Logger.Error($"Unhandled exception while updating generated files for {assetItem}", e);


                if (unexpectedArgs.Any())
                    throw new OptionException("Unexpected arguments [{0}]".ToFormat(string.Join(", ", unexpectedArgs)), "args");
                catch (ArgumentException ex)
                    throw new OptionException(ex.Message, ex.ParamName);

                if (showHelp)
                else if (packMode)

                    var csprojFile = options.PackageFile;
                    var intermediatePackagePath = options.BuildDirectory;
                    var generatedItems          = new List <(string SourcePath, string PackagePath)>();
                    var logger = new LoggerResult();
                    if (!PackAssetsHelper.Run(logger, csprojFile, intermediatePackagePath, generatedItems))
                        foreach (var message in logger.Messages)
                    foreach (var generatedItem in generatedItems)

                // Also write logs from master process into a file
                if (options.SlavePipe == null)
                    if (options.EnableFileLogging)
                        string logFileName = options.CustomLogFileName;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFileName))
                            string inputName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(options.PackageFile);
                            logFileName = "Logs/Build-" + inputName + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd-HH-mm") + ".txt";

                        string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(logFileName);
                        if (dirName != null)

                        fileLogListener = new TextWriterLogListener(new FileStream(logFileName, FileMode.Create))
                            TextFormatter = FormatLog
                        GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged += fileLogListener;

                    options.Logger.Info("BuildEngine arguments: " + string.Join(" ", args));
                    options.Logger.Info("Starting builder.");
                    IsSlave = true;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.TestName))
                    var test = new TestSession();
                    test.RunTest(options.TestName, options.Logger);
                    exitCode = BuildResultCode.Successful;
                    builder = new PackageBuilder(options);
                    if (!IsSlave)
                        Console.CancelKeyPress += OnConsoleOnCancelKeyPress;
                    exitCode = builder.Build();
            catch (OptionException e)
                options.Logger.Error($"Command option '{e.OptionName}': {e.Message}");
                exitCode = BuildResultCode.CommandLineError;
            catch (Exception e)
                options.Logger.Error($"Unhandled exception", e);
                exitCode = BuildResultCode.BuildError;
                if (fileLogListener != null)
                    GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged -= fileLogListener;

                // Output logs to the console with colored messages
                if (globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged != null)
                    GlobalLogger.GlobalMessageLogged -= globalLoggerOnGlobalMessageLogged;
                if (builder != null && !IsSlave)
                    Console.CancelKeyPress -= OnConsoleOnCancelKeyPress;

                // Reset cache hold by YamlSerializer
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AssetPackageViewModel"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceProvider">The service provider for this view model.</param>
 /// <param name="packageLocation">The directory containing this package.</param>
 /// <param name="initiallySelected">Indicates whether this plaform should be initially selected.</param>
 public AssetPackageViewModel(IViewModelServiceProvider serviceProvider, string name, UDirectory packageLocation, bool initiallySelected)
     : base(serviceProvider)
     PackageName     = name;
     PackageLocation = packageLocation;
     IsSelected      = initiallySelected;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void Build(Package package, string specialVersion = null, string outputDirectory = null)
            if (package == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("package");

            var meta = new NuGet.ManifestMetadata();


            // Override version with task SpecialVersion (if specified by user)
            if (specialVersion != null)
                meta.Version = new PackageVersion(package.Meta.Version.ToString().Split('-').First() + "-" + specialVersion).ToString();

            var builder = new NuGet.PackageBuilder();


            var currentAssemblyLocation = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
            var mainPlatformDirectory   = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(currentAssemblyLocation));

            // TODO this is not working
            // We are excluding everything that is in a folder that starts with a dot (ie. .shadow, .vs)
            var files = new List <NuGet.ManifestFile>()
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.exe", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.exe"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.vsix", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.vsix"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.so", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.so"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.a", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.a"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.md", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.md"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.html", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.html"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.config", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.config"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.dll", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.dll"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.xml", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.xml"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.usrdoc", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.usrdoc"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.winmd", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.winmd"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.sh", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.sh"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.json", "Bin", @"Bin\**\.*\**\*.json"),
                NewFile(@"deps\AssemblyProcessor\*.exe", @"deps/AssemblyProcessor"),
                NewFile(@"deps\AssemblyProcessor\*.dll", @"deps/AssemblyProcessor"),
                NewFile(@"deps\CoreFX\**\*.*", @"deps\CoreFX"),
                NewFile($@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\ios-tcprelay\*.py", $@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\ios-tcprelay"),
                NewFile(@"Targets\*.targets", "Targets"),
                NewFile($@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}\SiliconStudio.*.pdb", $@"Bin\{mainPlatformDirectory}", @"Bin\**\SiliconStudio.Xenko.Importer*.pdb;Bin\**\SiliconStudio.Xenko.Assimp.Translation.pdb"),

