Exemplo n.º 1
 public HitResult(bool isHit,
                  IFigure figure,
                  double distance,
                  double u,
                  double v,
                  Tuple4 objectPoint,
                  Tuple4 pointOnSurface,
                  Tuple4 pointOverSurface,
                  Tuple4 pointUnderSurface,
                  Tuple4 surfaceNormal,
                  Tuple4 eyeVector,
                  Tuple4 reflectionVector,
                  bool isInside)
     IsHit             = isHit;
     Figure            = figure;
     Distance          = distance;
     U                 = u;
     V                 = v;
     ObjectPoint       = objectPoint;
     PointOnSurface    = pointOnSurface;
     PointOverSurface  = pointOverSurface;
     PointUnderSurface = pointUnderSurface;
     SurfaceNormal     = surfaceNormal;
     EyeVector         = eyeVector;
     ReflectionVector  = reflectionVector;
     IsInside          = isInside;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public GradientPattern(IMatrix transformation, Tuple4 colorA, Tuple4 colorB)
     : base(transformation)
     ColorA     = colorA;
     ColorB     = colorB;
     colorDelta = Tuple4.Subtract(ColorB, colorA);
 public CheckerPattern(IMatrix transformation, Tuple4 colorA, Tuple4 colorB, bool is3D)
     : base(transformation)
     ColorA = colorA;
     ColorB = colorB;
     Is3D   = is3D;
        protected override Intersection[] GetBaseIntersections(Ray ray)
            var dir_cross_e2 = Tuple4.CrossProduct(ray.dir, E2);
            var det          = Tuple4.DotProduct(E1, dir_cross_e2);

            if (Constants.EpsilonZero(Math.Abs(det)))

            var f            = 1.0 / det;
            var p1_to_origin = Tuple4.Subtract(ray.origin, P1);
            var u            = f * Tuple4.DotProduct(p1_to_origin, dir_cross_e2);

            if ((u < 0.0) || (u > 1.0))

            var origin_cross_e1 = Tuple4.CrossProduct(p1_to_origin, E1);
            var v = f * Tuple4.DotProduct(ray.dir, origin_cross_e1);

            if ((v < 0.0) || ((u + v) > 1.0))

            var t = f * Tuple4.DotProduct(E2, origin_cross_e1);

            return(new Intersection[] { new Intersection(t, this) });
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void SimpleCameraTest()
            // Ray cast for screen coordinate 0,0
                var camera      = new SimpleCamera(new Tuple4(0.0, 0.0, -4.0, TupleFlavour.Point), 6.0, 600, 800);
                var ray         = camera.GetRay(0, 0);
                var expectedRay = new Ray(
                    new Tuple4(0.0, 0.0, -4.0, TupleFlavour.Point),
                    Tuple4.Normalize(new Tuple4(-3.0, 3.0, 1.0, TupleFlavour.Vector)));
                Assert.Equal(expectedRay.origin, ray.origin);
                Assert.Equal(expectedRay.dir, ray.dir);

                var t = Tuple4.Add(ray.origin, Tuple4.Scale(ray.dir, 4.35890));
                Assert.Equal(new Tuple4(-3.0, 3.0, -3.0, TupleFlavour.Point), t);

            // Ray cast for screen coordinate width,height
                var camera      = new SimpleCamera(new Tuple4(0.0, 0.0, -4.0, TupleFlavour.Point), 6.0, 600, 800);
                var ray         = camera.GetRay(600, 800);
                var expectedRay = new Ray(
                    new Tuple4(0.0, 0.0, -4.0, TupleFlavour.Point),
                    Tuple4.Normalize(new Tuple4(3.0, -3.0, 1.0, TupleFlavour.Vector)));
                Assert.Equal(expectedRay.origin, ray.origin);
                Assert.Equal(expectedRay.dir, ray.dir);

                var camera = new SimpleCamera(new Tuple4(0, 0, -1.0, TupleFlavour.Point), 2.0, 600, 600);
                var ray    = camera.GetRay(0, 0);

                var t = Tuple4.Add(ray.origin, Tuple4.Scale(ray.dir, 1.73205));
                Assert.Equal(new Tuple4(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0, TupleFlavour.Point), t);
        public void Then_vector(string id,
                                double t1, double t2, double t3)
            var v = new Tuple4(t1, t2, t3, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(v, tuple[id]);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void CanAddTwoTuple4Values()
            var a1 = new Tuple4(3, -2, 5, 1);
            var a2 = new Tuple4(-2, 3, 1, 0);

