Exemplo n.º 1
        private d3dx_state CreateShader(TwoMGFX.ShaderInfo shaderInfo, string shaderFunction, string shaderProfile, bool isVertexShader)
            // Compile the shader.
            SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode shaderByteCode;
                SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags shaderFlags = 0;

                // While we never allow preshaders, this flag is invalid for
                // the DX11 shader compiler which doesn't allow preshaders
                // in the first place.
                //shaderFlags |= SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.NoPreshader;

                if (shaderInfo.DX11Profile)
                    shaderFlags |= SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.EnableBackwardsCompatibility;

                if (shaderInfo.Debug)
                    shaderFlags |= SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.SkipOptimization;
                    shaderFlags |= SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.Debug;
                    shaderFlags |= SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderFlags.OptimizationLevel3;

                // Compile the shader into bytecode.
                var result = SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.Compile(

                if (result.HasErrors)
                    throw new Exception(result.Message);

                shaderByteCode = result.Bytecode;
                //var source = shaderByteCode.Disassemble();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            // Get a copy of the shader bytecode.
            var bytecode = shaderByteCode.Data.ToArray();

            // First look to see if we already created this same shader.
            DXShaderData dxShader = null;

            foreach (var shader in Shaders)
                if (bytecode.SequenceEqual(shader.Bytecode))
                    dxShader = shader;

            // Create a new shader.
            if (dxShader == null)
                if (shaderInfo.DX11Profile)
                    dxShader = DXShaderData.CreateHLSL(bytecode, isVertexShader, ConstantBuffers, Shaders.Count, shaderInfo.Debug);
                    dxShader = DXShaderData.CreateGLSL(bytecode, ConstantBuffers, Shaders.Count);


            //var assmbly = desc.Bytecode.Disassemble();
            //var buffer = reflection.GetConstantBuffer(0);

            var state = new d3dx_state();

            state.index     = 0;
            state.type      = STATE_TYPE.CONSTANT;
            state.operation = isVertexShader ? (uint)146 : (uint)147;

            state.parameter          = new d3dx_parameter();
            state.parameter.name     = string.Empty;
            state.parameter.semantic = string.Empty;
            state.parameter.class_   = D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS.OBJECT;
            state.parameter.type     = isVertexShader ? D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE.VERTEXSHADER : D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE.PIXELSHADER;
            state.parameter.rows     = 0;
            state.parameter.columns  = 0;
            state.parameter.data     = dxShader.SharedIndex;

Exemplo n.º 2
        static public DXEffectObject FromShaderInfo(TwoMGFX.ShaderInfo shaderInfo)
            var effect = new DXEffectObject();

            // These are filled out as we process stuff.
            effect.ConstantBuffers = new List <DXConstantBufferData>();
            effect.Shaders         = new List <DXShaderData>();

            // Go thru the techniques and that will find all the
            // shaders and constant buffers.
            effect.Techniques = new d3dx_technique[shaderInfo.Techniques.Count];
            for (var t = 0; t < shaderInfo.Techniques.Count; t++)
                var tinfo = shaderInfo.Techniques[t];;

                var technique = new d3dx_technique();
                technique.name         = tinfo.name;
                technique.pass_count   = (uint)tinfo.Passes.Count;
                technique.pass_handles = new d3dx_pass[tinfo.Passes.Count];

                for (var p = 0; p < tinfo.Passes.Count; p++)
                    var pinfo = tinfo.Passes[p];;

                    var pass = new d3dx_pass();
                    pass.name        = pinfo.name ?? string.Empty;
                    pass.state_count = 0;
                    var tempstate = new d3dx_state[2];

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pinfo.psFunction))
                        pass.state_count += 1;
                        tempstate[pass.state_count - 1] = effect.CreateShader(shaderInfo, pinfo.psFunction, pinfo.psModel, false);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pinfo.vsFunction))
                        pass.state_count += 1;
                        tempstate[pass.state_count - 1] = effect.CreateShader(shaderInfo, pinfo.vsFunction, pinfo.vsModel, true);

                    pass.states = new d3dx_state[pass.state_count];
                    for (var s = 0; s < pass.state_count; s++)
                        pass.states[s] = tempstate[s];

                    technique.pass_handles[p] = pass;

                effect.Techniques[t] = technique;

            // Make the list of parameters by combining all the
            // constant buffers ignoring the buffer offsets.
            var parameters = new List <d3dx_parameter>();

            for (var c = 0; c < effect.ConstantBuffers.Count; c++)
                var cb = effect.ConstantBuffers[c];

                for (var i = 0; i < cb.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    var param = cb.Parameters[i];

                    var match = parameters.FindIndex(e => e.name == param.name);
                    if (match == -1)
                        // TODO: Make sure the type and size of
                        // the parameter match up!

            // Add the texture parameters from the samplers.
            foreach (var shader in effect.Shaders)
                for (var s = 0; s < shader._samplers.Length; s++)
                    var sampler = shader._samplers[s];

                    var match = parameters.FindIndex(e => e.name == sampler.parameterName);
                    if (match == -1)
                        shader._samplers[s].parameter = parameters.Count;

                        var param = new d3dx_parameter();
                        param.class_   = D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS.OBJECT;
                        param.type     = D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE.TEXTURE2D; // TODO: Fix this right!
                        param.name     = sampler.parameterName;
                        param.semantic = string.Empty;

                        // TODO: Make sure the type and size of
                        // the parameter match up!

                        shader._samplers[s].parameter = match;

            // TODO: Annotations are part of the .FX format and
            // not a part of shaders... we need to implement them
            // in our mgfx parser if we want them back.

             * // Now find the things we could not in the constant
             * // buffer reflection interface...  semantics and annotations.
             * for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  var vdesc = dxeffect.GetVariableByName(parameters[i].name);
             *  if (!vdesc.IsValid)
             *      continue;
             *  parameters[i].semantic = vdesc.Description.Semantic ?? string.Empty;
             *  // TODO: Annotations!
             * }

            effect.Parameters = parameters.ToArray();