            // Handle Assets
            var rootDir = package.RootDirectory;

            var newPackage = new Package {
                Meta = package.Meta

            foreach (var profile in package.Profiles)
                var target = "Assets/" + profile.Name;
                foreach (var assetFolder in profile.AssetFolders)
                    // TODO: handle exclude in asset folders
                    //files.Add(NewFile(source, target, @"**\*.cs;**\*.hlsl;**\*.csproj;**\*.csproj.user;**\obj\**"));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xksl", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xkfx", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.xkfnt", target));

                var targetProfile = new PackageProfile(profile.Name);
                targetProfile.AssetFolders.Add(new AssetFolder(target));

            //Handle RootAssets
            foreach (var rootAsset in package.RootAssets)

            // Handle templates
            var targetFolder = new TemplateFolder("Templates");

            foreach (var templateFolder in package.TemplateFolders)
                var        source = templateFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**";
                UDirectory target = targetFolder.Path;
                if (templateFolder.Group != null)
                    target = UPath.Combine(target, templateFolder.Group);

                var excludeFiles = templateFolder.Exclude;
                files.Add(NewFile(source, target, excludeFiles));

                // Add template files
                foreach (var templateFile in templateFolder.Files)
                    var newTemplateFile = templateFile.MakeRelative(templateFolder.Path);
                    if (templateFolder.Group != null)
                        newTemplateFile = UPath.Combine(templateFolder.Group, newTemplateFile);

                    newTemplateFile = UPath.Combine(targetFolder.Path, newTemplateFile);

            // Create temp package for archive
            var newPackageFileName = "temp" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".xkpkg";

            newPackage.FullPath = package.RootDirectory + "/" + newPackageFileName;
            var result = newPackage.Save();

            if (result.HasErrors)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(result.ToText());
                // TODO throw error
            files.Add(NewFile(newPackageFileName, package.Meta.Name + Package.PackageFileExtension));

            // Add files
            builder.PopulateFiles(package.RootDirectory, files);

            outputDirectory = outputDirectory ?? Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            // Save the nupkg
            var  outputPath        = GetOutputPath(builder, outputDirectory);
            bool isExistingPackage = File.Exists(outputPath);

            if (isExistingPackage)
                using (Stream stream = File.Create(outputPath))
                if (!isExistingPackage && File.Exists(outputPath))

Exemplo n.º 13
        static EditorSettings()
            DefaultTextEditor = new SettingsKey <UFile>("ExternalTools/DefaultTextEditor", SettingsContainer, new UFile(@"%windir%\system32\notepad.exe"))
                DisplayName = $"{ExternalTools}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Default text editor")}",
            ShaderEditor = new SettingsKey <UFile>("ExternalTools/ShaderEditor", SettingsContainer, new UFile(@"%windir%\system32\notepad.exe"))
                DisplayName = $"{ExternalTools}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Shader editor")}",
            DefaultIDE = new SettingsKey <string>("ExternalTools/DefaultIDE", SettingsContainer, VisualStudioVersions.DefaultIDE.DisplayName)
                GetAcceptableValues = () =>
                    var names = new List <string> {
                    names.AddRange(VisualStudioVersions.AvailableVisualStudioInstances.Where(x => x.HasDevenv).Select(x => x.DisplayName));
                DisplayName = $"{ExternalTools}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Default IDE")}",
            AskBeforeDeletingAssets = new SettingsKey <bool>("Interface/AskBeforeDeletingAssets", SettingsContainer, true)
                DisplayName = $"{Interface}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Ask before deleting assets")}",
                Description = Tr._p("Settings", "Ask before deleting assets"),
            AskBeforeReloadingAssemblies = new SettingsKey <bool>("Interface/AskBeforeReloadingAssemblies", SettingsContainer, true)
                DisplayName = $"{Interface}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Ask before reloading assemblies")}",
                Description = Tr._p("Settings", "Ask before reloading assemblies"),
            AutoReloadAssemblies = new SettingsKey <bool>("Interface/AutoReloadAssemblies", SettingsContainer, true)
                DisplayName = $"{Interface}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Automatically reload assemblies")}",
                Description = Tr._p("Settings", "Automatically reload assemblies"),
            AskBeforeSavingNewScripts = new SettingsKey <bool>("Interface/AskBeforeSavingNewScripts", SettingsContainer, true)
                DisplayName = $"{Interface}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Ask before saving new scripts")}",
                Description = Tr._p("Settings", "Ask before saving new scripts"),
            StoreCrashEmail = new SettingsKey <string>("Interface/StoreCrashEmail", SettingsContainer, "")
                DisplayName = $"{Interface}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Crash report e-mail")}",
                Description = Tr._p("Settings", "Crash report e-mail"),
            Language = new SettingsKey <SupportedLanguage>("Interface/Language", SettingsContainer, SupportedLanguage.MachineDefault)
                DisplayName = $"{Interface}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Language")}",
            ResetEditorLayout = new SettingsCommand("Interface/ResetEditorLayout")
                ActionName  = Tr._p("Settings", "Reset"),
                DisplayName = $"{Interface}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Reset Game Studio layout")}"
            FallbackBuildCacheDirectory = new UDirectory(Path.Combine(EditorPath.DefaultTempPath, "BuildCache"));

