Exemplo n.º 1
        private void TwitchUserDetailForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var ids = TwitchApiTools.GetUserIds(new List <string>()
                channelName, targetName
            var datas = TwitchApiTools.GetTwitchChannel(ids.Values);

            channel = datas[channelName];
            target  = datas[targetName];

            Text = target.SimpleDescription + " @ " + channel.SimpleDescription;
            UserNameLabel.Text = $"대상 유저: {target.SimpleDescription}";
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static FollowCache GetFollowData(string channel, string id)
            if (!FollowData.ContainsKey(channel))
                FollowData[channel] = new Dictionary <string, FollowCache>();
            var dict = FollowData[channel];

            if (dict.ContainsKey(id))

            var follow = new FollowCache(TwitchApiTools.GetFollowLong(channel, id));

            dict[id] = follow;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void OnChannelJoin(ChannelJoinArgs argument)
            //Check if this event was fired on twitch, if not this plugin should
            //never touch it so fires an early return.
            if (!IsTwitchServer(argument.Channel.Server))

            var    server      = argument.Channel.Server;
            var    channelName = argument.Channel.Name;
            var    userName    = argument.Channel.Name.TrimStart('#');
            string topicData;

            //Check if this event fired on the client joining the channel or
            //someone else joining, we only need to set the topic of a channel
            //when we join a channel.
            if (argument.User.Nick != argument.Channel.Server.Nick)

            //TwitchApiTools connects to the web, disk or web IO is unreliable
            //so handle it in a try / catch block
                topicData = TwitchApiTools.GetSimpleChannelInformationByName(userName);
            catch (Exception)
                topicData = $"Twitch@AdiIRC: Could not find channel topic data for {userName}.";

            //Finally set the topic title through a raw IRC message.
            var topicMessage = $":[email protected] TOPIC {channelName} :{topicData}";

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void TopicUpdate()
            //Find any twitch server connections in the serverlist. there might be
            //more than one and there might be none so storing it statically is impractical
            foreach (IServer server in _host.GetServers)
                if (IsTwitchServer(server))
                    var channels = server.GetChannels;

                    //Iterate over all channels, updating the topic.
                    foreach (IChannel channel in channels)
                        string topicData;
                        var    userName = channel.Name.TrimStart('#');

                        //TwitchApiTools connects to the web, disk or web IO is unreliable
                        //so handle it in a try / catch block
                            topicData = TwitchApiTools.GetSimpleChannelInformationByName(userName);
                        catch (Exception)
                            topicData = $"Twitch@AdiIRC: Could not find channel topic data for {userName}.";

                        //AdiIRC will let you set a topic to the same thing, this avoids repetitive topic updates.
                        if (channel.Topic != topicData)
                            var topicMessage = $":[email protected] TOPIC #{userName} :{topicData}";
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestMethod1()
            var how = TwitchApiTools.GetFollowLong("lilac_unicorn_", "leekcake");

            Assert.AreEqual(127, how);