Exemplo n.º 1
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <IList <RecordDocument> > Get()
            string userUPN = await GetUser();

            List <RecordDocument> records = new List <RecordDocument>();

            using (Database db = getDatabase(userUPN))
                TrimMainObjectSearch search = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
                //TrimSearchClause clause = new TrimSearchClause(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record, SearchClauseIds.Favorite);

                //TrimSearchClause extClause = new TrimSearchClause(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record, SearchClauseIds.RecordExtension);


                foreach (Record record in search)
                    records.Add(new RecordDocument(record));

        private static void CreateRMRecord(FileInfo f)

           // msg. //LoadMessage(@"C:\Docs\TestMail.eml");
            var strmessageId = findmessagid(f);
            //Console.WriteLine("message id: " + strmessageId);

            using (Database db = new Database())
                TrimMainObjectSearch objs = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
                //objs.SetSearchString("messageId = " + strmessageId);
                objs.SetSearchString("messageId= *[email protected]*");
                    Console.WriteLine("Found a record with the same message ID");
                    Console.WriteLine("Did not find a message id");
                //RecordType rt = new RecordType(db,3);
                //Record r = new Record(rt);              
                //r.Container = new Record(db, 172693);
                //r.Title = f.Name;
                //Console.WriteLine("New RM email record: " + r.Number);
                //Record r = new Record(db, 172736);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (Database db = new Database())
                TrimMainObjectSearch objS = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);

        public IEnumerable<RecordData> RetrieveRecords(DateTime lastUpdated)
            Logger.InfoFormat("Retrieving records from {0:dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt}", lastUpdated);

            using (var records = new TrimMainObjectSearch(Db, BaseObjectTypes.Record))
                records.SetSearchString(@"acl:""View Document"",[""INTEL-INVEST""]");

                var trimSearchClause = new TrimSearchClause(BaseObjectTypes.Record, Db, SearchClauseIds.Updated);
                trimSearchClause.SetCriteriaFromDateComparison(ComparisonType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, new TrimDateTime(lastUpdated));

                var extensionSearchClause = new TrimSearchClause(BaseObjectTypes.Record, Db, SearchClauseIds.RecordExtension);


                records.SetSearchString(String.Format(@"acl:""View Document"",[""INTEL-INVEST""] and type:document and extension: * and updated >= {0:dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt} and not (disposition:Inactive,Destroyed)", lastUpdated));

                int recordsReturned = 0;

                foreach (Record resultRecord in records)
                    Logger.DebugFormat("{0:dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} - {1}", resultRecord.LastUpdatedOn.ToDateTime(), resultRecord.NameString);
                    var data = new RecordData {RecordNumber = resultRecord.Uri};
                    data.Metadata.Add("name", resultRecord.NameString);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(resultRecord.Notes))
                        data.Metadata.Add("notes", resultRecord.Notes);
                    using (ExtractDocument extractDocument = resultRecord.GetExtractDocument())
                        data.Metadata.Add("filename", extractDocument.FileName);
                    data.Acls = RetrieveSecurity(resultRecord).ToList();

                    yield return data;

                    if (++recordsReturned == 100)
                        Logger.Info("Returning only 100 records");
                        LastRecordUpdatedDate = resultRecord.LastUpdatedOn.ToDateTime();
                        yield break;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void TestSearch(Database database)
            TrimMainObjectSearch search = new TrimMainObjectSearch(database, BaseObjectTypes.Record);


            FieldDefinition speadField = new FieldDefinition(database, "Speed");

            foreach (Record record in search)
                Console.WriteLine($"Uri: {record.Uri}, Title: {record.Title}, Owner: {record.OwnerLocation.NameString}, Speed: {getField(speadField, record)}");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public IEnumerator <Record> GetEnumerator()
            search = new TrimMainObjectSearch(database, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
            search.PagingMode          = true;
            search.LimitOnRowsReturned = limitOnRowsReturned;
            search.SkipCount           = skipCount;

            foreach (Record record in search)
                yield return(record);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void Origin_Chooser_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // First filter the Origins to select from and then allow the user to choose an Origin
            TrimMainObjectSearch search = new TrimMainObjectSearch(Database, BaseObjectTypes.Origin);

            search.SetSearchString(string.Format("ognType:{0}", OriginType.WindowsFolder));

            SelectedOrigin = ObjectSelector.SelectOne(GetDesktopWindow(), search) as Origin;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceFolder))
                SourceFolder = SelectedOrigin.OriginLocation;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void TestStreamSearch(Database database)
            TrimMainObjectSearch search = new TrimMainObjectSearch(database, BaseObjectTypes.Record);