            UseEffectCompilerServer = new SettingsKey <bool>("Tools/UseEffectCompilerServer", SettingsContainer, true)
                DisplayName = $"{Tools}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Use effect compiler server for mobile platforms")}",
            ReloadLastSession = new SettingsKey <bool>("Interface/ReloadLastSession", SettingsContainer, false)
                DisplayName = $"{Interface}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Automatically reload last session at startup")}",
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Fills the builder with the list of files that are part of this new package.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rootDirectory">The root location where files are located.</param>
 /// <param name="files">The files to include to the builder.</param>
 public void PopulateFiles(UDirectory rootDirectory, List <ManifestFile> files)
     ((PackageBuilder)Builder).PopulateFiles(rootDirectory, ToManifestFiles(files));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void TestGetParent()
            var dirPath1 = new UDirectory(@"E:\a\b");

            var dirPathParent1 = dirPath1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"E:/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"E:", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(UDirectory.Empty, dirPathParent1);

            dirPath1 = new UDirectory(@"/a/b");

            dirPathParent1 = dirPath1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/", dirPathParent1.FullPath);

            dirPathParent1 = dirPathParent1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(UDirectory.Empty, dirPathParent1);

            // Test on file
            var filePath1 = new UFile(@"/a/b.txt");

            dirPathParent1 = filePath1.GetParent();
            Assert.AreEqual(@"/a", dirPathParent1.FullPath);
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PackageLoadingAssetFile"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceFolder">The source folder.</param>
 public PackageLoadingAssetFile([NotNull] UFile filePath, UDirectory sourceFolder)
     FilePath         = filePath;
     OriginalFilePath = FilePath;
     SourceFolder     = sourceFolder;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void TestMakeRelativeWithDrive()
            UPath assetPath2 = null;
            UPath newAssetPath2 = null;
            var dir1 = new UDirectory("C:/a/b/c");

            // Test direct relative
            assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/a/b/c/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test direct relative + subdir
            assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/a/b/c/test/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("test/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 1
            assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/a/b/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 2
            assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/a/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 3
            assetPath2 = new UFile("C:/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test already relative
            assetPath2 = new UFile("../test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test no path in common
            assetPath2 = new UFile("E:/e/f/g/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("E:/e/f/g/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test no root path single file
            assetPath2 = new UFile("E:/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("E:/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);
Exemplo n.º 18
        private static void GenerateUnitTestProject(string outputDirectory, string templateFile, string name, string projectNamespace)
            var projectTemplate = ProjectTemplate.Load(templateFile);

            // Force reference to Xenko.Assets (to have acess to SolutionPlatform)

            var options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // When generating over an existing set of files, retrieve the existing IDs
            // for better incrementality
            Guid projectGuid, assetId;

            GetExistingGuid(outputDirectory, name + ".Windows.csproj", out projectGuid);
            GetExistingAssetId(outputDirectory, name + ".xkpkg", out assetId);

            var session = new PackageSession();
            var result  = new LoggerResult();

            var templateGeneratorParameters = new SessionTemplateGeneratorParameters();

            templateGeneratorParameters.OutputDirectory = outputDirectory;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Session         = session;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Name            = name;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Logger          = result;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Description     = new TemplateDescription();
            templateGeneratorParameters.Id = assetId;

            if (!PackageUnitTestGenerator.Default.PrepareForRun(templateGeneratorParameters).Result)
                Console.WriteLine(@"Error generating package: PackageUnitTestGenerator.PrepareForRun returned false");
            if (!PackageUnitTestGenerator.Default.Run(templateGeneratorParameters))
                Console.WriteLine(@"Error generating package: PackageUnitTestGenerator.Run returned false");
            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error generating package: {result.ToText()}");

            var package = session.LocalPackages.Single();

            var previousCurrent = session.CurrentPackage;

            session.CurrentPackage = package;

            // Compute Xenko Sdk relative path
            // We are supposed to be in standard output binary folder, so Xenko root should be at ..\..
            var xenkoPath         = UPath.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), new UDirectory(@"..\.."));
            var xenkoRelativePath = new UDirectory(xenkoPath)
                                    .Replace('/', '\\');

            xenkoRelativePath = xenkoRelativePath.TrimEnd('\\');

            options["Namespace"]           = projectNamespace ?? name;
            options["Package"]             = package;
            options["Platforms"]           = new List <SolutionPlatform>(AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms);
            options["XenkoSdkRelativeDir"] = xenkoRelativePath;

            // Generate project template
            result = projectTemplate.Generate(outputDirectory, name, projectGuid, options);
            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine("Error generating solution: {0}", result.ToText());

            var sharedProfile = package.Profiles.FindSharedProfile();

            // Setup the assets folder
            Directory.CreateDirectory(UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UDirectory)"Assets/Shared"));

            // Add Windows test as Shared library
            var projectWindowsRef = new ProjectReference(projectGuid, UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UFile)(name + ".Windows.csproj")), Xenko.Core.Assets.ProjectType.Library);


