Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Verwandelt einen TuioPoint in einen C#-Point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">Der TuioPoint</param>
        /// <param name="manager">Der GestureManager, um die Größe des Screens abzurufen</param>
        /// <returns>Der C#-Point</returns>
        public static Point ToPoint(this TuioPoint self, GestureManager manager)
            int x = self.getScreenX((int)manager.Root.ActualWidth);
            int y = self.getScreenY((int)manager.Root.ActualHeight);

            return(new Point(x, y));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            if (values == null || values.Length != 2)
            if (values[0] == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)

            List <TuioPoint> path       = (List <TuioPoint>)values[0];
            TuioPoint        currentPos = path.Last();

            double posX = currentPos.getScreenX((int)Surface.Instance.ActualWidth);
            double posY = currentPos.getScreenY((int)Surface.Instance.ActualHeight);

            return((String)values[1] == "X" ? posX : posY);
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent)
        // Getting the graphics object
        Graphics g = pevent.Graphics;

        g.FillRectangle(whiteBrush, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));

        // draw the cursor path
        if (cursorList.Count > 0)
            lock (cursorSync) {
                foreach (TuioCursor tcur in cursorList.Values)
                    List <TuioPoint> path          = tcur.Path;
                    TuioPoint        current_point = path[0];

                    for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                        TuioPoint next_point = path[i];
                        g.DrawLine(fingerPen, current_point.getScreenX(width), current_point.getScreenY(height), next_point.getScreenX(width), next_point.getScreenY(height));
                        current_point = next_point;
                    g.FillEllipse(grayBrush, current_point.getScreenX(width) - height / 100, current_point.getScreenY(height) - height / 100, height / 50, height / 50);
                    Font font = new Font("Arial", 10.0f);
                    g.DrawString(tcur.CursorID + "", font, blackBrush, new PointF(tcur.getScreenX(width) - 10, tcur.getScreenY(height) - 10));

        // draw the objects
        if (objectList.Count > 0)
            lock (objectSync) {
                foreach (TuioDemoObject tobject in objectList.Values)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void OnTimerEvent(object source, EventArgs e)
            // Console.WriteLine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName) + "\\" + service_name);
            if (cursorList.Count > 0)
                lock (cursorSync)
                    foreach (TuioCursor tcur in cursorList.Values)
                        List <TuioPoint> path          = tcur.getPath();
                        TuioPoint        current_point = path[0];

                        for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                            TuioPoint next_point = path[i];
                            current_point = next_point;
                        double x;
                        double y;

                        if (invert_horizontal.IsChecked == true)
                            x = VisualFeedback.Width - (current_point.getScreenX((int)VisualFeedback.Width) - VisualFeedback.Height / 100);
                            x = current_point.getScreenX((int)VisualFeedback.Width) - VisualFeedback.Height / 100;
                        if (invert_verticle.IsChecked == true)
                            y = VisualFeedback.Height - (current_point.getScreenY((int)VisualFeedback.Height) - VisualFeedback.Height / 100);
                            y = current_point.getScreenY((int)VisualFeedback.Height) - VisualFeedback.Height / 100;
                            if (xrangemin != 0 || xrangemax != 1)
                                double xrange = xrangemax - xrangemin;
                                x = xrangemin + (xrange * x);
                            if (yrangemin != 0 || yrangemax != 1)
                                double yrange = yrangemax - yrangemin;
                                y = yrangemin + (yrange * y);
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(x_offset.Text) != 0)
                                x = x + (int)VisualFeedback.Width * Convert.ToInt32(x_offset.Text) / 100;
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(y_offset.Text) != 0)
                                y = y + (int)VisualFeedback.Height * Convert.ToInt32(y_offset.Text) / 100;
                        if (swap_xy.IsChecked == true)
                            double tmp = y;
                            y = x;
                            x = tmp;

                        Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse
                            Fill    = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.CadetBlue),
                            Width   = 15,
                            Height  = 15,
                            Opacity = 1,
                            Margin  = new Thickness(x, y, 0, 0)


