public DrinkTypesRepository(TwilioBaristaContext db)
     _db = db;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public OrderRepository(TwilioBaristaContext db)
     _db = db;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Create(Customer message)
            using (var db = new TwilioBaristaContext())
                // Check whether message came from SMS or Messenger
                Source source;
                var    address = "";
                if (message.From.Contains("Messenger"))
                    source  = (from b in db.Sources where b.Name.Equals("Facebook") select b).First();
                    address = message.To;
                    source  = (from b in db.Sources where b.Address.Equals(message.To) select b).First();
                    address = message.To;

                // Check to see if this customer has already placed an order
                db.Set <Customer>().AddOrUpdate(f => f.From, new Customer {
                    From = message.From, To = message.To

                // get a reference to the customer which will definitely exist at this point
                var customer = db.Customers.First(c => c.From == message.From);

                //Check if this customer has an open order
                var currentOrder = customer.Orders?.Where(f => f.Fulfilled == false).Select(n => new { n.Name, n.OrderId }).ToList();
                if (currentOrder?.Count > 0)
                    _twilioClient.SendMessage(address, message.From, $"We're still making you a {currentOrder[0].Name}. Check order #{currentOrder[0].OrderId} with the barista if you think there's something wrong.");
                    return(Content("Order already exists"));

                // Check if the order is valid against the mispell table
                var drink =
                    .Include(m => m.Drink)
                    .Where(m => m.Name.Trim() == message.Body.Trim());
                var    drinkMatch = drink.Select(p => p.Drink.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                string response;
                if (drink.Any())
                    // Create order
                    var order = new Order
                        Customer = customer,
                        Name     = drinkMatch,
                        Source   = source


                    // Add to pusher
                    _rthub.Trigger("orders", "order",
                                   new { id = order.OrderId, product = drinkMatch, message = message.Body });

                    // Dashboard
                    var unixTimestamp = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
                    _rthub.Trigger("orders", "dashboard",
                                   new { source = order.Source.Name, type = drinkMatch, time = unixTimestamp });

                    response =
                        $"Thanks for ordering a {drinkMatch} from the Twilio powered Coffee Shop. We'll text you back when it's ready. In the mean time check out this repo if you want too see how we built this app.";

                    _twilioClient.SendMessage(address, message.From, response);

                    return(Content("New order added"));

                // We don't have that drink
                response =
                    $"Seems like your order of {message.Body} is not something we can serve. Possible orders are {string.Join(", ", DrinkRepository.SelectAll().Select(m => m.Name).Distinct())}";

                _twilioClient.SendMessage(address, message.From, response);