            // Generate executable projects for each platform
            foreach (var platform in AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms)
                var platformProfile = new PackageProfile(platform.Name)
                    Platform = platform.Type
                platformProfile.AssetFolders.Add(new AssetFolder("Assets/" + platform.Name));

                // Log progress
                var projectName = name + "." + platform.Type;

                // Create project reference
                var projectPlatformRef = new ProjectReference(projectGuid, UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UFile)(projectName + ".csproj")), Xenko.Core.Assets.ProjectType.Executable);



            session.CurrentPackage = previousCurrent;

            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine("Error saving package: {0}", result.ToText());
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static void GenerateUnitTestProject(string outputDirectory, string templateFile, string name, string projectNamespace)
            var projectTemplate = ProjectTemplate.Load(templateFile);

            // Force reference to Stride.Assets (to have acess to SolutionPlatform)

            var options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // When generating over an existing set of files, retrieve the existing IDs
            // for better incrementality
            Guid projectGuid, assetId;

            GetExistingGuid(outputDirectory, name + ".Windows.csproj", out projectGuid);
            GetExistingAssetId(outputDirectory, name + ".sdpkg", out assetId);

            var session = new PackageSession();
            var result  = new LoggerResult();

            var templateGeneratorParameters = new SessionTemplateGeneratorParameters();

            templateGeneratorParameters.OutputDirectory = outputDirectory;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Session         = session;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Name            = name;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Logger          = result;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Description     = new TemplateDescription();
            templateGeneratorParameters.Id        = assetId;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Namespace = projectNamespace;

            if (!PackageUnitTestGenerator.Default.PrepareForRun(templateGeneratorParameters).Result)
                Console.WriteLine(@"Error generating package: PackageUnitTestGenerator.PrepareForRun returned false");
            if (!PackageUnitTestGenerator.Default.Run(templateGeneratorParameters))
                Console.WriteLine(@"Error generating package: PackageUnitTestGenerator.Run returned false");
            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error generating package: {result.ToText()}");

            var project = session.Projects.OfType <SolutionProject>().Single();

            var previousCurrent = session.CurrentProject;

            session.CurrentProject = project;

            // Compute Stride Sdk relative path
            // We are supposed to be in standard output binary folder, so Stride root should be at ..\..
            var stridePath         = UPath.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), new UDirectory(@"..\.."));
            var strideRelativePath = new UDirectory(stridePath)
                                     .Replace('/', '\\');

            strideRelativePath = strideRelativePath.TrimEnd('\\');

            options["Namespace"]            = projectNamespace ?? name;
            options["Package"]              = project.Package;
            options["Platforms"]            = new List <SolutionPlatform>(AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms);
            options["StrideSdkRelativeDir"] = strideRelativePath;

            // Generate project template
            result = projectTemplate.Generate(outputDirectory, name, projectGuid, options);
            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine("Error generating solution: {0}", result.ToText());

            // Setup the assets folder
            Directory.CreateDirectory(UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UDirectory)"Assets/Shared"));

            session.CurrentProject = previousCurrent;

            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine("Error saving package: {0}", result.ToText());
Exemplo n.º 20
            public override void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
                base.VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor);
                var assetReference    = item as AssetReference;
                var assetBase         = item as AssetBase;
                var attachedReference = AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(item);

                // We cannot set links if we do not have indexer accessor
                if (!descriptor.HasIndexerAccessors)

                if (assetReference != null)
                    AddLink(assetReference, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ElementType, guid ?? assetReference.Id, location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
                else if (assetBase != null)
                    AddLink(assetBase, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset);
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
                else if (attachedReference != null)
                    AddLink(attachedReference, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateProxyObject(descriptor.ElementType, guid.Value, location) : null;
                        if (link != null)
                            IdentifiableHelper.SetId(link, IdentifiableHelper.GetId(item));
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
                else if (item is UFile)
                    AddLink(item, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = new UFile(location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
                else if (item is UDirectory)
                    AddLink(item, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = new UDirectory(location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Launch <paramref name="exePath"/> on remote host using credentials stored in EditorSettings.
        /// Before launching all the files requires by <paramref name="exePath"/> are copied over to host
        /// using the location specified in EditorSettings.Location. If <paramref name="isCoreCLR"/> is set
        /// all the Stride native libraries are copied over to the current directory of the game on the remote
        /// host via the `CoreCLRSetup` script.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">Logger to show progress and any issues that may occur.</param>
        /// <param name="exePath">Path on the local machine where the executable was compiled.</param>
        /// <param name="isCoreCLR">Is <paramref name="exePath"/> executed against .NET Core?</param>
        /// <returns>True when launch was successful, false otherwise.</returns>
        internal static bool Launch([NotNull] LoggerResult logger, [NotNull] UFile exePath, bool isCoreCLR)
            if (logger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
            if (exePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exePath));

            var host     = StrideEditorSettings.Host.GetValue();
            var username = StrideEditorSettings.Username.GetValue();
            var port     = StrideEditorSettings.Port.GetValue();
            var password = Decrypt(StrideEditorSettings.Password.GetValue());
            var location = new UDirectory(StrideEditorSettings.Location.GetValue());
            var display  = StrideEditorSettings.Display.GetValue();

            var connectInfo = NewConnectionInfo(host, port, username, password);

            if (SyncTo(connectInfo, exePath.GetFullDirectory(), UPath.Combine(location, new UDirectory(exePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension())), logger))
                var sshClient = new SshClient(connectInfo);
                    if (sshClient.IsConnected)
                        string     cmdString;
                        SshCommand cmd;

