private void DoTxScopeBegin(TxScopeTransactionManager.PromotableTxScopeTransactionObject txObject,
                                    Spring.Transaction.ITransactionDefinition definition)
            TransactionScopeOption txScopeOption = CreateTransactionScopeOptions(definition);
            TransactionOptions     txOptions     = CreateTransactionOptions(definition);

            txObject.TxScopeAdapter.CreateTransactionScope(txScopeOption, txOptions, definition.EnterpriseServicesInteropOption);
        /// <summary>
        /// Does the tx scope rollback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status">The status.</param>
        protected void DoTxScopeRollback(DefaultTransactionStatus status)
            TxScopeTransactionManager.PromotableTxScopeTransactionObject txObject =

            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Spring.Transaction.TransactionSystemException("Failure on Transaction Scope rollback.", e);
 /// <summary>
 /// Does the tx scope commit.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="status">The status.</param>
 protected void DoTxScopeCommit(DefaultTransactionStatus status)
     TxScopeTransactionManager.PromotableTxScopeTransactionObject txObject =
     catch (TransactionAbortedException ex)
         throw new UnexpectedRollbackException("Transaction unexpectedly rolled back (maybe due to a timeout)", ex);
     catch (TransactionInDoubtException ex)
         throw new HeuristicCompletionException(TransactionOutcomeState.Unknown, ex);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new TransactionSystemException("Failure on Transaction Scope Commit", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Begin a new transaction with the given transaction definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transaction">
        /// Transaction object returned by
        /// <see cref="Spring.Transaction.Support.AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.DoGetTransaction"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="definition">
        /// <see cref="Spring.Transaction.ITransactionDefinition"/> instance, describing
        /// propagation behavior, isolation level, timeout etc.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Does not have to care about applying the propagation behavior,
        /// as this has already been handled by this abstract manager.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="Spring.Transaction.TransactionException">
        /// In the case of creation or system errors.
        /// </exception>
        protected override void DoBegin(object transaction, ITransactionDefinition definition)
            TxScopeTransactionManager.PromotableTxScopeTransactionObject promotableTxScopeTransactionObject =
                DoTxScopeBegin(promotableTxScopeTransactionObject, definition);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new CannotCreateTransactionException("Transaction Scope failure on begin", e);

            HibernateTransactionObject txObject = (HibernateTransactionObject)transaction;

            if (DbProvider != null && TransactionSynchronizationManager.HasResource(DbProvider) &&
                throw new IllegalTransactionStateException(
                          "Pre-bound ADO.NET Connection found - HibernateTransactionManager does not support " +
                          "running within AdoTransactionManager if told to manage the DbProvider itself. " +
                          "It is recommended to use a single HibernateTransactionManager for all transactions " +
                          "on a single DbProvider, no matter whether Hibernate or ADO.NET access.");
            ISession session = null;

                if (txObject.SessionHolder == null || txObject.SessionHolder.SynchronizedWithTransaction)
                    IInterceptor interceptor = EntityInterceptor;
                    ISession     newSession  = (interceptor != null ?
                                                SessionFactory.OpenSession(interceptor) : SessionFactory.OpenSession());

                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Opened new Session [" + newSession + "] for Hibernate transaction");
                    txObject.SetSessionHolder(new SessionHolder(newSession), true);
                txObject.SessionHolder.SynchronizedWithTransaction = true;
                session = txObject.SessionHolder.Session;

                IDbConnection con = session.Connection;
                //TODO isolation level mgmt
                //IsolationLevel previousIsolationLevel =

                if (definition.ReadOnly && txObject.NewSessionHolder)
                    // Just set to NEVER in case of a new Session for this transaction.
                    session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Never;

                if (!definition.ReadOnly && !txObject.NewSessionHolder)
                    // We need AUTO or COMMIT for a non-read-only transaction.
                    FlushMode flushMode = session.FlushMode;
                    if (FlushMode.Never == flushMode)
                        session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Auto;
                        txObject.SessionHolder.PreviousFlushMode = flushMode;

                // Add the Hibernate transaction to the session holder.
                // for now pass in tx options isolation level.
                ITransaction   hibernateTx = session.BeginTransaction(definition.TransactionIsolationLevel);
                IDbTransaction adoTx       = GetIDbTransaction(hibernateTx);

                // Add the Hibernate transaction to the session holder.
                txObject.SessionHolder.Transaction = hibernateTx;

                // Register transaction timeout.
                int timeout = DetermineTimeout(definition);
                if (timeout != DefaultTransactionDefinition.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
                    txObject.SessionHolder.TimeoutInSeconds = timeout;

                // Register the Hibernate Session's ADO.NET Connection/TX pair for the DbProvider, if set.
                if (DbProvider != null)
                    //investigate passing null for tx.
                    ConnectionHolder conHolder = new ConnectionHolder(con, adoTx);
                    if (timeout != DefaultTransactionDefinition.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
                        conHolder.TimeoutInMillis = definition.TransactionTimeout;
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Exposing Hibernate transaction as ADO transaction [" + con + "]");
                    TransactionSynchronizationManager.BindResource(DbProvider, conHolder);
                    txObject.ConnectionHolder = conHolder;

                // Bind the session holder to the thread.
                if (txObject.NewSessionHolder)
                    TransactionSynchronizationManager.BindResource(SessionFactory, txObject.SessionHolder);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CannotCreateTransactionException("Could not open Hibernate Session for transaction", ex);