            Assert.Equal(new Tuple4(1, 1, 6, 1), a1 + a2);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public FPSCamera(Tuple4 origin, double pitch, double yaw, double fieldOfView, double screenWidth, double screenHeight)
            this.Origin         = origin;
            this.FieldOfView    = fieldOfView;
            this.ScreenWidth    = screenWidth;
            this.ScreenHeight   = screenHeight;
            this.yaw            = yaw;
            this.pitch          = pitch;
            this.Transformation = MatrixOperations.Geometry3D.EulerAnglesTransform(origin, pitch, yaw);

            aspect = screenWidth / screenHeight;
            var halfView = Math.Tan(fieldOfView / 2.0);

            if (Constants.EpsilonCompare(aspect, 1.0) || aspect > 1.0)
                tangy = halfView / aspect;
                tangx = halfView;
                tangy = halfView;
                tangx = halfView * aspect;

            PixleSize = tangx * 2 / screenWidth;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Then_position(string id, double t, double x, double y, double z)
            var expected = new Tuple4(x, y, z, TupleFlavour.Point);
            var actual   = ray[id].PositionAt(t);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static Lighting GetIntensity(IMaterial material, Tuple4 lightDirection, double intensity, Tuple4 eyeVector, Tuple4 pointOnSurface, Tuple4 surfaceNormal)
            var diffuse  = 0.0;
            var specular = 0.0;

            var cosine = Tuple4.DotProduct(lightDirection, surfaceNormal);

            if (cosine >= 0)
                diffuse = cosine * material.Diffuse;

                if (material.IsShining())
                    // var reflected = Tuple4.Subtract(Tuple4.Scale(surfaceNormal, 2 * Tuple4.DotProduct(surfaceNormal, lightDirection)), lightDirection);
                    var reflected       = Tuple4.Reflect(Tuple4.Negate(lightDirection), surfaceNormal);
                    var reflectedDotDir = Tuple4.DotProduct(reflected, eyeVector);
                    if (reflectedDotDir > 0)
                        specular = material.Specular * Math.Pow(reflectedDotDir / (reflected.Length() * eyeVector.Length()), material.Shininess);

            return(diffuse, specular, intensity);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static double Schlick(HitResult hit, double refractiveIndexEntering, double refractiveIndexExiting)
            // find the cosine of the angle between the eye and normal vectors
            double cosI = Tuple4.DotProduct(hit.EyeVector, hit.SurfaceNormal);

            // total internal reflection can only occur if n1 > n2
            if (refractiveIndexEntering > refractiveIndexExiting)
                double ration    = refractiveIndexEntering / refractiveIndexExiting;
                double sinTheta2 = ration * ration * (1.0 - cosI * cosI);
                if (sinTheta2 > 1.0)

                // compute cosine of theta_t using trig identity
                var cosTheta = Math.Sqrt(1.0 - sinTheta2);
                // when n1 > n2, use cos(theta_t) instead
                cosI = cosTheta;

            var r0 = Math.Pow((refractiveIndexEntering - refractiveIndexExiting) / (refractiveIndexEntering + refractiveIndexExiting), 2);

            return(r0 + (1 - r0) * Math.Pow((1 - cosI), 5));
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected internal override double DistanceFrom(Tuple4 point)
            if (point.IsVector())
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument is not a point");
            // If d.x < 0, then -1 < p.x < 1, and same logic applies to p.y, p.z
            // So if all components of d are negative, then p is inside the unit cube
            // vec3 d = abs(p) - vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            double dX = Math.Abs(point.X) - 1.0;
            double dY = Math.Abs(point.Y) - 1.0;
            double dZ = Math.Abs(point.Z) - 1.0;

            // Assuming p is inside the cube, how far is it from the surface?
            // Result will be negative or zero.
            double insideDistance = Math.Min(Math.Max(dX, Math.Max(dY, dZ)), 0.0);

            // Assuming p is outside the cube, how far is it from the surface?
            // Result will be positive or zero.
            if (dX < 0.0)
                dX = 0.0;
            if (dY < 0.0)
                dY = 0.0;
            if (dZ < 0.0)
                dZ = 0.0;
            double outsideDistance = Math.Sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ);

            return(insideDistance + outsideDistance);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void TupleDotProductTest()
            var t1 = new Tuple4(-1, 7, 3, TupleFlavour.Vector);
            var t2 = new Tuple4(4, 5, 6, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(49.0, Tuple4.DotProduct(t1, t2));
Exemplo n.º 14
            public Tuple4 GetLocalNormal(IFigure figure, Tuple4 point)
                var objectPoint = TransformWorldPointToObjectPoint(point);
                var normal      = GetBaseNormal(figure, objectPoint, 0.0, 0.0);

Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Then_scale_scalar3(string a, double s, double t1, double t2, double t3)
            var c = Tuple4.Scale(cache[a], s);

            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t1, c.X));
            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t2, c.Y));
            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t3, c.Z));
Exemplo n.º 16
 protected override Tuple4 GetColorAtPattern(Tuple4 pointInPatternSpace)
     if (Math.Floor(pointInPatternSpace.X * pointInPatternSpace.X + pointInPatternSpace.Z * pointInPatternSpace.Z) % 2 == 0)
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Then_plus3(string a, string b, double t1, double t2, double t3)
            var c = Tuple4.Add(cache[a], cache[b]);

            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t1, c.X));
            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t2, c.Y));
            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t3, c.Z));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Then_normalize(string a, double t1, double t2, double t3)
            var c = Tuple4.Normalize(cache[a]);

            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t1, c.X));
            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t2, c.Y));
            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t3, c.Z));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Then_cross(string a, string b, double t1, double t2, double t3)
            var c = Tuple4.CrossProduct(cache[a], cache[b]);

            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t1, c.X));
            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t2, c.Y));
            Assert.True(Constants.EpsilonCompare(t3, c.Z));
 protected override Tuple4 GetColorAtPattern(Tuple4 pointInPatternSpace)
     if ((Math.Floor(pointInPatternSpace.X) + Math.Floor((Is3D ? 1.0 : 0.0) * pointInPatternSpace.Y) + Math.Floor(pointInPatternSpace.Z)) % 2 == 0)
Exemplo n.º 21
 public Tuple4 GetNormal(IFigure figure, Tuple4 point, double u, double v)
     if (figure != null && !(figure == this || figure.Parent == this))
         throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(figure)} is not part of this figure");
     return(GetTransformedNormal(figure, point, u, v).normal);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void TupleNegateTest()
            var t1 = new Tuple4(1, 7, 3, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            var expected = new Tuple4(-1, -7, -3, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Tuple4.Negate(t1));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void TupleScaleByTest()
            var t1 = new Tuple4(1, 7, 3, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            var expected = new Tuple4(0.5, 3.5, 1.5, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Tuple4.Scale(t1, 0.5));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public Tuple4 GetColor(Tuple4 point)
            if (transformation != null && transformation != Matrix4x4.Identity)
                point = MatrixOperations.Geometry3D.Transform(inverseTransformation, point);

Exemplo n.º 25
        public void TupleCrossProductTest()
            var t1 = new Tuple4(1, 7, 3, TupleFlavour.Vector);
            var t2 = new Tuple4(4, 5, 6, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            var expected = new Tuple4(27, 6, -23, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Tuple4.CrossProduct(t1, t2));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void TupleReflectTest()
            var t1 = new Tuple4(1, 7, 3, TupleFlavour.Vector);
            var t2 = new Tuple4(4, 5, 6, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            var expected = new Tuple4(-455, -563, -681, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Tuple4.Reflect(t1, t2));
Exemplo n.º 27
        protected internal override double DistanceFrom(Tuple4 point)
            if (point.IsVector())
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument is not a point");

            return(Math.Sqrt(point.X * point.X + point.Y * point.Y + point.Z * point.Z) - 1.0);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void TupleAddTest()
            var t1 = new Tuple4(1, 2, 3, TupleFlavour.Vector);
            var t2 = new Tuple4(4, 5, 6, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            var expected = new Tuple4(5, 7, 9, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Tuple4.Add(t1, t2));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void TupleSubtractTest()
            var t1 = new Tuple4(1, 7, 3, TupleFlavour.Vector);
            var t2 = new Tuple4(4, 5, 6, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            var expected = new Tuple4(-3, 2, -3, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Tuple4.Subtract(t1, t2));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void TupleScaleTest()
            var t1 = new Tuple4(1, 7, 3, TupleFlavour.Vector);
            var t2 = new Tuple4(4, 5, 6, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            var expected = new Tuple4(4, 35, 18, TupleFlavour.Vector);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Tuple4.Scale(t1, t2));