Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ends the .akk unit test text.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CloseUnitTest(Tvar val, string goal)
            string result = Convert.ToString(val.Out);
            testStr += "- " + TestGoal(goal) + ".Out =?= ";

            bool noQuotes = Interview.IsNumber(Convert.ToString(val.Out)) ||
                            Convert.ToString(val.Out) == "True" ||
                            Convert.ToString(val.Out) == "False";

            if (val.IsEternal && val.Out.GetType() == new DateTime().GetType())
                // Handle eternal (known) Tdates
                testStr += Convert.ToDateTime(val.Out).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            else if (val.IsEternal && noQuotes)
                // Omit quotation marks around result for eternal (and known) Tnums and Tbools
                testStr += result.ToLower();
                // Include quotation marks for eternal Tsets and Tstrs, and for time-varying Tvars
                testStr += "\"" + result + "\"";
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Ends the .akk unit test text.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CloseUnitTest(Tvar val, string goal)
            string result = Convert.ToString(val.Out);

            testStr += "- " + TestGoal(goal) + ".Out =?= ";

            bool noQuotes = Interview.IsNumber(Convert.ToString(val.Out)) ||
                            Convert.ToString(val.Out) == "True" ||
                            Convert.ToString(val.Out) == "False";

            if (val.IsEternal && val.Out.GetType() == new DateTime().GetType())
                // Handle eternal (known) Tdates
                testStr += Convert.ToDateTime(val.Out).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            else if (val.IsEternal && noQuotes)
                // Omit quotation marks around result for eternal (and known) Tnums and Tbools
                testStr += result.ToLower();
                // Include quotation marks for eternal Tsets and Tstrs, and for time-varying Tvars
                testStr += "\"" + result + "\"";
Exemplo n.º 3
        //napiseme jednu spolecnou obsluznou metodu pro vytvareni vsech objektu
        //tj. pro kruh, obdelnik i ctverec - spolecna obsluha udalosti
        //                                           sender je parametr metody - odkaz na objekt, ktery udalost aktivoval
        //                                                             e je parametr metody - detaily o dane udalosti
        private void btnUniverzalniTvar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int x     = Convert.ToInt32(tbX.Text);
            int y     = Convert.ToInt32(tbY.Text);
            int sirka = Convert.ToInt32(tbSirka.Text);
            int vyska = Convert.ToInt32(tbVyska.Text);

            //Kruh k = new Kruh(sirka);
            //Kruh k = new Kruh(colorDialog1.Color, x, y, sirka);

            //programovani pro univerzalni Tvar
            Tvar tvar = null;

            if (sender is Button)
                Button b = sender as Button;  //pretypovani na Button
                if (b.Name == "btnKruh")
                    tvar = new Kruh(colorDialog1.Color, x, y, sirka);
                if (b.Name == "btnObdelnik")
                    tvar = new Obdelnik(colorDialog1.Color, x, y, sirka, vyska);
                if (b.Name == "btnCtverec")
                    tvar = new Ctverec(colorDialog1.Color, x, y, sirka);


Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Assert a fact to the FactBase.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CoreAssert(string rel, object e1, object e2, object e3, Tvar val)
            // Don't assert a fact that's already been asserted
            if (!HasBeenAsserted(rel, e1, e2, e3))
                // Assert the fact
                Fact f = new Fact(rel, e1, e2, e3, val);

                // TODO: This breaks when the objects are not Things (hence the try-catch)
                    // Add Things to the ThingBase

                    // Look for additional inferences that can be drawn, based on assumptions.
                    Assumptions.TriggerInferences(rel, (Thing)e1, (Thing)e2, (Thing)e3, val);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets a Tvar fact that establishes a relation between legal entities.
 /// </summary>
 public Fact(string rel, object arg1, object arg2, object arg3, Tvar val)
     Relationship = rel;
     Arg1 = arg1;
     Arg2 = arg2;
     Arg3 = arg3;
     v = val;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void AddTvar(Tvar tvar)
            if (aktualni != null)

            aktualni = tvar;
            aktualni.NecoSeZmenilo += () => {
            label1.Text = tvar.GetType().Name;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void lbSeznamTvaru_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = lbSeznamTvaru.SelectedIndex;

                this.aktivniTvar = lbSeznamTvaru.Items[index] as Tvar;

            tbObvod.Text = "";
            tbObsah.Text = "";
Exemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Tvar t1 = new Tvar();   //nelze

