Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> FinishedTripEdit(int id, EditFinishedTripViewModel viewModel)

            List <TripVisitLocation> FoodLocations  = new List <TripVisitLocation>();
            List <TripVisitLocation> VisitLocations = new List <TripVisitLocation>();

            for (var i = 0; i < viewModel.NewFoodLocations.Count; i++)
                if (viewModel.NewFoodLocations[i].Name != null)

            for (var i = 0; i < viewModel.NewVisitLocations.Count; i++)
                if (viewModel.NewVisitLocations[i].Name != null)

            viewModel.NewFoodLocations  = FoodLocations;
            viewModel.NewVisitLocations = VisitLocations;

            Trip trip = await _context.Trip
                        .Include(t => t.TripTravelTypes)
                        .Include(t => t.TripVisitLocations)
                        .Include(t => t.TripRetros)
                        .SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.TripId == id);

            //This checks if there are any joiner tables of this kind for this trip,
            //then it foreaches over the joiner table and delets each one from the db
            //this deletes all TripTravelTypes the joiner tables
            if (trip.TripTravelTypes.Count > 0)
                foreach (TripTravelType travelType in trip.TripTravelTypes)
                    //this says for each one of the joiner tables put it in the _context bag to get deleted on _context.SaveChangesAsync

            //this builds up TripTravelType tables for each TravelType thats selected
            //checks to see if there are selectedTravelTypeIds to loop over
            if (viewModel.SelectedTravelTypeIds != null)
                //makes joiner table for TripTravelType
                foreach (int TypeId in viewModel.SelectedTravelTypeIds)
                    TripTravelType newTripTT = new TripTravelType()
                    {   //pulls tripid out of context bag
                        TripId       = trip.TripId,
                        TravelTypeId = TypeId


            // This deletes all the TripVisitLocations joiner tables
            if (trip.TripVisitLocations.Count > 0)
                foreach (TripVisitLocation location in trip.TripVisitLocations)

            //this builds up the TripVisitLocation for food and adds it to the db context
            if (viewModel.NewVisitLocations.Count > 0)
                foreach (TripVisitLocation location in viewModel.NewVisitLocations)
                    TripVisitLocation newTripVL = new TripVisitLocation()
                        TripId         = trip.TripId,
                        LocationTypeId = 2,
                        Name           = location.Name,
                        Description    = location.Description,
                        IsCompleted    = location.IsCompleted

            //this builds up the TripVisitLocation for food and adds it to the db context
            if (viewModel.NewFoodLocations.Count > 0)
                foreach (TripVisitLocation location in viewModel.NewFoodLocations)
                    TripVisitLocation newTripVL = new TripVisitLocation()
                        TripId         = trip.TripId,
                        LocationTypeId = 1,
                        Name           = location.Name,
                        Description    = location.Description,
                        IsCompleted    = location.IsCompleted

            //this gets the DoAgain retro
            TripRetro doAgainTripRetro = await _context.TripRetro
                                         .Where(tr => tr.TripId == id && tr.RetroTypeId == 1).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            //This updates the DoAgain retro
            doAgainTripRetro.Description = viewModel.DoAgainRetro.Description;

            TripRetro doDifferentTripRetro = await _context.TripRetro
                                             .Where(tr => tr.TripId == id && tr.RetroTypeId == 2).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            doDifferentTripRetro.Description = viewModel.DoDifferentRetro.Description;

            trip.Location      = viewModel.Trip.Location;
            trip.Accommodation = viewModel.Trip.Accommodation;
            trip.Budget        = viewModel.Trip.Budget;
            trip.ContinentId   = viewModel.Trip.ContinentId;
            trip.IsPreTrip     = false;
            trip.Title         = viewModel.Trip.Title;
            trip.TripDates     = viewModel.Trip.TripDates;
            trip.ImagePath     = viewModel.Trip.ImagePath;

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Trips", new { id = trip.TripId }));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> FinishTrip(int id, FinishTripViewModel viewModel)

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            Trip trip = await _context.Trip
                        .Include(t => t.TripTravelTypes)
                        .Include(t => t.TripVisitLocations)
                        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.TripId == id);

            //This checks if there are any joiner tables of this kind for this trip,
            //then it foreaches over the joiner table and delets each one from the db
            //this deletes all TripTravelTypes the joiner tables
            if (trip.TripTravelTypes.Count > 0)
                foreach (TripTravelType travelType in trip.TripTravelTypes)
                    // wipe away previous trip travel types

            //this builds up TripTravelType tables for each TravelType thats selected
            //checks to see if there are selectedTravelTypeIds to loop over
            if (viewModel.SelectedTravelTypeIds != null)
                //makes joiner table for TripTravelType
                foreach (int TypeId in viewModel.SelectedTravelTypeIds)
                    TripTravelType newTripTT = new TripTravelType()
                        TripId       = trip.TripId,
                        TravelTypeId = TypeId


            if (viewModel.SelectedLocationIds != null)
                foreach (var tvl in trip.TripVisitLocations)
                    //this checks the selcted foodLocIds again the list of Locs to see which ones were selected with the checkboxed so it can find the ones in needs to update the status of
                    if (viewModel.SelectedLocationIds.Any(item => item == tvl.TripVisitLocationId))
                        tvl.IsCompleted = true;

            if (viewModel.NewFoods != null)
                foreach (TripVisitLocation foodVL in viewModel.NewFoods)
                    foodVL.LocationTypeId = 1;
                    foodVL.TripId         = trip.TripId;

            if (viewModel.NewPlaces != null)
                foreach (TripVisitLocation placeVL in viewModel.NewPlaces)
                    placeVL.LocationTypeId = 2;
                    placeVL.TripId         = trip.TripId;