            TrimSearchDataStream searchStream = search.GetDataStream(new PropertyOrFieldDefList()
                new PropertyOrFieldDef(PropertyIds.RecordOwnerLocation, database),
                new PropertyOrFieldDef(new FieldDefinition(database, "Speed")),
                new PropertyOrFieldDef(PropertyIds.RecordTitle, database)

            while (searchStream.MoveNext())
                var searchItem = searchStream.Current();
        private static int nextnumber()
            using (Database db = new Database())
                int intChildCnt = 0;
                int intChildLast = 0;
                List<int> classNumb = new List<int>();
                List<Classification> cl = new List<Classification>();

                TrimMainObjectSearch obj = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Classification);

                obj.SetSearchString("parent:" + 9144);
                int icnt = 1;
                if (obj.FastCount > 0)
                    foreach (Classification c in obj)
                        if (icnt > 98)
                            var sdsd = icnt;
                        var sdsdsd = c.LevelNumberUncompressed;
                        var kkkk = c.LevelNumberUncompressed.Remove(0, 1);

                    //cl.Max(x => x.Uri);
                    intChildCnt = classNumb.Max();
                    intChildLast = classNumb.Last();
                    intChildCnt = 0;
                Console.WriteLine(" Container count: " + obj.FastCount.ToString() + " Max number: " + (intChildCnt + 10).ToString() + " Last number: " + (intChildLast + 10).ToString());
                return intChildLast + 10;
 private static Record GetFolderUri(string p1, string p2, Database db)
     Record r = null;
     Classification c = (Classification)db.FindTrimObjectByName(BaseObjectTypes.Classification, "zz Legacy T1 ECM - Business Folders - " + p1);
         TrimMainObjectSearch mso = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
         //string ss = "title:" + reader.GetString(7) + " and classification:zz Legacy T1 ECM - Business Folders - " + reader.GetString(6);
         foreach(Record rec in mso)
                 r = rec;
     return r;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (Database db = new Database())
                TrimMainObjectSearch objs = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
                objs.SetSearchString("type:16 and not ECMSTDJobNo:\"\"");
                //type:16 and not ECMSTDJobNo:""
                FieldDefinition fdFrom = new FieldDefinition(db, 91);
                FieldDefinition fdTo = new FieldDefinition(db, 510);
                foreach (Record r in objs)
                    Console.WriteLine("Record: {0}", r.Uri.ToString());
                    string iFrom = (string)r.GetFieldValue(fdFrom).ToDotNetObject();
                    string iTo = (string)r.GetFieldValue(fdTo).ToDotNetObject();
                            if (r.DateRegistered <= r.DateReceived)
                                //If the date registered and date recieved are in the wrong order RM gets cranky. we check and save if needed, this is a data vallidation issue from the migration.
                                DateTime tdtDateReceived = r.DateReceived;
                                r.DateRegistered = (TrimDateTime)tdtDateReceived.AddHours(1);
                                Console.WriteLine("Record date registered updated");
                            r.SetFieldValue(fdTo, new UserFieldValue(Convert.ToString(iFrom)));
                            Console.WriteLine("Record UDF field updated");
                        catch (Exception exp)
                            Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}",exp.Message.ToString());

 static void Main(string[] args)
     int iCount = 0;
     using (Database db = new Database())
         Console.WriteLine("Change date recieved: Y/N");
         string dr = Console.ReadLine();       
         TrimMainObjectSearch objS = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
         foreach(Record r in objS)
             if (r.DateRegistered <= r.DateReceived)
                 Console.WriteLine("Record with a date issue: " + r.Number);
                 if (dr == "Y")
                     //if (r.Number == "805639")
                         r.DateReceived = r.DateRegistered;
                         //DateTime tdtDateReceived = reccheck.DateReceived;
                         //reccheck.DateRegistered = (TrimDateTime)tdtDateReceived.AddHours(1);
                             Console.WriteLine("Changed ok");
                         catch (Exception exp)
                             Console.WriteLine("Error: " + exp.Message.ToString());
     Console.WriteLine("Date issue count: " + iCount.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            using (Database database = new Database())
                database.Id = _databaseId;

                TrimMainObjectSearch search = new TrimMainObjectSearch(database, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
                search.SetSearchString(string.Format("unkUri: {0}", _recordUris));

                string msg = string.Empty;

                foreach (Record record in search)
                    msg += record.Title + "\n";

                MessageBox.Show(msg, "Record Titles");