            Obdelnik o1 = new Obdelnik();

            //napiste metodu                                                        zadej sirku pro o2:
            //soukroma staticka vraci int jmenuje se VstupZKlavesnice a ma parametr String
            //Console.Write("zadej sirku pro o2: ");
            //string sirkaStr = Console.ReadLine();
            int sirka = Program.VstupZKlavesnice("zadej sirku pro o2: "); //Convert.ToInt32(sirkaStr);

            //Console.Write("zadej vysku pro o2: ");
            //string vyskaStr = Console.ReadLine();
            //int vyska = Convert.ToInt32(vyskaStr);
            int vyska = Program.VstupZKlavesnice("zadej vysku pro o2: ");

            //Obdelnik o2 = new Obdelnik(7, 4);
            Obdelnik o2 = new Obdelnik(sirka, vyska);

            Kruh k1 = new Kruh();
            Kruh k2 = new Kruh(50);

            Ctverec c1 = new Ctverec();
            Ctverec c2 = new Ctverec(7);

            //spolecne zpracovani vsech objektu v poli tvaru
            Tvar[] poleTvaru = new Tvar[6];    //0..5
            poleTvaru[0] = o1;
            poleTvaru[1] = o2;
            poleTvaru[2] = k1;
            poleTvaru[3] = k2;
            poleTvaru[4] = c1;
            poleTvaru[5] = c2;

            for (int i = 0; i < poleTvaru.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("obvod je " + poleTvaru[i].VypocitatObvod());
                Console.WriteLine("obsah je " + poleTvaru[i].VypocitatObsah());

Exemplo n.º 9
        private void UpdateHistory()
            foreach (var tvar in tvary)
                Button btn = new Button();
                btn.Text   = tvar.GetType().Name;
                btn.Tag    = tvar;
                btn.Click += (sender, e) => {
                    var t = (Tvar)(((Button)sender).Tag);
                    aktualni = t;

                    label1.Text = t.GetType().Name;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the engine's results of the interview session.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DisplayResults(Facts.Fact goal)

            // Indent and format results
            string tline = "\t" + goal.ValueAsString().Replace("\n", "\n\t");

            // For eternal values, only show value
            if (goal.Value().IsEternal)
                tline = tline.Replace("DawnOfTime   ", "");

            // Concatenate question and answer
            string result = "\t" + goal.QuestionText() + "\n\n" + tline + "\n";

            // Add result to test case
            Tvar testResult = goal.GetFunction().Invoke();

            AkkTest.CloseUnitTest(testResult, goal.Relationship);

Exemplo n.º 11
 public Fact(string rel, object arg1, object arg2, object arg3)
     Relationship = rel;
     Arg1 = arg1;
     Arg2 = arg2;
     Arg3 = arg3;
     v = null;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an income packet and instantiates a Hammurabi session.
        /// </summary>
        public Packet Assess(Packet request)
            // Start timer
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Pre-evaluate each goal to enable look-ahead short circuiting.
            // See Hammurabi | Core | Engine.cs, line ~81, for an explanation.
            foreach (Factoid g in request.Goals)
                Facts.Fact gb = new Facts.Fact(g.Relationship, g.Arg1, g.Arg2, g.Arg3);

            // Start a fresh session
//            Facts.Clear();
            Facts.GetUnknowns = true;
            bool allDone = true;

            request.PercentageComplete = 100;

            // Assert facts into a Hammurabi session
            foreach (Factoid f in request.AssertedFacts)

            // Iterate through each goal
            foreach (Factoid g in request.Goals)
                Facts.Fact gb = new Facts.Fact(g.Relationship, g.Arg1, g.Arg2, g.Arg3);