                        // Due to lack of Dllmap config for CoreCLR, we have to ensure that our native libraries
                        // are copied next to the executable. The CoreCLRSetup script will check the 32-bit vs 64-bit
                        // of the `dotnet` runner and copy the .so files from the proper x86 or x64 directory.
                        if (isCoreCLR)
                            cmdString = "bash -c 'source /etc/profile ; cd " + location + "/" + exePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + ";" + "sh ./CoreCLRSetup.sh'";
                            cmd       = sshClient.CreateCommand(cmdString);
                            var err = cmd.Error;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err))
                                // We don't exit here in case of failure, we just print the error and continue
                                // Users can then try to fix the issue directly on the remote host.
                                err = cmd.Result;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err))
                        // Try to get the main IP of the machine
                        var ipv4             = GetAllLocalIPv4().FirstOrDefault();
                        var connectionRouter = string.Empty;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipv4))
                            connectionRouter = " StrideConnectionRouterRemoteIP=" + ipv4;
                        var dotnetEngine = StrideEditorSettings.UseCoreCLR.GetValue() ? " dotnet " : " mono ";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(display))
                            display = " DISPLAY=" + display;
                            display = " DISPLAY=:0.0";
                        cmdString = "bash -c 'source /etc/profile ; cd " + location + "/" + exePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + ";" + display + connectionRouter + dotnetEngine + "./" + exePath.GetFileName() + "'";
                        cmd       = sshClient.CreateCommand(cmdString);
                        cmd.BeginExecute((callback) =>
                            var res = cmd.Error;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
                                res = cmd.Result;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res))

                            // Dispose of our resources as soon as we are done.
                catch (Exception)
                    var message = Tr._p("Message", "Unable to launch {0} on host {1}");
                    logger.Error(string.Format(message, exePath, host));

Exemplo n.º 22
            public override void VisitDictionaryKeyValue(object dictionaryObj, DictionaryDescriptor descriptor, object key, ITypeDescriptor keyDescriptor, object value, ITypeDescriptor valueDescriptor)
                base.VisitDictionaryKeyValue(dictionaryObj, descriptor, key, keyDescriptor, value, valueDescriptor);
                var assetReference    = value as AssetReference;
                var assetBase         = value as AssetBase;
                var attachedReference = AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(value);

                if (assetReference != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ValueType, guid ?? assetReference.Id, location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
                else if (assetBase != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset);
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
                else if (attachedReference != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        object newValue = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateProxyObject(descriptor.ValueType, guid.Value, location) : null;
                        if (newValue != null)
                            IdentifiableHelper.SetId(newValue, IdentifiableHelper.GetId(value));
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
                else if (value is UFile)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UFile(location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
                else if (value is UDirectory)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UDirectory(location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy any referenced asset packages to the project's folder
        /// </summary>
        private static void CopyAssetPacks(SessionTemplateGeneratorParameters parameters, Package package)
            var logger = parameters.Logger;

            var presentationPackageFile = PackageStore.Instance.GetPackageFileName("Stride.Samples.Templates", new PackageVersionRange(new PackageVersion(Stride.Samples.Templates.ThisPackageVersion.Current)));
            var assetPackagesDir        = UDirectory.Combine(presentationPackageFile.GetFullDirectory(), @"Templates\Samples\Templates\Packs");
            var assetPacks = parameters.TryGetTag(AssetsKey);

            if (assetPacks == null)

                var outAssetDir    = UPath.Combine(package.RootDirectory, (UDirectory)"Assets");
                var outResourceDir = UPath.Combine(package.RootDirectory, (UDirectory)"Resources");

                foreach (var uDirectory in assetPacks)
                    var packageDir = UDirectory.Combine(assetPackagesDir, uDirectory);

                    var inputAssetDir = UDirectory.Combine(packageDir, "Assets");
                    foreach (var directory in FileUtility.EnumerateDirectories(inputAssetDir, SearchDirection.Down))
                        foreach (var file in directory.GetFiles())
                            var relativeFile = new UFile(file.FullName).MakeRelative(inputAssetDir);

                            var outputFile          = UPath.Combine(outAssetDir, relativeFile);
                            var outputFileDirectory = outputFile.GetParent();
                            if (!Directory.Exists(outputFileDirectory))