            // ((App)Application.Current)
 private static int FindStartingNumber(long toplevelUri, Database db)
     int intChildCnt = 0;
     List<int> classNumb = new List<int>();
     TrimMainObjectSearch obj = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Classification);
     obj.SetSearchString("parent:" + toplevelUri);
     if (obj.FastCount > 0)
         foreach (Classification c in obj)
             var kkkk = c.LevelNumberUncompressed.Remove(0, 2);
         intChildCnt = classNumb.Max();
         intChildCnt = 0;
     return intChildCnt + 10;
 private static Record GetFolderUri(string function, string activity, Database db)
     Record r = null;
     //For tfr to SCC
     //zz legacy T1 ECM - Business Folders - Information Management - Projects
     //zz Legacy T1 ECM - Business Folders
     string ClassSearch = "zz legacy T1 ECM - Business Folders - " + function;
     Classification c = (Classification)db.FindTrimObjectByName(BaseObjectTypes.Classification, "zz legacy T1 ECM - Business Folders - " + function);
     if (c != null)
         TrimMainObjectSearch mso = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
         //string ss = "title:" + reader.GetString(7) + " and classification:zz Legacy T1 ECM - Business Folders - " + reader.GetString(6);
         mso.SetSearchString("classification:" + c.Uri);
         foreach (Record rec in mso)
             if (rec.Title == activity)
                 r = rec;
     return r;
 private static int FindStartingNumber(long toplevelUri, Database db)
     int intChildLast = 0;
     List<int> classNumb = new List<int>();
     List<Classification> cl = new List<Classification>();
     TrimMainObjectSearch obj = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Classification);
     obj.SetSearchString("parent:" + toplevelUri);
     if (obj.FastCount > 0)
         foreach (Classification c in obj)
             var kkkk = c.LevelNumberUncompressed.Remove(0, 1);
         intChildLast= classNumb.Last();
     Console.WriteLine("Calculating next folder number: "+toplevelUri.ToString()+" Container count: "+obj.FastCount.ToString()+ " Last number: "+(intChildLast+10).ToString());
     return intChildLast + 10;
        private static Record CheckSubFolderAlreadyExists(long folder, string p, Database db)
            Record rec = null;

            TrimMainObjectSearch objS = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
            objS.SetSearchString("container:" + folder);
            foreach (Record r in objS)
                if (r.Title == p.Trim())
                    rec = r;
            return rec;
 private static Record CheckifFolderAlreadyExists(Classification cl3, string p, Database db)
     Record rec = null;
     TrimMainObjectSearch objS = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
     objS.SetSearchString("classification:" + cl3.Uri);
     foreach (Record r in objS)
         if (r.Title == p.Trim())
             rec = r;
     return rec;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (Database db = new Database())
                TrimMainObjectSearch objs = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
                //First check to see if anything comes back

                //With more time this search should have been defined into manageable chunks
                objs.SetSearchString("type:16"); //Limit to the record type that I know is relevent

                //Initial attempts to manage the chunk runs

                //Console.WriteLine("Enter row limit");
                //objs.LimitOnRowsReturned = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); // limit to 1000 out of 3.6 mill
                //Console.WriteLine("Enter row skip");
                //objs.SkipCount = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine());

                //Changed to grab the entire set as an array of record uri's, so I can manage this in chunks by using a skip and take. Tried the RM Limitonrowsreturns and skipcount but I wasnt confident that it was working properly. Not enough time to invetigate and confirm. Each record type return is 3.6 mill records.
                long[] auri = objs.GetResultAsUriArray();
                FieldDefinition fdNotes = new FieldDefinition(db, 42);
                var iCount = 0;
                var iTotal = objs.FastCount;
                //Im changing this for each compile and moving it to a prod WG server to run, doing 4 at a time which takes about 3 hours. 1 mill over 3 hours.
                foreach(var lUri in auri.Skip(1826354).Take(23646))
                    //find the record from the looped uri
                        Record rec = (Record)db.FindTrimObjectByUri(BaseObjectTypes.Record, lUri);
                        if (rec != null)
                            //Grab notes from the user defined field
                            var sNotes = rec.GetFieldValue(fdNotes).ToString();
                            //grab the normal record system notes
                            var sExistingNotes = rec.Notes;
                            //Check for and exclude the custom notes field if empty, it would be nice if I could do this search as part of the original setsearchstring as about 50% of the 3.6 are empty but have a related db row.
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sNotes))
                                //Display something that maks me feel like its actually working
                                Console.WriteLine("Processing {0} - {1} of 23646", rec.Number, iCount.ToString());
                                //Ive had a couple of runs at this using different methods and NO SORTING so there is the possibility that the notes have already been copied.
                                if (!sExistingNotes.Contains(sNotes))
                                    if (rec.DateRegistered <= rec.DateReceived)
                                        //If the date registered and date recieved are in the wrong order RM gets cranky. we check and save if needed, this is a data vallidation issue from the migration.
                                        DateTime tdtDateReceived = rec.DateReceived;
                                        rec.DateRegistered = (TrimDateTime)tdtDateReceived.AddHours(1);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Notes transfered from udf to record notes");
                                    catch (Exception exp)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Error saving notes. " + exp.Message.ToString());
                                    Console.WriteLine("User defined notes already in Record notes");

