Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Twitchbot t = new Twitchbot();

            NetworkScanner.Espipfound += OnEspFound;
            chatsw = new Stopwatch();
            execsw = new Stopwatch();

            // scan for the the esp and keep scanning untill found.
            while (!NetworkScanner.espFound && !NetworkScanner.isScanning)

            // sub to the bot message event

            TwitchClientIrc.ChatMessage += OnTwitchChat;

            // start the twitch bot

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task MainAsync()
            // call ConfigureServices to create the ServiceCollection/Provider for passing around the services
            using (var services = ConfigureServices())
                // get the client and assign to client
                // you get the services via GetRequiredService<T>
                var client = services.GetRequiredService <DiscordSocketClient>();
                _client = client;

                // setup logging and the ready event
                client.Log += LogAsync;

                services.GetRequiredService <CommandService>().Log += LogAsync;

                // this is where we get the Token value from the configuration file, and start the bot
                await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, _config["Token"]);

                await rclient.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, _config["Token"]);

                await client.StartAsync();

                Twitchbot twitchbot = new Twitchbot(twitchclient, _config, _client);
                // sets the bots status indicator to "Do not disturb" if its still on cooldown
                if (File.Exists("db/lastmessage.37"))
                    var      last37 = Convert.ToDateTime(File.ReadAllText("db/lastmessage.37"));
                    TimeSpan ts     = DateTime.UtcNow - last37;
                    if (ts.TotalMinutes < Int32.Parse(_config["Frequency"]))
                        Cooldown cooldown = new Cooldown();
                        cooldown.CooldownAsync((int)(int.Parse(_config["Frequency"]) * 1000 * 60 - ts.TotalMilliseconds), _client);

                // we get the CommandHandler class here and call the InitializeAsync method to start things up for the CommandHandler service
                await services.GetRequiredService <CommandHandler>().InitializeAsync();

                await Task.Delay(-1);