Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt a virtual dispatch on a given instanceType based on the method found via a metadata token
        /// </summary>
        private static bool TryDispatchMethodOnTarget_Inner(NativeFormatModuleInfo module, int metadataToken, RuntimeTypeHandle targetInstanceType, out IntPtr methodAddress)
            TypeSystemContext context = TypeSystemContextFactory.Create();

            NativeFormatMetadataUnit metadataUnit = context.ResolveMetadataUnit(module);
            MethodDesc targetMethod = metadataUnit.GetMethod(metadataToken.AsHandle(), null);
            TypeDesc   instanceType = context.ResolveRuntimeTypeHandle(targetInstanceType);

            MethodDesc realTargetMethod = targetMethod;

            // For non-interface methods we support the target method not being the exact target. (This allows
            // a canonical method to be passed in and work for any generic type instantiation.)
            if (!targetMethod.OwningType.IsInterface)
                realTargetMethod = instanceType.FindMethodOnTypeWithMatchingTypicalMethod(targetMethod);

            bool success = LazyVTableResolver.TryDispatchMethodOnTarget(instanceType, realTargetMethod, out methodAddress);

            methodAddress = IntPtr.Zero;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to convert the dispatch cell to a metadata token to a more efficient vtable dispatch or interface/slot dispatch.
        /// Failure to convert is not a correctness issue. We also support performing a dispatch based on metadata token alone.
        /// </summary>
        private static DispatchCellInfo ConvertDispatchCellInfo_Inner(NativeFormatModuleInfo module, DispatchCellInfo cellInfo)
            Debug.Assert(cellInfo.CellType == DispatchCellType.MetadataToken);

            TypeSystemContext context = TypeSystemContextFactory.Create();

            MethodDesc targetMethod = context.ResolveMetadataUnit(module).GetMethod(cellInfo.MetadataToken.AsHandle(), null);
            Debug.Assert(!targetMethod.HasInstantiation); // At this time we do not support generic virtuals through the dispatch mechanism
            if (targetMethod.OwningType.IsInterface)
                if (!LazyVTableResolver.TryGetInterfaceSlotNumberFromMethod(targetMethod, out cellInfo.InterfaceSlot))
                    // Unable to resolve interface method. Fail, by not mutating cellInfo
                    return cellInfo;

                if (!targetMethod.OwningType.RetrieveRuntimeTypeHandleIfPossible())
                    new TypeBuilder().BuildType(targetMethod.OwningType);

                cellInfo.CellType = DispatchCellType.InterfaceAndSlot;
                cellInfo.InterfaceType = targetMethod.OwningType.RuntimeTypeHandle.ToIntPtr();
                cellInfo.MetadataToken = 0;
                // Virtual function case, attempt to resolve to a VTable slot offset.
                // If the offset is less than 4096 update the cellInfo
                // The path of resolving a metadata token at dispatch time is relatively rare in practice.
                // Force it to occur in debug builds with much more regularity
                if ((s_ConvertDispatchCellInfoCounter % 16) == 0)
                    return cellInfo;

                int slotIndexOfMethod = LazyVTableResolver.VirtualMethodToSlotIndex(targetMethod);
                int vtableOffset = -1;
                if (slotIndexOfMethod >= 0)
                    vtableOffset = LazyVTableResolver.SlotIndexToEETypeVTableOffset(slotIndexOfMethod);
                if ((vtableOffset < 4096) && (vtableOffset != -1))
                    cellInfo.CellType = DispatchCellType.VTableOffset;
                    cellInfo.VTableOffset = checked((uint)vtableOffset);
                    cellInfo.MetadataToken = 0;
                // Otherwise, do nothing, and resolve with a metadata dispatch later

            return cellInfo;