                // Assign to a variable so it's only evaluated once
                Tvar gbVal = gb.Value();

                // Convert Tvar to timeline object
                g.Timeline = TvarToTimeline(gbVal);

                // All goals resolved?
                if (!gbVal.HasBeenDetermined)
                    allDone = false;

            // Stop looking for unknown facts
            Facts.GetUnknowns = false;

            // Determine the next fact and the percent complete
            if (!allDone)
//                Factoid neededFact = new Factoid("Tnum","USC.Tit26.Sec151.ThresholdAmount","Jim","","");
//                Facts.Fact f = new Facts.Fact("USC.Tit26.Sec151.ThresholdAmount", null, null, null);
//                Factoid neededFact = new Factoid(f);

                Factoid neededFact = new Factoid(Facts.Unknowns[0]);
                request.NeededFacts = new List <Factoid>()

                request.PercentageComplete = Interactive.Engine.ProgressPercentage(Facts.Count(), Facts.Unknowns.Count);

            // Add elapsed time to response object
            request.ResponseTimeInMs = Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds);

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the assumption table, looking for forward-chaining inferences.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TriggerInferences(string rel, Thing e1, Thing e2, Thing e3, Tvar val)
            foreach (Pair p in Pairs)
                // If A, then B
                if (p.LeftHandPoint.Relationship == rel)
                    // TODO: Currently only handles expressions that are eternally true
                    if (Tvar.EqualTo(p.LeftHandPoint.Value, val))
                        // For each rightPoint.Arg number, get the corresponding Thing
                        Thing[] args = new Thing[3]{e1,e2,e3};

                        int a1 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg1 - 1;  // -1 b/c array is base-zero
                        int a2 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg2 - 1;
                        int a3 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg3 - 1;

                        Thing t1 = a1 >= 0 ? args[a1] : null;
                        Thing t2 = a2 >= 0 ? args[a2] : null;
                        Thing t3 = a3 >= 0 ? args[a3] : null;

                        Facts.Assert(t1, p.RightHandPoint.Relationship, t2, t3, p.RightHandPoint.Value);

                // If -B, then -A
                else if (p.RightHandPoint.Relationship == rel)
                    // If right-hand expression is always false...
                    if (Tvar.EqualTo(p.RightHandPoint.Value, val).IsFalse)
                        // If the left-hand side is a boolean (non-booleans can't be negated)...
                        if (Tvar.EqualTo(p.LeftHandPoint.Value, new Tbool(true)) ||
                            Tvar.EqualTo(p.LeftHandPoint.Value, new Tbool(false)))
                            // For each leftPoint.Arg number, get the corresponding Thing
                            int r1 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg1;
                            int r2 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg2;
                            int r3 = p.RightHandPoint.Arg3;

                            // I hope no one sees how ugly this is
                            Thing t1, t2, t3;
                            if (r1 == 1)      t1 = e1;
                            else if (r2 == 1) t1 = e2;
                            else              t1 = e3;

                            if (r1 == 2)      t2 = e1;
                            else if (r2 == 2) t2 = e2;
                            else              t2 = e3;

                            if (r1 == 3)      t3 = e1;
                            else if (r2 == 3) t3 = e2;
                            else              t3 = e3;

                            // Assert -A
                            Tbool leftVal = (Tbool)p.LeftHandPoint.Value;
                            Facts.Assert(t1, p.LeftHandPoint.Relationship, t2, t3, !leftVal);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public Point(string rel, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, Tvar val)
     Relationship = rel;
     Arg1 = arg1;
     Arg2 = arg2;
     Arg3 = arg3;
     Value = val;
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Assert a temporal property of one legal entity
 /// </summary>
 public static void Assert(object e1, string rel, Tvar val)
     CoreAssert(rel, e1, null, null, val);
Exemplo n.º 16
 // TODO: Implement data validation of some sort (e.g. consistency checking)
 /// <summary>
 /// Assert a temporal relation between legal entities (3)
 /// </summary>
 public static void Assert(object e1, string rel, object e2, object e3, Tvar val)
     CoreAssert(rel, e1, e2, e3, val);