                        //Font font = new Font("Arial", 10.0f);
                        //      Sensor1.DrawString(tcur.getCursorID() + "", font, blackBrush, new PointF(tcur.getScreenX(width) - 10, tcur.getScreenY(height) - 10));
                l2         = new System.Windows.Controls.Label();
                l2.Content = "Touch Your Sensor";
                Canvas.SetLeft(l2, 35);
                Canvas.SetTop(l2, 130);
Exemplo n.º 5
    protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent)
        // Getting the graphics object
        Graphics g = pevent.Graphics;

        g.FillRectangle(bgrBrush, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));

        // draw the cursor path
        if (cursorList.Count > 0)
            lock (cursorList) {
                foreach (TuioCursor tcur in cursorList.Values)
                    List <TuioPoint> path          = tcur.Path;
                    TuioPoint        current_point = path[0];

                    for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                        TuioPoint next_point = path[i];
                        g.DrawLine(curPen, current_point.getScreenX(width), current_point.getScreenY(height), next_point.getScreenX(width), next_point.getScreenY(height));
                        current_point = next_point;
                    g.FillEllipse(curBrush, current_point.getScreenX(width) - height / 100, current_point.getScreenY(height) - height / 100, height / 50, height / 50);
                    g.DrawString(tcur.CursorID + "", font, fntBrush, new PointF(tcur.getScreenX(width) - 10, tcur.getScreenY(height) - 10));

        // draw the objects
        if (objectList.Count > 0)
            lock (objectList) {
                foreach (TuioObject tobj in objectList.Values)
                    int ox   = tobj.getScreenX(width);
                    int oy   = tobj.getScreenY(height);
                    int size = height / 10;

                    g.TranslateTransform(ox, oy);
                    g.RotateTransform((float)(tobj.Angle / Math.PI * 180.0f));
                    g.TranslateTransform(-ox, -oy);

                    g.FillRectangle(objBrush, new Rectangle(ox - size / 2, oy - size / 2, size, size));

                    g.TranslateTransform(ox, oy);
                    g.RotateTransform(-1 * (float)(tobj.Angle / Math.PI * 180.0f));
                    g.TranslateTransform(-ox, -oy);

                    g.DrawString(tobj.SymbolID + "", font, fntBrush, new PointF(ox - 10, oy - 10));

        // draw the blobs
        if (blobList.Count > 0)
            lock (blobList) {
                foreach (TuioBlob tblb in blobList.Values)
                    int   bx = tblb.getScreenX(width);
                    int   by = tblb.getScreenY(height);
                    float bw = tblb.Width * width;
                    float bh = tblb.Height * height;

                    g.TranslateTransform(bx, by);
                    g.RotateTransform((float)(tblb.Angle / Math.PI * 180.0f));
                    g.TranslateTransform(-bx, -by);

                    g.FillEllipse(blbBrush, bx - bw / 2, by - bh / 2, bw, bh);

                    g.TranslateTransform(bx, by);
                    g.RotateTransform(-1 * (float)(tblb.Angle / Math.PI * 180.0f));
                    g.TranslateTransform(-bx, -by);

                    g.DrawString(tblb.BlobID + "", font, fntBrush, new PointF(bx, by));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static Vector2 GetScreenPositionFromRelativePosition(TuioPoint tuioPoint)
     return(new Vector2(tuioPoint.getScreenX(Instance.m_tuioSettings.TargetScreenWidth), Instance.m_tuioSettings.TargetScreenHeight - tuioPoint.getScreenY(Instance.m_tuioSettings.TargetScreenHeight)));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            if (values == null || values.Length != 3)
                return(new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0));
            if (values[0] == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                return(new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0));

            List <TuioPoint> path       = (List <TuioPoint>)values[0];
            TuioPoint        currentPos = path.Last();

            return(new Thickness(currentPos.getScreenX((int)Surface.Instance.ActualWidth), currentPos.getScreenY((int)Surface.Instance.ActualHeight), 0, 0));