                                Console.WriteLine("User defined notes empty");
                            Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} not found", lUri.ToString());
                    catch (Exception exp)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", exp.Message.ToString());
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (Database db = new Database())
                TrimMainObjectSearch objs = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
                objs.SetSearchString("not ApplicationNumber:\"\"");
                //not RequestNumber:""
                //PropertyNumber:88 to 2446699
                //not ApplicationNumber:""
                //503 app number string
                //504 Prop number number
                //505 request number string
                //type:16 and not ECMSTDJobNo:\"\"
                //type:16 and not ECMSTDJobNo:""
                FieldDefinition fdApplicationList = new FieldDefinition(db, 1002);
                FieldDefinition fdPropertyList = new FieldDefinition(db, 1003);
                FieldDefinition fdRequestNumber = new FieldDefinition(db, 505);
                FieldDefinition fdPropertyNumber = new FieldDefinition(db, 504);
                FieldDefinition fdApplicationNumber = new FieldDefinition(db, 503);
                Console.WriteLine("Count: " + objs.FastCount.ToString());
                foreach (Record r in objs)
                    Console.WriteLine("Record: " + r.Uri.ToString());
                    //if (r.Uri == 496206)
                            string sApplicationList = (string)r.GetFieldValue(fdPropertyList).ToDotNetObject();
                            Console.WriteLine("Record field: App list {0} ", sApplicationList);
                            int sRequestNumber = (int)r.GetFieldValue(fdPropertyNumber).ToDotNetObject();
                            Console.WriteLine("Record field: App list {0}, request {1} ", sApplicationList, sRequestNumber);
                            string sNewValue;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sApplicationList))
                                sNewValue = sApplicationList + " " + sRequestNumber.ToString();
                                sNewValue = sRequestNumber.ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("Record field: App list {0}, request {1}, new value {2} ", sApplicationList, sRequestNumber, sNewValue);
                            r.SetFieldValue(fdApplicationList, new UserFieldValue(sNewValue));
                            Console.WriteLine("Record updated");
                        catch (Exception exp)
                            Console.WriteLine("Error: " + exp.Message.ToString());

                    //string sApplicationNumbert = (string)r.GetFieldValue(fdApplicationNumber).ToDotNetObject();

                    //if (sApplicationList == ";")
                    //    r.SetFieldValue(fdApplicationList, new UserFieldValue());
                    //string sPropertyList = (string)r.GetFieldValue(fdPropertyList).ToDotNetObject();
                    //if (sPropertyList == ";")
                    //    rk
                    //    r.SetFieldValue(fdPropertyList, new UserFieldValue());
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<ACL> lstAcl = new List<ACL>();
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=Cl1025;Initial Catalog=StagingMove;Integrated Security=True"))
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT [ECMClass],[EddieAcl] FROM [StagingMove].[dbo].[SetAcl] where Run = 1", con))
                    //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                    //SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
                    //da.SelectCommand = command;
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            ACL acl = new ACL();
                            acl.EcmClass = reader.GetString(0).Trim();
                            acl.RMlocation = reader.GetString(1).Trim();

            Console.WriteLine("What is the origin uri?");
            int iOuri = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            foreach (ACL acl in lstAcl)

                    using (Database db = new Database())
                        //Console.WriteLine("Enter ECM class name");
                        TrimMainObjectSearch sObj = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
                        //ECMSTDClassName:"Confidential Transition" and type:16
                        //string str = @""+Console.ReadLine()+"";
                        //sObj.SetSearchString("ECMSTDClassName:\"" + acl.EcmClass + "\" and type:16 and updated>9/03/2016");
                        sObj.SetSearchString("ECMSTDClassName:\"" + acl.EcmClass + "\" and type:16 and originRun:"+iOuri);
                        Console.WriteLine("Record count: " + sObj.FastCount.ToString());
                        if (sObj.FastCount > 0)
                            FieldDefinition fdDocDate = new FieldDefinition(db, 85);
                            LocationList lstLoc = new LocationList();
                            Location l = new Location(db, acl.RMlocation);
                            foreach (Record r in sObj)
                                    DateTime tdtDateReceived = r.DateReceived;
                                    r.DateRegistered = (TrimDateTime)tdtDateReceived.AddHours(1);
                                //TrimDateTime rmDt = (TrimDateTime)r.GetFieldValue(fdDocDate).ToDotNetObject();
                                //r.DateReceived = rmDt;
                                //r.DateCreated = rmDt;