                            File.Copy(file.FullName, outputFile, true);

                    var inputResourceDir = UDirectory.Combine(packageDir, "Resources");
                    foreach (var directory in FileUtility.EnumerateDirectories(inputResourceDir, SearchDirection.Down))
                        foreach (var file in directory.GetFiles())
                            var relativeFile = new UFile(file.FullName).MakeRelative(inputResourceDir);

                            var outputFile = UPath.Combine(outResourceDir, relativeFile);
                            {   // Create the output directory if needed
                                var outputFileDirectory = outputFile.GetParent();
                                if (!Directory.Exists(outputFileDirectory))

                            File.Copy(file.FullName, outputFile, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Unexpected exception while copying asset packages", ex);
Exemplo n.º 24
            public override void VisitObjectMember(object container, ObjectDescriptor containerDescriptor, IMemberDescriptor member, object value)
                base.VisitObjectMember(container, containerDescriptor, member, value);
                var assetReference    = value as AssetReference;
                var assetBase         = value as AssetBase;
                var attachedReference = AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(value);

                if (assetReference != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = AssetReference.New(member.Type, guid ?? assetReference.Id, location);
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
                else if (assetBase != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset);
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
                else if (attachedReference != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        object newValue = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateProxyObject(member.Type, guid.Value, location) : null;
                        if (newValue != null)
                            IdentifiableHelper.SetId(newValue, IdentifiableHelper.GetId(value));
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
                else if (value is UFile)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UFile(location);
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
                else if (value is UDirectory)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UDirectory(location);
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
Exemplo n.º 25
 internal StrideDevVersionViewModel(LauncherViewModel launcher, NugetStore store, [CanBeNull] NugetLocalPackage localPackage, UDirectory path, bool isDevRedirect)
     : base(launcher, store, localPackage, localPackage.Id, int.MaxValue, devMinorCounter--)
     this.path                 = path;
     this.localPackage         = localPackage;
     this.isDevRedirect        = isDevRedirect;
     DownloadCommand.IsEnabled = false;
     // Update initial status (IsVisible will be set to true)
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TemplateFolder"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The path.</param>
 public TemplateFolder(UDirectory path)
     Path  = path;
     Files = new List <UFile>();
Exemplo n.º 27
        private static void GenerateUnitTestProject(string outputDirectory, string templateFile, string name)
            var projectTemplate = ProjectTemplate.Load(templateFile);

            // Force reference to Paradox.Assets (to have acess to SolutionPlatform)

            var options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            var session = new PackageSession();
            var result  = new LoggerResult();

            var templateGeneratorParameters = new TemplateGeneratorParameters();

            templateGeneratorParameters.OutputDirectory = outputDirectory;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Session         = session;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Name            = name;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Logger          = result;
            templateGeneratorParameters.Description     = new TemplateDescription();

            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine("Error generating package: {0}", result.ToText());

            var package = templateGeneratorParameters.Package;

            var previousCurrent = session.CurrentPackage;

            session.CurrentPackage = package;

            // Compute Paradox Sdk relative path
            // We are supposed to be in standard output binary folder, so Paradox root should be at ..\..
            var paradoxPath         = UDirectory.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), new UDirectory(@"..\.."));
            var paradoxRelativePath = new UDirectory(paradoxPath)
                                      .Replace('/', '\\');

            paradoxRelativePath = paradoxRelativePath.TrimEnd('\\');

            options["Namespace"]             = name;
            options["Package"]               = package;
            options["Platforms"]             = new List <SolutionPlatform>(AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms);
            options["ParadoxSdkRelativeDir"] = paradoxRelativePath;

            // Generate project template
            var projectGuid = Guid.NewGuid();

            result = projectTemplate.Generate(outputDirectory, name, projectGuid, options);
            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine("Error generating solution: {0}", result.ToText());

            var sharedProfile = package.Profiles.FindSharedProfile();

            // Setup the assets folder
            Directory.CreateDirectory(UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UDirectory)"Assets/Shared"));

            // Add Windows test as Shared library
            var projectWindowsRef = new ProjectReference();

            projectWindowsRef.Id       = projectGuid;
            projectWindowsRef.Location = UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UFile)(name + ".Windows.csproj"));
            projectWindowsRef.Type     = SiliconStudio.Assets.ProjectType.Library;

            // Generate executable projects for each platform
            foreach (var platform in AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms)
                var platformProfile = new PackageProfile(platform.Name)
                    Platform = platform.Type
                platformProfile.AssetFolders.Add(new AssetFolder("Assets/" + platform.Name));

                // Log progress
                var projectName = name + "." + platform.Type;

                // Create project reference
                var projectPlatformRef = new ProjectReference();
                projectPlatformRef.Id       = projectGuid;
                projectPlatformRef.Location = UPath.Combine(outputDirectory, (UFile)(projectName + ".csproj"));
                projectPlatformRef.Type     = SiliconStudio.Assets.ProjectType.Executable;


