Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Called when the player has selected a word. The letterTiles list will contain all the GameTiles on the board that
    /// make up the word. This is where the animation of the tiles from the board to the grid happens.
    /// </summary>
    public void FoundWord(string word, List <LetterTile> letterTiles, Tween.OnTweenFinished onTweenFinished)
        if (!allGridTiles.ContainsKey(word))
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("There is no word \"{0}\" on the WordGrid. Hidding the GameTiles.", word);

            // Just hide all the GameTiles and their letters
            for (int i = 0; i < letterTiles.Count; i++)


        // Get the grid tiles for the word
        List <GridTile> gridTiles = allGridTiles[word];

        // Loop through each of the LetterTiles and animate them to the location of the GridTile
        for (int i = 0; i < letterTiles.Count; i++)
            gridTiles[i].displayed = true;

            RectTransform letterTileRectT = letterTiles[i].transform as RectTransform;
            RectTransform gridTileRectT   = gridTiles[i].gridTileObject.transform as RectTransform;

            // This fixes an issue where if there was a saved hint letter shown, then when the word for the hint was found the letters would animate to the
            // corner of the screen. This is because when the game started up the letterTile was automatically placed in the spot of the word grid tile and
            // the grid tile was not positioned properly buy the layout components.
            if (gridTiles[i].letterTileObject != null)
                gridTileRectT = gridTiles[i].letterTileObject.transform as RectTransform;

            TransitionAnimateOver(letterTileRectT, gridTileRectT, (i == 0) ? onTweenFinished : null);
Exemplo n.º 2
    private void TransitionAnimateOver(RectTransform letterTileRectT, RectTransform wordTileRectT, Tween.OnTweenFinished onTweenFinished)
        float duration = 400f;


        float xScale = tileSize / letterTileRectT.rect.width;
        float yScale = tileSize / letterTileRectT.rect.height;

        Tween.ScaleX(letterTileRectT, Tween.TweenStyle.EaseOut, letterTileRectT.localScale.x, xScale, duration);
        Tween.ScaleY(letterTileRectT, Tween.TweenStyle.EaseOut, letterTileRectT.localScale.y, yScale, duration);
        Tween.PositionX(letterTileRectT, Tween.TweenStyle.EaseOut, letterTileRectT.position.x, wordTileRectT.position.x, duration);
        Tween.PositionY(letterTileRectT, Tween.TweenStyle.EaseOut, letterTileRectT.position.y, wordTileRectT.position.y, duration).SetFinishCallback(onTweenFinished);