            TripRetro DoAgainRetro = new TripRetro();

            DoAgainRetro.TripId      = id;
            DoAgainRetro.RetroTypeId = 1;
            DoAgainRetro.Description = viewModel.DoAgain.Description;


            TripRetro DoDifferent = new TripRetro();

            DoDifferent.TripId      = id;
            DoDifferent.RetroTypeId = 2;
            DoDifferent.Description = viewModel.DoDifferent.Description;


            trip.IsPreTrip    = false;
            trip.ImagePath    = viewModel.Trip.ImagePath;
            trip.DateFinished = DateTime.Now;


            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Trips"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> PlannedTripEdit(int id, EditPlannedTripViewModel viewModel)

            //ApplicationUser user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            //viewModel.Trip.UserId = user.Id;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    Trip trip = await _context.Trip
                                .Include(t => t.TripTravelTypes)
                                .Include(t => t.TripVisitLocations)
                                .SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.TripId == id);

                    //This checks if there are any joiner tables of this kind for this trip,
                    //then it foreaches over the joiner table and delets each one from the db
                    //this deletes all TripTravelTypes the joiner tables
                    if (trip.TripTravelTypes.Count > 0)
                        foreach (TripTravelType travelType in trip.TripTravelTypes)
                            //this says for each one of the joiner tables put it in the _context bag to get deleted on _context.SaveChangesAsync

                    //this builds up TripTravelType tables for each TravelType thats selected
                    //checks to see if there are selectedTravelTypeIds to loop over
                    if (viewModel.SelectedTravelTypeIds != null)
                        //makes joiner table for TripTravelType
                        foreach (int TypeId in viewModel.SelectedTravelTypeIds)
                            TripTravelType newTripTT = new TripTravelType()
                            {   //pulls tripid out of context bag
                                TripId       = trip.TripId,
                                TravelTypeId = TypeId


                    // This deletes all the TripVisitLocations joiner tables
                    if (trip.TripVisitLocations.Count > 0)
                        foreach (TripVisitLocation location in trip.TripVisitLocations)

                    //this builds up the TripVisitLocation for food and adds it to the db context
                    if (viewModel.NewFoodLocations.Count > 0)
                        foreach (TripVisitLocation location in viewModel.NewFoodLocations)
                            TripVisitLocation newTripVL = new TripVisitLocation()
                                TripId         = trip.TripId,
                                LocationTypeId = 1,
                                Name           = location.Name,
                                Description    = location.Description,
                                IsCompleted    = false

                    //this builds up the TripVisitLocation for places and adds it to the db context
                    if (viewModel.NewVisitLocations.Count > 0)
                        foreach (TripVisitLocation location in viewModel.NewVisitLocations)
                            TripVisitLocation newTripVL = new TripVisitLocation()
                                TripId         = trip.TripId,
                                LocationTypeId = 2,
                                Name           = location.Name,
                                Description    = location.Description,
                                IsCompleted    = false

                    trip.Location      = viewModel.Trip.Location;
                    trip.Accommodation = viewModel.Trip.Accommodation;
                    trip.Budget        = viewModel.Trip.Budget;
                    trip.ContinentId   = viewModel.Trip.ContinentId;
                    trip.IsPreTrip     = true;
                    trip.Title         = viewModel.Trip.Title;
                    trip.TripDates     = viewModel.Trip.TripDates;

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return(RedirectToAction("PlannedTripDetails", "Trips", new { id = trip.TripId }));
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!TripExists(id))

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateTripViewModel viewmodel)

            ApplicationUser user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            viewmodel.Trip.UserId    = user.Id;
            viewmodel.Trip.IsPreTrip = true;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                //checks to see if there are selectedTravelTypeIds to loop over
                if (viewmodel.SelectedTravelTypeIds != null)
                    //makes joiner table for TripTravelType
                    foreach (int TypeId in viewmodel.SelectedTravelTypeIds)
                        TripTravelType newTripTT = new TripTravelType()
                        {   //pulls tripid out of context bag
                            TripId       = viewmodel.Trip.TripId,
                            TravelTypeId = TypeId


                //this runs though all the inputed food places and makes a joiner table for it
                if (viewmodel.EnteredTripFoodLocations != null)
                    foreach (TripVisitLocation foodL in viewmodel.EnteredTripFoodLocations)
                        TripVisitLocation newTripVL = new TripVisitLocation()
                            TripId         = viewmodel.Trip.TripId,
                            LocationTypeId = 1,
                            Name           = foodL.Name,
                            Description    = foodL.Description,
                            IsCompleted    = false


                //this runs though all the inputed food places and makes a joiner table for it
                if (viewmodel.EnteredTripVisitLocations != null)
                    foreach (TripVisitLocation placeL in viewmodel.EnteredTripVisitLocations)
                        TripVisitLocation newTripVL = new TripVisitLocation()
                            TripId         = viewmodel.Trip.TripId,
                            LocationTypeId = 2,
                            Name           = placeL.Name,
                            Description    = placeL.Description,
                            IsCompleted    = false


                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(RedirectToAction("PlannedTrips", "Trips"));