                // Add build configuration per platform
                platform.Properties.CopyTo(platformProfile.Properties, true);


            session.CurrentPackage = previousCurrent;

            result = session.Save();
            if (result.HasErrors)
                Console.WriteLine("Error saving package: {0}", result.ToText());
Exemplo n.º 28
 public PackageLoadingAssetFile(UFile filePath, UDirectory sourceFolder, UFile projectFile)
     FilePath     = filePath;
     SourceFolder = sourceFolder;
     ProjectFile  = projectFile;
Exemplo n.º 29
        private static PackageSession GenerateSample(UDirectory outputPath, Guid templateGuid, string sampleName, LoggerResult logger)
            // Make output path absolute
            if (!outputPath.IsAbsolute)
                outputPath = UPath.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, outputPath);

            Console.WriteLine(@"Bootstrapping: " + sampleName);

            var session   = new PackageSession();
            var generator = TemplateSampleGenerator.Default;

            // Ensure progress is shown while it is happening.
            logger.MessageLogged += (sender, eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine(eventArgs.Message.Text);

            var parameters = new SessionTemplateGeneratorParameters {
                Session = session

            parameters.Unattended = true;
                AssetRegistry.SupportedPlatforms.Where(p => p.Type == Core.PlatformType.Windows).Select(x => new SelectedSolutionPlatform(x, x.Templates.FirstOrDefault())).ToList(),
                addGamesTesting: true);

            session.SolutionPath = UPath.Combine <UFile>(outputPath, sampleName + ".sln");

            // Properly delete previous version
            if (Directory.Exists(outputPath))
                    Directory.Delete(outputPath, true);
                    logger.Warning($"Unable to delete directory [{outputPath}].");

            // Load templates
            var strideTemplates = TemplateManager.FindTemplates(session);

            parameters.Description     = strideTemplates.First(x => x.Id == templateGuid);
            parameters.Name            = sampleName;
            parameters.Namespace       = sampleName;
            parameters.OutputDirectory = outputPath;
            parameters.Logger          = logger;

            if (!generator.PrepareForRun(parameters).Result)
                logger.Error("PrepareForRun returned false for the TemplateSampleGenerator");

            if (!generator.Run(parameters))
                logger.Error("Run returned false for the TemplateSampleGenerator");

            var updaterTemplate = strideTemplates.First(x => x.FullPath.ToString().EndsWith("UpdatePlatforms.sdtpl"));

            parameters.Description = updaterTemplate;

            if (logger.HasErrors)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error generating sample {sampleName} from template:\r\n{logger.ToText()}");

Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the build step corresponding to raw imports of the current package file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The compilation context</param>
        /// <param name="result">The compilation current result</param>
        private void GenerateRawImportBuildSteps(AssetCompilerContext context, AssetCompilerResult result)
            if (context.Package.RootDirectory == null)

            foreach (var profile in context.Package.Profiles)
                foreach (var sourceFolder in profile.AssetFolders)
                    var baseDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(context.Package.RootDirectory);
                    // Use sub directory
                    baseDirectory = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, sourceFolder.Path);

                    if (!Directory.Exists(baseDirectory))

                    var baseUDirectory = new UDirectory(baseDirectory);
                    var hashSet        = new HashSet <string>();

                    // Imports explicit
                    foreach (var rawImport in sourceFolder.RawImports)
                        var sourceDirectory = baseUDirectory;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawImport.SourceDirectory))
                            sourceDirectory = UPath.Combine(sourceDirectory, rawImport.SourceDirectory);

                        if (!Directory.Exists(sourceDirectory))
                            result.Error("Unable to find raw import directory [{0}]", sourceDirectory);

                        var files         = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
                        var importRegexes = rawImport.Patterns.Select(x => new Regex(Selectors.PathSelector.TransformToRegex(x))).ToArray();
                        foreach (var file in files)
                            var pathToFileRelativeToProject = new UFile(file).MakeRelative(sourceDirectory);
                            var outputPath = pathToFileRelativeToProject;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawImport.TargetLocation))
                                outputPath = UPath.Combine(rawImport.TargetLocation, outputPath);

                            foreach (var importRegex in importRegexes)
                                if (importRegex.Match(pathToFileRelativeToProject).Success&& hashSet.Add(outputPath))
                                    result.BuildSteps.Add(new ImportStreamCommand
                                        SourcePath = file,
                                        Location   = outputPath,
Exemplo n.º 31
 public void TestWithSimpleDirectory()
     var assetPath = new UDirectory("/a/b/c");
     Assert.AreEqual("/a/b/c", assetPath.GetDirectory());
     Assert.AreEqual("/a/b/c", assetPath.FullPath);
     var directory = new UDirectory("/a");
     Assert.AreEqual("/a", directory.GetDirectory());
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Fills the builder with the list of files that are part of this new package.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rootDirectory">The root location where files are located.</param>
 /// <param name="files">The files to include to the builder.</param>
 public void PopulateFiles(UDirectory rootDirectory, List <ManifestFile> files)
     Builder.PopulateFiles(rootDirectory, ToManifsetFiles(files));
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void TestMakeRelative()
            UPath assetPath2 = null;
            UPath newAssetPath2 = null;
            var dir1 = new UDirectory("/a/b/c");