                                TrimAccessControlList lstacl = r.AccessControlList;
                                lstacl.set_AccessLocations((int)RecordAccess.ViewRecord, lstLoc);
                                lstacl.set_AccessLocations((int)RecordAccess.ViewDocument, lstLoc);
                                r.AccessControlList = lstacl;
                                    Console.WriteLine("ACL applied to " + r.Number);
                                catch (Exception exp)
                                    Console.WriteLine("ACL failed, Error: " + exp.Message.ToString());
                catch (Exception exp)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + exp.Message.ToString());


        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (!TrimApplication.HasBeenInitialized)
            TrimApplication.HasUserInterface = true;
            List<Sheets> myMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Sheets>>(File.ReadAllText(@"C:\temp\SSprocess.json"));
            List<RM> lstRm = new List<RM>();
            using (Database db = new Database())
                //10030-Westview Cres NAMBOUR
                //var p = "10030-Westview Cres NAMBOURR";
                Record rec = null;
                TrimMainObjectSearch objS = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
                //if (objS.FastCount == 0)
                //Console.WriteLine("No results for this folder under the class: " + cl3.Title + "/" + p);

                foreach (Record r in objS)
                    RM rm = new RM();
                    rm.Uri = r.Uri;
                    rm.title = r.Title;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Loop through folders under class:" + p + "/" + r.Title);
                    //if (r.Title == p.Trim())
                    //    rec = r;
                //if (rec != null)
                //    Console.WriteLine("Found record:" + rec.Uri);
                //    Console.WriteLine("Record is null");
            Console.WriteLine("Record count: " + lstRm.Count().ToString());

            foreach (var file in myMessage)
                //file.Rows.Where(x => x.RMuri == "0" && x.Error == null).Take(30)
                //.Where(x=>x.Error==null && x.RMuri=="0")
                Console.WriteLine("SS row count: " + file.Rows.Count().ToString());
                foreach (Rows r in file.Rows.Where(x => x.Folder !=null && x.RMuri == "0").Take(30))
                    var d = r.Folder.Trim();
                    var h = "Not found";
                        h = lstRm.Find(x=>x.title==d).title;

                    Console.WriteLine("Process test: " + r.Folder + " / "+ h);
                    // (x => x.title == d).FirstOrDefault().title);
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (Database TrimDb = new Database())
                TrimMainObjectSearch baseSearch = new TrimMainObjectSearch(TrimDb, BaseObjectTypes.Record);

                // to be replaced by saved search
                //MessageBox.Show("Check baseSearch: " + baseSearch.FastCount, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                //TrimMainObjectSearch resultSearch = ObjectSelector.SelectOne(this.Handle, baseSearch);  //(this.Handle, baseSearch);
                TrimMainObject tmo = ObjectSelector.SelectOne(this.Handle, baseSearch);
                if (tmo != null)
                    if (tmo.TrimType == BaseObjectTypes.Record)
                        //Classification cl = (Classification)tmo;
                        Record r = (Record)tmo;
                        //label3.Text = cl.Title + "(" + cl.Uri.ToString() + ")";
                        label3.Text = r.Title + "(" + r.Number + ")";
                        MessageBox.Show("You need to select a folder");
                    MessageBox.Show("Uri not found");



 private static Record CheckifFolderAlreadyExists(Classification cl3, string p, Database db)
     Record rec = null;
     TrimMainObjectSearch objS = new TrimMainObjectSearch(db, BaseObjectTypes.Record);
     objS.SetSearchString("classification:" + cl3.Uri);
     //if (objS.FastCount == 0)
     //    Console.WriteLine("No results for this folder under the class: " + cl3.Title + "/" + p);
     foreach (Record r in objS)
         //Console.WriteLine("Loop through folders under class:"+p+"/"+r.Title);
         if (r.Title == p.Trim())
             rec = r;
     if (rec != null)
         Console.WriteLine("Found record:" + rec.Uri);
         Console.WriteLine("Record is null");
     return rec;