            var assetDir2 = new UDirectory("/a/b/c");
            newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir2);
            Assert.AreEqual(".", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            var assetDir3 = new UDirectory("/a/b");
            newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir3);
            Assert.AreEqual("c", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            var assetDir4 = new UDirectory("/a/b/c/d");
            newAssetPath2 = dir1.MakeRelative(assetDir4);
            Assert.AreEqual("..", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test direct relative
            assetPath2 = new UFile("/a/b/c/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test direct relative + subdir
            assetPath2 = new UFile("/a/b/c/test/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("test/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 1
            assetPath2 = new UFile("/a/b/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 2
            assetPath2 = new UFile("/a/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test relative 3
            assetPath2 = new UFile("/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test already relative
            assetPath2 = new UFile("../test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test only root path in common
            assetPath2 = new UFile("/e/f/g/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../../../e/f/g/test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);

            // Test only root path in common with single file
            assetPath2 = new UFile("/test.txt");
            newAssetPath2 = assetPath2.MakeRelative(dir1);
            Assert.AreEqual("../../../test.txt", newAssetPath2.FullPath);
Exemplo n.º 34
        public static void Build(Package package, string outputDirectory = null)
            if (package == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("package");

            var meta = new NuGet.ManifestMetadata();


            var builder = new NuGet.PackageBuilder();


            // TODO this is not working
            var files = new List <NuGet.ManifestFile>()
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.exe", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.vsix", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.so", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.a", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.md", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.html", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.config", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.dll", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.xml", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.usrdoc", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Bin\**\*.winmd", "Bin"),
                NewFile(@"Targets\*.targets", "Targets"),

            // Handle Assets
            var rootDir = package.RootDirectory;

            var newPackage = new Package {
                Meta = package.Meta

            foreach (var profile in package.Profiles)
                var target = "Assets/" + profile.Name;
                foreach (var assetFolder in profile.AssetFolders)
                    // TODO: handle exclude in asset folders
                    //files.Add(NewFile(source, target, @"**\*.cs;**\*.hlsl;**\*.csproj;**\*.csproj.user;**\obj\**"));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.pdxsl", target));
                    files.Add(NewFile(assetFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**/*.pdxfx", target));

                var targetProfile = new PackageProfile(profile.Name);
                targetProfile.AssetFolders.Add(new AssetFolder(target));

            // Handle templates
            var targetFolder = new TemplateFolder("Templates");

            foreach (var templateFolder in package.TemplateFolders)
                var        source = templateFolder.Path.MakeRelative(rootDir) + "/**";
                UDirectory target = targetFolder.Path;
                if (templateFolder.Group != null)
                    target = UPath.Combine(target, templateFolder.Group);

                var excludeFiles = templateFolder.Exclude;
                files.Add(NewFile(source, target, excludeFiles));

                // Add template files
                foreach (var templateFile in templateFolder.Files)
                    var newTemplateFile = templateFile.MakeRelative(templateFolder.Path);
                    if (templateFolder.Group != null)
                        newTemplateFile = UPath.Combine(templateFolder.Group, newTemplateFile);

                    newTemplateFile = UPath.Combine(targetFolder.Path, newTemplateFile);

            // Create temp package for archive
            var newPackageFileName = "temp" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".pdxpkg";

            newPackage.FullPath = package.RootDirectory + "/" + newPackageFileName;
            var result = newPackage.Save();

            if (result.HasErrors)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(result.ToText());
                // TODO throw error
            files.Add(NewFile(newPackageFileName, package.Meta.Name + Package.PackageFileExtension));

            // Add files
            builder.PopulateFiles(package.RootDirectory, files);

            outputDirectory = outputDirectory ?? Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            // Save the nupkg
            var  outputPath        = GetOutputPath(builder, outputDirectory);
            bool isExistingPackage = File.Exists(outputPath);

            if (isExistingPackage)
                using (Stream stream = File.Create(outputPath))
                if (!isExistingPackage && File.Exists(outputPath))

Exemplo n.º 35
 public void TestContains()
     var dir1 = new UDirectory("C:/a/b/c");
     Assert.IsTrue(dir1.Contains(new UFile("C:/a/b/c/d")));
     Assert.IsTrue(dir1.Contains(new UFile("C:/a/b/c/d/e")));
     Assert.IsTrue(dir1.Contains(new UDirectory("C:/a/b/c/d")));
     Assert.IsTrue(dir1.Contains(new UDirectory("C:/a/b/c/d/e")));
     Assert.IsFalse(dir1.Contains(new UFile("C:/a/b/x")));
     Assert.IsFalse(dir1.Contains(new UFile("C:/a/b/cx")));
Exemplo n.º 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PackageLoadingAssetFile"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceFolder">The source folder.</param>
 public PackageLoadingAssetFile(UFile filePath, UDirectory sourceFolder)
     FilePath     = filePath;
     SourceFolder = sourceFolder;